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Page 18

by Amelia Grey

  Never in his life had a woman seduced him like this one, and never had he fallen so easily for a woman's seduction. He couldn't forget that she'd duped him once, but right now that was getting harder to remember. She was wrong. They needed to talk now and settle things between them before they came together, but how could he deny her? How could he deny himself when he'd wanted this since the first time he'd seen her in the tavern?

  He placed an open hand against the back of her head and pressed her against his chest. He encircled her with the other arm, pulling her tightly against him. He wanted her to suck his thumb deeper into her mouth, into her warmth.

  Closing his eyes, Austin savored the feel of her warm, soft body against him. He shuddered, thinking how close he came to losing her. How he still might. But like her, he didn't want to think about that right now. He didn't want to give up tonight.

  "All right," he bent his head and whispered against her ear, drinking in the scent of her fresh-washed hair, "We'll wait and talk tomorrow. But, Chelly, we have some tough decisions ahead of us." He slid his thumb from her mouth and wrapped his arms so tightly around her, he thought she might cry out from the force of his strength. He kissed the top of her head. Somehow, holding her sealed so tightly and so securely against him gave him the feeling he would never have to let her go.

  "I know," she answered softly.

  Tomorrow they would figure out a way to get Bo back to his mother without either of them getting caught, but not tonight. No, this night would be for just the two of them.

  Austin slowly loosened his grip and lifted her chin with the tips of his fingers as he lowered his face to hers. When their eyes met in the darkened room, he smiled. He saw she was feeling the same things he felt. Anticipation shot through him, causing his manhood to swell. He hadn't been alone with his feelings. She wanted him, too.

  He closed his eyes and placed his lips upon hers in a soft, exploring kiss that was meant only as a prelude for what was to come. He didn't want to scare her. For all her brazenness in fleeing into his room and reaching out for him, he knew she'd never lain with a man. He had to be gentle with her, even though his throbbing manhood told him to throw her down on the bed, shove her nightgown up, and drive himself deeply into her womanly secrets while he suckled from those softly firm breasts.

  But deep inside himself Austin wanted to take his time, take the night and lie with her and love her. He wanted to enjoy her touch and the feel of her soft body beneath his hands. He wanted to hear every little sound that passed her beautifully tempting lips and watch every move she made. He wanted to breathe in the tantalizingly fresh scent of her hair and her skin as his tongue caressed her and bathed her with all the passion he was feeling.

  Without realizing it was happening, letting nature take its course, his kiss deepened. His tongue parted her lips and thrust past her teeth into the depth of her slightly open mouth.

  It was warm. It was good. It was exciting.

  The teaser kisses had outlived their time, and his lips demanded a response to his invitation as they pressed harder against hers and his tongue probed inside her mouth.

  His hand left the thickness of her hair and slipped down to cup her breast. His hand tingled as he explored the shape, the weight, the firmness and the softness of her breast. He yearned to cast the nightgown aside and pull the nipple of her breast into his eager, waiting mouth.

  Desperate to feel her hands on his hot and fevered skin, he tore his shirt over his head. He heard her soft moan as she ran her hands up his chest, over his shoulders, and down his back. He answered with a passionate groan of his own. It had never felt so wonderful to have a woman touch him.

  Not wanting to waste another moment of his time with her, Austin picked up Chelly in his arms and gently laid her upon the raspberry-colored, goose-feathered bed covering.

  Austin looked at her golden-blonde hair spread out on thebed. Slightly parted drapes allowed a streak of light into the room. Moonlight and starlight cast the room with a romantic glow. The prim, white nightgown she wore seductive.

  Chelly's gaze swept over the well-defined muscles working in Austin's chest, arms, and upper back as he strained to remove his knee-high boots. He struggled to stand on one leg while pulling off a boot.

  As she watched him, she couldn't help but smile. She had no doubts about what they were going to do. She had no doubts that she loved Austin Radcliffe with all her heart, and she wanted this night with him.

  When the boots were finally discarded, Austin, with the waist of his breeches falling open, exposing his abdomen, climbed on the bed and straddled her hips.

  She looked up at him and smiled.

  He looked down at her and smiled.

  "Kiss me."

  His eyes glowing, he gave her a daringly sensual look. "How?" His voice was low, sultry. "Where?" He placed his fingertips on her lips. "Here?" He moved his hand down to the base of her neck. "Here?" Sliding his open palm farther down, he covered her breast and gently squeezed. "Here?" His hand moved still lower to her abdomen and rested there a moment. "Here, or—" He swung his arm behind him and quickly bunched her nightgown up her legs and touched that warmest part of her between her legs. "Here?"

  Chelly gasped, trembled. The heat from his fingertips sent flames of fire leaping to her cheeks. His words, his touch had her wound so tight all she could whisper was, "Yes. Anywhere. Just kiss me."

  "Oh, yes, Chelly. I'm going to kiss you."

  He untied the ribbon holding the bodice of her nightgown together and worked it up her body and over her head. Then he threw it to the floor. She lay invitingly against the dark-red bedding. His eyes fell immediately to her breasts. They were more tempting than he'd imagined. He liked the dusty-brown color of her nipples, and he ached to pull all of it into his mouth and taste her.

  He liked the way her waist nipped in at the sides and the slight flare to her hips. He ran an open palm over both her breasts, gliding from one to the other and back again, letting the pert nipples tease his heated skin and tighten his stomach muscles.

  Yes, he wanted to kiss her. Everywhere. But he also enjoyed simply looking at her as he was now. She was so beautiful. He wanted her so badly, he had to remain perfectly still for a few moments and get his emotions under control before he could continue.

  His gaze left her breasts and shot up to her face. He saw concern in her expression. He smiled. "You are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen. You're so perfectly shaped, so lovely it takes my breath away. I'm trying to get it back before I continue."

  Austin rose to his knees and, hooking his thumbs under his waistband, slid his breeches down as far as they would go. He watched Chelly's worried expression change to one of surprise as she stared at his engorged member.

  There was no way he was going to hurry this night; but with every heartbeat, his throbbing manhood was telling him to stretch out on top of her and make her his, quickly, before she had the chance to change her mind.

  By holding himself up on one knee at a time, he stripped the breeches from his legs and cast them aside, then gently settled his body down on hers. He was going to have a hell of a time waiting long enough to see that Chelly enjoyed her first sexual experience.

  "I want you to lie still and let me love you," he whispered as his hands caressed her breasts.

  Chelly nodded.

  He reached down and kissed her softly on her forehead. From there he let his lips glide down to each eye, her nose, her upper lip, then her lower one, nipping them lightly. He kissed each cheek before starting down her neck, then over each shoulder. He kept his kisses short and moist, moving until he closed the rosebud of her breast into his mouth. He sucked gently, stroking the firm nipple with his tongue, bathing it with his taste. He grew harder.

  Austin kissed the valley between her soft breasts before moving to her shoulder. His hands slid down to her waistline and rested there while he kissed the hollow at the base of her throat.

  Chelly gasped and arched her chest. Her low
er body thrust forward, too. Never before had she been so aware of a person's touch or scent. How could she not move when her hands itched to touch his skin and her lips ached to kiss him?

  Ignoring his command for her to lie still, Chelly threw her arms around his neck. His skin was warm, damp with need. She dug her fingers into the back of his hair and pressed his head closer to her breasts. Although he hadn't said it, she instinctively knew that her touch gave him pleasure, too, and she wanted to please him.

  His hands caressed and explored her waist, her hip, between her legs, but he wasn't touching her hard enough, long enough. She wanted more.

  Holding nothing back, he bent to kiss her breasts again. Her breath shortened and became shallow; her eyes glazed. "Yes!" she whispered as Austin lifted his head and gave her a hard, demanding kiss on her lips. His heart beat wildly against her chest, her breasts. The urgency she felt inside dominated her feelings and made up for her lack of experience. She didn't know how they'd managed to wait so long to come together like this. Everything about the night seemed right.

  "Love me, Austin," she whispered into the mouth that covered hers.

  A broken gasp slid past his lips. His fingers danced; his palms caressed all the way down her body, giving her sensations she'd never experienced before.

  When Austin couldn't wait any longer, he gently removed her hand and said, "I'm going to be as gentle as I can, but this might hurt."

  With the way she was tingling with discovery, Chelly didn't know how anything could hurt. She felt his probing at the same time he covered her lips with his in a searing kiss. She stiffened when the probing turned to pushing and a slight burning pain developed inside her and at the same time she felt hot and full.

  "Don't lie so still, Chelly. Move with me and it will be easier for you. It will feel better, too."

  She did as he commanded, gently raising her hips to meet his. He was right. Within moments he was going deeper, filling her with himself, increasing his tempo. Thrilling excitement built so quickly in her chest and lower abdomen she felt as if she were going to explode. Her breathing became so shallow it frightened her. She wondered if what she was feeling was natural.

  "You feel so good." His voice was throaty.

  He moved exquisitely slow. So slow she was almost begging for more. She gasped as the tightening in her body mounted until she writhed beneath him in a spasm of something so wonderful she couldn't explain it.

  Austin continued to move as Chelly arched to meet him, matching his thrusts. When a breathless cry escaped her parted lips and her body went still, he knew her moment had come.

  He smiled to himself and concentrated on his own fulfillment. Aware of nothing but the ecstasy of filling her soul and her body, Austin yielded to his body's clamoring for release. He moaned softly into her shoulder, shuddered, and went still.

  They lay together, panting.

  A few moments later, conscious thought returned to Chelly and she realized she was out of breath and out of energy. Her eyes were heavy with sleep.

  "Is it over?" she asked, not sure what would come next.

  A low chuckle rumbled in Austin as he lay on top of her. "No, Chelly. That was only the beginning."

  "Thank God," she whispered and threw her arms around his back and held to him.

  Austin chuckled again.

  She was tired but, like Austin, didn't want the night to end too soon. Daybreak would be soon enough for what she had to do. She kissed the base of his neck and shoulder while her hands moved languidly over his back. Heat radiated throughout her body.

  After tomorrow she would never have another opportunity to lie with him like this, and she wasn't going to miss making the most of the night no matter how tired she was, because by dawn she'd be on her way to Betsy Patterson's house.

  Chapter 16

  Her eyes grew heavy. Chelly's body was so tired, so languid, so satisfied, all she wanted to do was snuggle against the back of the man who lay beside her and sleep. Maybe a quick nap would be all right, her mind told her as her eyes closed against the darkened room.

  But no, her lids flew up seconds later as Bo's sad little face flashed across her mind's eye. She stiffened. She couldn't sleep. Not yet. Remembrance of how the little boy had cried for his mother the first few days of their voyage to France lay heavily upon her. All the risks she'd taken since she'd invaded Austin's cabin and taken his pistol were so she could return Bo to his home. If nothing else would keep her exhausted body awake, remembering that would.

  How could she rest again until she'd delivered Bo to his mother? She was so close to accomplishing that goal! She lay still. When sleep threatened and her eyes tried to close, she held them open, willing Austin to fall into a deep sleep so she could slip out of the room before dawn crested on the horizon.


  Yes, thoughts of him and her love for him could keep her awake, too. She slowly turned her head toward him and saw that Austin slept peacefully by her side. She didn't want to leave his bed, his house, but she had to. Last night she had known they would have only this one night together. She hadn't known it would be so difficult to leave.

  Smiling to herself, she was tempted to reach over and run her hand over his shoulder, down his back, and across his hip one more time. She wished they'd had longer together. Leaving his bed would be hard; knowing he'd never forgive her a second time broke her heart.

  He had wanted to hold her close and snuggle her in his arms after their last lovemaking, but she had known the danger in being wrapped tightly in his arms and told him she was hot and needed to cool off for a few minutes. She'd encouraged him to go to sleep, promising she would snuggle against his back when she had cooled down.

  It hurt, but she couldn't afford to keep that whispered promise. It would be impossible to get out of the bed without waking him if she were tied up in his arms. Even with being inches from touching him, it would be difficult.

  Chelly lay on her back watching the spring breeze from the open window stir the drapery panel. A slice of moonlight filtered in, filling the room with a faint, white glow. From her position on the bed she could see Austin's black dress jacket hanging on the wall. His shaving plate and mirror sat on the tall chest. How she would love to wake in the mornings and watch him as he tended to that daily routine. She breathed deeply, knowing the scent of shaving soap on his face and neck would always be her reminder of Austin and how she desperately wished things could have been different for them.

  She had no idea of the time but knew daylight couldn't be far away. While Austin breathed so evenly would be the best time to slip and out of the room. She prayed that one day he would realize she loved him with all her heart and that she would never be complete or whole without him.

  Taking another deep breath, she raised slightly. Her movements were so slow and carefully planned; her muscles ached from the strain as she eased from the bed. Her feet touched the floor. Her weight left the bed. Austin didn't stir.

  She looked around the floor and spotted her robe. Quickly, she grabbed it up and shoved her arms into the sleeves. Cold fingers closed only the button at her breast to hold the robe together as she tiptoed to the door. Her clothes and shoes were in Bo's room. If she made it that far, she'd have to get dressed.

  Getting the door open without making a sound would not be easy. Her prayer was that just maybe he was as tired as she and the soft sounds that she made wouldn't disturb his sleep.

  Chelly placed her hand on the cold doorknob and turned it while keeping her eyes trained on the sleeping form lying on his side. She turned the knob so slowly she had plenty of time to look at Austin. A strip of moon and starlight lay across the lower half of his body, giving her a perfect view of his lean hip, rounded buttock, and handsome, muscular thigh. She enjoyed looking at his body. Even now, she wanted to run back to the bed and caress his muscled skin one more time.

  A slight clicking sound startled her as if it had been a loud shot in the dark. Chelly held her breath. Her gaze flew
up to Austin's head and shoulders. He didn't stir. Her heartbeat speeded up so fast she thought she might grow faint. All she had to do was open the door enough to squeeze through. She pulled. Another creak. Again, she held her breath. Austin didn't move.

  Holding in her stomach and chest, Chelly slipped outside into the hallway; then grabbing the knob on the outside, she held tight until she had pulled the door shut. Slowly, quietly, she released the knob and let the latch slide back in place.

  She stood a moment in the semi-dark hallway, afraid to believe she'd actually made it out of the bedroom without waking Austin.

  Fear of being caught spurred her feet and she rushed the short distance down the hallway and into Bo's room, thankful Austin had left Bo's door open when he'd followed her. Chelly quickly dug into her satchel and yanked out her dark-green dress, taking no time to bother with a chemise.

  She worked the buttons at the back of the high-waisted dress while stepping into her shoes without benefit of stockings. There would be time to properly don her clothes after Bo had been delivered to his mother. She grabbed the small drawstring purse and stuffed it into her dress pocket, praying she'd be able to find a carriage.

  Without slowing her movements, Chelly reached one arm under Bo's head and the other beneath his legs and picked him up. She didn't want to wake him until they were away from the house because he could be cranky when he first awakened in the morning.

  She had no trouble getting out of Bo's room and down the hallway. Thank God, he was a small child or she'd never be able to get down the stairs with him. When she had made it to the top of the stairs, she groaned. Moonlight lit the foyer and showed Jubal sitting in a chair beside the front door. A quick assessment told her he was hard asleep. His hands lay folded in his lap; his head hung awkwardly to one side, and a stuffy, snoring sound escaped his lips.


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