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The Assassin's Weakness

Page 7

by Jeanette Rico

  I have never felt this way. I feel as if she is a part of me that I didn’t know that I was missing. What I do know is that if anyone tries to take her from me, I will kill them. I had never felt so much anger when she told me about her mother and stepfather. How dare they treat my woman that way? I want to kill them. I must make a sound because suddenly she opens her eyes sleepily and places a soft kiss on my chin. Then she places her head under my chin and falls back to sleep. I lower my arm wrapping it around her head and use my other arms to pull her closer into my chest. The last thing I think about before sleep takes over, is how well she fits in my arms.

  The next morning I’m awakened by the sound of the doorbell. Jade and I are lying wrapped around each other in a spoon fashion. I slip out slowly trying not to wake her and slip out of the bed. Pulling my pants up, I reach for the gun in my nightstand and move towards the security camera. I let out a sigh of relief. It’s Cameron. I release the lock opening the door and meet him at the entrance. Cameron rolls his eyes taking in my attire, and the gun in my hand. He raises his eyebrows in surprise. I lay the gun over the end table and say. “What are you doing here so early Cameron?”

  He lets out a snort and looks at me incredulously. “Early? You do realize that it’s almost eleven in the morning. Don’t you?” I look at the clock on my cable box in surprise. He’s right, it is nearly eleven. I look back towards my closed bedroom door. “It’s not a good time right now Cameron.” I say taking a seat in the sectional. Cameron looks towards my bedroom too. “She’s here isn’t she?” I nod my head running my hand over my neck. “Yes she is.” Cameron leans back on his chair amused. “Well then bring her out here. We might as well meet while we’re both here.” I look at the doorway again and let out a resigned sigh. Standing up I give him a warning look. “I’m going to get her. But you better be in your best behavior.” He pulls back his head laughing in amusement. “Don’t worry. I’ll be nice.” I shake my head narrowing my eyes at him.

  She is still sleeping when I walk in. I lay a hip near the side of the bed and lean down. I place a few kisses over her head and nose awakening her. She shifts on the bed slowly opening her eyes. Her smile is bright and alluring. I feel as if the sun has just come out of the sky. She stretches her hand to me and says with a husky whisper. “Hey.” I grasp her hand lifting her into a sitting position in front of me. My cock hardens at the sight of her naked chest. I lay a few soft kisses over her mouth before I say. “Get dressed. Cameron is here and he wants to meet you.” Her eyes widen in surprise. She looks at the door then at me. “He’s here?” I nod my head and chuckle when she rises quickly nearly falling from the bed. She places her hands over her cheeks looking around in a panic. “Oh my goodness. I have to brush my hair and my teeth.” I move back bemused by her nervous chatter. “Take your time. I’ll entertain Cameron until you come out.” She nods her head and runs into the bathroom. I stand there for a moment trying to get my body under control. Then I turn back to the living room. Cameron is in the kitchen making some breakfast. He looks up glancing behind me. “I thought I’d make your lady some breakfast. She probably needs the energy after spending a night with you.” I point my finger accusingly towards him. “You said you’d behave.” He raises an eyebrow with a bemused smirk. “Don’t worry she’s not out here yet.” I shake my head and sit on a stool in front of my island.

  Cameron makes some scrambled eggs, toast and bacon, then lays the orange juice and coffee pot on the counter. “I put your gun in the safe. I don’t think your lady would be too excited to see a gun lying around.” I nod my head taking a sip of coffee. “Thanks.” Suddenly our eyes snap up when the bedroom door opens. Jade comes out wearing yoga pants and a black tank top. She walks barefoot towards us, pulling her hair back into a ponytail. I groan at the sight of her fresh young face. If anything she looks younger. She shyly moves forward and takes a seat next to me. I place my hand on her waist and turn to Cameron who has not taken his eyes from her. “Cameron Mathews, meet Jade Reyes. Jade this is the man who raised me- Cameron. Cameron moves his wheelchair around to Jade’s side. “It’s a pleasure to meet you Jade.” He smiles widely, holding his hand out in greeting. Jade takes it and smiles back. “It’s nice to meet you too Mr. Mathews.” Cameron snorts and waves his hand. “Please call me Cameron. Mr. Mathews was my father.” Jade’s smile widens.

  “Gideon has told me about you Cameron. How you took care of him as a boy.” She turns towards me slipping her hand through my arm. “I’m glad he had you.” Cameron tilts his head then looks at me and nods. Then he turns back to Jade. “You should have seen this boy when I met him. He was a little twelve year old boy with gangly arms and legs. I couldn’t help but feel bad for him. He was a little ugly too. He’s grown into his mug since.” I give Cameron the finger and turn to Jade. “Don’t believe him baby. I was exceptionally attractive even then.” I say puffing my chest out arrogantly. Jade laughs a places a kiss on my cheek. “I don’t know. Cameron sounds pretty serious. But don’t worry. I’ve gotten used to your ugly face.” Cameron throws his head back laughing hysterically. Then he points to Jade bemused. “I like this one Gideon. She’s on to your pretty boy act.” I give them both a dirty look. Cameron winks at Jade, who winks back conspiratorially.

  I have to say I’m surprised. Cameron has never been one to joke around with anyone. He places a plate in front of Jade and pours her some juice. “Here you go. Bon Appetite.” Jade smiles picking up her fork and taking a few bites. “Mm.” She says with a look of pleasure on her face. Cameron smiles taking a bite of his own breakfast. I turn back to Cameron with an incredulous look and gesture to the counter in front of me. “Hey… where’s my breakfast?” Cameron raises an eyebrow in surprise. “What? You wanted me to make you breakfast too? Look at me. I’m an old man in a wheelchair.” Jade giggles as Cameron huffs exaggeratedly then turns back towards the stove. Jade hides her giggles when I narrow my eyes at her. A moment later Cameron turns back with another plate. “Here you go. Don’t say I don’t do anything for you.” I give him a wolfish smile and bite down on my food. “Thanks for breakfast Cameron. I appreciate you slaving over the stove to make us eggs.” I say sarcastically. Cameron nods his head ignoring my sarcasm.

  “Yeah, you’re welcome.” Then he turns to Jade. “So tell me about yourself Jade.” Jade wipes her mouth with a napkin and lays it down on the counter. “There’s really not much to tell. I’m currently attending St. Bart’s College. I love to dance. I’m part of a small ballet troupe.” Cameron nods his head. “Wow. So you’re a ballet dancer. How long have you been dancing?” Jade thinks for a moment. “I’ve pretty much been dancing all of my life. I’m hoping to someday become a ballet dancer for the New York Ballet.” I pull my arm around her shoulder and say to Cameron. “She’s an incredible dancer.” Cameron gives her an admiring look. “So why aren’t you in some fancy dance school?” Jade’s face falls and her body stiffens. She looks down playing nervously with her napkin. “I… I applied to Julliard and a few other places, but I was rejected.” Cameron pulls back in surprise. “I’m sorry to hear that.”

  She nods her head dejectedly. I interject in her behalf. “It’s definitely their loss because she is an excellent dancer.” Cameron nods in commiseration. “Let me know the next time you do a show. I’d love to go. My late wife used to love ballet. She’d drag me around town for shows.” Jade gives him an enthusiastic nod and claps her hands. “I’d love for you and Gideon to come. I’ll let you know when we do our next show.” Cameron nods. “Good. Well… I have to go. There are a few things I need to do.” He turns back to me. “Call me when you get back from Chicago. I’ll keep on looking into that thing we’re working on and keep you updated.” He says as moving towards the front door.

  Jade turns towards me when Cameron rolls out the door. “You’re going to Chicago?” She says hesitantly. I move towards where she is standing pulling her into my arms. “Yeah, I leave tomorrow. It’s only for a few days. I have some business to take care of.” S
he nods her head, wrapping her arms around my neck. “I guess we’re both leaving. I have to go to my mom’s house this weekend. She needs me to babysit the kids of a few clients.” My body stiffens as if cold water has been dropped over me. “What? Are you kidding me? I thought you didn’t want to be anywhere near your mother.”

  She lets out a resigned sigh and takes a seat in the sectional. “I told you my mom pays for my studio time. If I don’t do what she says, she’ll stop paying for it. Anyway, it’s just for the weekend.” I shake my head sitting on the coffee table in front of her. Our knees are touching. “Don’t go. Stay here.” She shakes her head vehemently. “Didn’t you hear what I said? I have to go.” I lean back running my hand through my hair. “I don’t feel right about this Jade. After what you said about her and your stepfather. I don’t trust them.” She rolls her eyes and stands up between my legs. I place my hands on her waist as she places her hand on my shoulders. “I’ll be fine Gideon. I’ve taken care of myself for a long time.” I pull her close burying my face in her stomach. “I just wish you didn’t have to go. Or that I could go with you to make sure you’re safe.” She runs her hands through my hair. “I wish you could to. But you have to work. However, it would have been awesome to see the look on their faces when I brought home my super-hot, boyfriend.” I pull back holding her hips. “Boyfriend huh?” She nods and pulls her head down to kiss me. “Yeah. You’re my boyfriend. Got it?” I nod my head amused by her strict tone. “Got it.” I say moving my hand down to squeeze her butt.

  She squeals in delight deepening the kiss. “Gideon?” She says leaning back. “I try to pull her back but she resists. “What baby?” She places another light kiss on my lips. “What do you do for a living? You never said.” I stiffen lightly, trying not to look uncomfortable. “I’m a contractor for a military unit.” That’s usually what I tell people when they ask which is true. However, I don’t elaborate on the type of “contracting” I do. However, Jade seems content with the excuse because she doesn’t pry.

  I sit up from the chair pulling her close. “Just be careful when you get there. Okay? And call me if you don’t feel safe. I’ll keep my phone close.” She raises her hand and salutes me. “Yes sir. Anything else sir?” I give her a sideways smile. “Sir? I like that.” She raises her eyebrows and places her hands on her hips. I wrap my hand around her waist pulling her roughly towards me. “I really want to fuck you in the shower.” She bites her lip running her hands over neck. “I am feeling a little dirty.” She pouts her lips walking backwards and pulling me along with her.

  Water is pouring down our naked bodies. I run my hands down her naked ass grinding her against me. Our mouths are connected. My tongue twines with hers. She’s clinging to me rubbing her breasts against my chest. I suck her tongue into my mouth as I move my fingers over her nether lips. She lets out a moan running her fingers through my hair. I move my mouth from her mouth to her neck sucking it tightly. She arches her back breathing erratically then cries out in pleasure when I suck one of her nipples into my mouth. I release her nipple looking into her eyes. “You taste so good baby.” I say moving my mouth to the other nipple.

  I kiss my way down to her stomach swirling my tongue over her belly button. Then I pull her leg over my shoulder and run my tongue over her juicy slit. “GIDEON!” She screams out passionately. I pull her lips apart with my fingers and lick her swollen clit. I can see her head tilt back and her breasts heaving as I suck her clit into my mouth. I push my tongue into her tight hole. Then move back to her clit pushing my fingers inside her. She tightens her hands over my hair pushing me closer to her. I move my fingers in and out of her licking on her little clit. Suddenly, she stiffens and shudders out in release.

  I slide up her body pulling her leg over my hip and impale her on my cock. She clings to my neck as I pound into her. I kiss her mouth sucking her tongue to the rhythm of my pounding thrusts. She feels amazing. I’ve never wanted someone so much. Sex with Jade is far better than any encounter I’ve had in the past. No women ever held my interest for this long. Hell…no woman has ever held my interest for longer than it would take me to fuck her.

  She wraps her other leg around me, riding me and tightening her hole over my tip. My head fall backs as pleasure gathers in my balls. I cum hard into her filling the condom with my essence.

  We spend the rest of the day together like a normal couple. We make dinner and watch a movie. I had never felt so relaxed. Her friend Adrian calls telling her about a new performance. She smiles excited at the news. I smile excited for her.

  The next day I pack up for my trip and drop her off at the school. We kiss for a few moments. I don’t want to let her go.

  Chapter 17: Relatives


  I turn up the volume on my iPod listening to Sia sing about her elastic heart. I took an early bus this morning. I didn’t want to tell Gideon that I was taking the bus because I thought he wouldn’t understand. I guess it doesn’t bother me because that’s how my mother has always been. Before he left to the airport I told him that I loved him again. He didn’t respond. He just pulled me close and kissed me passionately. He looked so sexy in his charcoal business suit. I miss him so much. My mind wanders back to the sexy shower from the other day.

  I hail a cab when I arrive into town. Before I know it, my taxi pulls up in front of my mother’s house. The house is huge. It’s a cape cod with seven bedrooms and four bathrooms. It has vaulted ceilings, wood floors and a gourmet kitchen. I step out of the cab adjusting my gray sweater and white shorts. The driver moves towards the trunk removing my rolling bag. Suddenly, a car pulls up beside me. It’s my mother and her husband Carlson.

  They both step out of the vehicle. Carlson’s eyes peruse over my body. “Hey there little Jade, looking good.” He says with a smarmy voice. My mother just huffs and walks towards the front door. My mother and I look a lot alike. We both have brown hair, except that hers is short. We are average height and tanned due to our Latin heritage. However, unlike me, her eyes are brown. Mine are hazel. She always wears a lot of makeup and I don’t. The only real difference between us is the sharpness to her face. She always looks bitter and cold. She turns back to me with a scorn on her face. “Good. You’re on time.” I nod my head. “Yep, here I am in the flesh.”

  My mom smirks at my comment. “Well at least you’re punctual.” She says sarcastically. Ignoring her mocking tone I step through the door. Grace, our housekeeper opens the door. “Good afternoon Mrs. Davis and Mr. Davis. It’s good to see you again Miss Reyes.” My mother ignores her greeting moving past her. I move towards Grace smiling. “Hi Grace. It’s good to see you. How are you?” She gives me a warm smile. “Oh I’m just fine Miss Reyes.” I roll my eyes and say. “Come on Grace you’ve known me long enough to call me Jade. Every time you say Miss Reyes, I get the urge to look behind me to see who you’re talking too.” Grace nods her head. “Very well, how is school Jade?” I shrug my shoulders. “School’s good. I’m performing for a troupe next week.” She nods her head giving me a kind smile.

  Carlson walks in after pretending not to see me struggling with my bag. What a jackass! “So Jade. What have you been up to?” Grace takes my bag and walks away. “Just dancing and going to school. I performed with my partner a few days ago. It went great.” I say proudly. He smirks and asks curiously. “Well looks like you’re keeping yourself busy.” I laugh at his disdain and move into the living room. The living room like the rest of the house is decorated in various shades of cream, a cream carpet, sofa, tables and many vases. It reminds me a bit of a museum. Pretty, but you’re scared to touch anything at the risk of braking or staining it. Carlson walks towards the bar. “Drinks ladies?” I shake my head, but my mom responds. “I’ll have vodka on the rocks.” Carlson prepares the drink and walks it over to her.

  Then she turns to me. “So this is how it’s going to be. My clients should be coming over in a few hours. All you have to do is entertain their brats. I want them in bed by nine. We are
having dinner and a party afterward. I do not want the children there. Make sure you keep them happy and out of our way. You’re welcome to come to the party. That is, if you can find something nice to wear.” She rises from the couch and moves towards the winding stairs. However, before she goes up, she turns back to me.

  “Oh, and do not mention your dancing. I don’t want to have to explain how you were rejected by the best New York dance schools. I mean, I sell talent for a living. I don’t want people to know that my own daughter is talentless.” Her words hit me like a hammer. Nausea gathers in my throat and tears gather in my eyes. However, I don’t let her see it. My mother is a very cruel woman. Carlson moves forward, shocked. “I wasn’t aware that you were rejected by dance schools. How odd. You’re an excellent dancer.” He looks at my mother puzzled. “How is that possible?” My mother shrugs her shoulders bored. “Oh Carlson what would you know about great dancing?” She looks back to me pointing her index finger in warning. “Remember what I said.” I nod my head silently.

  The kids are nicer than I expected. There are six of them with ages ranging from five to ten years. We play ball, and swim for the next two days. Thankfully, I don’t see my mother through most of the weekend. However, I can’t wait to get back to St. Bart’s and Gideon. I constantly check my phone for any texts. But there’s nothing. I wonder what he is doing right now.

  After tucking the kids in their beds I head to my room. Before I left Gideon’s apartment I asked him for one of his shirts. He gave me an odd look so I had explained that I wanted something of his to sleep in. His eyes turned molten at the thought of me wearing his clothes. He went into a drawer and gave me one of his gym shirts. I remember the look on his face when I lifted the shirt and smelled it. He ripped the shirt from my hand and pulled me into his arms kissing me until I was out of breath. We made love after that. I made him wear the shirt for a few hours so it would carry his scent. He took my panties in exchange. I giggle at the thought of him walking around with my underwear in his pocket.


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