The Assassin's Weakness

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The Assassin's Weakness Page 8

by Jeanette Rico

  Thankfully, today is the last day I have to be here. I packed my bags earlier so that I can make my escape as soon as I wake up. My mom is throwing a party right now. I really don’t want to go to the party. I avoided yesterday’s party too. The thought of my mother berating me in front of strangers makes me sick.

  I’ve also been avoiding Carlson for the past few days. Ever since I got here, he has been making a few comments or tried to be alone with me. I cringe at the scene yesterday. I was in the pool taking a break from the kids, when he walked in. He was wearing a Speedo and strutting like a peacock. Carlson is fifteen years younger than my mom making him thirty years old. He’s not bad looking with sandy hair and blue eyes. He’s slim and somewhat muscled with a pale body. Definitely, not in league with Gideon who oozes sex appeal and has a sculpted physique. Even if I hadn’t fallen for Gideon’s perfection, Carlson would still not hold any appeal for me. Not just because of my mom, but because he acts like a self-centered arrogant prick. Too bad the same can’t be said for his feelings towards me. He sat next to me with the pretext of talking. However, after a few moments he began to ask inappropriate questions about me and Gideon. Thankfully, the kids walked in at that moment and scared Carlson away. I’ve avoided him since then.

  I’m lying in my bed wrapped in Gideon’s shirt and reading my Jordan Silver book when someone knocks on my door.

  Chapter 18: Comeuppance


  I’m at the Drake hotel in Downtown Chicago waiting for my mark. He is a foreign diplomat who has been leaving a trail of dead bodies throughout the U.S. He has caught the attention of the Confradia when he killed the daughter of a very rich oil baron last week. According to the Confradia file, he has killed at least eighteen women over the past year. However, the police cannot arrest him because he has diplomatic immunity. He raped and beat her then tossed her body in a nearby garbage bin. He didn’t even bother hiding it.

  That’s the problem with these people; they use their immunity as a license to do whatever they want. They arrogantly flaunt their actions to anyone who will listen because they think that they’re untouchable. What they don’t realize is that there is always someone who will make them pay. The U.S. will always find a way to give these people their comeuppance. One way or another the U.S. government makes them pay for their arrogance. We just don’t advertise it. For example, if he’s partying too much and has an accident... Oh well.

  I followed him all night to see what he was up to. I’m currently in the penthouse party that he is throwing. Unfortunately, people are not cautious of rich people. They don’t realize that beneath that rich veneer there may live a depraved monster. I watch as he snorts a few lines and scans the room for his next victim. He’s not very old, maybe late thirties. He’s reasonably attractive with dark hair and eyes. According to the profile, he will pick a party girl. The kind of girl who is reckless and more than likely to get in trouble. That way when she turns up dead, people will not be as alarmed. He could say she asked for it. He walks around the room talking and joking with the crowd. Then he spots the one he wants. She’s young, maybe early twenties. She’s a redhead with a very short dress and a lot of make-up. He dances around her smiling and trying to charm her. She looks completely inebriated. Her posture is sloppy and her smile a little too bright.

  Most of the party is drunk or high. I watch as he leads the girl to another room. He won’t kill her today though. He tends to screw them for a few days and schmooze them. Then he will invite them on a “tour” of his homes. That’s when all the pain begins. He will lock them up, torture them and rape them until he’s bored. Then he’ll tell his guards to dispose of her. No one the wiser until her body shows up in the woods or something.

  Not soon after, he leaves with the girl. I leave the room and go back to mine preparing to cause his “accident”. I hacked into his itinerary. He reserved the steam room and a massage for the next evening. A few hours later, I head down to the service room and borrow a few cleaning supplies.

  It’s the perfect time to execute my plan. At this time the hotel staff is busy trying to get dinner and entertainment ready for the guests. I make my way to the steam room and place an “out of order” sign on the door. The utility room is right behind it. I gather a few chemicals and enter them into the steam shaft. No one seems to realize how the right mixture of chemicals can be untraceable and deadly. The chemicals have about half hour to fade away. I look at my watch. He should be down in ten minutes. I pull out my cell phone to check the cameras in his room.

  My mark had cameras placed in his room before he flew in. He wants to keep tabs on his people and any unwelcome visitors. However, what he doesn’t realize is that a good hacker, namely me, can use the cameras to their advantage. He’s right on time. I remove the, “out of order” sign and move out of sight. As soon as he walks in to the steam room the chemicals will take effect. He will lean back and fall into a deep sleep which will shut down his organs within minutes. His guards will be none the wiser. When they look in to the room he will look like he is just relaxing. The chemicals will fade away long before then. The autopsy will show a slight aneurysm.

  I head back to my room and change into some jeans and a Henley sweater. Half an hour later, my bags are packed and ready to go. I’m stepping into a taxi when the ambulance appears. The paramedics run into the hotel directed by the man’s guards. I dial a number on my phone. The phone picks up with no answer. I say, “File deleted” and hang up. I look back up to my driver, “O’Hare airport please.” The man nods his head and goes into traffic.

  I can’t help but think about Jade while I wait for my flight. It’s a beautiful evening in New York. The air is crisp and the sky is blue. There are people walking the sidewalks and going in and out of shops. The best part of living in New York is that there is always something to do, no matter what time it is. I’m getting near my apartment when my phone security goes off. I log into my phone and click on my home security screen. There’s an unwelcome guest trying to break into my loft. I observe as he tries to break through my code. I release the locks letting him in. What he doesn’t’ know is that I’m about to give him more than he bargained for. He will definitely regret breaking into my home. I go into the building and tuck my satchel in a safe place. Then I check my handgun and knife. Time to go hunting.

  I sneak through a side entrance that I had built for such occasions. Being an assassin can come with its own hazards. Whoever it is, he is in my living room. I move in through the kitchen and take out my gun. He stiffens when I hold it against his head. “Who are you and why are you in my apartment?” I ask with a threatening voice. The man turns to run but I wrap my forearm around his neck in a head lock. “I’m going to guess that whoever sent you did not tell you who or what I was. So I am going to ask again. WHO ARE YOU AND WHY ARE YOU HERE?” I say as he begins gasping for breath.

  “He paid me…” He says brokenly as he tries to catch a breath. “Some guy paid me to break in.” I release my grip kicking him in the knee. The man cries out as his knee buckles. He’s on one knee holding the other. I grip his neck. “Who sent you?” He looks terrified now. I can tell that this was not how he expected things to go. He begins to cry and shake. “This…” he stutters out. “This man walked up to me in a club and offered me ten-thousand dollars to break into this apartment. He told me to mess it up a little and snoop around for pictures or evidence of people who have been in and out. He told me to break into the computer. I…I wasn’t going to hurt anyone. I promise.” He sputters out. “What did this man look like?” He gives me a blank look. I shake him roughly. “WHAT DID HE LOOK LIKE?” If anything he begins crying harder. “He was older, with blue eyes and grey hair. He was a wearing a dark suit. I swear, he never told me his name.”

  I look down at his frightened face dig into his pocket and remove a wallet. It looks like he is going to pee himself when I read his name and address out loud. I slap him in the face with the wallet. “Well Donald it looks like you ar
e too stupid to live. Now I’m going to let you go. But if I hear that you haven’t learned your lesson today. I am going to your house and I am going to cut your throat while you sleep. Do you understand?” He nods his head rapidly. “Yes…yes sir.” I throw him his wallet and point to the door. “NOW GET OUT!” The man looks at me unsure. I aim my gun at him and say. “GET… OUT!” He runs out of the apartment like a bat out of hell.

  I would have killed him except that I’m sure once Willem finds out he failed; he will do it himself. However, I’m still worried over the fact that Willem knows where I live. I think he meant for me to find Donald in my house. That means that he is aware of my daily activity perhaps even Jade. Fuck! If he knows about Jade he will do anything he can to hurt her. I reach for my phone angrily and dial. He answers after one ring. “Gideon, Back from work already?” I let out a few expletives. “Yeah I’m back. Unfortunately, I had an unwelcome visitor in my house.” He gasps in surprise. “What the fuck happened!”

  I take a deep breath before I begin. “Willem sent some rookie to break into my place and snoop around. You know that Willem does not do shit like that unless he’s sending a message. What if he knows about Jade?” Cameron releases another breath. “Was she with you?” I shake my head. “No. She’s at her mother’s place in the Hamptons.” I say running my fingers through my hair in frustration. “What can I do Cameron? I need to protect her?” Cameron sighs in frustration. “I don’t know Gideon.” I look around the room feeling confused.

  “I’m just going to have to break it off. If Willem thinks she was just a casual screw he will leave her alone. But if she keeps coming back, he’ll eventually figure out that we’re really together. I have to let her go Cameron.” I can hear the pity in his voice. “Maybe you can protect her…” He says dubiously. But I know better. I know that I cannot bring Jade into the middle of this with Willem still in the midst. I don’t know what I’d do if something were to happen to her. “I can’t Cameron. What if he finds a way to hurt her? I can’t be with her twenty-four hours a day. I can’t bring her into the middle of this mess.” He must hear the heartbreak in my tone because he simply says, “I’m sorry Gideon.” I nod my head and hang up the phone.

  Time to break up with the only woman I can’t live without. Just then my phone rings. It’s Jade. I look at my phone for a few moments and hit decline.

  Chapter 19: Revealed


  The knock sounds on the door again, this time a little more persistent. I rise up from the bed and head towards the door. It might be one of the kids. Last night two of the girls came knocking because they were scared of the darkness. I open the door shocked to find Carlson standing there. I stand behind the door keeping it half closed. “Do you need something Carlson?” Carlson gives me a sloppy smile and pushes the door open. I step back frightened. “What are you doing Carlson?” His smile widens as he moves closer.

  I shudder in disgust as his eyes travel down my body. “Hey Jade. I like the pajamas. You look really good.” I move back making space between us. My heart is beating a mile a minute. I gulp loudly not knowing what to do. He slams the door closed and locks it. The sound startles me. He steps closer reaching his hand out to touch my hair. “You are so beautiful. I’ve been dying to see you. Don’t you think you’ve teased me enough?” I look around frightened, trying to find a weapon. “You’re drunk Carlson. You should go before my mom finds you here.” He shakes his head wrapping his hand around me. I try to pry myself away, but he tightens his arms around me.

  He turns me into his arms pulling my arms behind me. “LET ME GO CARLSON.” I scream out. I try to kick him, but he ignores me and pushes me face down on the bed. “Don’t worry Jade. Your mom will never know. ”He sits on my back tightening his hands around my hair and pushing my face into the bed. I can barely breathe. I’m crying hysterically trying to buck him off. Suddenly, his hand moves to my thigh. I know he’s going to rape me. I turn my head and let out a loud cry.

  He turns me over and covers my mouth. I cry out again trying to squirm out of his grip, but he’s too strong. Having no other choice, I bite his hand as hard as I can. He cries out in pain raising his hand to inspect the damage. I use his distraction and push him off. As I push him I roll onto the floor hard. My thigh begins to hurt painfully, but I don’t let it stop me from rushing to the door. Before I make it he grasps my hair in a tight grip and pulls me back in his arms. He’s about to kiss me when a voice interrupts.

  It’s my mom. She’s standing in the doorway menacingly. I look at her for salvation, but nearly faint in shock when she says, “You whore. I knew you’d do this to me.” I look at her in surprise. “What?” She walks up and slaps me on the face. “Trying to steal my husband, I knew you’d try to seduce Carlson. That’s why I sent you to that all-girls school. How dare you! I should have known that not even a religious school would diminish your whorish ways.” I stand there touching my burning cheek in shock. “No…that’s not true.” But my mother is not listening.

  Instead she opens the door wide and points to the exit. “GET OUT!” I don’t move. I simply stand there taken aback. She walks forward grabs my bag and purse and throws them into the hallway. “I said. Get out!” I walk towards my things picking them up from the heap on the floor. My mother hovers over me. “And don’t think that I’m going to pay for your school or dance classes. I want you to get out and never come back. From this day forward you do not exist to me. Do you hear me?” I look at my mother through tear filled eyes. How can she be so cruel? But I don’t ask. Instead I take my things and walk out the door.

  Not knowing what to do, I pull out my cell phone and dial Gideon. The phone rings several times then goes to voice mail. Desperate, I limp down the street and into the dark. Who do I call? Adrian’s name pops up. I dial his number. Thankfully he picks up. “Hey girly, missing me already?” I try to respond but my tears are chocking me. “Adrian…I need….help.” He answers back alarmed. “Oh honey, where are you? What happened?” I look around unsure as to where I am. “I don’t know Adrian. She kicked me out. I don’t know what to do.” He takes a deep breath and answers. “Okay honey, take a deep breath and relax. Is there a place nearby? A store? Anything. “I look around the quiet neighborhood. However, I do remember that there was a little town hall a few blocks away. I let him know this. “Al right. I want you to go find a late café or something nearby, then text me the address. I’m on my way.” I walk through the quiet neighborhood until I stop at a small coffee shop. Texting Adrian, I sit and wait. I tried to call Gideon again, but his phone keeps going to voicemail.

  After a few hours Adrian’s car stops in front of the coffee shop. I run into his arms crying dejectedly. He makes soothing noises and shushing sounds. “It’s okay baby. You can tell me on the way. Now let’s just get you inside the car.” I tell Adrian everything on the way home. He almost drives off the road when I tell him about Carlson almost raping me. I had to stop him from turning around. I told him about my mom’s role in kicking me out of the house. He took me to his house that night. He gave me some aspirin and iced my bruises. My knees were scraped, and my ribs are bruised. I run my hand over my hair and neck relieving the ache from where he pulled me.

  He was so worried that he didn’t let me to go to home. We’re both laying in his bed now. Unfortunately, his apartment is small. The couch was too uncomfortable. So we lay in his bed together. He pulls my hair back from my face. “The good thing is that nothing is broken. But your ribs are bruised. So you’re going to have to rest for the next few days.” He kisses my head. “Your knees will heal soon too.” I give him a grateful smile as tears run down my face. “I don’t know what to do Adrian. She cut me off. I have no money or a job. The school is going to kick me out. Gideon’s not responding to my calls. My life is such as mess.” He pulls me close. “It’s okay honey. We’ll figure something out.” I nod my head wiping my eyes and nose with the back of my hand. I give him a grateful look. “Thank you Adrian. You’re my hero.”
He gives me a sad smile and whispers kindly, “That’s what friends are for.” That night we both fall asleep facing each other.

  Adrian takes me to school in the morning. We’re about to walk into my room when I’m stopped by Mia, the resident advisor. She looks at me and Adrian, “Miss Reyes, may I speak to you one moment.” I look at Adrian, who gives me an encouraging look. Mia leads me to her office. That’s when I see my bags and a few boxes of my things. My heart stops in realization. I guess I never thought that my mom would do this to me but I was lying to myself. Mia gives me a wan smile. “Look Jade. I’m sorry, but your mom just called the school and told us that she was no longer paying your education, room and board as of this day forward. We packed your bags and boxed your things. You have an hour to leave the grounds. I’m sorry.” She whispers quietly. My eyes blur as I look at the only things I have left in the world.

  Left with nothing else to say, I get up uncomfortably and grab my things to drag them out of the office. Adrian gives me a questioning look. “What?” I pull a bag close lick my dry lips and whisper shakily. “My mom called and told the institute that she’s no longer paying for my room and board.” Adrian gives Mia a narrowed look. “So you’re kicking this poor girl out on the street?” Mia gives me a helpless look. “I’m sorry Jade. I have no say in this.” I nod my head in understanding. “It’s not your fault Mia.”

  She nods her head then snaps up in thought. “Wait! Your mom might have terminated your room and board, but there’s still a deposit.” We follow as she walks back to the office. “When you began last year, a room deposit was required. It was to be given back to you when you graduated or finished school.” She pulls out a deposit box with several envelopes and rummages through it a few times. She pulls out an envelope with my name on it and hands it to me. “Here’s your deposit. There are two-thousand dollars there. Not a lot, but enough to get by until you find a place.” I take the envelope. “Thank you Mia. Will you get in trouble for giving us this?” She shakes her head. “No. The envelope was a deposit made under your name. Hence, it belongs to you.” Smiling in gratitude, I give her a tight hug. “Thanks Mia.” She shrugs her shoulders. “I’m just glad I can do that for you. Your mom is a real bitch by the way.” I give her a commiserating smile. Adrian takes my bag giving her a farewell nod.


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