The Assassin's Weakness

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The Assassin's Weakness Page 9

by Jeanette Rico

  Adrian and I pack my things into his bag. As we’re driving he turns to me. “You’re welcome to stay at my place hon.” I give him a grateful smile. “Thanks Adrian.” He nods his head. I place my bags and boxes in his closet. It didn’t take long, because I didn’t have much. After we’re done, I text Gideon. Hey are you home? I’m coming over. I need to see you. But there is no response. Worried I decide to go over. “Adrian, can I borrow your car? I need to go to Gideon’s place. I’ll fill up your tank.” He nods his head and hands me the keys. “Here, be careful out there.” I smile and make my way out the door.

  It doesn’t take me long to get to Gideon’s home. I walk into the building still feeling sore from my encounter with Carlson. I had a few nightmares about it last night. In my nightmares Carlson raped and beat me. Adrian had to wake me and hold me several times. I walk up to Gideon’s door and ring the bell. My heart breaks at the sight that greets me. A beautiful woman answers the door. She’s in one of Gideon’s shirts and nothing else. My body freezes and my chest heaves. I can feel the color drain from my face. My eyes begin to water, but I stave off the tears. She tilts her head to the side giving me a questioning look. “Yes?” She says irritated. I swallow deeply. “Is…is Gideon here?” She looks behind her and yells. “Gideon baby there’s someone here to see you.” My agony surmounts when Gideon steps out of his bedroom barefoot and shirtless. His jeans are unbuttoned. “Who is it Tessa?” I want to run, but I’m rooted on the spot. The woman opens the door gesturing to me. Gideon stops, giving me an imperceptible look. Then he looks at the woman, “Tessa why don’t you go to my room. I’ll meet you there in a minute.” She nods her head and sensuously walks towards him, placing a kiss on his cheek. I can feel bile gathering in my throat.

  He moves forward standing before me. “Jade. I didn’t expect you to come back so soon.” His words penetrate my brain. All I know is that if I didn’t feel like my heart had been torn into pieces, I would have probably laughed at the incredulity of my situation. I almost choke on my heartbreak. “Who is she Gideon?” He looks at the door then back at me. “Look Jade. I told you that I was not the kind of guy you needed. I’m not looking for love. I just wanted a good time. We had a good time. Right?” I move back in disbelief. “I told you that I loved you. I gave you my virginity.” I try to keep it together, but a few tears escape running down my cheek. He gives me a condescending look. “Come on Jade. Don’t make this something it isn’t. I never told you that I loved you.” I stumble back towards the hallway not wanting to say more. I must have turned to fast because my ribs protest in pain. I fall to my knees gasping for breath. Gideon kneels in front of me holding his hand out to me. If I didn’t know better, I’d think he was worried. “Are you okay?” He says coolly, which is a contradiction to the concerned look he gives me. I nod my head pulling away from his hand. I feel destroyed, but I will never let him see it. I take a deep breath and rise to my feet. Holding in my pain, I turn to the stairs and never look back.

  It’s only when I get to Adrian’s house that I fall apart.

  Chapter 20: Heartache


  I watch as she walks away. I want to call her back, but things are better this way. I’d rather break her heart than see her dead. I thought I was going to die when she fell on her knees. She was so pale. I walk back into the apartment and slam my fist into the wall. The woman, Tessa comes out. “Is she gone?” I nod my head keeping my eyes trained on the door. She moves towards me placing her arm on my shoulder. “You know…we can make this real. I can make you forget her.” She steps back when I give her a harsh look. I reach in my back pocket and remove a few bills extending them to her. “Here’s your money. Now get out!” She waits for a moment, but eventually gets it when I continue to ignore her. I lock the door as soon as she’s dressed and out the door. Then I walk to the bar and pull out a bottle.

  For the next few weeks all I can think about is her. I go on a few jobs just to keep myself from finding her and begging her to take me back. I’ve even passed by her school in hopes of seeing her. Unfortunately, I haven’t seen any sign of her. Cameron and I continue looking for Willem, but the bastard has disappeared. Every night I go from club to club to see if I can find him. Tonight I have a job at a museum. My mark is a child trafficker. The man is a very rich consulate who has been traveling to Beijing on “business”. However, the Confradia has discovered that he’s been transporting children to be sold at a black market. Video evidence has been brought forth of him auctioning children to other rich moguls. The Confradia is still trying to gather Intel on those other men. They’re next.

  I’m carefully observing my target when a familiar voice calls out my name. I turn in surprise. Standing in front of me is Micah’s St. Clair. He walks towards me with a serious smile on his face. “Gideon.” I give him a wary look. Micah is another Confradia assassin. Like me, he was trained by another Confradia veteran. However, his Confradia mentor was Willem. After Willem’s betrayal most of us became cautious of Micah, especially me and Cameron. It doesn’t help that Micah remained neutral after Willem was found guilty by the Confradia.

  Either way the Confradia associates are still extremely suspicious of his motives. “Micah.” I say blankly. He moves closer with a smirk on his face. “Here on a job?” I nod my head not giving any more information away. A few women pass by giving us both a seductive smile. One even winks at me. I ignore her, but Micah doesn’t. He gives her a smoldering look. Micah is nearly as tall as I am. He’s about six foot two with green eyes and dark hair. As Confradia members we are required to be fit. So we’re both muscular and attractive. Unlike, Micah I don’t try to garner the attention of every woman I meet. Micah is a man-whore of epic proportions. I’m a little more selective. Unfortunately, when we’re together women tend to pay more attention. We’ve even been approached for ménages. I always politely decline. Micah however, is ready for anything. His Confradia code name is Savage. He may look like a gentleman in his suit, but underneath he has a bevy of vicious looking tattoos. My code name is Reaper. Because, when people are on my radar they meet their maker.

  “Why are you here Micah?” He shrugs his shoulders. “What? I can’t be here to check out the art?” This angers me. I grasp his arm and pull him to a nearby corner. “Don’t fuck with me Savage. Why the fuck are you here? Are you finally showing your loyalty to Willem? Is that it?” He grits his teeth and pulls his arm back. “Fuck you Reaper! I don’t have to fucking answer to you!” I get in his face. “You don’t answer to me, but you answer to the Confradia. Now, I’m going to ask again. Why the fuck are you here?” He gives me an arrogant smile and pulls something out of his pocket. A paper. I take the paper and open it. Inside is a coded message with Willem’s emblem, a raven.

  I look up at him suspiciously. He gives me a hard look. “Relax Reaper. I received this last night. I spoke to a contact who told me that you’d be here. Believe it or not, I don’t have any loyalty to Willem. That sick fuck ruined me when he left. Do you think it’s easy for me to live under Confradia suspicion?” I raise an eyebrow at his question which seems to piss him off more. “The fucking answer is no. I hate what he did to everyone and to me. I figure you and Cameron would be searching for him. So I brought this to you. Do with it what you will.” He tosses the letter to my chest and walks away. I look at the letter and follow him. “Wait. Why didn’t you give this to Cameron or give me this somewhere more private?”

  He gives me an incredulous sneer. “Yeah. Because you and Cameron would have probably shot me on sight. I figure a public venue would be a good place to talk.” I nod my head in reference to his words. He’s right. I would have probably shot him if he showed up on my door step and Cameron would have done the same. I look at the paper then back at him. “This is all in code. What does it mean?” He looks around suspiciously and pretends to peruse the art. “It says he wants to meet.” He points to a few numbers. “Those are coordinates and a time. He used to use this when he needed notes for a mark.”
I’m about to ask another question, when the lights begin to blink and an announcer steps into the middle of the room.

  Micah and I stop to listen. We don’t want to look suspicious. The announcer clears his throat. “Ladies and Gentlemen thank you for coming to our annual art and music gala. This gala was put in place to raise funds for music programs in impoverished inner cities. Now, without further ado, I would like to introduce our first performers of the night. Performing to “Le Sacre du Printemps (The Rite of Spring) by Igor Stravinsky is Jade Reyes and Adrian Derikson.” My heart skips a beat and shock rushes through me as the crowd cheers. Jade and Adrian come out and perform a beautiful dance. I stiffen as Adrian gracefully lifts her and pulls her close. I can’t take my eyes of her. She is wearing a beautiful pristine white ballerina dress, Pointe shoes and a white lace mask on her face. Her beautiful hair is up in a single bun with sparkling dots all over it.

  Micah moves closer and whispers. “That’s one hot ballerina.” Unguarded I give him a harsh look. He pulls back in surprise and gives me a questioning stare. I ignore him and continue to watch. She’s perfect and I hate myself for letting her go. As soon as the dance is over, she and Adrian bow. At this point I’ve forgotten about my mark and can only focus on her. I move closer wanting to get a better look at her. She’s smiling and vowing gratefully to the audience. Then her eyes focus on me and she stiffens. Her mouth puckers and her posture is rigid. This time she bows reluctantly and turns back to Adrian whispering something. Adrian focuses on me startled then gives me an unfriendly look. Still smiling he grasps her hand and ushers her away from the crowd. Away from me.

  Micah must have observed this because he moves closer and looks back and forth between where I am and where Jade disappeared to. “Do you know her?” He asks roughly. His question raises my ire. I turn back to him with an aggressive stance. “That’s none of your business.” He moves back pulling his hands up in surrender. “All right, there’s no reason to bite my head off. I just noticed that she seemed upset when she spotted you.” I narrow my eyes letting him know that he’s treading where he shouldn’t. But Micah is not intimidated. “She’s a little young for you don’t you think?”

  I wave my hand in dismissal and change the subject. “Look Dom, this is not what I came here for. I have a mark to take care off. How about we meet at Cameron’s tomorrow and discuss this note.” I wave the note in his face. “Don’t worry I’ll tell him to shoot you in a useless spot of your body. Like your dick.” He narrows his eyes running his tongue over his teeth. He rips the note out of my hand and tucks it into his pocket. “I think you’re getting confused Gid, my dick is very useful. Just ask the ladies.” He moves away walking towards the exit. “Tomorrow at seven. Tell Cameron to keep his gun in his pants. I have my own.”

  I really want to flip him off then, but I don’t. Instead I move on to my mark. I also try to see if I can spot Jade. However, she never reappears.

  Chapter 21: Undone


  It has been a few weeks since my world fell apart. Adrian let me stay in his apartment. He even found me a job at a nearby restaurant. He works there as a bartender. They needed a waitress. I bought small rolling bed with some of the money from the deposit. I gave Adrian some money for bills and rent. We’ve performed a few more times over the past few weeks. Thankfully, it only took a few days for my scrapes and bruises to heal.

  I try not to think about Gideon. I cried for hours after I got home that day. Adrian was my solace. I still have nightmares of Carlson’s abuse, but I’ve learned to toughen through them. Tamara and Cherry called me a few times. For some reason I don’t tell them about Gideon. I guess I feel too embarrassed at my naiveté. However, I do tell them about my mom and Carlson. They were shocked and horrified by what they did.

  We hang out sometimes. But I’m too busy with work and performances. If thoughts of Gideon intrude my mind, I push them away. Sometimes I miss him so much. Then I begin to hate myself for it. Even my body betrays me with thoughts of him.

  Adrian and I have to work tonight. I button my white cotton top making sure it’s perfect. The restaurant manager hates sloppy workers. Adrian comes out of his room tucking in his own shirt. “You ready hon?” I nod my head putting on my sensible flats. “Yeah. Let’s go.”

  The restaurant is beautiful. It’s the kind of restaurant that I can never afford to eat in. As soon as we get in, Adrian gives me a half hug and moves towards the bar. I head towards the lockers placing my bag in its spot and tying my apron. Charlie, one of the waiters walks in arms fluttering. “Thank goodness you are here. The place is packed to the gills. Go and help Tasha the poor girl is swamped.” I nod my head and move towards the dining room.

  Tasha is a nice girl. She trained me for the first week. I think she’s sweet on Charlie. Unfortunately, Charlie is clueless. The night is long. I place several orders and receive some attitude from some rich ladies or have a few older men hit on me, but otherwise everything is routine. Eventually, we get a break and go to the break room for some down time. Tasha and I sit there massaging our feet. Charlie walks in a few minutes later. “Wow you two look beat.” Tasha and I nod our heads. Charlie sits next to Tasha and takes her feet rubbing them. I almost laugh at the look on Tasha’s face. I wish these two would admit how they feel. But what do I know. The first man I’ve ever had sex with took my virginity and broke my heart. We’re all laughing and talking when Adrian barges into the locker room looking chipper.

  I rise up from the bench in the locker room giving him a wry smile. “What’s got you in such a good mood?” He smiles widely and pulls me into his arms. “Girl, I have a date tonight. Mason is back. Mmm girl that man is not going to get any sleep tonight. We’re going out.” I give him a sly smile. “Wow. I’m so jealous.” Tasha and Charlie wag their eyebrows and make kissy faces. We all laugh. I lean on his shoulder. “When are you going out?” He gives me a sexy smolder. “He’s taking me to this really hot gay club that just opened up. Club Dolce.” I’ve been dying to go there, but the lines are ridiculous. He knows the owner.” I laugh when he shudders and squeaks out. “I can’t wait!”

  Adrian has been on cloud nine for days after going out on his date. At least one of us is having a good love life. Tonight we are performing at an art and dance Gala. Adrian and I are so excited. The museum is beautiful with its white marble walls and floors. The art is incredible all of it is dedicated to different forms of dancing from tribal to classic. There are incredible sculptures and busts of dancers in many poses. Adrian and I look at each other giddy with glee. “Girl we are uptown now.” He puts his arm around my shoulder smiling excitedly.

  We’re both dressed in our ballet gear. Adrian looks fabulous in his ballet tights and flowy shirt. I am pulled out of my thoughts when the mc walks into the changing room. “Okay dears are you ready? You are both up first. Just step through the side door and wait for the announcer.” Adrian and I walk nervously to the entry way. We can hear the announcer. “Ladies and Gentlemen, thank you for coming to our annual art and music gala. This gala was put in place to raise funds for music programs in impoverished inner cities. Now, without further ado, I would like to introduce our first performers of the night. Performing to “Le Sacre du Printemps (The Rite of Spring) by Igor Stravinsky is Jade Reyes and Adrian Derikson.” Adrian and I break into form as the crowd politely cheers.

  We are amazing. Everything is on point. The crowd gasps in astonishment as Adrian twirls me and pulls me up. The cheer is almost deafening when our dance ends. Adrian and I bow in a courtly manner. I’m bowing and smiling happily until I spot him in the crowd. It’s Gideon. He’s standing a few feet away looking as incredible as ever. He’s wearing a black suit with white dress shirt. His eyes are focused on me. They’re intense and guarded. I stiffen feeling my smile deteriorate. Damn him for ruining this for me. I quickly turn to Adrian with a stiff smile and whisper. “We need to get out of here Adrian.” He looks at me in question. I turn my eyes towards where Gideon is standing
. He looks over gasping lightly, but he doesn’t stop smiling. “Okay.” He whispers through his teeth as he continues to smile and bow. “Follow me.” He says extending his hand towards mine. I take his hand as if he’s my life preservers and I will drown if he lets me go. We smile and wave all the way back to the room.

  As soon as we make it to the door, I release a pent up breath. Adrian looks at me shocked. “Shit that was Gideon.” I nod my head gasping for air. I begin pacing wrapping my arms around my chest. “We have to get out of here.” I say desperately. Adrian gives me a pitying look placing his hands around my shoulders. “Okay honey. Let me get our checks and we can sneak out through the servant’s entrance.” I nod my head looking around in worry. I watch as Adrian steps out of the room. I honestly don’t understand why I’m acting this way. I mean, Gideon doesn’t care about me. I’m sure he forgot all about me as soon as I stepped out of the room. He was probably grateful that he didn’t have to see me anymore. I release my hair from its bun and change into some jeans and a off the shoulder sweater. As I put on my sling back heels I can’t help but think about Gideon and his betrayal. My vision begins to blur with tears at the thought. Damn him for breaking my heart.


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