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Eight Brothers’ Fiancée: A Reverse Harem Romance (Love by Numbers Book 7)

Page 4

by Casey, Nicole

  Take care!


  I couldn’t believe what I was reading. I knew that I’d made a name for myself in the last few years, but couldn’t figure out for the life of me why they would offer me so much.

  I sat at my computer in total silence, just taking in the offer. With everything they were offering me, it was going to be way more than the $350,000 that Sadie had offered to find me. Maybe the gods were revoking their sign. Was I meant to go and work for the Foxx family, not just to become an anchor, but to become a huge, critical part of their brand?

  My phone rang and snapped me from my thoughts.

  “Oh!” I smiled when I saw who was calling. I answered it, completely forgetting for a moment my shock over the Foxxes offer. “Hey!” It was my favorite person in the whole world, my older brother, Axel.

  Axel chuckled. “Hi. How are you?”

  Weird question to answer right now. “Um, interesting.”

  “Ooh, that sounds like a story I want to hear. Meet at IHOP?”

  “Absolutely! I’ll see you there in ten minutes.”

  “See you soon. Love ya.”

  “Love you too, bye.”

  I hung up my phone and sprung to life getting dressed, leaving my apartment, and rushing to the IHOP about five minutes from my apartment. My brother and I met there for breakfast often. We were both cheesecake fiends, and they had a New York Cheesecake Pancake that was to die for.

  As I approached the restaurant, I saw Axel sitting on one of the benches outside with his nose stuffed into a rather large tome of a book. I was certain it was some sort of history book; Axel had a particular interest in history. He was currently working as a teacher’s aide in the World History department at a university in Austin, his chosen field when he wasn’t actively serving as a marine. I walked up to where he was sitting and sat down next to him.

  “Wow, that looks boring.”

  Axel closed the book and looked over at me. “It’s actually really interesting.”

  I shook my head. “I knew you’d say that.”

  He hugged me and as he pulled away he rustled my hair in annoying, big brother fashion. We were inside the IHOP, seated, and had placed our order before he said anything else.

  “So, why are you interesting?” he asked finally. I raised an eyebrow as I pulled out my phone. I navigated to my email from Garrett and handed my phone over to Axel. He took the phone and read over it carefully. “Whoa!” He looked up at me. “Is this serious?”

  “Yeah.” I took a sip of my lemonade. “I don’t know what to do.”

  Axel’s jaw dropped. “Uh, how do you not know what to do? Why would you ever turn down a job like this?”

  “Because it’s for the Foxxes. Those asshole twins I went to college with,” I explained.

  Axel’s eyes widened. “That was them? I didn’t realize that you went to school with famous guys.”

  I rolled my eyes. “For famous guys they sure are assholes.” I thought back to Garrett singing their praises and shook my head. I knew them. They weren’t good guys.

  “That was, what, eight years ago?” Axel asked, handing me my phone back. “And weren’t they only there during your freshman year?”

  I didn’t like having logic forced on my argument. “That was an entire year of them making my life hell. Being arrogant, chasing me around, attempting to treat me the same way they treated the rest of those hollow shells they called lovers. Besides, it isn’t like they disappeared after they graduated. Their father had bought their way into the university, so they still hung around all the time. The Famous Foxxes of A&T.”

  Axel rolled his eyes with a shrug. “Look, for this kind of money, work it for a year, build up your savings and then quit. You can put this on your resume. I mean are you that fragile that you can’t deal with a few annoying guys for a year to get all of these benefits?” He drank some of his coffee. “Men are simple creatures, just flip their attitude back on them. Whatever game they try to play with you, one up them. You’ve always loved the thrill of competition.”

  * * *

  I stood outside the wood panel door that led into Huxley’s office. I looked down at my outfit to make sure it looked okay. I didn’t want to send the false impression that I was interested in either man by dressing in a way that was too provocative, but I knew all too well what sold in our industry. A timberwolf pencil skirt and matching jacket, with a magenta blouse underneath and a pair of stiletto heels were what I was hoping landed squarely in the ‘perfect-combo’ square on the ‘dressed to impress/dressed to seduce’ work matrix.

  I lifted my hand to knock on the door, but it opened before I made contact. Harley appeared, dressed to the nines in a black, Italian cut, 3-piece suit complete with a sly smile. Over his shoulder, I could see Huxley standing, wearing a cerulean dress-shirt, with the sleeves rolled up, and a pair of navy blue slacks and a matching grin. Arrogant or not, the Foxx twins were perfect 10s.

  Harley stepped to the side and I walked into the office. I had my portfolio clung to my chest. I didn’t need to prove myself to Harley and Huxley, they already wanted me for the job, but it made me feel better to behave as if I was in a formal interview. I sat down in one of the leather armchairs in front of Huxley’s desk and Harley walked around and stood next to Huxley on the other side.

  “Are you two going to stand the whole time?” I asked.

  Harley crossed his arms. “We just didn’t think it’d be worth it to get comfortable; this will be quick.”

  Huxley smiled. “We’re not going to be able to offer you this job.”

  I took turns taking confused looks into the Foxxes deep, amber eyes. “Wait, what? What about the email?”

  “We thought it over,” Harley began, “and it just doesn’t seem like you’ll be right for the position.”

  It had to be another one of their games. I thought of Axel’s advice. One up them right, bro? “That’s fine. I have other offers. You came to me, so if you’re not interested, then you’re right. There’s no reason to get comfortable.” I stood up from the chair and turned my back to them, making strides towards the door. A blur of color blew past me in the blink of an eye, and suddenly Huxley stood between the door and I. I threw on an innocent expression. “I don’t understand. You said I’m not right for the position, so I’m leaving.”

  “Alright,” Huxley held his hands up in the air, “you caught us. We still want you for the job, but we were hoping you’d be willing to prove how much you want it.”

  I scoffed. “I don’t have to--” I stopped short at the feeling of someone closing in on me from behind. Harley brought himself so close to me that air could barely pass between us. “What are you doing?”

  Huxley closed the difference between us. “Don’t pretend to be surprised. You know exactly what we expect from the women in our lives.”

  “From your lovers. I’m not having sex with you.”

  Harley ducked his head over my shoulder and inhaled. The feeling of his breath on my neck sent chills down my spine. “And whose fault is that?”

  Huxley reached forward and brushed a lock of my hair away from my face. “Let us show you one of the best benefits you can look forward to as our new head anchor.” Harley’s hands slid around my hips and squeezed. A gentle moan squeaked out and Huxley laughed. “Looks like we’re not the only ones looking forward to this, brother.”

  Harley snickered, his deep voice reverberating in my ear. “I guess not.”

  Huxley grabbed the side of my neck and pulled my face to his while Harley’s hands continued to explore my body, traveling further and further down my thighs to grab the hem of my skirt to start hiking it up. “You know you want us, Alexa.”

  Why wasn’t I fighting back? Why wasn’t I telling them no? Why was my heart doing 150 in a 35 without any care or concern? Harley continued to pull my skirt up my legs and just when Huxley was about to touch his lips to mine…

  My eyes sprang open. I put my hand to my mouth, a confused mixture
of anger and...something else...still pumping through my veins.



  Standing in front of Harley’s office felt a lot like deja vu. I tried to shake the memories of the twins sandwiched around me with their hands all over me out of my mind. Yes, they were good looking, but I had to maintain perspective. I wasn’t here to be treated like another pet. I’d worked hard to get to where I was, and I wasn’t going to throw it all away to be some rich playboys’ sex pet. Thankfully, when I knocked on the door, a woman with dark red hair, set up on top of her hair in a tight bun.

  “Miss Storm. Thank you for coming.” She moved out of the doorframe and held her arm out, motioning me into the room.

  “Thank you.” I walked into the room and noticed that not two, but four of the Foxx siblings were present.

  Fortunately, Huxley was not among them. He led the charge in my dream, and though he was identical to his brother Harley in appearance, they had differing energies. I might have found it next to impossible to concentrate if the more immature of the twins was present. Harley, however, was there, sitting center behind his desk, wearing a formal suit and tie from what I could see of him. His eyes locked in mine as I entered and my body turned up the dial on its burners. Calm down, I thought to myself. No reason to get hot and bothered.

  To his left, was Jett, the brother I’d met a couple of days prior. He wasn’t wearing a suit, but did have a dress shirt on, and was leaning against the ledge to the window behind Harley. Next to him, stood a man I’d only seen in the media before: Rogan Foxx. He was taller than his brothers, with long, dirty blond hair hanging around his face. Despite his present goatee and lopsided grin, he had a regalness about him that was almost imposing to be in front of. He watched me closely through thin-rimmed glasses that framed his relaxed, blue eyes. He looked like someone I’d see in the swimsuit edition of a sports magazine. Rugged, yet beautiful. His white dress shirt and tie covered a frame that seemed to be a touch bulkier than his siblings, but still put most men I knew to shame.

  Comically enough, on Harley’s other side, was the exact opposite of Rogan. I suppose I probably had seen him a time or two amongst pictures of all of his brothers, but never on his own. I took him to be Maverick Foxx, evidenced by his incredibly short stature and my knowledge that there was one Foxx brother known lovingly as “Tiny.” He probably wasn’t much taller than me from the looks of him and had dark brown, almost black hair and light grey eyes. He had his arms crossed like some sort of mob boss, which belied the fact that he was standing there in a t-shirt and a suit coat he’d very obviously borrowed from one of his taller siblings.

  As I sat, it was this enigma that spoke up first. He leaned over the desk, looking me over like a piece of fresh meat. “Thanks for coming, beautiful.”

  Harley shot a glare over his shoulder, followed closely by matching leers from Jett and Rogan. “No.” Maverick sat on the ledge behind the desk, pouting like a child who’d been denied candy. Harley shook his head and turned back to me. “Sorry about him.” He folded his hands into one another. “I’m glad you decided to consider our altered offer.”

  “I have to admit, I was shocked at first, but I want to make something very clear. This is not about the money. The inroads at all of the Foxx companies is an interesting venture to me, and I’m excited to see what the company has done with the other industries under their purview.” I worked hard to remain calm. I was nervous enough about seeing Harley and Huxley, but I was now beginning to think the Foxx patriarch went out and specifically looked for children he knew would grow into models in their adulthood. “I can’t be bought, but I can be enticed with an interesting opportunity.”

  Rogan grinned at me, but said nothing, while Jett burst out laughing. “Says the woman who was quick to turn down our offer when Sadie offered something with a larger salary.” Harley looked over at Jett and his raucousing stopped instantly. “Sorry.”

  “Whatever the reason,” Harley’s eyes fell on me once again, “we’re glad you’re here. Of course, we wouldn’t be businessmen if we didn’t interview you before making things official, even if it’s mostly a formality.”

  “I’d expect nothing less.” I extended my portfolio out over the desk. “My portfolio. It includes every article published on behalf of my stories, all those that I’ve written personally, and letters of satisfaction from every media company I’ve done work for.” Harley grabbed the black folder and started to flip through it. “You’ll find that there is not one company in there I’ve only worked with once. Each and every client I’ve ever had has returned for more.”

  “I bet they have,” Maverick hissed.

  Harley didn’t even glance up from the portfolio. “One more, Tiny, and you’re gone.”

  Maverick’s face turned bright red in a flash. “My name is ‘Maverick.’”

  “Currently, your name is ‘Annoying,’” Jett responded.

  I peeked at Rogan, who still hadn’t said a word, but was looking back at me with an ‘I’m sorry they’re so exhausting’ sort of expression. It was very brotherly, and filled me with warmth.

  “It’s very impressive,” Harley said after a while, handing my portfolio back to me, and I was surprised he actually took the time to look over it. “Articles in music, major events, and you’ve even covered fashion week.”

  I nodded, Harley’s praise emboldening me, but not helping to quell my urges. “Several times and in several places.”

  “You see, with me included, three of our family’s businesses are represented among the four of us. Jett and Rogan,” he motioned to his left, “co-own our modeling agency, and Mav here,” he motioned to his right, “owns one half of our record label with our brother Delvin. As you well know, I co-own Foxx Media with Huxley, and our other two brothers Keaton and Quentin run our event planning business, in fact, they’re overseeing a red-carpet event for Weston Hayes today. They’re sad to have missed you.” Weston Hayes was an A-list actor and one of Texas’ most famous celebrities. I could understand why they weren’t missing that just to interview me. “We’re impressed, not only with your expertise in the media industry, but with your crossover. It’s evident in your stories, you know about the things that make each of our businesses tick, which is why we’d like to offer you a contract at each of our companies.”

  “What do you mean, a contract at each?” They’d mentioned inroads, but I had no idea they wanted me to formally work for each, individual company.

  Rogan took his first step forward from the pack. “The contract we outlined in the email that Huxley’s assistant sent to you yesterday, we would each like to offer you one, for the exact same annual salary.”

  I could only imagine I looked like a broken coin operated machine. My eyes were stuck wide open, I was leaning crookedly to one side, and my mouth was held ajar, but speechless. Four contracts at $250,000 a year? Were the Foxxes offering me a one-million-dollar-a-year salary? I looked at each of them, searching for any snicker or sideways glance that would suggest that they were kidding, but they each looked back at me with a stone-cold serious expression.

  “Can I take this to mean you accept?” Harley asked, a smirk sewing between his cheeks.

  I didn’t want to seem too eager, but where was the line when someone was offering you a million bucks? “I do.”

  “Great.” Harley lifted a pile of manilla folders that were sitting on top of his desk and handed them over to me. “The top folder is your employee paperwork to be filled out. The four below it are descriptions for your job at each of our four companies. Read them well. You may think that this is all some gimmick, but we have every intention of putting you to work. Your skills are well known around here and we expect to see them.”

  Play the game. “You’ll see them twice over,” I responded.

  Rogan’s smile grew and I was realizing it was probably a rare sight. I nodded an affirmation back at him, and threw one to each of the other brothers for good measure. Harley stood up from his desk and h
eld a hand out with all of his brothers eyeing me slyly from behind him. “Then welcome to Foxx, Miss Storm.”

  I shook his hand, suddenly unable to shake the feeling that I’d just said goodbye to an old version of my life I’d never see again. “Thank you.”

  Harley walked around his desk and over to his door. “I’ll walk you out.”

  Maverick stood up and stomped a foot. “I wanted to walk her out.”

  I stood up from my chair. “I’ll babysit you next time, Tiny.”

  Harley’s ‘Great Gatsby’ demeanor shattered in an instant, as he doubled over laughing. Jett sputtered out a few laughs, trying to hold them in, and even Rogan was snickering. Play the game and one up them. It was just like Axel said, I was competitive.

  Maverick pointed a finger out at me. “Hey! I’m not short where it counts, sweetheart.”

  “Oh, believe me, I’ve read the stories. I’m just not interested.” I whipped around and walked past Harley through the office door.

  “Quit while you’re ahead, bro,” Jett croaked out between attempts to catch his breath.

  I could feel Harley on my heels as I made my way down the hallway, and just before I reached the elevator, he passed me up and pressed the button. “You like to leave an impression.”

  I raised an eyebrow. “It’s no fun otherwise.”

  The elevator announced its arrival with a ding and then parted its doors to allow us on. We boarded it and Harley pressed the button for the main floor. His office was on the 18th floor of Foxx Towers, so we had quite a ride down.

  “Level with me,” I said as the elevator moved along. “Did you really want me for my credentials?”

  “Did we hire you just for your looks?” Harley asked. “No. My brothers and I are all very impressed with your experience and expertise. Someone like you is hard to find.” He glanced down at me, a sly knit to his eyes. “But that doesn’t mean we won’t like looking at you.”


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