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Page 10

by Unknown

  "What are we to do? Nasten is strong and powerful, beyond anything I have ever faced before. I barely escaped the first time."

  "You must combine forces, the King's strength and a sorcerer's power. The secret of Nasten's power and strength lies in the souls he has harvested. With each one his power and strength grows. He has taken your protected. If he takes her soul and the soul of the child she now carries, it will make him invincible. You must act quickly to save the women. You must destroy his vessel. This will weaken him."

  "How will we know what this vessel is?" inquired the king.

  "It will be something he keeps close to him at all times, something he never goes anywhere without."

  Drystan came into the room brandishing swords and daggers. Adalardo raised his hand to stop his commander. He paused and waited for the King's command.

  "You have the power of our line, Tuthal. Draw on your demon side to defeat Nasten." The old sorcerer placed his hand on his shoulder. I give you what power I have left. You will need it to defeat him."

  "Why would you do this, why help us?" asked the king.

  "I have seen the future of the Kingdom, your majesty. For one there will be no Kingdom without Queen Penny, and why would I not aid my own son. I am proud of what you have done, seeking to right the wrongs of your past."

  Tuthal saw the raw emotion in his father's eyes, the kind of emotion he had not seen since he had been a child. "I have not long left on his plain; soon the goddess of the moons will come to escort me to the beyond. It is time to pass on my knowledge and power to my son. Take it, and go with my blessings. I will pray to the goddess I may live long enough to see my grandchild."

  "Thank you, father. I know you will be here to see our child into the world."

  He suddenly felt the surge of his father's power as it flowed into him. Tuthal closed his eyes, taking stock of the old powers that made his entire body hum. He knew what he had to do.

  Tuthal opened his eyes, looking directly at his King "Your majesty, give me your sword and shield." The king motioned to Drystan with a nod. The Commander had been watching and listing to everything. Drystan handed over the King's sword and shield. The armor was inlaid with Monyo crystals, which added strength to anything it was imbued with.

  He placed them on the ground, laying his hand over them, muttering the ancient language of spell casting.

  "Strike true never fail, shield be strong and never weaken, hasten your master's triumph." He stepped back, picking them up to hand to the king.

  "Prepare your mind and body, we go into battle."

  Adalardo nodded.

  "Sire, we must escort you," Drystan insisted.

  "Nay, Commander, you are to remain. This is an edict. If anything should happen to me, you will continue to will rule in my stead. You are my brother, Drystan, in everything but blood, and I would have no other."

  A brief flash of emotion crossed the commander's face. Drystan placed his hand on the King's shoulder.

  "May the goddess of the moons protect you and help you return victorious. If not, may your death be one of honor." He could see it was hard for the commander to say the common battle prayer.

  The commander turned to Tuthal.

  "Bring back Jane's sister. I would not have her irate at me over your foolishness."

  "I shall. Tell Jane her sister will be returned. Together our families will grow and be strong," Tuthal promised him.

  Drystan gave a curt nod, turned and left, barking orders to the assembled men.

  "Ready for hell, your highness?" Tuthal summoned the power he needed to open the portal.

  "Ready, Sorcerer," Adalardo growled, gripping his sword.

  Tuthal focused his mind and threw open the portal. The king's expression was one of determination as he stepped through the swirling red mist. Tuthal followed close behind.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Penny screamed as she was tossed on a bed. She found Nasten's weight pinning her down.

  He had tossed them through the glowing red portal and into a hot, smelly hellhole. Above them the sky was a shade of deep red, tuffs of black clouds moved slowly across the smoky horizon. Penny had jumped in fright when streaks of white lightning flashed above their heads.

  Nasten had dragged her and Tamara across the cracked, barren ground, past deep canyons, glowing with flowing red lava; up a long black ramp and into a scorched black marbled palace carved into a red cliff wall.

  The planet seemed devoid of life, apart from the horrid twisted demonic creatures Penny had glimpsed as Nasten pulled them along.

  "Welcome to the planet of the soulless." Nasten had laughed at their fear. "Your planet is nice, cool and blue, so full of living souls, ripe for the taking. Count yourselves honored to be the first of my human slaves."

  He was damn strong. Even as Penny and Tamara fought, kicked and bit him for all they were worth, he was a hundred times stronger than they were.

  "Get off her, you sick bastard." Tamara managed to knock him sideways. Penny twisted and scrambled off the bed as quickly as she could.

  Nasten recovered and advanced on Tamara. He snapped his fingers and heavy chains suddenly appeared, clamping around her wrist.

  "Wait your turn, I want to play with my red haired pet first." Tamara squealed in pain as she was yanked savagely backwards, slamming into the wall. He snapped his fingers a second time. Suddenly her arms were wrenched apart and secured above her head. Tamara twisted and kicked; her breathing was ragged with the effort. She was trapped and helplessly chained to the wall.

  She screamed her frustration. "You're going to pay for this, you big, red bastard!" Nasten grinned at her and patted her cheek.

  "Master, is what you will call me from now on. Oh, and I do not approve of my female slaves wearing clothes." He swung his red glowing eyes to Penny. Penny turned to run towards the entrance of what was obviously Nasten's bedchamber. She was suddenly caught by an invisible force and flung backwards onto the bed. She struggled against it. The force yanked her arms above her head and kept them pinned there. He waved his hand and her legs opened. She lay spread-eagled and helpless, held down by Nasten's demonic power. With a wave of his hand, her Kell clothing was torn from her body, making Penny flush with embarrassment and anger. She glanced up to see Tamara's clothing received the same treatment. Nasten's eyes swept over them approvingly. "Yes, much better."

  "You're a slimy bastard. You touch me and I will kill you," Penny threatened in all seriousness. She didn't know how but she was sure going to try any chance she got.

  "You can try; I always have enjoyed a challenge. But once you are nicely rounded with my demon sons, there won't be much fight in you left." He paused at the foot of the bed, staring down at her. He looked thoughtful for a moment. "I can make you want me, you know. Yes, I think I shall enjoy you begging me to take you, watch you suffer and scream, only then will I take pity on you and relive your suffering."

  "Never!" she spat. He gave a menacing smile again and snapped his fingers. A golden goblet suddenly appeared in his hand. Penny stared at it in fear.

  "Here my little pet, drink."

  Penny slammed her lips shut. No way in hell was she going to drink anything he gave her. He crawled up over her, slipped his fingers through her hair, lifted her head then yanked. Her lips automatically parted on a pained gasp. At the exact same time, he tipped the goblet pouring the liquid straight into her mouth. Penny coughed and spluttered but most of it slid down her throat. It was actually sweet and tasted good. But she knew it had to be something sinister.

  "I will leave you to think about your new situation. Soon you will be writhing and begging me to fuck you, my little red pet." He climbed off the bed to where Tamara was chained. "Don't worry, when I'm done with her, it'll be your turn. There is no escape; you are mine now and always." He laughed as he strode out of the bedchamber.

  "We are so fucked," Tamara said with fear. Penny unable to move anything but her head, glanced over at her.

  "They wil
l come for us, I know it." Penny let her head fall back; a sudden warmth was starting to slowly spread through her body. She moaned.

  "Are you alright? What did he make you drink?"

  "I don't know, but it feels…oh god I feel it moving though my body, like it is on fire, my skin…" She moaned; her body shuddered. Her body was becoming aroused against her will. An empty ache was beginning to make her pussy throb. Her breasts here heavy and throbbing, her nipples were hard, her stomach clenched and her clit began to pulse. Penny started panting and writhed on the bed, trying to relieve the ache, as if she desperately needed something inside her body to relieve the suddenly unquenchable desire to be fucked. Oh god no, no! She squirmed again. She wasn't going to give in. Her skin pebbled and a sweat broke out over her body.

  "Penny, hang in there," Tamara encouraged.

  Penny moaned and writhed, "If they are to come…" she panted shifting her hips. With her hands, pinned she couldn't even touch herself. "It had better… be…soon, I won't be able to hold out...I...ooh…god!"

  "Fight it, whatever it is, fight it. We'll get out of this together." Penny could hear the panic in Tamara's voice.

  Penny wanted to scream at how badly she needed to come. She needed something thrusting inside of her. She needed to be fucked. She gritted her teeth, fighting the sensations. She wouldn't give Nasten the satisfaction of begging him to fuck her. She needed her man, needed Adalardo.

  ~ * ~

  Sword and shield at the ready, Adalardo marched forward, Tuthal by his side. He was angry this situation had occurred. He was angry he had been blind not to see Penny's human mate was not what he appeared and angry at the man beside him. Although Tuthal had infuriated the demon into pursuing revenge, Tuthal could not have known to what lengths the demon would go to seek his retaliation.

  "Are you going to tell me about the demon blood in your veins?" Adalardo kept his gaze on the path before them; he also glanced about, scanning the darkened, glimmering red horizon of Nasten's Hell Realm. The air was hot, smelling rancid and smoky, as fire burned deep below in crevices.

  "I am one of a long line of sorcerers. Our magic has been passed down from the first, who claimed to be the son of both a Kell woman and demon. T'is not know what kind of demon, or where it had come from, but it had given him great power."

  "Why keep this secret?" Adalardo was confused as to why he had no knowledge of this, why his father had not told him anything about the sorcerer cast, other than it was cowardice to use magic in battle.

  "A thousand years ago the first Kings did not readily accept the difference and power my forefathers had. Most were banished and exiled, but as the years passed, some of the rulers found uses for our powers and magic. It was the sorcerer cast, who divined the knowledge of the Kell crystals and the power they possess."

  "Why did I not know this? Why did not my father tell me these things?"

  "Much knowledge was lost when the war with the Drac began. I cannot say as to why, but your great grandfathers knew this. Why it was not passed on? I hazard a guess you will now never know."

  "But I know now. I have no prejudice against you, or your cast. I welcome your magic, but only if it is beneficial to the people. What angers me are your mistakes which have lead to the women being taken."

  "Do you not think I feel the pain of my mistakes? Nor that he has taken the one thing I hold more dearly to me than the breath I breathe? She is carrying my child, "Tuthal said, his voice tight with emotion. "I shall never forgive myself for putting my Tamara in harm's way, nor will I survive if she does not."

  "I do understand a man is nothing without his soul, and I understand you wanting it back. If anything, now is the time to believe in yourself, believe in your powers and believe that we will bring our women back safely." Adalardo turned to meet Tuthal's gaze. "Everyone deserves a second chance; this is the time where you prove yourself to me, to the kingdom and to our women."

  The sorcerer gave him a look of determination.

  "Your father would have been proud of the King you have become, Adalardo. It is an honor to serve you."

  "Then let us take back what is ours and stop this demon."

  Tuthal nodded, his gaze scanning the rocky smoky horizon. "This way, we must hurry."

  ~ * ~

  Nasten was enjoying watching the woman writhe on his bed; she tried to clamp her legs together in an attempt to relive the pressure the sexual stimulant was causing in her body. She jerked against the power that held her pinned to the bed. Nasten toyed with the idea of releasing her hands and watching her pleasure herself as he knew she would. The drug would start to wear off three days from now, but until then her only relief would be his cock imbedded in her, fucking her until she came. Only then would it ease, but only temporarily. After that it would start all over again.

  But his cock was aching and the lush curves of this frail pink and red haired human on his bed was too tempting. Nasten grinned, his cock was big and she was small. Her tight sheath was going to be a pleasure to impale. He walked into the room.

  Tamara was hanging limply as she watched Penny writhe on the bed. Tamara was smaller, with less meat on her bones. Yet her soul was so pure. It was not a wonder Nasten had easily given Tuthal back his soul in exchange for hers. But it was just a taste of things to come; he would take her soul and the soul of their child.

  The human world was now his. One by unsuspecting one he would devour their souls.

  Tamara's hate-filled gaze met his. "What did you do to her, you bastard!"

  He enjoyed her anger; walking up to her he caught her face between his hands.

  "What I will soon do to you, if you're not more pleasing. Address me correctly even when attempting to insult me."

  She pursued her lips together; her eyes were like lovely deep blue pools of water. It was a rare thing on this barren world, a world which belonged to him.

  He watched her shudder as he slipped his hand down her throat, caressing her soft skin, toying with her breasts. She tried to jerk away when he slid his hand lower, pulling away just before she could kick out at him. He laughed; he would tame her, but first things first.

  He turned to the writhing woman, crawling on top of her. A gleam of sweat covered her body as she tried to fight it. Amazingly, he'd seen stronger creatures give in only after a few seconds of this. But still she fought.

  "Beg me to relieve your suffering. I can make you feel good, so good my little pet." Penny's eyes widened. She shook her head franticly.

  "No," she gasped. "No…I…won't."

  He cupped her breasts, squeezing them, molding the plump flesh in his hands. She moaned louder, no longer holding in her cries. Her hips shifted. She was staring at him with horror and fear. But the ache would prevail. It always did.

  "You know the only way to ease your suffering my pet, beg me." He could see her struggling, fighting still. His hand skimmed over her heated flesh and she whimpered. "Beg me, my little pet, beg me."

  Her head thrashed from side to side. "I…I…need."

  "Yes, you need me, tell me."

  Her big brown eyes held his gaze. "I need you to…." Nasten gloated triumphantly until she screamed, "…to go fuck yourself."

  His smile fell and Nasten clenched his teeth. His patience was at an end.

  ~ * ~

  At her words Penny saw his face twist in anger. She knew she shouldn't have made him angry, but she wouldn't give into the agony he was inflicting upon her. Her mind warred with her body. She teetered on the verge of breaking; only the thought of Adalardo kept her from falling over the edge and surrendering. She was not weak; Adalardo had been right about her inner strength, and she drew on it now in desperation.

  Penny screamed rather than say the words he wanted to hear.

  "I have you; I do not need your words." He crawled over her body, positioning himself between her naked thighs. She felt her legs freed from the invisible force that had them pinned. Automatically she kicked out at him. Nasten had anticipated what she
would do and grabbed her ankles. He pulled her legs apart, keeping her vulnerable and open. There was no way she could stop him from raping her.

  Penny screamed and twisted, growing more tired the more she struggled. She was starting to lose her strength as she panted for breath. Her body was ablaze and her pussy ached with an empty hunger.

  Something howled, making Nasten pause as he positioned his large dick at the entrance of her pussy. Another noise of screeching and a high pitched screaming made Nasten pull away and leap off the bed. Penny saw the amulet that hung around Nasten's neck glow and she felt the surge of his power. Suddenly, he was clothed and a sword appeared in his hand.


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