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Dangerous Ride

Page 5

by Vonna Harper

  After glancing at Blue, he closed the distance between them until his jeans brushed her elevated thighs. “You interest me, Maita. Not just because you remind me of a wild horse, and I love throwing a rope on one for the first time, but because you’re a mix I haven’t seen before. Because I don’t understand you, and that doesn’t often happen.”

  She’d known he was going to touch her, but damn it, why hadn’t he telegraphed his intention? The light pressure on her calf through the denim barely registered. Still she felt the contact all the way up her legs.

  “When you’re ready, I’ll teach you about your body,” he promised and threatened. “Introduce you to things about it you never knew. Most women who come to me—hell, all of them—know what they want. I fulfill their requests.” He pressed his palm against her chin bone and kept his attention on her eyes. “But you don’t yet know what you want and need from me so I’m going to offer you several options.”

  “How generous.” Although she’d left her legs slightly parted and her crotch semi-accessible, she refused to back down from his challenge. Besides, so far the challenge to anything except her nervous system was minimal.

  Blue whinnied and stomped.

  “Your time here is short,” Kade said. “And I have a lot to do before my next customer arrives.”

  Although she could have used his comment to end whatever the hell was going on, she didn’t move. “What customer?”

  “Female, of course. She’s jockeying for a promotion, and because I’ve serviced a couple of her boss’s other female employees, I know what he wants. If you want to watch, you’re welcome to. In fact—” he increased the pressure on her leg, “—I dare you to.”

  Watch what? The silent question stirred her senses.

  “No, dare isn’t the operant word after all. I strongly suggest it because it’ll give you a fair idea of what to expect from me.”

  “Who says I want anything from you?”

  His smile began and ended with his mouth. “You will. Believe me, you will.” He punctuated his comment by sliding his hand to the inside of her leg. Slow, so slow she thought she might scream, his fingers inched higher and higher, nearing her warm cave. “So, we’ll agree that you’ll show up back here after dark. You won’t come to the house but continue on the county road until the next turnoff. That’ll take you to what from the outside looks like a large stone storage building. When you get there, knock.” He demonstrated by tapping her crotch once, twice, three times.

  “Who will be there?” Her mouth felt dry.

  “Just me and a woman.”

  His hand returned to her inner thigh, cradling and stroking it much as a loving owner might reassure a nervous horse. “Now to your and my first session. I’m not going to charge so don’t worry about being able to afford me.”

  Don’t move. Don’t let him see you sweat. “Who says I want to any sessions?”

  “You won’t know unless you try, will you? Of course if you’re afraid—”

  “I’m not!” The years of fear are behind me.

  “Good. To give you some idea of what you might expect, a particularly favorite technique of mine involves a spreader bar fixed to your ankles and spreading your legs so the playground’s right where I need it.” He cupped his hand over her crotch. She waited, silently willing him to remove it before she forgot what the hell she was suppose to do with the rest of the day, but he kept his large paw in place. “Your hands will be tied behind you but up, not down, and back over your head which forces you to lean forward. Gag is optional—at least on my part.”

  “Optional!” Furious, she pushed herself to her feet which dislodged him but left her pussy imprinted with his touch. “You’re out of your fucking, ever-loving mind! If you think I’m going to let you hogtie me, you’re sick.”

  Smiling with his mouth again, he folded his arms across his chest. “Righteous indignation. I was wondering when you’d play that card.”

  “You can hardly blame me.”

  “Perhaps not, but I was hoping for better.”

  She should leave, damn it. “Sorry if I don’t live up to your expectations,” she shot at him then winced because she sounded as if she’d had her pride wounded. Damn it, the man made her crazy!

  Crazy with wanting what he’s offering?

  Well, maybe.

  “So, for comparison sake,” she said, “if I’m not interested in technique number one, what else do you have up your sleeve?”

  “Who says I’ll be wearing a sleeve?” he drawled. “Don’t worry about getting bored. My repertoire is damn near endless, but you mentioned an intriguing possibility when you brought up hogtying.”

  “I can hardly wait to hear about it.” She hoped she’d injected enough sarcasm in her voice to mask her fear and interest.

  He’d backed off when she’d stormed to her feet, but now his long legs ate up all but a couple of inches of the space between them. He loomed. “I prefer rope to chains because there’s some play in rope. So you want the details, do you? Far be it from me to disappoint a woman. Getting back to hogtie, we’ll start out basic with your knees bent and ankles pulled as close to your ass as you can stand. From the looks of you, you’re flexible.”

  “I am.” She kept her tone neutral.

  “Can you make your elbows touch behind your back?”

  “I’ve never tried.”

  “We will—or rather, I will, since I’ll be calling the shots. Picture yourself on your side, hands behind you and nearly touching your tethered feet, right where I want you. Next I’ll probably put a gag on you, a little custom-made number with a hook at the back of your head. When I slip a rope through the hook and tie it to the ankle tie, I can force your neck back. Makes for a long, clean line of exposed flesh from knee to chin, not that you’ll be in a position to appreciate the effect.”

  “Take pictures,” she snapped to counter the heat crawling over her throat. Unfortunately, the attempt didn’t work.

  “I usually do.” He rubbed his chin, indicating contemplation. “I’m trying to think whether I’ve given you an accurate description. You’ll be naked of course with your breasts accessible. I want to see your breasts, feel them, put my stamp on them.”

  Like a brand? Although she was shaken, instead of being horrified by the idea of having some man place his brand on her, her imagination pushed into overload.

  “I know what you’re thinking, Maita. Trying to anticipate what’s meant by nipple play. But because you’re a virgin to bondage, all you have to go by is your imagination. Of course, after tonight you’ll have a better idea. Much better.”

  “You’re damn cocky, you know it.” If she so much as moved a muscle, he’d think he’d won this round—intimidated her—and her years of being intimidated were behind her.

  “Not cocky. An expert.” With a nod, he turned away and picked up the empty mugs. “You have a horse waiting for you, an animal to tame. When you’re ready for me to do the same to you, come back.”

  Chapter Four

  The woman was stunning. Except for a thin bikini line, her tan covered every inch of flesh. He wished he’d opted for white rope to contrast with her bronzed flesh, but because planning was essential to success, he’d decided to put her in stocks before he’d met her. When she’d shown up, Lisa whatever her last name was, had exhibited defiance and bravado. He’d let her play her game while they went through introductions and the ground rules were laid out. Even when he’d told her to take off her shoes and underpants, she’d retained an admirable self-confidence.

  Then he’d stepped behind her, snaked his arm around her neck and pulled her against him. Before she could so much as think about regaining her balance, he yanked up on her short skirt and unceremoniously buried a thumb in her pussy.

  Now he had her naked and on her knees, her feet in stocks that forced her weight onto her knees. He’d placed Styrofoam under her so she could handle the position for a while and pulled her arms back and into more wooden stocks that forced her
to arch her spine. He hadn’t gagged her, yet, because he didn’t yet know enough about her to read her body language, but if she didn’t quit asking stupid questions about what he had in mind and reminding him of how important she was to her employer, he would.

  Her long, bleached blonde hair hung over her cheeks. As he’d suspected, her breasts weren’t entirely her own, but he could work around that. Feeling nothing between his own legs, he secured small clamps to her nipples and hung a weight from each one.

  “Damn, damn, damn,” she hissed.

  You ain’t seen nothing yet.

  Neither had Maita, he admitted. His reaction surprised him since even as he’d issued his invitation earlier, he’d told himself it didn’t matter if she didn’t show up.

  But it did. She did.

  Maita rode the short, stocky horse as if she’d been born to a saddle, and although Blue had accepted her weight without objection, he’d easily made the leap between what she looked like riding away from him and her slight, strong body clinging to the whirling devil that had been one of his bareback broncs.

  His horses could kill her.

  “I can’t take this much longer,” Lisa whined.

  Cursing to himself, Kade concentrated on his latest paycheck. Still, as he guided a sleek metal hook into her cunt and held it in place via a chain around her neck, he continued to feel both physically and emotionally removed from what he was doing—a new experience. He should have put Lisa off until tomorrow after he’d had time to regroup and recover from the just-finished rodeo. Another night’s sleep and he’d be more than ready to give Lisa—and himself—a ride for their money.

  Because he knew how to do his job, he carefully cinched the hook tight against and in Lisa’s lush body without hurting her. He stroked her breasts, careful not to touch her trapped and sensitive nipples.

  “He wants you hot to trot,” he explained, speaking of Lisa’s insanely wealthy employer. “You’ll never know when he’ll order you to meet him at his place, and you’re not going to know what to expect once you get there. But you can anticipate.” Making his point, he picked up an electric vibrator, turned it on, and pressed it against the full curve of Lisa’s breast. She jumped and cursed, what he could see of her fingers beneath the stocks widespread and tense. “He’s a bastard, but he rewards his bitches—if they please him.”

  Changing tactics, he ran the humming tool between the luscious breasts and headed for her navel. She tried to escape the invasion, but he’d left her with no freedom.

  She belonged to him, had become his toy, his fantasy.

  Only, tonight, he’d probably get as much enjoyment out of sheering a sheep.

  “Damn, damn, damn,” Lisa whimpered. “I can’t—I can’t.”

  “Yes.” He ran the vibrator over her belly, pressed it against her mons, headed unerringly for her clit. “You can. And the more you bellow and beg, the more he’ll reward you. Get used to being called a bitch. He gets off on it.”

  Before he could decide what do to next—something that hadn’t happened to him in years—he heard the knock. Suddenly, his quivering and helpless subject meant nothing to him. Leaving the vibrator to thump against the floor, he forced himself to walk slowly to the door. Just before opening it, he turned off the overhead light, leaving a small floor lamp to bathe Lisa’s body in muted light.

  “You came,” he said to the slight form outside.

  “I came.”


  “I don’t know. Don’t ask.”

  “All right.” For now. “We’ve started. You can watch. And if you want to get involved, let me know.”

  Maita exhaled. “I wouldn’t know what to do.”

  “You’ll learn.” Earlier, he’d told himself he wasn’t going to touch her, but he must not have listened because now he saw nothing wrong with putting his arm around her waist and holding her against him before guiding her to a wall. From the sound her shoes made on the carpeted floor, he knew she’d changed out of her riding boots. Instead of her usual jeans, white shorts clung to her flat belly and firm, rounded ass. Her blouse felt like silk against his skin.

  “What’s going on?” Lisa demanded. “Who’s she?”

  “It doesn’t matter. You’re never going to see her again.” But I am. Although he knew better, knew Maita had every right to plant a knee between his legs, he again wrapped an arm around her until she looked up at him, and then kissed her—long and hard enough for both of them to remember. He couldn’t recall the last time he’d kissed a woman.

  “Sorry about the interruption,” he told Lisa when he’d again knelt before her and picked up the vibrator. “Now, where were we?”

  Had Kade fucked the gorgeous blonde before imprisoning her and playing with her?

  It didn’t matter, Maita insisted as she watched him stoke the woman’s cunt with the large, powerful vibrator. What the two of them did was none of her business. Besides, she shouldn’t be here.

  But she was.

  Still not believing she’d entered this room of her own free will, Maita sank to the floor and leaned against the wall. All afternoon she’d told herself she had no intention of satisfying her curiosity about Kade’s activities, if that’s what he called them. Then, after she’d finished work, and showered and washed her hair, she’d stood naked before the narrow mirror behind the door of the cabin her employer had provided. For a while she’d simply studied her image, wondering what Kade would think of her lean, muscled form. Would he want to touch her, explore her, handle her as she handled a horse? Would his expert hands roam appraisingly over her, turning from professional detachment to something purely male?

  And how would she respond?

  She hadn’t found the answer then and sitting here listening to the naked blonde breathe in quick sobs wasn’t improving matters—unless getting turned on counted.

  The woman had something rammed into her pussy. Because the lighting didn’t come close to killing the shadows, she wasn’t sure what it was, but it put her in mind of an oversized fishing hook. Undoubtedly, it had no barbed end. If what was inside her was as smooth as the rest of the contraption, it had to feel delicious—a hard, artificial cock.

  Kade might have put it there after securing the woman’s wrists and ankles in the wooden stocks. Had she taken off her own clothes and willingly placed herself so her limbs fit in their constraints, or had she fought? Had Kade manhandled her into submission, pitting his strength against hers until he won the battle?

  No matter. He’d rendered her as helpless as a horse or cow in a squeeze chute. Until he decided to free the blonde with the fake boobs, she belonged to him.

  “My breasts, my breasts,” the woman chanted. She rocked her upper body from side to side which caused the weights on her nipples to bounce and jiggle. “Hurts!”

  “Get used to it, bitch!” Kade barked. “He gets off on pain.”

  “No, no, no! I can’t—I can’t.”

  “Yes, you can.”

  Maita shook, her body felt alive with a mix of disbelief and anticipation. What would Kade do next? And if she was his prisoner instead of this whimpering—

  Keeping the vibrator between the woman’s legs, Kade practically ripped off the nipple clamps. The woman screamed. Her head fell forward as she tried to look down at herself. His movements quick and practiced, Kade sprang to his feet, grabbed something black off the floor and used the woman’s hair to pull her head back. Although she tried to jerk free, he easily blindfolded her.

  “Is it better this way, Lisa?” he asked. “Maybe it’s easier if you can’t see what I have in mind.”

  Kade was speaking to Lisa, not her. Still, Maita tried to imagine what it would be like deprived of sight while some man—no, not just any man—laid claim to her.

  Kade Severn represented strength and stability. In a sport filled with losers and a handful of winners whose time of victory lasted only until the next ride, he supplied the creatures necessary for rodeos to take place and did so competently and
humanely. But in the past few minutes, he’d proven himself as much more than just a stock contractor. He controlled women in a way she’d never comprehended or wanted.

  Did she now?

  No longer were Lisa’s limbs the ones being held fast. In her mind, Maita took the other woman’s place. She felt cool air on her naked breasts and belly, felt the strain in her legs, shoulders, and arms and fought to free herself from the hard constraints. Her breasts burned from the recently removed clamps, and her pussy lapped at what had been placed in it.

  As Kade moved the hook to the side and slid his finger in next to the steel intrusion, Maita’s clit clenched and hardened. She felt each commanding stroke, she shuddered as Kade first pinched her breast and then caught it in his large, knowing hand.

  He now caressed her thighs and waist, closed his fingers around her throat and held her life in his strength. She, who’d long prided herself on her freedom and independence, became a strong man’s possession. In some respects, she reverted back to the small and helpless child she’d been so many years ago. But there was a vital difference. As a child she’d had no comprehension of what it meant to be a woman and a sexual being. Now she did.

  As surely as if she’d been run down and roped, she had no choice but to endure and revel in her master’s command. Heat grew and spread throughout her, numbing her fingers and toes and turning her pussy into molten lava.

  Not caring what he’d think, she unzipped her shorts and thrust her hand between her legs. In her imagination, the hand became his. His fingers explored her labia, teasing and testing them before gripping them between thumb and forefinger and rolling the loose, hot flesh back and forth. He found the trigger to release her sex fluids. Once the dam had been sprung, it flowed unchecked, endless lubrication readying her cunt to house his cock.

  His cock instead of fingers and foreign objects! His body pressed to hers, belly to belly and her breasts flattened against him.

  He might take her from the rear by placing her facedown on a bed or positioning her doggy style on the floor. Whatever his choice, his pleasure, her cunt would suck him deep, deep into her, and she’d clamp her muscles around him and keep him there until she climaxed.


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