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Death Dwellers Motorcycle Club:: Fifteen Bad Boy Biker Books

Page 226

by Kathryn C. Kelly

  No biting remark. Just a sniffle. A sinking sensation fluttered in Peyton and she straightened in her seat. Ellen wasn’t kidding. She was getting married. No. She was supposed to get married. “What happened?”

  Peyton wanted to know. Not only what had happened that turned the sure thing into…whatever Ellen was facing, but how she’d come on the verge of a wedding in the first place.

  “Outlaw…he…we—” Another sob.

  The sound went through Peyton because not much upset her big sister. But she knew the name, Outlaw. Ellen had mentioned him on and off for years. For the last few months, Ellen had been the MC president’s old lady.

  “He’d proposed to me and we were gonna announce it at the spring social. And…and…this little bitch came and stole him from me.” Ellen drew in a shuddering breath. She leaned her head on the table and cried so hard her body shook. “Boss Foy’s little blonde whore of a daughter. She took my man from me. He…he even threatened me. Forced me to take her shopping.”

  “That bastard!” Yes, he was an outlaw biker, a man who lived and breathed death. And, yes, Ellen knew he went from woman-to-woman. But he’d promised to marry her sister, so Peyton held him responsible for Ellen’s current state.

  No way was Ellen lying about this. She was too distraught. It had to have been the truth.

  “It isn’t him.” She sniffled and sobbed. “It’s her. Megan Foy,” she spat. “He thinks she’s so innocent when she’s fucking Rack and John-Boy, Outlaw’s cousin.”

  Peyton paused in the midst of bringing the bottle to her lips and frowned. “Haven’t you fucked Rack and John Boy?” She’d never met these men, but she’d heard enough about them to know where they stood in Ellen’s life. “And Val, Mortician, Digger, Snake, K-P, Boss—”

  “How can you bring that up now, Pey? Who I fucked never mattered to Outlaw. Now, he even put his hands on me in a violent manner and threatened to bury me,” she said in a small voice. “I was so terrified at his unprovoked attack.”

  Peyton felt like crying. For herself and the memory of one of her relationships that had been abusive. For her sister and her lost dreams. For another Christmas gone by with the emptiness inside of her.

  She took a deep draught from the bottle and set it aside. “I-I’m sorry, Ellen,” she whispered. And, for the first time in a long time, she meant it.

  “Outlaw didn’t hold none of that against me. Then she came. And she’s with him now, at his mother’s house. I was supposed to be there this year. He was going to introduce me to Pat. His mother,” she clarified at Peyton’s confusion. “But he took Megan and invited Digger, Val, and Mortician.”

  “Ellen,” Peyton crooned, wanting to offer her sister comfort. But gentleness had been lacking from their lives for so long, she felt rusty. Even sex was sex or fucking. Her one weakness was kissing. She loved a man’s mouth on her lips. It gave her a type of power, a veil of intimacy that she controlled. If her lover displeased her, she withheld her kisses, turned sex into base fucking. But her men knew her kisses meant they were in her favor and worked hard to stay that way.

  “I love him so much, and he loves me,” she wailed. “He told me so. He didn’t look at no other bitch until that little slut arrived.”

  They were Coopers and no one bested Coopers, especially a little whore who dropped out of nowhere.

  “Is there any way to get rid of her?”

  The thought seemed to brighten Ellen’s face. Then, it fell again. “She throws a tantrum if he leaves her side for ten minutes. I couldn’t get close enough to her to do her anything.”

  Peyton swallowed more gin and contemplated Ellen. “She sounds like a coward.”

  Ellen nodded. “She jumps at her own fucking shadow. She’d betray her own mother to keep herself safe. And my man just can’t see that. He can’t see if worse comes to worse, she’d sacrifice his life for her own. All of our lives.”

  Unable to remain seated across from Ellen a moment longer, Peyton jumped to her feet and rushed around to her sister. She kneeled and pulled Ellen into her embrace, stroking her hair. It was coarse and frizzy, and Peyton decided she’d take her sister for a day at the spa in a couple weeks.

  “I want revenge.”

  “And you’ll get it. I promise. Call me tonight.” She rattled off her telephone number just as their mother staggered back into the room.

  Ellen Cooper rubbed her chin against the thin strip of hair covering Kiera’s pussy. Her tongue darted out and licked Kiera’s sopping slit. Using her long, red-polished nails to hold her pussy lips open, Kiera raised her hips, her clit Ellen’s special treat. Lifting herself up, she climbed onto Kiera’s body and kissed her in a long, open-mouthed kiss, grinding her own sated cunt against Kiera, who’d licked her for hours. They’d needed release after suffering through the New Year’s Eve party at the MC. Though they’d attended the celebration for years, Outlaw had always been available to them. This year…this year…

  That’s why Ellen had called Sharper Banks and told him everything. Everything. From the way Digger said Outlaw popped Big Joe—which Sharper already knew—to Big Joe’s daughter showing up out of the blue. Helping Rack to get Snake on club property hadn’t worked. Stupid fuck had shot Outlaw, instead of Meggie.

  What did you expect, cunt?

  Snake’s voice blared in her head from the day she’d confronted him about almost killing Outlaw. He was right. She should’ve known better, given how much they hated each other.

  It’s just that she hated Megan more. Sharper swore he was going to take care of everything. That it would take time, but she just had to have patience. It was hilarious to her that a great minister had co-founded the Death Dwellers with Logan Donovan, an even bigger asshole.

  She didn’t know the entire story, but she’d gleaned enough from her years of after-fuck talks to understand something had prevented Sharper from wielding the considerable power he had in the club. Power that she knew about, thanks of Snake and Rack.

  Whatever that something was that kept Sharper in line had wrecked Big Joe, and would soon be the death of anyone who wouldn’t swear allegiance to Sharper once he got control.

  Ellen hadn’t expected the man to make any moves against the club. She’d called for help with Megan. But he didn’t like the fact that Outlaw seemed to be regaining his equilibrium with that girl’s presence. She was changing him, giving him back the passion he’d lost for the club in the wake of Big Joe’s death.

  “Ellen, please,” Kiera whined, bringing Ellen’s attention back to their fucking.

  Ellen bit down on Kiera’s tender bottom lip and she moaned. Rising up, she positioned herself so that she and Kiera were clit-to-clit and began to pound their juicy flesh. She nailed their pussies, their moans and juices mingling together. Kiera’s head thrashed from side-to-side, her body trembling with Ellen’s onslaught, her pussy gushing wetness. Ellen didn’t care. She hadn’t come yet this time and wouldn’t stop until she did, despite how sensitive she knew Kiera’s cunt would be.

  Kiera deserved it, anyway. She deserved the tears sliding from her eyes at the discomfort Ellen’s hammering caused. She deserved the way Ellen paused to bite her nipple and draw blood. And she deserved Ellen pulling away from her pussy and forcing herself onto her mouth, grinding all her sloppy wetness against her face.

  Because, whether Kiera knew it or not, Ellen was aware that Outlaw felt a little more tenderness for Kiera than he did for Ellen. And she hated Kiera for it.

  Squeezing her eyes shut, she imagined wrapping a scarf around Kiera’s lovely neck, yanking it tight, and pulling it until she stopped breathing. The thought made Ellen come hard. She kept her pussy covered over Kiera’s mouth and nose, milking her release, the fleeting idea to smother her with her pussy floating away when Kiera shoved her roughly away.

  Kiera sat up and swiped her hand across her mouth. “You bitch!” she snarled.

  Next time, she’d tie the cunt up, cover her mouth with her pussy and pinch her nose until she suffoca
ted. For now, she needed her. She wanted revenge against Megan Foy.

  The thought of the girl marched across Ellen’s head and she scowled. Megan with her big, blue eyes and golden hair was a rival she couldn’t win against. The girl was young, gorgeous, and disgustingly sweet. Until provoked. Then, she turned into a flaming bitch, who’d had the gall to push Ellen on her ass and confront her during an argument.

  Worse, Ellen wanted to fuck Megan so badly. She wanted to corrupt her before she killed her. She hadn’t been so innocent in years and she’d never had someone as pure and guileless as Megan Foy in her life. Usually, Outlaw would’ve laughed at her suggestion and got the bitch into their bed. That’s what they did. To those bikers, all women were fair game and the women understood the rules. Now, if Ellen even suggested such a thing, she believed he’d choke the shit out of her.

  To him, Megan was some untouchable little goddess. He couldn’t see she was changing him, taking his edge away.

  Kiera’s movement reminded Ellen that she needed to soothe the woman’s pique.

  “I’m sorry, babe. I’m just on edge after the party.”

  “At least Outlaw lets us in,” Kiera responded grouchily. “I got to meet his momma and everything. Never thought I’d see that day.”

  Bitter fury churned in Ellen’s belly. Despite the lies she’d fed to Peyton, Outlaw had never considered them good enough to bring home to Momma. She considered herself as good as he was. And he was a cold-blooded killer. How dare he place himself above them!

  “It isn’t us,” Kiera protested.

  Ellen frowned, realizing she’d spoken the last part aloud. “It’s his mother. He don’t want us tainting her.”

  “He taints her,” she snapped.

  “Ellen, come on, babe. Ease up. Outlaw love his momma. I don’t blame him for trying to protect her.”

  She restrained herself from jumping on the beautiful, olive-skinned woman next to her. Her dark hair spread over the pillows and the anger at Ellen’s forceful oral sex had eased from her dark eyes. They’d been friends at one time. Real, true friends. But Ellen wanted Outlaw for herself, and she wouldn’t allow anyone to stand in her way.

  “And what about Megan?”

  Eyes clouding, Kiera’s lower lip trembled, as much in love with Outlaw as Ellen. “She’s a real good girl. I can see why he fell for her,” she said quietly. “Meggie makes him think about shit that none of the rest of us can. When was the last time Outlaw barred somebody from the club then changed his mind? If it wasn’t for Meggie, you would’ve been banned until March.”

  “You’re okay that that little cunt came and stole our man?” Ellen almost choked on those last words. Our guy. It wasn’t that Outlaw had ever claimed he’d be faithful to them. He’d told them if they didn’t fuck him together, they wouldn’t fuck him at all. But Ellen wanted it all. She wanted to be Outlaw’s property. She adored him. But if she went all batshit crazy, she’d never win him.

  “She didn’t come and steal shit, Ellen,” Kiera pointed out. She placed an arm behind her head and her breasts jutted out, watering Ellen’s mouth. “Outlaw wasn’t ours in the first place.”

  “He could’ve been.” Petulant, she leaned back and opened her legs, stroking her slit, her mind wandering. An idea came to her. “What about if we can get her out the picture?”

  “You want Outlaw to bury us?”

  “We wouldn’t do it, you stupid bitch.”

  Ellen thought of her little sister. She’d planted the seeds in Peyton’s head and all she needed was to get Megan in Peyton’s company. But that plan had all kinds of flaws. Outlaw didn’t let the reckless little bitch out of his sight. And, worse, he might discover Peyton’s connection to Ellen and then he would bury her. Bury them both. Peyton deserved better than a gruesome death at Outlaw’s hands. Because he might not hurt women, but he wouldn’t give a damn when it came to Megan. Her pussy held that much power over him.

  “C’mon, El. Let it alone. Meggie’s a good girl.”

  “And you okay with him fucking her and throwing us aside?” She shot to a sitting position and narrowed her eyes. “Or have you been fucking him behind my back?”

  “I’m not exactly happy that we’re not in his bed no more. But I care about him enough to want him happy, and she makes him happy.” Her face crumpled. “No, by the way. I haven’t been fucking him. When he left her in Long Beach, I offered just to see, and he turned me down.”

  Ellen considered Kiera’s explanation and accepted it for what it was. “He don’t cover his dick with her.”

  Kiera sucked in a breath. “How do you know—?”

  “Because,” she began impatiently, “Megan told me. When we went shopping and stopped at the drugstore, she was looking at condoms. She said he didn’t use none with her.”

  Satisfaction surged through her at the hurt blossoming in Kiera’s eyes. Ellen already knew Kiera wanted Outlaw’s kid.

  “He’s trying to get her pregnant?” she whispered.

  “Yes,” Ellen said with a definitive nod, although she wasn’t sure. That might have been a one-time thing just to feel his dick in Megan’s young pussy with nothing between them.

  Kiera’s throat worked, then she nodded. “What do you have in mind?”

  “Rack been wanting to know when they get back to town. He’s planning on doing some sick shit to her, but at least she’ll be out our way.”

  “You’re okay with that? Letting him put her on that rack thing he has?”

  Okay with it? She’d love to watch. “Of course not, babe,” she soothed. “But I was talking about sexually. He’ll probably just strangle her afterward.”

  “Then we’d have Outlaw back to ourselves?”

  Ellen nodded, pleased that Kiera seemed clueless she’d meet the same fate, as soon as she could arrange it.

  “What we have to do?”

  “Just call Rack. Let him know where Megan is. She’s been staying with Outlaw’s mother in the woman’s old house. Patricia’s leaving in two days, so if we don’t act now, we’ll lose our chance.”

  “His momma might get caught in the crossfire.”

  “Nah,” Ellen assured her. “Rack promised he just wanted Megan, and no one else would be hurt.”

  Kiera studied her for a moment. “Okay. Do it.”

  Once Ellen made the call, she and Kiera sixty-nined before falling asleep in each other’s arms. A rude yank jerked her awake and she opened her eyes, blinking at the bright overhead lights, the taste of Kiera still in her mouth.

  Intense blue eyes stared at her, and her heart banged in rapid beats. She started at Kiera’s scream and turned her head just in time to see the woman dragged from the bed by her hair.

  “Sn-snake?” Ellen choked out, noticing six other men ringing the bed.

  Joseph Foy II AKA Snake stared at her, his blond hair scraped back, his ponytail swinging as he leaned toward her. Beside her, one of Snake’s boys was restraining Kiera, turning her onto her back, and thrusting into her ass, slamming his fist into her jaw.

  Snake reached out his hand, his battered face looming too close to her. She shrank away, the menace in his eyes intimidating. Kiera’s brutal sodomizing and agonized screams sent waves of fear into Ellen. Anytime they were so merciless to Ki—the sweet one—they’d do God only knew what to Ellen.

  “What are you doing here?”

  Trembles traveled along her spine as he shoved his pants down, freeing his erection. She covered her ears to drown out Kiera’s begging sobs.

  “I can’t take fucking hypocritical cunts like you, bitch,” Snake snarled, slamming her down onto the bed and filling her. He pressed his thick, muscled arm against her neck and Ellen struggled for air. With each slam into her body, he increased the pressure until her lungs burned and her vision blurred. My God! My God! The sick asshole was enjoying depriving her of air as he fucked her. He was—

  The thought sobered her and she realized she’d been thinking about doing the same thing to Kiera. How had the roles bee
n reversed? She stared up at him, struggling to hold onto consciousness, hoping her gaze conveyed the mercy she was requesting.

  He jerked inside her as spots danced at the edges of her vision. Shuddering, he collapsed on top of her, relaxing the compression on her neck. A moment later, he lifted himself on his elbows and glared at her.

  “No, please, please,” Kiera cried, the fear in her voice affecting Ellen so much that her eyes watered and she sniffled.

  Sucking back her tears so they wouldn’t escape, Ellen cringed when the man who’d so harshly used her dragged her out of bed. Her nails scraped along the sheets. Somehow, Kiera managed to break free and spring next to Ellen, despite Snake’s presence.

  Ellen grabbed Kiera’s hand, protective instincts surfacing.

  “Snake, please.” Kiera grabbed Snake’s arms as tears streamed down her face. “Please don’t let them hurt us anymore.”


  The word got to Ellen. Because she wouldn’t have begged for mercy for anyone but herself. For some reason, Megan and the girl’s entreaty to Outlaw on Ellen’s and Kiera’s behalf came to her. Despite everything, Megan requested that he allow them to come to the club after he’d banned them because of her.

  Ellen couldn’t fathom how these women would help a rival.

  “You’re terrified, aren’t you, Ki?” Snake’s feigned sympathy broke into Ellen’s thoughts. He moved away from her and went to Kiera, guiding her back and kissing her. “You always liked kissing. Sinking into her, he turned to Ellen. “Rub your cunt while I fuck Ki.”

  At Snake’s command, some of her fear abated. Ellen massaged her swollen clit, spreading Snake’s cum around her pussy lips as he powered in and out of Kiera.

  “I’m going to make you come hard,” he swore, kissing Kiera’s hairline, “then I have a surprise for you.”

  Each time he drove into Kiera and his ass cheeks flexed, Ellen arched her back, pleasure gripping her deeper at Kiera’s moan. Snake bent and licked Kiera’s nipples, still driving into her. Since he’d come in Ellen, it took longer for him to get off this time, even after Kiera screamed out an orgasm and Ellen joined her. Finally, he grunted and shook, before sagging against Kiera.


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