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Great Celestial Balls of Fire [Celestial Nights 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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by Rebecca Joyce

  Rayne Drop Meyer had lived her whole life in Celestial. She loved everything about her hometown, and wanted to make sure that it stayed safe. Her family moved to Celestial in the eighties, and opened a leather fetish and sex shop that her sister Heaven now ran. Her parents, who by all accounts were belated baby-boomers, decided that when Rayne graduated, their jobs as parents were over, and had since been loafing around the United States in a RV. Oh, they called in once a month to check in, but it was mainly to talk about what they’d seen or done. Last she heard, they were heading toward Crossville, Tennessee to see the world’s largest tree house.

  She got the opportunity right out of high school to volunteer at the local firehouse, and she jumped at the chance and never looked back. That was three years ago, and since then, she had worked her butt off, taking online courses in first aid, administrative work, and was currently working to get her first response paramedic certification. Since the firehouse had a first responder ambulance, she figured that since the firefighters would be too busy putting out fires, she could help with the first aid stuff. The only problem was that the Celestial Fire Department only consisted of one individual…her.

  The town needed firefighters.

  “First on the docket is the upcoming medieval festival. Now, folks, this is a big festival for us. We get a lot of revenue, and people come from miles to attend. So let’s welcome the outsiders openly as we have in the past. On a sad note, I’ve checked with the promoters, and they said we couldn’t have an actual jousting ceremony. Apparently, the threat to the animals is too great, but they did okay the sword fight and the bonfire. Therefore, Zeus, you can start recruiting for volunteers. Just let the hospital in Silver Springs know who will be fighting, so they can put the blood bank on alert. Any questions?”

  Rayne rolled her eyes as hands shot up swiftly, knowing this was going to be a long town meeting. After thirty minutes of filtering the merits of combat, and what women could and couldn’t wear, she listened as Apollo moved onto the next topic on the docket.

  “Okay, folks, Capri has asked me once again to ask all of you to participate in her monthly baby making seminars. All she needs is about an hour of your time, and then she can scratch you off her list until next year.”

  Capri Chantilly immediately stood, and added, “Everyone needs to help. Baby making is an art, and with proper instruction, you can insure a healthy and productive gestation. Babies are our future and without proper technique and setting, you could inadvertently be harboring a future CEO for nine months, or worse, a fed.”

  “Hey, I’m a federal agent.” Angelica Emerson stood, affronted.

  “And it’s not your fault, sweetie. We don’t blame you, but if your parents were instructed in the cosmic futility of creating life, then maybe you would have turned out better,” Capri replied sincerely.

  “Are you saying because I was conceived outside of Celestial, that I am somehow defective?” Ace asked with her hands on her hips.

  “Not in the least, but even you have to admit that since your arrival, you have become more docile, and less argumentative. Your need for power has lessened, and your need for universal continuity is more apparent.”

  Pisces chuckled, and then said, “She’s right, Sugar Britches. Last week, you had the chance to shoot Apollo for interrupting our nocturnal escapades. Instead, you just kicked his ass out the door. Your tendency for blood is lessening.”

  “Well, he just walked right in while I was mid coitus!” Ace shouted, turning her anger toward Apollo, who cringed as she added, “I could still shoot you for interrupting one of the best orgasms I’ve ever had.”

  “We know, love, but your bloodthirstiness knows no bounds. Don’t worry, I’ll take you into Treasure Cove tomorrow. Maybe Garret will let you shoot someone. I’m sure someone has done something to deserve it,” Landon added, pulling her onto his lap.

  When the laughter in the room died down, Apollo moved on. “All right, folks, I know we’ve discussed this before, but let me bring it up again. I really want to expand on the Rainbow Room.”

  The room immediately grumbled.

  “I know, I know,” Apollo said, holding his hands up. “But I really need you all to consider it. Our town is growing, and I could make a large profit with the added space. As I’ve said before, I won’t be opposed to anyone using my club for parties or weddings. The Rainbow Room can cater to anyone’s delights.”

  It didn’t take long for Apollo to get his answer, especially when the entire room shouted “No!”

  “Fine,” Apollo grumbled, then sighed and said, “This week is also fire safety week, so if you could all help Rayne out when she comes by, I would appreciate it, and finally the last item on the docket is the upcoming mayoral race. I would appreciate if everyone could come out and vote. Since I am uncontested again, if you vote, you can swing by the Rainbow Room for a free drink on the house.”

  The residents snickered and laughed.

  Rayne rolled her eyes in disgust.

  That was the problem.

  Since Apollo became the Mayor of Celestial, no one ever challenged him. Since then, everything became a reason to party and he was the king of parties, no doubt about that. At first Apollo was a good mayor, and he did his job well, but once he started having personal issues with Fairy, well, the current Mayor would rather stick rubber duckie into his love life than take care of the town. Rayne knew she didn’t know much about running a town, but this was Celestial, how hard could it be? What she didn’t know, she could learn, and if she got into trouble, she was sure someone around would know the answers. In the meantime, someone needed to step up and protect this town, and the first thing she needed to do was put her foot into the mayoral race.

  Jumping to her feet, Rayne knew it was a long shot. Everyone loved Apollo, and the man could be a total Prince Charming when the mood suited him. However, his reign as Prince of Celestial was over. It was time for a Queen to take over. Mustering all her courage, she shouted over the crowd, “I would like to put in my nomination for Mayor of Celestial.”

  Instantly the crowd hushed and started to whisper amongst themselves.

  “Sit down, Rayne, you can’t just nominate yourself,” Apollo replied, sitting down, leaning back in his chair as he put his feet up on the table as if he owned the place. Well, technically, he did own the place, but right now, this was a town meeting. Rayne never took her eyes off the man she considered her friend, and that was one of her problems with doing this. She really liked Apollo as a person, but as the mayor, he sucked monkey balls…big time. Besides, his demeanor at the moment wasn’t very mayoral, especially when he belched, and then adjusted his loincloth.

  Standing her ground, she clearly said for all to hear, “Yes, I can, and I just did.” She knew if she was going to be taken seriously, she herself needed to stand firm and show the town that she was very much interested in the position. It wasn’t every day that the town’s residents got to see real politics in the making, but there was a first time for everything.

  “No, you can’t. You need a second, and unless my ears have deceived me, no one here is going to back you.”

  “Why’s that, Apollo? Scared of a little competition?”

  “No.” He sighed, and then asked, “Is this because of the lack of firefighters? Because if it is, worry no more. I have hired two men. They will be here tomorrow, so we all need to make them feel welcome.”

  “No, it’s because of your lack of regard for this town. I have been asking for replacements for two years, since Old Bob retired, and since then, you have done nothing to help protect this town. Oh, you make sure everyone has funds for every festival, carnival, and workshop imaginable, but when it comes to the safety of this town, you lack the responsibility needed.”

  “I am responsible!” Apollo shouted. “Just last week, I paid the town’s taxes.”

  “For what year?”


  “What year’s taxes did you pay, Apollo?”

011,” he muttered. Rayne had to strain her ears to hear him, and when his words registered, she was appalled. “So the town’s in debt to the IRS! That’s just great. You see, good people, our current mayor is incompetent to hold the office of which he was elected. We need someone whom we can depend on, someone who can take the job seriously and make sure that the federal government never comes banging on our doors.”

  Moaning, Apollo replied nonchalantly, “The men in black won’t show up. They haven’t yet.”

  Rayne was about to reply when Angelica Emerson stood up again, cleared her voice, and said, “Once again, people, I am a federal agent, or have you all forgotten! Though I live in Celestial, I still work for the Federal Bureau of Investigation. If what Rayne says is true, then maybe I should swing by the mayoral office tomorrow, and take a look at the town’s books.”

  Apollo sat up, his feet falling to the floor, loudly. “Sheriff, can’t you control your woman? She’s threatening me.”

  “Be careful, Apollo. My Princess Sugar Britches has a gun, and knows how to shoot,” Pisces replied without care as he lounged against his lover Landon, a former FBI agent.

  The crowd laughed. “Excuse me?” Rayne shouted over them. “I want to run for mayor. Who will second my motion?”

  “You can’t run against me. You’re a girl!” Apollo shouted.

  “Are you saying that because I am a woman, I can’t be mayor?”

  Instantly the crowd hushed.

  “Yep,” Apollo quipped back. “That’s exactly what I am saying!” And that’s when the female residents of Celestial revolted, and pandemonium ensued.

  By the time the mayhem eased, the Celestial Chapter of Progressive Wiccans had strung up Apollo and cursed his seed to only produce girls, very independent, forward-thinking girls. Apollo was last seen running from the Rainbow Room screaming for mercy. However, that wasn’t even the best part. Rayne was ecstatic when Fairy, Charity, and Miz. Raven seconded her nomination.

  Rayne Drop Meyer was an official candidate for Mayor of Celestial.

  It was time to celebrate!

  Chapter Two

  “God, I need you,” Blaze said, pushing Ashe against the wall of their new firehouse, kissing his lips hard. Ashe couldn’t agree more, as Blaze tasted delicious, a mixture of coffee and Ho-Hos, as he pressed harder into his lover.

  Shoving his hand into Blaze’s pants, Ashe groaned into the kiss. Grasping his lover’s hard cock, Ashe jacked it a few times. He could feel the slickness of Blaze’s pre-cum on his hand. Suddenly, Blaze shoved him against the other wall and tore away from him, panting. Gripping the sides of Ashe’s jeans, Blaze ripped them down Ashe’s legs. His swollen cock now freed, slapped back up to hit his stomach. No one could ever tell Ashe that Blaze was a passive lover. Blaze was just like his name, fast, aggressive, and could ignite him within milliseconds.

  Blaze squatted between Ashe’s legs and started sucking his dick.

  “Whoa.” Ashe laughed and then asked, “Gonna play rough tonight, huh?”

  When Ashe heard Blaze growl and then slap his balls hard with his hand, Ashe got his answer. He nearly doubled over in pain but Blaze’s strong arm pressed at his chest, forcing his back against the wall of fire gear. Blaze continued to suck vigorously as Ashe snatched his lover’s dark red hair in his hands and pulled it hard. Blaze’s nails clawed into his ass and Ashe felt the wetness of blood run down his leg.

  “Son of a bitch!” Ashe roared, trying to break free, yet Blaze just snickered as he continued to suck Ashe’s cock. Ashe slapped the side of his head and forced his mouth from his dick. He pushed his knee into Blaze’s chest and knocked him over backward. Blaze laughed.

  Ashe leapt onto him and pulled his dark blue jeans from his ass. Blaze continued to laugh as Ashe pulled the jeans down his legs, as Blaze lay naked on the cold concrete floor beneath him.

  “I should beat your ass, Blaze!” Ashe shouted.

  “What are you waiting for then?” Blaze asked, grinned, and then slurred, “Ashley?”

  Ashe kicked the jeans away from his feet and twisted his right arm behind his back. Blaze wrapped his strong legs around Ashe’s waist and squeezed like a pro wrestler. Ashe buried his face in Blaze’s neck and nipped it with his teeth, then kissed and sucked hard.

  “That’s it baby, bite me, and make me yours.”

  Ashe felt his lover’s cock pressing hard into his stomach as the head of his own cock pressed at Blaze’s asshole. With his legs wrapped around him, Blaze’s tight hole begged to be assaulted. Ashe pushed his cock at Blaze’s tight hole, and Blaze laughed again.

  “You think you’re gonna get my ass that easy, Ashley?” Blaze asked, then bit Ashe’s earlobe. Ashe yelped and pulled back. Blaze slapped Ashe hard with his free hand and he literally saw stars.

  God, Ashe hated when Blaze was in this type of mood, but Ashe was no sissy either. He knew how to control the fire that raged within his lover, and without further thought, Ashe punched Blaze’s side with his fist. Blaze grunted and Ashe forced his legs over his shoulders. Blaze’s penis was rigid, pointing straight up through his mass of tight, dark pubic curls, his purple mushroom tip at his belly button. His balls hung low over his taint in their smooth pink sack. His asshole winked as it clenched in and out with his body flexes.

  Blaze laughed and pushed at Ashe but he had him pressed tight against the floor. His legs were trapped against his chest, restricting his breathing as Ashe pushed a finger into his lover’s asshole and he could see the surprise in Blaze’s green eyes.

  “Like that, Blaze?” Ashe sneered.

  Blaze moaned and Ashe pushed the finger in as far as he could. Ashe felt a soft bump and knew he had found Blaze’s prostate. Ashe rubbed it and Blaze moaned.

  Blaze Weston was one handsome motherfucker. He was tall, muscular, with thick, dark red hair. His body was smooth except for the thick patch of dark red and roughened skin over his left shoulder that stopped just below his left pectoral. Though the burn moved up his neck, the scarring stopped just shy of his prominent cheekbones. Ashe knew not to stare long at the mesmerizing scar because it angered Blaze, but sometimes, Ashe couldn’t help himself. Even with the beautiful damage done to his lover, in Ashe’s eyes, Blaze was more precious and more beautiful than before, because he lived.

  In their line of work, Ashe had seen his fair share of strong men crumble and give up with lesser injuries, yet Blaze refused to, and that made his lover stronger. Regardless of how Blaze changed physically, the man was still one proud and voracious lover.

  Ashe had wanted to fuck the arrogant bastard ever since they crossed over the Montana state line, but Blaze preferred things on his terms. Now, the roles were reversed, and Ashe was determined to have his way. Blaze was enjoying Ashe’s finger in his ass and stopped resisting him. Ashe grinned when Blaze closed his eyes and pushed his asshole against his finger.

  Withdrawing his finger, Ashe leaned over and sucked his lover’s beautiful cock into his mouth. He pushed his tongue against Blaze’s slit, licking and swallowing every drop of his pre-cum. Ashe kissed his cock and sucked on his balls. He heard Blaze sigh deeply as he licked and kissed his asshole, probing it with his tongue. However, Ashe knew his good fortune wasn’t going to last. Like all the times before, once Blaze started something, his lover refused to quit.

  Like a Venus flytrap, Blaze’s legs snapped shut around Ashe’s neck and squeezed tight, making it hard for Ashe to breathe. At 6’4”, Blaze was two inches taller than Ashe was, though Ashe never let that stop him. Like his lover, Ashe was all muscle and skin, not an ounce of fat. With thick blond hair, and baby blue eyes, Ashe used what God gave him, without regrets.

  After the accident, many considered Ashe the better looking of the two, but Ashe disagreed. For him to be more handsome was more than looks. Yes, he looked pretty, but for Ashe it was what was in the soul which made someone desirable. For him, it was Blaze and his dark red hair, his electric green eyes, and his will to survive. No one on earth would ever compare to
his lover. For Ashe, his happily ever after was embedded within a man who fought against a wild fire and won.

  Just before Ashe passed out, Blaze flipped him onto his chest. Lying facedown, Ashe felt Blaze spitting on his ass. The loss of oxygen made him too weak to resist. Blaze forced Ashe’s legs apart as he pushed his hard cock into him. In an instant, Ashe was impaled on his lover’s cock as he crushed him into the cold concrete floor. Blaze pulled his cock out and then slammed it all the way back into Ashe again. Ashe felt Blaze’s pubes rub his ass as he relaxed his body to let his lover fuck him. Blaze kissed Ashe’s neck and licked his ear before nipping on the lobe gently with his teeth. This was what Ashe lived for, the hard aggressiveness of his lover turning soft and gentle, soothing him as they coupled.

  “You like my big cock in your ass, don’t you, Ashe?” he whispered, chuckling softly, and all Ashe could do was smile and revel in the feel. Blaze grunted as he continued to fuck Ashe’s ass hard. Each jackhammer punch of Blaze’s cock squeezed Ashe’s nuts into the cold floor.

  “Tell me you love me, Ashley,” his velvety voice crooned.

  “You know I do.” Ashe moaned. “I do love you, you maniac.”

  Blaze laughed, and then nibbled Ashe’s neck.

  Ashe was in pure ecstasy. He loved every second of it and he wanted more, but Ashe dared not tell his lover that in the mood he was currently in. Nope, the last time Ashe uttered the words more Blaze bit into his neck and sucked it like a goddamn vampire. Ashe’s neck still ached at times when he thought of that day.

  “I’m going to mark you, Ashe, and when you look in the mirror I want you to remember that you belong to me,” Blazed said and then laughed softly. “Tell me how much you love me, Ashe. Tell me again.”


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