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HARRY (The Truth Series Book 7)

Page 15

by Elaine May

  What’s she doing there and why get me to meet her there? A sick feeling erupts at the thought that she may want me to feed all the kids.Oh God. Before I can think anymore about it the cab comes to a stop and I see a name I recognise out the window.

  Another name off her list, is she going to make me visit all of them? She does know who I am, right? I don’t have time for all this rubbish.

  I pay the driver and get out, walking to the doors. The air conditioning hits me as soon as I walk through the double doors and I notice all the bright colours. I feel out of place in my suit as I walk through to the reception desk and ask for Sister Marry, every other person I see is either in scrubs or casual wear. I see a young couple in the distance, the man hugging the woman as she cries on his shoulder. I wonder why they are here and I can feel a ball of fire in my stomach at the thought of a sick child. Oh God. I hear my name being called and as I turn I see a friendly-looking woman in a colourful nurse’s uniform approach with her hand out for me.

  “Sister Marry?” I ask her, and she smiles.

  “I am and you must be Harry. Anne asked me to bring you up.” She lets go of my hand after a firm handshake and winks at me.

  “You must be someone very special.” What did she just say?

  “She’s never had anyone come and meet her with the children” She starts to walk towards some elevators completely oblivious to the fact that I am now shitting bricks.

  Did she really just mean what she said?

  Is there any truth to it? I can’t think about all this. It’s getting too hard and when we sit down at my table I’m going to flat out tell her how she’s pissing me off.

  Harry Bryant doesn’t worry about whether there’s any truth to an old nurse’s statements.

  Harry Bryant doesn’t start to get feelings, but that’s what she’s doing to me. Sister Marry leads me out of the elevator and through the corridor on floor three towards ward twelve. She taps in a number on the screen and asks me to use the hand gel and then the door swings open and it’s so silent you could hear a pin drop. Where are the children? Nurse Marry gestures to a window and as I peak in I see a beautiful woman sat down on a chair with a circle of small children with either head scarfs around their heads or hats and loads of wires coming from their delicate-looking skin.

  The children look ill, I can tell that from this far away, but they have smiles on their little faces as the woman reads a book to them.

  “She comes in every week, goes to different wards each time with a sack full of toys and then sits down and reads to the children. They love every moment of it.”

  “What?” I ask. I heard every word that came out of her mouth, but she can’t be talking about Ayria. Where is she?

  “She’s an amazing young woman.” I look in the direction of her eyes and the nurse is looking at Ayria with all the kids around her. I look more closely and I can see her. She has the same wig on as she did at the homeless centre, but it’s her. She looks radiant. She looks happy and nothing else exists as I just stare at her. Pride rips through every one of my cells as I watch her with these children. She’s so animated and I can just imagine the way her voice sounds as she tells the story. Thatskilful tongue with which she inflicts sweet torture on me most days appears to hold lots of other magical talents. Wave after wave of pride thrashes through me as I become trapped within her beautiful body.

  She’s amazing.

  So selfless. She sold her company and gave most of the profits away to charities like these that can go out and help people who really need it. Not many people would do that and I feel ashamed that I’m not one of them.

  Maybe there is more to life than just spending my money on things I don’t really need.

  Maybe there is more to life than sleeping with anything in a skirt.

  My dick is roaring to life just looking at her perfection and thinking of fucking her again.

  Am I a lost cause? I hope not because if it means that I could be worthy of spending more time with her than I will do it.

  I think at this point,with whatever it is we have going on, I would do anything just to spend more time with her.

  She’s got me wrapped around her little finger.



  I know straight away when he gets to the ward.

  I can feel him.

  I can sense him.

  My whole body tingles with its own awareness of him. I am on high alert when I join him outside the ward and he isn’t as pissed as I thought he would be.

  I guess time is the greatest healer.

  Even so, when he asks me to have a meal with him I go, because deep down I don’t want to deny him any further


  “You are not taking me to the same place you’ve taken all your other girlfriends. I’m not like them. I’m different Harry and you know it.”

  “I go there all the time”


  “You want to be treated differently Ayria?”

  “Yes, I do. I deserve it.” He starts running his fingers through his hair and he looks so yummy. I would go anywhere he wants to go to but that’s not the point.

  The point is to make him pay for everything he’s doing inside me.

  I hate him.

  I hate him so much right now but then my heart starts cracking at what those words really mean. They’re a lie, a big fat lie that wants to smother me whole.

  “Ayria.” I’m pushed back into the now as Harry takes a hold of my hand and squeezes it to get my attention.I blink a few times and then look up at him.

  “Let’s go to the other restaurant.” I can see the smile lurking behind his frown as he starts to pull me through the hotel and to another restaurant. Within ten minutes he sits across the table, his tie matching the colour of his eyes, and he looks so handsome it hurts. In his white shirt and black trousers. I feel quite lucky being able to sit here with him. He’s one of the most famous bachelors in the world and I’m here sitting with him. I hope he doesn’t forget that he is lucky to be sitting here with me. Oh no, he won’t be able to forget that. The waiter comes over and takes our order and I let Harry choose a red wine and we both go for the steak. The waiter leaves and comes back a few moments later with the bottle of wine. He pours a little out for Harry to taste and I can’t stop looking at his face and neck as he tests the wine and the whole time I can see him staring back at me.

  “What?” I ask, not sure why he’s looking at me the way he is.

  “I’m surprised by what you ordered. Most girls go for something light.”

  “I’m not like other girls Harry. You should know that by now.” He takes my hand in his and raises it to his mouth and kisses me. I take a peek through my lashes at his eyes and he’s just looking at me.

  What’s that look in his eyes? I quickly pull away from him and miss his touch straight away. I want to be back within his hold. If I’m honest I want to be within his hold for as long as he will have me, forever. I shake my head, trying to get rid of my thoughts and he just continues to stare at me. I let out a breath and as I do it I raise my shoulders.

  “I like my meat Harry.” All of a sudden there’s a noise coming from his lap and I watch as he pulls his cell from his pocket and looks at it and then puts it on the other side of him, away from me. Why would he want to do that?

  “Who was it?” I have to ask because the thought that it could be another woman doesn’t settle well with me.

  “No one, just my Mom.”

  “No one? Harry, she’s your mother, she brought you into the world, raised you and looked after you.” I lean away from him, just not understanding how he can be like that. From what I can tell he is very well loved.

  “How would you feel if she was the type of mom that didn’t care?” I’m about to say something else but am interrupted by the waiter who brings out our food. It smells delicious and when I look over past the waiter I can see Harry is thinking about what I just said.

ood, he needs to know how lucky he is.As soon as the waiter goes I place the food on my tongue, so many different tastes erupt in my mouth and I moan a little, making Harry look intensely at me but he gets distracted as his cell beeps again. He says sorry as he looks down at it and then puts it back down again.I try to give him a questioning look, but he ignores me. We eat in silence for a few minutes and then his cell goes off again and again a few minutes later.

  Again? I can feel my anger grow with each beep that comes from his side of the table, apologetic eyes don’t seem as sorry with each look he gives me. This can’t be his mother, if it was he would have said something. I start to tap my long nails against the table as I feel more and more like I’m just here with him to look pretty.

  The looks he has been giving me mean nothing, just like before.

  I don’t think so babe, I’m not letting anyone do that to me again.

  You may be able to get away with murder with everyone else in your world, but you won’t with me.

  Beep beep.

  Not again. I can’t hide the grunt and eye roll as Harry’s hand delves to his cell again. This person is being very persistent, who the hell does she think she is?

  “Who is she?” I ask and he finally looks up at me and he has the cheek to look annoyed at me. I raise an eyebrow waiting for his answer, just wanting to know how he will play this latest scene he’s forcing me on.

  “It’s not a her. It’s my mom.” Yeah, right, you haven’t even made any attempt to text your mom back if it’s really her.

  It has to be another woman, but he sounds so defensive and it instantly raises more questions in my head.

  “Who is it, Harry?” He releases a breath and I know I was right, it’s not his mom.

  “I don’t think that’s any of your business.” I raise both my eyebrows this time.

  “Excuse me?” I question, feeling quite disgusted by his words.

  “You’re on a date with me and don’t think you can get away with blaming your mom who quite frankly you don’t deserve. You don’t deserve any of your family.” I stop for a moment.

  “And maybe you don’t deserve to be here with me.” I can’t help letting all my emotions expel with my words. How dare he think he can treat me like that, talk to me like that and use his mom like that? That’s it, I’ve had enough now. I lean forward and with a steady hand because I know exactly what I’m about to do I snatch the cell out of his hand. He looks surprised as I hold the cell over my full glass of wine.

  “What are you doing? Give me back my cell.”

  “No.”I say while I shake my head draping the cell over the top of my glass.

  “Give it back.”

  “Do I have your attention now?”


  “Do. I. Have. Your. Attention. Now?”

  “You’re fucking crazy.”

  “No. No, I’m not crazy I’m just annoyed.”

  “And why are you annoyed, princess?” Princess?Did he just call me princess? I’ll show him what a princess can do.

  “When I go out with someone I expect to have their undivided attention. Yes, that might make me a spoilt princess but that’s what I want.”

  “What you want?”

  “Yes, what I want and if you can’t give that to me then don’t bother calling me again until you can.”

  I throw the cell at his chest and turn around and storm away, making sure I swing my hips in just the right way to keep him interested.

  “Where are you going?”

  “Home, away from you.”

  “Fine!” I hear him shout as I make my way through the restaurant. I am swept up into a thick storm of emotions. How can he evoke so many feelings in me? He has always been able to make me feel things that I’ve never allowed anyone else to.



  My God, what is wrong with that woman?

  As soon as I think the storm is calm and we can have a nice time she turns into a fucking hurricane. I can’t help it that the bastard who used to work for her grandfather is being a massive pain in my arse and constantly texts me. I’m going to have to talk to Dad and see what I can do. It’s probably best to get the lawyers involved - as much as the guy thinks the business is his we own it now and he’s out of a job. I didn’t want to tell her that it was him texting me, calling her all the names under the sun. It meant a lot to her to sell that business to us and have it all over with. From what I can tell she has had a lot of heartbreak over the years with it and her grandfather and I just wish she would tell me why.

  I wish she would tell me.

  Stubborn, annoying woman. I try to calm down my racing heart and I’m all too aware of everyone’s eyes on me thanks to the scene Ayria just performed in front of them all.

  I should give her some space.

  Let her cool down, but my need to have her again, to just look into those beautiful eyes, wins over my common sense and I find myself getting up off my chair, throwing money on the table as I walk around it.I casually walk out of the restaurant, my eyes only on her as she turns to the left. People get in my line of sight, but I’m only interested in her. Visions of how angry she had been back at our table consumes, she was fucking beautiful. I can’t believe she thought I was texting another woman, she’s all the woman I can handle. Doesn’t she know that I can only think of her at the moment? I take a few larger steps and as I reach her I take a firm hold of her wrist, swinging her around. Her eyes make brief contact with mine and the emotion shining in her gaze tells me everything that she won’t say.

  She wants this as much as I do.

  She has feelings for me, just like I do for her.

  There’s something there for both of us, she just won’t admit it to me or herself.

  “What, Harry?” The way her words trail off with a sad whisper has pain ripping through my chest. She’s a good actress, I’ll give her that.

  “Let’s not finish things so early.” I can’t help but remember how she felt underneath me, how she tasted and the sound of her whimpers as I possessed her and I can only hope that she’ll let me take her again. My heart kicks up in anticipation and my cock hardens painfully just at the thought of having her again and again.

  I don’t think I could ever tire of her.

  “Come home with me?”I beg and I don’t care if she sees the desperation in my eyes.

  I have come to the point of no return.

  There’s no way out of this place she’s brought me to.

  “Excuse me?” She glances away nervously and looks back at me, biting her bottom lip. She looks like she wants to jump at my offer but also run far away from me. The thought that she may go for the latter and I might never see her again has my chest constricting with panic. I don’t think I’m strong enough.

  Panic strikes me fast and I take hold of both her hands, pleading with her, begging with my eyes, my whole body, to let me have her. I see her swallow and I’m drawn to her long neck, a neck I want to lick and nibble at.

  “O...Oook.”O.Ook wasn’t quite the reaction I was hoping for but it won’t take me long to rock her world and at the moment I’ll take anything she’s willing to give me.


  As soon as I get her through my front door and close it again, shutting us away from everything and everyone else, I pull her in close and just hold her. I look down at her flushed face that’s just shining with lust for me and I want to be different with her tonight. She seems so vulnerable and I want to show her how much she means to me. Her face rises and her mouth is so close to mine, her eyes staring into mine, and I run my fingers through her hair, pulling her closer, taking her lips in full force. I take what I need from her, slow tender kisses as I twist her hair around my fists, thrusting my tongue in her mouth.

  “I want to just feel us tonight.” I say as I start to remove my clothes and as if she knows what I’m saying she nods her head before going to the hem of her top. I stop her.

  “Let me.” I say, as I kick
my trousers and boxers off me and make a start on her. I take as long as I can kissing every inch of her as each piece of her clothing joins my own at the floor.

  She’s so beautiful. I start kissing her again and her naked breasts feel amazing against my chest, she’s so soft and warm. With my lips still on hers my hands take a slow path down her waist and hips and then her inner thighs where I take a hold of them and wrap her legs around my own waist.

  I want so much from her right now, I want harsh and rough, but I want tender too. I want it all and I only want it with her. With my precious load I walk to my bedroom and put her back on her feet, a flash floods through her chest to her cheeks as I take her in, admiring her beauty and looking forward to what awaits me. I gently push her down on my bed and she looks fucking perfect against my bedding. I want to see her there all the time. I rest between her legs, her breathing is unsteady as she looks at me, she knows what’s about to happen just as much as I do. This isn’t just going to be us fucking like before, this time it’s different and I’m not scared to admit it. I use my knee to part her legs and I can feel the dampness of her waiting for me to take her. I lift my hips so I can rub my length against her and she moans into my mouth as I start to kiss her again. She wraps her hands around my head, threading her fingers through my hair. Wow, it feels so good. I move my hips again, pushing the head of my cock inside her and oh God, it feels fucking amazing. I’ve never done it without a rubber before, but this feels fucking amazing.

  I can feel everything. My head is a-buzz with all the sensitivity her walls are causing me. Her inner walls hug every part of me, suffocating my cock with her heat. Oh fuck, I think I might just come right now but I don’t want to, I want to make sure she enjoys this as much as I do. I hold still, my whole cock is inside her and she’s got my cock tight, she’s not giving me up. I suddenly pull out of her and just as fast I slam back inside of her, forcing her to scream out my name. Oh God, I love it when she does that. The way her tongue moves around her lips as the different sounds come out. I thrust in and out of her and she meets my every move, taking my lips with hers, her fingers still entrapped around my hair. I can hear the sound of my balls slapping against her skin, her juices as I slide in and out of her, and it all sounds fucking amazing.


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