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Alphas & Millionaires Starter Set

Page 14

by Brooke Cumberland

  “Um…he runs a business,” I said, trying to be as vague as possible.

  “Oh my God, wait a minute,” Selena squealed, staring at me. “I knew you looked familiar!”

  Travis must have noticed the attention, as he quickly came to my rescue. “Guys, no. Not now.” He looked at them firmly. I knew he was trying to be protective, but I didn’t want to keep hiding behind him.

  “It’s all right, Travis,” I reassured him. I rubbed his arm and gave him a sincere look. “They will figure it out eventually.”

  “Are you sure?” he asked.

  “It’s fine.” I turned to look at his friends. “Drake Stagliano is his name. You probably saw the pictures.” I waited for their shocked expressions.

  “Holy shit. You’re that Molly?” Selena gasped. I caught a glimpse of Bentley as he smirked and shook his head in disbelief. “Molly Woods?” she gasped again.

  “Yes, yes…I’m that Molly. Guessing you saw the magazine photos?”

  “Hell yeah, we did! They were hot, too!” Leo chimed in all of a sudden. Travis gave him a death stare.

  “Those pictures were real?” Bentley questioned, as he stared at me. “I thought they were just another fabricated story.”

  “Yeah…they were real,” I answered, embarrassed, trying to cover my face.

  “Don’t be embarrassed, girl, you seriously are hot!” Ruby nudged me as she saw my face. I smiled weakly at her for trying to cheer me up.

  “Come on, Mols, let’s go dance!” Travis intervened, trying to make me feel better. He led me out of the booth and onto the dance floor. I had enjoyed two drinks so far, and was just starting to feel relaxed. I wasn’t much of a dancer unless it was Stella and I in the kitchen dancing around to music.

  Travis pulled me in close, and placed one hand on my lower back, and the other in my hand, guiding me. Jay-Z blasted through the speakers as we danced together in a large crowd.

  I couldn’t believe how much fun I was having with Travis. Every time his hands brushed my body, my goose bumps reappeared. I was oddly comfortable with him, and he made sure to always keep tabs on me.

  Travis’ friends all came out while rapped through the speakers. Ruby and Selena danced with me, and were quite tipsy by now. I couldn’t believe how his friends had welcomed me into their group. Their boyfriends, Mason and Leo, came up to dance behind them, and Travis leaned me back into him. I turned around to face away from Travis as he danced behind me. A few moments later, Bentley approached us all and started dancing in front of me. I was sandwiched between Travis and Bentley. Not that I am entirely minding.

  I could smell the rum on Bentley’s breath. He was drunk and was very wild. Travis’ friends were all a blast to be around, but Bentley was becoming a little much. I turned back around to face Travis to tell him that Bentley was making me uncomfortable, but Bentley bumped into me, forcing me into Travis’ arms.

  “Hey there, lightweight,” Travis teased me. He continued to hold me until I stabled myself. I caught a whiff of his scent and without thinking, leaned in closer to his chest. He noticed and gripped me tighter, looking straight into my eyes. He was waiting for approval, but I knew it wasn’t right, so I smoothly backed up, stumbling over Bentley’s feet. In one swift move, he wrapped his arms around me tightly, groping my chest while trying to hold me up. I felt like a ping-pong ball, bouncing and tripping over everything.

  Damn, I’m a freaking klutz.

  Before I could register what just happened, Travis’ fist slammed into Bentley’s face, knocking him to the ground. I bent down and saw his nose covered in blood. His face looked as confused as mine. What the hell was that about?

  “Travis, what the hell?” Leo asked, trying to help Bentley to his feet.

  “He was groping my date!” Travis snapped. I quickly turned my head to stare at him. Did he just call me his date? I could see the seriousness in his face.

  “Travis, I tripped. He was trying to hold me up!” I said, exasperated, as I tried to assist Leo with Bentley.

  “He’s been trying to find a reason all night to touch you, Molly! He would use any excuse to fondle you,” Travis retorted back.

  “Travis, that is enough. Stop being an ass!” I yelled at him and walked away.

  I couldn’t believe that Travis thought this was an actual date. Did he really mean that or just like a friend date? Ugh, either way, I’m getting out of here.

  I went to the booth and grabbed my things. I figured Travis wouldn’t be too far behind me, so I decided to leave without saying goodbye to anyone. I was tipsy and feeling light-headed. I paused for a moment and leaned against a brick wall, trying to catch my breath.

  Selena and Ruby were running down the block and stopped when they caught up to me. I noticed they were worse off than I was as they stumbled to catch up to me. When they finally managed to, they leaned up against the wall for support.

  “Are you okay, girl?”

  “Yeah…I just need to go home.”

  “Well, let’s share a cab. The boys can get their own,” Selena proposed. She grabbed her phone to tell her boyfriend and then we bailed.

  We flagged a cab and the three of us stumbled in. It was humorous watching them, all tipsy and giggling like teenage girls. I haven’t had girlfriends in years— well unless you count Michael— but I never had “girl” girlfriends. Even in high school, it was just Michael and Liam. This was nice. Really nice.

  Suddenly my phone rang. It was Drake.



  “Hey, baaaaaby,” I slurred as I answered my phone.

  Way to not be obvious, Molly!

  “Are you all right? You sound weird,” he asked, sounding a little irritated.

  “Shyeah, babe! I’m great. Getting in the cab and heading home now. Wanna come over and make me yours?” I teased.

  Wow, I am drunk.

  He chuckled a little at the last part, “Are you drunk, Molly?”

  “Jussta little. We went dancing!” I paused to catch my breath. “I want to have my way with you, Drake Matthew Staglianooooo,” I slurred, dragging out his last name as the girls were giggling in the background.

  “Molly, I’ll meet you at your apartment. You sound beyond wasted,” and with that he hung up. Oh shit, was he mad?

  The girls and I exchanged numbers before exiting the cab. I could see myself having a lot of fun with them. I stumbled to my apartment and opened the door, suddenly feeling the urge to throw up. Oh shit… I darted to the bathroom and aimed right for the toilet.

  Ugh, man, this sucks.

  “Molly!” Drake called as he entered my apartment. “Molly, where are you?”

  I wasn’t able to answer as I continued throwing up. Oh God, this is so embarrassing.

  Drake finally found me and rushed to my side. “A little too much, huh, babe?” he snickered, just a little. “Are you okay?” he asked genuinely as I started to sit up slowly.

  “Oh, my God, my head.” I collapsed into his lap and closed my eyes.

  * * *

  I woke up to the heat of the sun beaming on my face. I moaned and rolled over. As soon as I moved, I felt the urge to throw up again. I quickly ran to the bathroom and aimed for the toilet again. Today is going to suck. I’m going to kill Travis for letting me drink that much.

  “Babe, here, drink this.” Drake walked in with a glass of water. He handed it to me as I slowly sat up. “You look horrible, honey,” he said through sad eyes. Hell, if I looked horrible, I felt horrible.

  “God, I can’t believe how awful I feel.” I rubbed my head, trying to hold it up. “And this is why I never drink hard liquor,” I mumbled, mostly to myself.

  “Come on. Let’s get you back in bed. You should sleep this off.” He lifted me off the floor and let my head sink into his chest. I could stay here all day in his arms.

  I must have slept for hours, because before I knew it, it was dark outside again. Oh, shit. Stella!

  I panicked as I looked around and didn�
��t see anyone. I slowly rolled out of bed and walked to the living room. I stopped in my tracks as I took in the view of Drake, snuggling with Stella on the loveseat and sharing a bowl of popcorn with her. She was laughing and grabbing handfuls of popcorn, shoving it into her mouth. They were watching her favorite movie and it was the sweetest thing I’ve ever witnessed. The man I love and the daughter who means the world to me were together, bonding.

  I slowly walked over behind Stella, and kissed the top of her head. Drake turned to me with a smile. I kissed his lips and wrapped my arms around his neck. This was the best sight I have ever seen. And they were mine.

  “How long have you been here?” I asked, hoping for an explanation of what had happened while I was comatose.

  “I haven’t left since last night, babe. Michael picked up Stella this morning and we’ve been hanging out ever since.” He smiled. “Michael went to meet up with Troy, and we’ve just been waiting for you, sweetheart.” He was the most amazing man I have ever met. First, he deals with his wasted girlfriend, and then he completely takes care of Stella as I sleep it off.

  Could this get any better?

  Drake got up and walked with me into the kitchen. He handed me another glass of water and told me to rehydrate. “Baby, you need to eat something. What can I make you?”

  “Ugh, I can’t even think about food right now,” I moaned as I leaned against the counter.

  “I know, baby, but you need to get some food in your system. Just something light.” He reached in to kiss my lips. “How about some peanut butter toast?” He smiled and winked at me. I couldn’t resist that look. He was absolutely adorable.

  “Why are you so great?” I asked as he started putting the bread into the toaster. “I mean seriously, Drake, are you even human?”

  He laughed and leaned over to kiss me again. “You make me want to be great, Molly. You are an amazing person! Not a lot of women could do what you do. Raising a child without a father, going to school full-time, making sure Stella has an amazing life… I should be asking you if you’re even human!” He took my arms and wrapped them around him.

  I could stay like this forever and ever.

  The following day Stella and I lounged around the apartment in our pajamas watching movies. She was so giddy about spending a day with just her mommy. Michael had crashed at Troy’s for the weekend, and Drake went back home to allow us some mommy-daughter time. I was finally feeling better and was able to enjoy my time with Stella.

  “Mommy, where’s Drake?” Stella asked as we were playing with her Barbie dolls.

  “He’s at home, sweetie, why do you ask?”

  “I want this to be his home, mommy. I like it when Drake is here,” she said so innocently, having absolutely no idea just how much she made my heart melt. I loved that she loved Drake.

  The next morning I walked into my internship to see Travis sitting there, anxious. I haven’t spoken with him since Friday night, and I wondered how awkward today was going to be.

  “Molly! Are you okay?” he asked, rushing up to me.

  “Yes, why wouldn’t I be?” I asked, confused.

  “I just haven’t heard from you, and you were so angry with me when you left. I wanted to apologize.” He lifted my chin up to be eye level with him. “Molly, I am so sorry! I shouldn’t have acted that way around you.” His eyes looked so sincere. I wanted to wrap my arms around him tight and tell him not to worry about it. But I didn’t.

  “It’s fine, Travis. I understand.” I did not want to give him the impression that his behavior went unnoticed, but I wanted us to go back to our level of friendship level.

  “Okay, good, Molly. I was so scared I’d lose you.” Lose me?

  “Nah, we’re friends, Travis. We were drinking, and it’s really not a big deal, okay?” I looked up at him to make sure he saw the seriousness in my face. “Let’s get to work,” I smiled, trying to take the tension out of the air.

  Fortunately, things with Travis and I went back to normal. He remained my partner all week, and he was still in big brother mode. Whenever he would lightly brush up against me or touch me softly, I would get goose bumps again. I tried to brush it off, but I still wondered why he was having that effect on me. Travis was extremely attractive and a good friend, but for me, he was no Drake. Drake had stolen my heart and there was no way I was giving it to anyone else. Right? Right.

  The weekend arrived, and I was excited to be spending some quality time with Drake again. Drake had a busy workweek and I was only able to see him twice. I missed him dearly, and couldn’t wait to sink my teeth into him

  Drake was still at work for the day, but I was too eager to see him, so I surprised him at the office early.

  “Babe!” I screeched as I ran into his arms, wrapping my legs around him.

  “Well, hello, sweetheart!” he said, kissing me tenderly. “I missed you,” he whispered.

  “I missed you, too! I can’t wait to be with you this weekend.”

  “What do you want to do, honey? We can do anything you want.”

  “I don’t care as long as I’m with you,” I smiled into his eyes. It was the truth. It didn’t matter what we did as long as we could do it together.

  “I was thinking about taking Stella up to Willis Tower. Think she’d like that?” Drake asked still holding onto me.

  “Oh, yes.. She’d love that! That’s an amazing idea.”

  “Good.” He smiled. “The view is the best at night when its pitch black, and all the city lights are shining.”

  “Sounds perfect!” I beamed. There was a buzz on his business phone and his receptionist interrupted our perfect moment.

  “Mr. Stagliano, there’s a reporter on line one for you, sir.”

  “Thank you.” He switched lines. “Mr. Stagliano,” he announced on speakerphone.

  “Mr. Stagliano, this is Ashley from U.S. Time Magazine. I wanted to ask you about your reaction to your girlfriend, Molly Woods’ infidelity. Apparently, it has been leaked that she has been cheating on you, and has threatened to steal your millions.”

  Wait, what?

  “Ashley, I beg your pardon? What right do you have to ask me that question? Whoever your sources are they couldn’t be more wrong. Molly and I are not going to discuss our personal lives with the public.” He had almost pressed the button to hang up on her when she quickly interrupted.

  “My sources are only facts, Mr. Stagliano. She has been photographed with other men and has been quoted saying she is only with you for your money. If that is somehow fabricated, this would be the time to set the story straight.” And with that, Drake hung up on her immediately. His face was crimson red and he looked pissed.

  Holy shit, why was this happening?

  “Drake…” I slowly began, “I swear, that’s not true.”

  “Molly, stop.” He walked back up to me. “Reporters will dig up and fabricate anything to develop a story. You don’t need to defend yourself, I promise. You and I are solid, remember?”

  “Anchor,” I mumbled into his chest.

  “Anchor,” he repeated.

  That night, we took Stella out for dinner before heading to the Willis Tower. I was so excited to be spending time with both of the people I love most. Seeing Stella look up at Drake with those pleading eyes was the sweetest thing in the world. I could see that he melted every time she reached to hold his hand.

  “Mommy, where are we going?” she asked, as we entered the elevator to reach the one hundred and third floor.

  “We are going up really high, Stella-bug. It is the most amazing view in Chicago. Are you ready?” I said playfully, hoping to get her excited.

  “That’s really high, mommy.” She looked back to Drake. “Will you hold my hand so I won’t get scared?”

  “Of course, Stella. Don’t worry, I have you.” And with that, I was swooning. Seriously, how could this get any better?

  We reached our floor and walked out to the most exquisite view—Chicago was awe-inspiring in the daytime, but
even more amazing at night. You could see the city lights for miles. We took Stella out onto the Skydeck Ledge, where you stand over the city on a glass balcony with nothing to obstruct the view below. It makes you feel like you are flying. It was an incredible feeling and she had an absolute blast.

  “This is amazing! I can’t believe I’ve never been here,” I beamed, as we posed for a photo. Just before the photographer snapped another shot of us, he leaned down and kissed me while Stella stood in front of us smiling.

  It was picture perfect.

  After our wonderful night out together, Stella passed out as soon as her head hit the pillow. I was excited to spend the rest of the evening alone with Drake.

  “So what do you say to some take out?” Drake asked as we were settling in.

  “Sounds perfect.” I smiled.

  Drake and I had great weekend. He didn’t worry about work and I didn’t worry about school; we just enjoyed each other. By Sunday night, I was dreading the upcoming week. However, it was mid-semester, which meant we would be working toward rounds soon. Travis and I were paired up and I knew we would work well together. I was so looking forward to graduating and getting my career started. It was only a matter of time.


  “Are you ready, Molly?” Travis asked.

  We were practicing for our rounds pretest, which ensured we were indeed ready to progress to rounds in the chef’s kitchen. That meant we had to be precise, timely, and make and prepare the food exactly right. It was intense, and Travis was putting a lot of pressure on me to make sure I stayed focused.

  “I’m ready, let’s do this!” I said, pumped. Travis was timing me and watching my every move. We had been preparing all week long. I started simple with a pasta dish, but now I was on to appetizers, which were the most complex because they were unique and detailed.

  I was preparing red chili citrus mushrooms with grilled zucchini. The zucchini had to be perfectly sized into rectangles with the skin peeled off on only two sides. It had to be grilled evenly on both sides with a hint of lemon. On top were the red chili citrus mushrooms, perfectly chopped, and cooked in olive oil. The recipe was detailed to the very last cilantro leaf. It took almost two hours from start to finish, but I was proud of my finished product.


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