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Alphas & Millionaires Starter Set

Page 18

by Brooke Cumberland

  “Okay, yeah, you’re right. But you chickened out. You. Left. Me. You didn’t even let me explain or let me have a few days to think. You just bailed,” I accused. I wasn’t going to play these games anymore. Either we were together, or we weren’t. “So much for anchor, Drake,” and with that I turned around and walked out the door.

  As soon as I reached the elevator, I felt someone grab my hand. Drake swung me around, grabbing my face in his hands and met his lips with mine.


  As I was whirled around, I inhaled his scent. Drake. His soft, greedy lips pressed hard against mine. He grasped my waist, pulling me in tighter, not wanting to let me go. My hands clutched his dark hair as I lightly pulled the silky strands. I hadn’t felt his lips on me in weeks, and I wasn’t about to let him go now.

  Drake pressed the elevator button and when it swung open, he lifted me up, wrapping my legs around him and slammed me against the wall of the elevator. As the doors slid shut, he pulled one hand free and dug in his pocket for a key. When he shoved it into a card slot, the elevator immediately idled.

  Without saying a word, he lifted my arms above my head and removed my shirt. He rubbed his warm hands all over me, remembering my skin. I moaned in his mouth as he unclasped my bra, throwing it to the ground.

  As I realized what was happening and where we were, I started to panic.

  “Drake,” I tried to say as he pushed his mouth harder into mine. “Cameras?” was all I managed to mumble.

  Drake laughed against my mouth, knowing we were famous for getting caught, but shook his head. “Don’t worry, babe. That key turns them off.”

  It was like we had never been apart. My legs were wrapped around him and I could feel him hard against me. I knew he wanted exactly what I wanted. I unbuttoned his shirt and ripped it off his shoulders, exposing his rock-hard body. I playfully rubbed my fingertips over him as I remembered exactly the way his body felt against mine.

  He pulled me away from the wall and lay me gently on the floor, removing my pants. Without speaking another word, he removed his pants and pressed hard into me, releasing every pleasurable feeling I had been without for so long. I moaned and arched my back as he took me and made me his again.

  Oh, God…he felt amazing.

  My hips followed his rhythm as we continued making love on the elevator floor. He kissed behind my ear, down to my collarbone, and back up to my lips making me quiver at the very touch of him. I loved this man, and I was not letting him go again.

  After what could have been days for all I know, Drake and I passionately exploded into one another. He continued to press hard into me as I came over and over again. I was completely breathless, but I couldn’t imagine being happier at that moment. It didn’t matter where we were or how exposed we were, all that mattered was that he had made me his again.

  “I have missed this,” I mumbled into his chest. We lay there just staring at one another. He made me feel amazing. Incredible.

  “I have been lost, Molly. I never want to be without you again,” he stroked his fingertips across my lips, looking deep into my eyes. Into my soul.

  “Please, never leave me,” I begged. Considering what we had been through, I was paranoid that at any moment it would be taken away from me again.

  “I’m so sorry for all the hurt I put you through these last few weeks. I should have talked to you about it, but I was just so humiliated and devastated. It wasn’t just the thought of you with another man, Molly. It was the actual visual of you with another man.” My eyes squeezed shut at the thought of Drake seeing that video. I couldn’t imagine how shattered his heart had been.

  “Drake, this is all my fault. Seriously, it should have never happened. I should have told you sooner and told you everything. Every last detail. I was so scared of losing you,” I admitted. I couldn’t believe I had fucked up so bad.

  “I don’t want to make excuses,” I continued. “But I’ve never felt this way before, Drake. My life revolved around Stella and school, and then all of a sudden you came into my life. It was a completely new feeling for me. And then Travis showed up, and it was like my mind was spinning in circles.” I kept on rambling, trying to make sense of it all.

  After Liam’s passing, I never even tried dating again. Stella was just a baby, and she was all I cared about – her and school. Guys approached me, but after I gracefully flashed my engagement ring, they never tried anything. I didn’t know how to rationalize my feelings when I first met Drake and Travis, but now I definitely knew Drake was the one for me.

  “Molly, look at me,” he pressed slightly on my chin. “We both made mistakes. We are in love, Molly. Let’s be in love. Let’s not do this to each other.” He kissed me softly on the lips. “I need you,” he pleaded with his eyes.

  I couldn’t believe what this amazingly beautiful man just said. We both messed up, but he wanted to forget all of that. I had messed up really bad, but he just wanted us to be together and happy.

  Was this man for real? How could he be so good to me?

  “I would do anything to just be with you, Drake.” I kissed him hard on the lips and cuddled into his chest. “I just want you.”

  We had two more days left of being in the kitchen this week before rounds started. Classes were ending and soon we would be working in the kitchen next to the chefs at Riverside. I was ecstatic to be able to work next to them. They were pure geniuses, and I knew I would learn so much from them. Each pair got to work in the kitchen twice a week with a few other groups. The closer we got to graduation, the more intense we worked.

  Travis and I returned to our usual silly friendship even after all the media press blow up. He was a genuine and supportive friend who loved me. I couldn’t ask for a better guy friend. I loved him back, but not in the same way. As much as he told me he understood, I knew deep down he was sad. In the end, we decided to let all the drama go and not take shit from anyone else, especially Blakely.

  Blakely was relentless at making stabs at our unusual friendship. She enjoyed the media frenzy while it lasted, but once Travis put her in her place, she hadn’t spoken to us since.

  “Okay, Molly, final project,” Mr. Cooper came up to me. “You need to butterfly-cut this tray of chicken in less than fifteen minutes.” I nodded as I was totally prepared for this. I got this in the bag!


  Travis and Mr. Cooper watched as I carefully cut each individual chicken breast perfectly. I was a pro at this by now. Chicken cordon bleu is my specialty!

  “Come on, Molly, you’re doing great!” Travis cheered from across the counter.

  “You have five minutes left,” Mr. Cooper announced.

  Come on, Molly, relax, you can do this. I carefully sliced my last one and yelled, “Done!”

  “That a girl!” Travis high-fived me and gave me a hug. “I knew you could do it.”

  “Thanks! Mr. Cooper, how’d I do?” I asked impatiently as he inspected each one.

  “These are perfect, Molly. You did terrific!” He smiled at me, and I knew he was impressed.

  “Only one more day, Trav! I can’t wait!” I said cheerfully as we cleaned up our section.

  “It’s going to be intense, Molly, but I know you’re ready.” He smiled. Travis was truly the best partner. Given our awkward tension at times, he always helped me progress and do better.

  “Wanna go out this weekend and celebrate? You should bring Drake.” Travis smiled, showing off his perfect white teeth.

  “This weekend? No, I can’t. Maybe another time?” I said as we were walking out together. I linked my arms in his as we were trying to flag a cab.

  “Molly, you have to! You can’t miss my birthday!” He smiled as he tried to sneak that last little part in.

  I stopped in my tracks. His birthday? “Your birthday is this weekend?”

  “Yeah. What’s wrong?” he asked as he saw my face drop.

  “Nothing. Sorry, it’s nothing,” I lied. I hadn’t even told Drake about Liam’s
birthday yet. I didn’t want to make a big deal out of it now that I was with someone, but I wanted to make it special for Stella.

  He turned to face me and tilted my chin up. “Molly, tell me. Please.” He looked so sincere and worried about me.

  I inhaled slowly. “Okay, fine. Liam’s birthday is this weekend. I was planning on spending the day with Stella.”

  “Oh, Molly, I’m sorry. Anything I can do?” He looked so concerned. I didn’t talk about Liam much around Travis, or anyone, for that matter.

  “No, no, it’s fine. Stella wants to bake a cake and blow out candles now that she knows about him. She’s been making birthday cards all week. It’s pretty cute, actually.” I smiled at the memory of watching her color pictures for her daddy.

  * * *

  By Friday, I was exhausted from rounds testing and ready for the weekend. I couldn’t stop smiling as I unlocked my apartment door. Walking in, I realized my life had finally fallen into a place where I was happy and content. Stella knew about Liam, Drake and I were happily in love, and I had Travis back as my friend. Life was finally normal again.

  Weeks after Liam’s birthday, Travis and I were working side by side in the Riverside Restaurant kitchen. We had great working chemistry, which made us an unbeatable duo.

  “Hi, sweetheart!” Drake brushed my shoulder as he leaned in to kiss me. “How’s your day going?”

  Drake visited me periodically throughout the day. Most of the chefs in the kitchen were men and drooled over me relentlessly. It was pathetic, but the fact that Drake felt like coming to my rescue was adorable. In fact, it made me love him even more. If that was even possible…

  “It’s great! Staying busy. Travis saved me once again from face planting into the floor,” I admitted, embarrassed.

  Drake chuckled a little and looked toward Travis. “Thanks for saving my girl!” He patted him on the shoulder. “As usual,” he teased, looking back at me.

  “It’s not my fault this time!” I whined. “Someone spilled sauce all over the floor and didn’t clean it up.” I leaned into Drake’s chest looking up for sympathy.

  “You are just too cute,” he kissed the top of my nose. “I hope Stella doesn’t get your clumsy traits,” he teased once again.

  Me too. I was clumsy enough for the both of us.

  I pressed my body into his, feeling him hardening against me. I had the sudden urge to have him, right then and there. He grabbed my hand and lightly kissed it, looking around at how he could sneak us out.

  “I want you right now,” he whispered into my ear, lightly blowing on my skin.

  “Let’s get out of here. Now,” I demanded, edging my lips up to kiss him.

  “I’ll see you at five. Don’t keep me waiting,” he said, brushing my lips once more with his and patting my ass. Ugh, I hate it when he leaves me high and dry.

  “You are an evil man, Mr. Stagliano. Leaving your lady all wet and bothered around a bunch of horny men,” I teased, letting him realize what he was doing. So horny. Damn him.

  He took a moment to think about it before responding. “I’ll take that chance.” He smiled, knowing no one else had a shot anyway. “Love you.”

  I kissed his lips. “Love you more.”


  “Molly, I would like you to come with me this weekend to the charity benefit my family is hosting. Would you do me the honors?” Drake asked sweetly, giving me the chills. The Stagliano family was wealthy and well known. Any time they sponsored an event, many powerful and rich people attended, making it a huge press event. Being there on Drake’s arm would make for a lot of publicity that I wasn’t sure I was ready for.

  I bit my lip and rubbed my ear a few moments before saying anything. I was nervous and wasn’t sure if I would be good enough to be on his arm. I had never been to an exclusive event before, but given that photos were all over the magazines and social media the following day, it was no secret how huge of an event it was.

  “Molly?” Drake asked, breaking the silence.

  “Yeah…sorry. Of course, I will. I just…” I stumbled over my own words.

  “What? Do you not want to go?” he asked, disappointed.

  “No, I do! I’ve just never been to such an elite event before. I don’t really have anything to wear, or even an idea of what to expect, I guess. I’m just nervous. I don’t want to embarrass you,” I finally responded shyly, hoping he would understand.

  “Baby, you would never embarrass me. I promise. I can help get you something to wear if that will make you feel better, but honestly, you have nothing to worry about.” He lifted my chin up to look deep into my eyes. “You are beautiful. No matter what,” he said, lightly kissing my lips and giving me a squeeze. Wow… this was certainly going to be interesting, to say the least.

  * * *

  “Oh my goodness, Drake, this is stunning!” I gushed as the limo door opened. I stepped out onto the red carpet, waiting for Drake to come to my side. I swung my arm into his and gripped my clutch purse tightly as we started walking down the carpet. There were paparazzi on both sides, flashing their cameras directly at us. Being that Drake was an only child and the only heir to the business, he was like a celebrity at these events.

  “Mr. Stagliano! Drake! Who’s your date?” I heard from the crowd. I wanted to impress Drake with my appearance tonight so I had Michael put my hair in a side up-do, and he did my makeup. I wanted to show Drake that I could live up to the expectations of the media. Though I doubt it really matters to him. But I still wanted to impress him.

  We stopped for a few pictures where I stood gracefully by his side and smiled. I felt awkward and out of place, but I wanted to do it for Drake. He looked so good in his black Versace tuxedo and his wild curls were perfectly tamed. His bright smile reflected off the flashes as they continued to blind us.

  “You. Look. Incredible,” Drake whispered slowly into my ear as we headed inside the hotel, still linked by our arms. “I adore you.” He brushed my lips lightly with his as we were entering the ballroom. I felt a spontaneous combustion between my thighs as my body yearned for him.

  God, I loved this man.

  My jaw dropped as I stared into the crystal ballroom. It was beyond stunning. It was brightly lit with white tulle hanging from the ceiling to the chandelier. The centerpieces were tall, crystal vases with white pine stems and white orchids. I have never seen something so amazing. It was like a picture in a magazine. I was lost in the room and collided with Drake as he stopped walking in front of me.

  “Molly, there’s going to be several people I’m going to introduce you to. Don’t feel intimidated, okay?” he said, trying to reassure me. I just nodded, keeping a smile plastered to my face, staying close to him.

  After an hour of meeting numerous people and being introduced as Drake’s girlfriend, we were finally allowed to sit down at our table in the front of the room. Drake was going to be speaking and introducing the beneficiary and cause. What Drake and his family were doing was absolutely incredible. They were not only a hard-working family, but they gave back in any way they could. They funded benefits and events for children’s charities, cancer and illnesses, homeless shelters, and feeding the hungry. It was an honor to just be in the same room as all of these people.

  “Molly, is it?” I heard a woman’s voice ask behind me.

  I turned my body around and instantly tensed up as I studied the gorgeous woman who screamed elegance and money.

  “I’m Kendra.”

  “Yes,” I replied firmly. “I know who you are.”

  The corner of her lips tilted up in immediately satisfaction that looked pure evil.

  “You look stunning,” she complimented, as she stood towering over me. I was still seated, waiting for Drake to return with our champagne. As I looked around for him, I saw him talking to a young couple, with two glasses in his hands. I could see that he was eager to get back to me, but Drake was not the type of person to ignore anyone that wanted to speak with him.

Well, thank you.” I smiled again at her odd compliment. “You look lovely, as well,” I said, trying to reciprocate. I suddenly remembered Drake mentioning how wealthy her family was, which would explain why she was here. Did this mean she would be at all of these damn events?

  She lowered herself so her mouth was just brushing my ear. “You look nice on his arm now, Molly, but you won’t last.” I tensed up a bit as she continued. “He will always be mine.” All I could do was stare, surprised at her forwardness. Bitch. She gazed into my eyes for a moment and slowly walked away. I imagined other women being jealous, but knowing Kendra already had a past with Drake made me uneasy.

  And pissed off.

  “Sorry, sweetheart.” Drake apologized, as he handed me a glass. “That was Mr. Stone and his fiancé. He owns some condo complexes in downtown.” As Drake was telling me about the people at the event, Kendra’s words kept replaying in my head. I knew she just wanted to upset me, but a part of me didn’t want to be naïve.

  Drake stood up, and buttoned his jacket as he walked up to the podium. Applause flooded the room as Drake made his appearance and I smiled, proud for my man. He looked so calm and at home as he stood giving his speech. Butterflies ran through my body just looking up at him and watching his gestures. I couldn’t believe I was the one he chose to go home with each night. He is mine.

  As the event ended, we posed for a few more pictures. I was exhausted by the end of the evening from continuous smiling, meeting new people, sipping on champagne, and linking to Drake’s arm. The event had an excellent turnout and I could tell Drake was very pleased. As much fun as it was being his date, I was eager to get my man home.

  “Exhausted yet?” Drake whispered into my ear, teasing the lobe with his tongue. My body tensed at his touch, and I was more than ready to leave and have my way with him. Seeing him tonight made everything about him make sense. He was not only a businessman; he was a charitable man that gave back to his community.


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