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Alphas & Millionaires Starter Set

Page 35

by Brooke Cumberland

“I have contacts,” he grins playfully, turning the growing hunger pains into twirling butterflies. The way he makes me feel is undeniable. It isn’t anything I ever felt for Jake, or any other guy, for that matter. I had pushed Eric away as much as possible when we first met, but the attraction was too obvious to ignore.

  We walk up to the cabin and as he opens the door to let me in, the aroma of bacon and breakfast food hits me. And the hunger pains are back.

  The inside is absolutely breathtaking. The walls are log style from the floor to the ceiling. There’s a huge bay window overlooking the mountains and skylight windows on the high ceilings letting the natural light in. As I continue to look around, I notice a large seating area surrounded by a large buffet.

  Eric leads me to a table next to a fireplace and pulls my chair out for me. I’m staring at him as I’m in complete awe that he planned all of this for us.

  “You really go all out for this whole first date thing,” I tease, watching him take his seat across from me.

  He shrugs nonchalantly as he places his napkin in his lap and responds, “I like breakfast.”

  “Oh, so it’s about the food, huh?”

  “Why do you think I always came over in the mornings? You and breakfast are my two favorite things.” He grins the most adorable smile ever. It’s a combination of lust and true happiness. I’ve never felt as happy as I am right now, being with Eric in this log cabin, about to eat breakfast.

  We devour the buffet as if it’s our last meal. I have no problem eating in front of Eric. He makes me feel so comfortable and safe. Heck, I think I ate more than he did. Carissa taught me that one a long time ago. She’d say, ‘Men like their women full and satisfied. Always eat on dates, that way they know you won’t get tired…for later.’ I roll my eyes at the memory of her telling me that. She is always eager to feed me advice, even when it’s unwanted, but now I can’t help but love her for it.

  “You have some big shoes to fill from now on,” I tease, scraping the last of the food off my plate. “Because that was delicious, and now I’ll expect nothing less.” I smile, wagging my eyebrows at him.

  “You got it, darling. But first, dance with me.” He nods over to the stone fireplace, reaching his hand out to mine. Sadly, I’ve never danced with anyone before. Not even at weddings or school dances. However, Eric has brought out this new side of me. A side of me that I finally feel like living.

  “You got it.” I place my hand in his, rising with him as he walks us over. He lightly places a hand on the small of my back, pushing me closer to him. He cups my other hand in his and my body fits naturally against his. Perfectly. He smells incredible. I can’t help but lay my head on his chest as I take in the entire moment, completely. My thoughts are soon broken by the sound of violins playing. I turn my head and see three gentlemen playing. His chest slowly rises up and down as we slow dance in circles. I match his rhythm, loving the intense closeness of our bodies.

  I look up at Eric and see him smiling down at me. He chews his bottom lip and without thinking, I reach on my tiptoes and catch his lip between my teeth. I can tell he’s surprised by my forwardness but he doesn’t stop me. He rubs his hands up and down my back, making soothing sensations rise up and down my body. I feel like I could die happy right now…that this man can’t be real.

  “How did you do this?” I whisper, breaking the kiss.

  “I’ve had our first date planned since the moment I met you.”

  “That’s borderline creepy and overconfident.”

  “Well, it seems to have worked,” he teases, winking at me. I can’t argue, because he’s right. The way he always seemed to be right there when I needed him makes this feel right. Having him look out for me and protect me is exactly what I never knew I would want.

  “This is perfect. Thank you.”

  Eventually we pull apart and decide to leave. I look back on the restaurant and pull the horn as we drive away. Eric laughs as he sees my excited expression at being able to play with all the buttons and horns. It’s like being an eight-year-old in a candy store for the first time.

  “Are you ready for the next part?” he asks cryptically, glancing over at me.

  “Next part? Eric, this really isn’t necessary. You’ve already done so much.”

  “I know. But I have a lot of making up to do.”

  I simply shake my head and smile at him. I’m not used to this…treatment. Treatment? Loyalty? Love?

  Whatever it is, I’m going to do everything in my power to keep it. To hold on to it. To hold on to Eric.

  “Ready?” Eric asks as he kills the engine. As I look around, I'm completely confused as to what I should be ready for…we’re parked at the end of what looks to be a trail.

  “For what, exactly?” I look around, searching for something crazy to come popping out of the bushes.

  “Since you like getting lost in the woods and all, I thought we could walk the trail together this time. That way I can keep track of you,” he winks. I make a face as I recall thinking I was going to die in the woods last time. “Don’t worry. I have a compass and a fully charged cell phone.”

  We begin the trail as the air finally warms up. It’s beautiful out here, and I can’t believe I never knew about this place.

  “How did you find this trail?” I ask as we walk hand in hand up a small cliff.

  “When I first moved here, the guys and I came up here to do some training. It’s been one of my favorite places ever since.”

  “I can see why.” I smile at him as we continue our walk. I feel like I’m floating, as if I can’t even believe this is my life right now.

  We continue walking for another half hour before he stops me and tells me to close my eyes. I comply and wait for him to tell me I can look. He leads me a few paces before steadying me and positioning my body just right.

  “Can I look now?” I beg, eager to see what he’s doing. I feel him brush his hand up my sides as he turns me around to face whatever it is he wants me to see.

  “Open your eyes, sweetheart,” he whispers in my ear. I slowly open my eyes and quickly search for what I’m supposed to be looking for. I scan the cliff and soon spot it.

  There’s a large boulder on top of one of the mountain cliffs. I step closer and see what’s written on it:

  I love you, Velaney.

  Love, Eric

  I can hardly believe what I’m seeing. I have no idea how he managed this all and I’m overthinking everything in my mind. I’m speechless—to say the least. I continue staring at the boulder, looking over the words. He loves me?

  I know the way I feel about Eric is nothing I’ve ever felt before. Carissa has tried to convince me it’s love, but is it? How can I be sure?

  I hear Eric walk up behind me, closing the small gap between us. He puts his arms around my waist and leans in close to my ear, making my whole body shiver at his touch.

  “I love you. And I wanted the whole city to know.”

  “I can’t believe you did this,” I whisper back, slowly catching my breath.

  “I know it’s early, but I feel like I’ve known you my whole life. My life makes sense when I’m with you. I want you. I want to show you everything, and I will do anything to have you.” He places a light kiss against my neck. “I want you to know that I love you.” It feels like my heart is pounding right out of my chest—going up and down in unhealthy patterns. I don’t know if it’s a panic attack or a meltdown, but I know I need to get it together. This man just confessed his feelings for me and I’m overanalyzing the moment instead of reveling in it.

  “You have no idea how much you’ve changed my life in just a short amount of time, Eric. It’s unreal, and it’s a little scary for me. Please don’t think the feelings aren’t mutual. I’m just so afraid—nothing in my life ever seems to go right, except for you, and I don’t want to jeopardize that,” I confess, turning around to look him in the eyes. The way he makes me feel allows me to open up, something I’ve never been able to do with anyone el

  “I understand, Velaney. There is absolutely no pressure. I know what you feel for me. I just wanted you to know exactly how I feel for you.” He leans in and kisses me lightly. It makes all my fears disappear, and I never want this feeling to go away. I deepen the kiss, wrapping my arms around his neck and hitching my legs around his waist. The intensity to have this man strengthens, and I can no longer resist the urge to go further with him. He backs me up against a large tree trunk as the need and desire rages between us. I’m no longer afraid when I’m with Eric. I want him to have me. I’m eager and hungry to have him…completely.

  “Eric, I want you,” I say, ready to beg him.

  “You have me, I promise.” He skims his hands over my chest, caressing my breasts through the silk of my shirt. It feels intense as a moan rips out of my throat, enjoying the sensation that is being sent down between my thighs. I’m eager for his touch. I clench my thighs tighter around his waist, signaling exactly what I need from him. He tugs on my nipple, making it pucker underneath the fabric. I never knew the sensation could ripple through my body like this, but it feels incredible. I break the kiss as my head falls back against the tree, urging him to take all of me.

  He lowers his lips to the nape of my neck, suckling and nibbling every bare surface he can find. I grind my hips against him, feeling his hardness between us. I rub my hands down his biceps, hanging on and grinding to his rhythm. I feel him breathing hard against my neck, making every hair on my body rise.

  “God, Velaney…you taste incredible, which is making it really hard for me to think straight right now.” He breaks away from my neck and finds my lips as he lets out a moan that drives me insane.

  “Take me back to your apartment,” I beg. “Please.”

  * * *

  We barely make it inside the door before I rip his shirt off. Our lips break only to remove clothing and throw it on the floor. His body is damn sexy and I can’t help but stare for a moment.

  “Good Lord. That’s not even fair. It’s like you’re airbrushed—everything on your body is fucking perfect.” The word slips out of my mouth before I even realize how easily the F bomb comes to me. It feels good. Too good.

  “Holy shit, it’s hot when you talk like that.”

  My body has never felt so damn fired up before in my entire life. This feeling is uncontrollable. I’m so ready that I’m afraid I’ll come undone before he even touches me. The desire, the want, the need, the thirst for him is unreal. My body aches for him as I grind my hips around him. He pulls away a moment to yank my shirt off and unhook my bra. My breasts fall perfectly into his palms as he slams me against the wall.

  He lowers his head to my chest and circles his tongue around my nipple while cupping the other with his hand. He lightly tugs it, sending mind-blowing quivers through my entire body. If it were even possible, my desire and need for him intensifies. I grasp onto him harder as he thoroughly examines my breasts with his mouth, urging him to keep going no matter what.

  He brings his mouth back up and locks on mine as he continues massaging my breasts and rolling the nipples between his fingers. The sensation jolts wetness between my legs. The desire…the want…the eagerness to have him is too much. I have never felt this way before. The undeniable need for someone. The way he can make me feel—make me come undone—is something new for me, but in this moment, I want nothing less.

  “I need you. Now, Eric,” I demand, breaking the kiss so he can see the intensity in my eyes.

  “Are you sure?” he asks, hopeful.

  “I’m so fucking positive.” I grin, proud that I’ve finally overcome the fear of something bad happening if I curse.

  He scoops my body off the wall and walks me to his bedroom, laying us on his bed as our lips continue molding together. The pure taste of Eric is something I’ll never forget, a taste I don’t ever want to be without—it’s sweet, yet his mouth is eager and demanding at the same time.

  He climbs over my body and leans back slightly on his calves. He unbuttons my jeans and shimmies them down my legs. He stands and does the same with his jeans and briefs. I’m captivated by his perfect, naked body. It’s hard not to stare, actually, but the feelings I have for him are the real reason I never want to take my eyes off him. He’s simply stunning, inside and out.

  I lean up on my elbows as he lowers himself to me once again. I look him in the eyes and contemplate telling him exactly how I feel.

  “Thank you for today, Eric.” Before I can continue, he quickly presses his lips back to mine. I giggle at his eagerness as he explores my body with his hands and mouth. The way he looks at me and touches me makes me feel confident and secure for the first time in my life.

  “So fucking beautiful,” he mumbles against my bare skin as he makes his way between my thighs. The way the F bomb rolls off his tongue makes me suddenly at ease—for the first time ever. It’s as if he’s taking away every bad thing Aiden had ever done to me and replacing those horrible things with good memories now.

  He brushes the lace of my panties with one finger as he kisses around it, teasing and torturing the hell out of me. I thrust my hips up to greet his lips, but he smirks and continues laying hot, wet kisses around my most sensitive area.

  The sensation is…holy crap, I don’t even have words to explain it. He brushes my panties to the side with one finger and dives in with his perfect, moist mouth. Moans escape my lips as the intensity of his mouth increases. He doesn’t back down as I try to squirm from his grip, not that I want him to, but the feeling…the sensation…is more than I can handle.

  I scream out his name in pure ecstasy as I claw at the sheets. My hips thrust up higher into his mouth as he licks the wetness from me. He rises for a moment and then continues placing kisses up my torso and stopping at my breasts. He grabs one and firmly shoves it between his lips, tonguing my nipple while gripping it between his teeth, making it hard. I arch my back as I give him full access to my chest. I’m enjoying each stroke of his tongue and what he is doing to each breast.

  His lips make their way back up to my mouth and I take him all in, tasting a mixture of Eric and myself on his lips. I feel his hands reach my panties once again as he slowly shifts them down my legs.

  Just the sensation of his touch drives me insane. I combust even before he enters me. Eric smiles against my bare skin as his lips rub along my raw neck. His lips cover my mouth as his hands freely explore my body. I grip my hands against his chiseled back as I push him down closer to me. I’m ready for him. Ready for this.

  “Eric…” I whine, desperate and needy for him.

  “Patience, baby.” He rubs a hand down my side, leaving tingles on my bare skin. The way his body hovers over me is making me insane. I’ve been desperate for his touch for so long, I don’t think I can wait another minute.

  “I need you now, Eric. I’m done waiting,” I say eagerly, almost begging. Without saying a word, he reaches for my hands and lifts my arms over my head. He cuffs and traps them with one hand and spreads my legs apart with the other. I arch my back up to greet him, but instead, he pushes a finger in. The sensation is pure ecstasy as he continues to make me moan.

  After he has thoroughly explored me, he lifts up and whispers in my ear, “Do not move your arms.” His tone is serious and I can only manage a nod in response.

  He makes his way down my body by laying fresh, sweet kisses down my torso. He stops at my navel and tongues a ring around it before continuing to go down further.

  “So wet,” he groans, making me clench my thighs, but he stops me and opens them up for him even wider. He towers over me and crashes his lips to mine. “I’ll be gentle,” is all he says before he finally enters me. First, he enters slow, letting my body surround him and extend to his size. My eyes slam shut as I try to push all the bad memories out of my head and allow only ones of Eric in.

  He places his palms on each side of me and continues to push further inside. My body finally opens up for him, allowing him to thrust into me complet
ely. The feeling…the raw mixture of our bodies is phenomenal. Never in my life had I expected it to feel so damn good.

  I arch my back again as moans continue to slip through my lips. As the urgency comes out faster and louder through my mouth, Eric picks up the pace, grinding deeper and harder into me as our hips collide.

  My hands instinctively cling to his back, pushing him down harder against me. He doesn’t stop the rhythm as he grabs my hands and pushes them back up over my head.

  “Ugh, I need to touch you, babe,” I pout, begging him to allow me.

  “Not yet,” he whispers, slamming harder into me. I scream out, completely forgetting that he has my hands held hostage. I comply and wrap my fingers around the backboard, holding on for dear life.

  The pain has been completely taken away and replaced with pleasure…intense, mind-blowing, body-rocking pleasure. I feel so comfortable with Eric; I’m not even embarrassed that I’m screaming and moaning out in pure satisfaction. For the first time in my life, I feel safe…complete…treasured.

  “Good God, baby…I didn’t expect you to feel this good,” Eric groans, grinding his hips further into me as he grabs my hips and pulls me closer to him. Our bodies become one as the sweat, heat and moisture rips from us as we both climax.

  Eric leans up on his elbows and lightly kisses my lips as I try to slow my breathing. Holy shit…that was…more than I ever expected…much, much more.

  “Wow…” I mutter, unable to say anything else while my chest is still heaving.


  “If that was you being gentle, I can’t wait to see what you’re keeping from me.” I grin, looking into his soft, emerald eyes.

  “You have no idea,” he whispers, pressing his lips down to mine. He rolls us to our sides, still inside me. I can tell I’m extremely sensitive down there, but it doesn’t stop me from pushing myself against him. “Hmm…feisty little thing, aren’t ya?”

  “You have no idea.”


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