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Alphas & Millionaires Starter Set

Page 52

by Brooke Cumberland

  “I’ll always be here for you, Nat. You know that.” I allow the corner of my lips to curl up so she can see I’m being sincere. I plan to be here for her as much as I can—or as long as I can, anyway.

  “No Kyle?” She tilts her head and furrows her brows as she finally notices the empty passenger seat.

  I haven’t told her yet.

  “No, we broke up three months ago.” I shrug my shoulders and bow my head.

  “Katie Bear, you never told me.” Her voice is low and sad.

  I look back up and see the concerned look on her face. “I’m fine,” I say reassuringly, but the way she purses her lips tells me she doesn’t buy it. “I promise! I’m okay with it.”

  She exhales and flashes a knowing grin on her face. “Well, this calls for wine and ice cream.”

  I laugh at her enthusiasm and nod my head. Her happy energy is contagious.

  I finally escape her death grip and walk to my trunk, popping it open and grabbing the suitcases I brought with me.

  “I can’t wait to give you the grand tour!”

  She links arms with me, pulling one suitcase behind her. I pull the other with my right hand as we walk up the steps and into the house. And grand isn’t even the right term to use.

  “Wow, Natalee. This is so beautiful.”

  “Thank you,” she says proudly. “Trace and I had most of it remodeled before we moved in. It needed a lot of work, but I’m happy with it.”

  It’s one of those old Victorian houses with steady, thick beams and natural hardwood floors. The vintage scent still lingers in the air, but it smells like heaven—a mixture of oak and floral.

  “It’s absolutely charming. Your sense of style really adds to the character.” I brush my fingers across the staircase banister. She’s always had great taste. It’s a mixture of modern chic meets sophisticated housewife. The walls and décor are all earthy tones and solid colors. They’re easy on the eyes and blend in well with the view at the back of the house.

  “Please tell me I can swim in there?” My eyes glaze over in a dreamy haze as I take in the clear, blue water. I’d never leave the house if I had a view like that.

  “Oh, of course. There’s a brand new dock out there and everything. Make yourself at home, Katie Bear.” She flashes me her mega-watt smile. “But it might be cold. So I don’t suggest any late night swims or anything,” she warns, as if she’s reading my mind or something.

  “You know I’m not eight years old anymore, Nattie Bug. You can call me by my name.” She’s called me that my whole life, so I’m teasing her, even though I know it won’t stop her.

  “You’ll always be Katie Bear to me, sorry hon.” She glances back, smirking. She walks me through the first floor, showing me the dining room, the living room, the kitchen, the breakfast room, the three full bathrooms, her office, and the back porch—all before we make it back to the staircase in the front of the house.

  “Wow…that was quite the tour.” I grin.

  “The guest rooms are up here.” She begins walking up the stairs, suitcase in one hand.

  “Rooms?” I raise a brow, towing the other suitcase behind me.

  “Oh! I almost forgot. One of Trace’s friends from college is staying here, too. He’s in the wedding party as well, but you won’t even notice him,” she reassures me with a nonchalant wave.

  We make it to the top of the second story, which is just as beautiful as the first. Walking down the hallway, she stops at the last room on the right. “You’ll stay in this one.” The door opens to the brightest, most-decorated room I’ve ever seen. “The bathroom is over there.” She motions to the right, toward a dark, wooden door. “Your closet is over there.” She points left to off-white double doors. “The bathroom is stocked with everything you’ll need—shampoo, soap, shaving gel, towels, condoms.”

  “Condoms? Really?” I sputter, with a hand on my hip. “What kind of guests are you used to?”

  “Hey, I’m just trying to be a good host. I won’t judge.” She laughs, moving my suitcases to the edge of the bed.

  “Good to know,” I laugh with her.

  “Well, I’ll let you settle in. Franco will have dinner ready by six-thirty.”


  “The chef.” She smiles. I try to hide the surprise expression on my face, but I’m sure she sees it. This is definitely not the lifestyle I’m used to. I have my whole life squeezed into a one-bedroom apartment. “Feel free to take a bath or something. I’ll be making some last-minute phone calls in my office.”

  “Thanks, Natalee.” I smile genuinely, wrapping her in another hug. “You’re an amazing host.” I know she’ll love hearing that.

  “I’m really glad you’re here, Katie Bear.”

  “You know you’re the only one I would let call me that.”

  “I know,” she says softly, a hint of amusement in her voice.

  After the tour, I decide to take a shower and lay down for a bit before dinner. Between fatigue and some dull pain in my joints, a hot shower is just what I need.

  I toss my luggage out on the bed, digging around for a razor and toothbrush. I grab a towel from the closet, noticing it’s the softest, fluffiest towel I’ve ever felt. This is going to be better than staying at a five-star hotel.

  I walk to the bathroom and lock it behind me, marveling at how large it is. The walls are brightly painted, with modern light fixtures hanging over the mirror. There are his-and-her sinks, a separate walk-in shower and clawfoot tub that I can’t wait to try out some night. It’s insane, knowing this is their “guest” bathroom.

  I place my toothbrush on the counter and hang the towel on a hook. Turning the shower to hot, I wrap my hair up in a knot, allowing the steam to take over the bathroom before I step in.

  After a few minutes of enjoying the silence and heat, I hear banging. Startled, I open the curtain just enough so I can peek out.

  A man—a very sexy man—is standing at the sink, brushing his teeth. With my toothbrush!

  “Um, hello?” I ask, annoyance evident in my voice.

  He looks up vaguely, no concern on his face. “Hey,” he manages to say as he continues brushing.

  My eyes widen as I look from left to right, wondering if he’s being an ass or is just seriously delusional.

  “Can I help you?” I snap, holding the curtain tighter to my chest than before. The steam is becoming overbearing and clouding my ability to see him.

  “Not unless you have aftershave?” He rinses my toothbrush and gently sets it back down. “Forgot it,” he says casually, patting his cheeks with both hands. A smirk forms on his face as his eyes stay glued to mine. He’s messing with me.

  “Get out!” I snap again. “Didn’t you hear the shower running? That means someone is in here.”

  “Sorry, sweet plum. Door wasn’t locked.”

  Sweet plum?

  I’m shocked at his bluntness. And now I’m angry that I’m standing here naked, having this argument with a complete stranger.

  “Yes it was,” I argue.

  “Not mine.” He shrugs and points to the door on the other side of the bathroom. “Joint bathroom,” he confirms.

  Son-of-a-bitch. Natalee managed to tell me every detail about this house except that, apparently. I had thought it was just another linen closet.

  “Fine,” I hiss through gritted teeth. “I’ll be out in a minute.” This is so fucking awkward.

  “Take your time, sweet plum.” I can hear the delight in his tone.

  “It’s Kate,” I correct. There’s no response, so I assume he’s finally taken his leave.

  I turn around and wash my face under the stream of water, wanting to get out as soon as possible.

  “I’m Gabe,” I hear him announce. I spin around so quickly that I almost slip. He catches my elbow, keeping me on two feet. I grab the curtain again to cover my body, but it’s too late.

  “Oh, my God!” I scream, noticing he’s looking directly at me from inside the shower. “What the
hell are you doing?”

  “Well, how can we have an introduction if I don’t see your face?” He flashes a shit-eating grin. If I wasn’t clenching the curtain with both hands, I would’ve been tempted to slap that grin right off his perfectly sculpted face.

  “Seriously, get out!” I push a hand against his hard chest, hearing him chuckle as he finally backs up out of the shower. I quickly place my hands on top of the curtain rod and stretch the curtain out as far as it’ll go.

  What the fuck is going on here? I’m sure this has to be some prank Natalee’s playing on me.

  “You have nothing to be embarrassed about,” I hear him say after awhile.

  What the hell is he still doing in here?

  “Are you some kind of weird freak who gets off on spying on women? Because if you are, I’m going to kick your ass.” I shut the water off and reach slowly for my towel that’s on the hook.

  You’ve got to be kidding me.

  “Where’s my towel?” I hiss. “Give it back.”

  I hear a deep, amused laugh in response.

  “Fine.” I grit my teeth, no longer giving a shit, considering he’s already seen everything.

  I grab the curtain, and in one swift movement whip it wide open. After hearing a loud clank from the hooks, I step out onto the floor mat. He’s holding my towel securely in his hand, displaying a big grin of victory.

  “You play dirty.” I scowl, snatching the towel from his hand as he stays frozen in place. “Two can play that game,” I call out as I march past him, slamming the door behind me.


  Track 2: Rumor Has It


  I held Sophia in my arms as she fell asleep, like I did every night. This had become our routine for the past three years. She’d cradle her body into the crook of my arm, head cradled on my chest as I wrapped myself around her, securing her fragile body to mine. I’d rub the top of her head softly as her eyes finally closed, putting her in a sweet, blissful dream—unlike her reality.

  I lived for her—night and day—I would’ve breathed for her too, if I could’ve. But the truth of the matter was—I couldn’t. I had to watch the life being sucked out of her daily, yet she smiled through it all. She’d be damned if she let her oxygen line keep her from smiling the biggest, warmest smile she could give.

  That’s what I loved most about her. No matter how much pain she was in, she always smiled. Always.

  It had been a long day; her stats were getting worse. Her face was pale and you could see the exhaustion in her every move. She had dark circles under her eyes, but she never complained. She was a fighter.

  “You need to sleep,” I said, rubbing the top of head gently, where she used to have long, thick brown hair.

  “I’m fine,” she insisted. “I like having you here.”

  “I know.” I smiled genuinely back at her.

  “Do you have to work tomorrow?”

  She looked up at me with a hopeful expression in her eyes, knowing the answer was always yes.

  “Yes, but you know I’ll be here before you go to bed.”

  “Okay,” she said, defeated.

  “Close your eyes,” I demanded.

  “Fine.” She sighed.

  I looked down and saw her lips form into a grin. Her eyes were closed, but she was fighting the sleep. She wanted to soak up as much time with me as she could before the fatigue and medication took over.

  I rubbed her forehead slowly, her slight frame pressed tight against me. “Keep smiling, Sophia,” I whispered. It was something I said to her every night as her body relaxed into mine, finally surrendering to the exhaustion.

  I loved Sophia’s smile, so warm and tender. So innocent. As long as she was smiling, she was breathing.

  * * *

  I roll up the sleeves of my blue, button-up shirt as I stand in front of the full-length mirror. I leave a couple of buttons undone, keeping a more casual look. Most days I’m stuck wearing suits and ties, so it’s a nice change from my business attire.

  I grab the bags off my bed before heading down the stairs and placing them next to the banister. I packed more than enough, but the weeklong stay at Trace’s house is something I desperately need. Everything in my town still reminds me of her. Sophia. And although it’s been months, time hasn’t healed shit. It still hurts just as much as it did the day she stopped smiling. Her spirit left her body that day, abandoning me to my grief.

  I shove my cell and keys into my pocket before grabbing my luggage and heading out the door. Trace’s house is only a forty-minute drive, but it doesn’t matter how far away it is because it won’t make the pain diminish. The memories haven’t faded. The way she clung to me like a security blanket is fresh in my mind. I could be a thousand miles away from Boston, and it would still feel like she was everywhere.

  I haven’t seen Trace in months, mainly due to the fact that I hadn’t wanted to be around anyone and he was busy planning his wedding and remodeling their new home. He’s the kind of friend you stay in contact with long after college is done, so I’m at least excited about seeing him again.

  I arrive at their house right on time. Trace had asked me to get there early, before dinner, so he could show me around the new man cave Natalee let him fix up in the basement.

  Except the asshole isn’t even home yet. Natalee greets me at the door and tells me he went out on a beer run and to make myself at home until he returns.

  She directs me to which room I’ll be staying in and soon busies herself in her office, saying she just needs to make a few quick phone calls. I mumble a thank you as I walk upstairs.

  I’m in the middle of unpacking my suitcase when I hear the distinct sound of a shower. Knowing that Natalee was downstairs, I’m too curious to ignore it. I’m not sure what I’m expecting, but the overwhelming scent of plum and a girl singing aren’t one of them.

  The bathroom is big enough to house a small orphanage. It’s ridiculous, really, but nice nonetheless. I notice a girl’s products on the countertop and a pink towel hanging on a hook. She’s completely oblivious to my presence as she bellows out a tune, giving herself over to the lyrics. She sounds gorgeous.

  I find myself in quite an odd predicament. I look to the other side of the bathroom, where another door is. She must be staying in the room next to mine and apparently, we have a shared bathroom.

  I’ve dated in the past, so I know what it’s like to share a bathroom with a chick. However, it’s been a long time, too long since I’ve experienced anything like that. It’s how I need it to be now. After my life shattered, I cut off any emotion I could to avoid feeling the pain of losing Sophia. Being numb and cold is the only way I’ve been able to continue with my life. Not being close to anyone means I can’t feel that kind of pain ever again.

  I grab her toothbrush like it’s second nature. I soon realize I forgot my aftershave and make a mental note to ask Trace if he has any I can borrow.

  Hearing her yelp the moment she spots me brings me an odd kind of joy. I assume she’s one of Natalee’s uppity friends, so I decide to mess with the girl.

  Seeing her shocked, pissed-off facial expression makes it hard to resist teasing her. She’s yelling at me, screaming for me to leave. The moment my eyes land on her wet, smooth skin, I feel determined as ever to give this girl a hard time. She’s probably used to maids, high-priced china, and escorts driving her around. A little teasing will do her some good.

  Watching her squirm as I peek into the shower makes my heart race. She reacts like any typical girl would—embarrassed and surprised. Kate has nothing to be insecure about. Before she shoves me away, I get a good look for myself. Sketchy, I know, but I’d be lying if I said I hadn’t.

  The moment she walks out naked and fearless, I find myself smirking and wondering if she tastes as good as she smells. Sweet plum. The way she yanks the towel out of my hand and struts out of the bathroom— completely naked—shot the blood right down the center of my body. Gone is the skittish girl. She’s te
sting me now—loud and proud.

  I finish unpacking and head back downstairs. Trace and Natalee are in the kitchen, unpacking his bags of beer and alcohol.

  “Coop!” he shouts as soon as he sees me. “You made it, man!” Most of my friends from college still call me that, but I wasn’t that guy anymore—the careless, impulsive one that had the world on a string.

  I’ve already lost everything.

  He strides toward me, clasping his hand in mine and slapping me on the back. His face is completely lit up and it’s evident how happy he is.

  “Good seeing you, man.” I pat his back. “Nice pad you’ve got here.” I grin toward Natalee as she scowls at the word ‘pad’.

  He backs up, looking around the kitchen in easy amusement. “Yeah…it’ll do, I suppose.” He rubs the light stubble on his chin, earning an elbow jab from Natalee.

  Trace and I have been friends since our freshman year of college. He was one of those guys who always have it together—good grades, solid friends and family, great girl. There were times I was envious of the luck he always seems to have—first with finding Natalee, then keeping her. When I first met her, I knew they were meant for each other. It was obvious they had that connection.

  Connection. Something I’ve never felt before. I dated. I tried the relationship thing, but it never worked out. It wasn’t because the girls weren’t good enough for me or that I was a manwhore; I just didn’t feel that connection. It wasn’t enough for me.

  So after awhile, I gave up. I let girls in long enough to keep things casual and move along before anyone gets invested and complicates things.

  “So, um…” I begin, tensing up as I think about the naked stranger I discovered upstairs. “Is there another houseguest I should be aware of?”

  Natalee’s face drops as her eyes widen. “Oh shit!” She clasps both hands over her mouth. “I forgot to tell you. My cousin Kate is staying here this week, too.”


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