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Risking It All

Page 29

by Christi Barth

  “Which one are you?”

  Knox liked talking. He didn’t, however, particularly enjoy talking about himself. That’s what came of having the media dog his steps for too many years. Plus, while his money usually impressed women straight into a striptease, he had a feeling it wouldn’t have anywhere close to that effect on Madison.

  For now, he’d downplay everything. “Me? I’m a computer geek. No two ways about it. Not very interesting, either, to anyone outside the field. Or so my friends constantly tell me.”

  “You’d be surprised at what I find interesting. Let’s go back to the beginning, because you’re one piece of info up on me. Where did you go to college?”

  He could downplay, but he damn well wouldn’t lie. Knox was too proud of his full ride to one of the best universities in the country. “MIT. Your turn. Grad school?”

  “University of Alberta. You?”

  “Also MIT. I did a program that got me a master’s and bachelor’s simultaneously, in just five years.” Knox shrugged away the grueling course load and insane hours. “It kept me out of the bars.”

  “In what?” She rooted around in that big bag of hers before coming up with a notebook and a pen.

  “Computational engineering, for undergrad. A master’s in computation for design and optimization.”


  “Among other things.” Usually people either glazed over at mention of his majors. Or squinted as though he’d suddenly begun speaking Lithuanian. Her cool and informed response sort of thrilled him. “Your concentration?”

  “Library science. In fact, I start work at the Library of Congress in two days.”

  “Impressive. Guess I don’t need to ask why you moved out here.” Her eyes shuttered. Clearly he’d said something wrong. Or at least off. Maybe she was running away from a bad situation at home. An ugly breakup. Neither topic was conducive to flirtation. Or a hot-and-heavy hookup. Knox drummed his fingers on the table. “Can we be done with the lightning round of background trivia now?”


  Annabeth reappeared with a bottle of bubbly, glasses, and a long wooden board covered with meats and cheeses. “I shouldn’t accept that bracelet, Madison, but it’s so pretty I can’t bring myself to do the right thing. Thank you.”

  “You can do me a favor back.” Madison ripped off the paper she’d scribbled on and handed it to Annabeth. “That’s my cellphone number and email. I’m staying in a hotel right now. Which I can only afford for about a week. If you know of anyone who needs a roommate, will you pass on my name and number?”

  The cork popped out with a smooth hiss of air. Annabeth paid an inordinate amount of attention to pouring. “Do you have a job?”

  Madison laughed. “Yes. I’m told this town is more expensive than I’m used to, though, so I want to start with a roommate situation while I get my bearings.”

  After jamming the bottle into a silver ice bucket tucked to Knox’s right, Annabeth said, “I can’t believe I’m doing this, but…want to move in with me? My roommate just got sent back to work in a congressman’s home office. Big demotion. Told her that she shouldn’t sleep with a lobbyist. Anyway, she moved away this week and left me holding the bag for rent. We could do a trial run of three months while you finish out her lease and then see where we stand.”

  Uh-oh. There was no possible way this would work out to Knox’s advantage. Yes, he liked Madison. A lot. They generated an exothermic reaction every time they touched. But his relationships tended to have a shelf life shorter than a Halloween movie. No way did he want her hanging around, bumping into him after a month. Annabeth knew his dating MO. What was she thinking?

  “That’d be terrific! Yes. Absolutely yes.” Madison bounced in her seat, grinning from ear to ear. As much as Knox didn’t want to notice, it made her boobs jiggle in a spectacular way. So spectacular that marble statue of Jefferson was probably leaning in, trying to peer through the columns of his memorial to catch a glimpse. Damn it. He’d worry about next month…next month. Just concentrate for tonight on having fun.

  Annabeth pocketed the slip of paper. With a glance at the man two tables down beckoning her, she centered the glasses. “I’ll email you the details on my break.” She rushed away. The balcony had already filled to capacity in the last few minutes. People liked to catch the sunset over the Potomac.

  “I can’t believe I got a place to live and a hot date in under an hour.”

  Knox really couldn’t believe it, either. The guys would laugh until they peed themselves once they heard the news.

  “Things move fast here.”

  “Good. I think. I mean, I hope so. I’m in the mood to have things move fast.”

  Yeah. Madison seemed entirely on board with hooking up. After all, she didn’t know how close Annabeth was to Knox and his friends. She probably just assumed theirs was a pleasant, waiter-guest relationship. If she didn’t see a complication, he sure as hell didn’t plan to fill her in on it.

  “I can go as fast as you like. Until I decide it’s the right time to slow down.” Deliberately, he slid his hand across to flip hers, and then circle his thumb lightly in the middle of her palm. “Savor the moment.” Knox raised his glass. “Welcome to D.C. I hope it’s everything you’re looking for.”

  “And then some, apparently.”

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