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Love in Paris

Page 2

by Amanda Meadows

  “Bonjour, Mademoiselle.”

  “Bonjour,” Amber mumbled back, blushing.

  Hunter chatted for a moment with the porter in fluent French before escorting Amber into the palatial lobby. He kept a protective hand against the small of her back.

  “The porter will make sure that our bags get sent to the room,” he said, guiding her to the front desk.

  The gentleman at the front desk smiled at Hunter warmly and began speaking in rapid French. Amber only caught Hunter's name. She stood awkwardly, trying to blend in. The two obviously knew each other.

  Finally, Hunter signed a register and led Amber away.

  “Did you already know him?” Amber asked curiously, trying not to gawk at the crystal chandeliers over her head or the enormous stone fireplace blazing in the lobby seating area.

  “Yes. I've stayed here several times with my parents. The company uses it for business, so management always gives us great rates. I think that they upgraded us for free this time.”

  Hunter looked at her anxiously. “I hope you like it.”

  Amber couldn't help herself. She burst out laughing.

  “What?” Hunter looked confused.

  “Hunter, the nicest hotel I've ever stayed at was a chain hotel that had a mini fridge and microwave in the room. I have a feeling this is at least a tiny step up from that.”

  Hunter shook his head sadly.

  “First, I had to compete with exhaust fumes from a local bus. Now, I have to worry about a chain hotel that featured a mini fridge and microwave.”

  Amber punched his shoulder. “Now who's being sarcastic?”

  Hunter rubbed his arm and grinned.

  “If you win, should I expect more of this rough and tumble sex play?”

  Amber gaped at him, twisting to see if anyone had heard them. Then she swung her purse at his head. She missed, though, as he dodged away, still laughing.

  The elevator dinged and Hunter moved quickly, holding the door open as an elderly woman disembarked. He waved Amber inside with a flourish of his hands. They had the elevator to themselves.

  “You might see rough and tumble. But not in the way your perverted little head is fantasizing about,” Amber muttered as Hunter punched the button for their floor.

  “Perversion is in the eyes of the beholder,” Hunter said, winking.

  Amber refused to look at him for the remainder of the short elevator ride. She ignored the sounds of him laughing.

  But as Hunter finally opened the door to their room, she forgot about any irritation she might have had with him.

  “Oh! Wow!”

  Amber stared in amazement, trying to take in everything at once. This was not a hotel room. It was more like an apartment. The living room alone was larger than the hotel room she had once stayed in. On one table stood an enormous vase of fresh flowers, a bucket with a bottle of champagne, and a wicker basket stuffed with fresh fruits and assorted chocolates. A magnificent bay window, draped in elegant curtains, showed the bustling street below. The long sofa was a rich, white leather. The chairs were ornate with lovely fabrics and airy pillows. Attention had even been given to the lush carpet on the floor. Amber felt like she was Cinderella entering the palace.

  “Nice, isn't it?” Hunter asked.

  Was this typical for him, Amber wondered. Was this the type of luxury he was accustomed to every time he traveled?

  “I feel under dressed,” Amber finally said, when she felt as though she could speak.

  “You look good wherever you are, gorgeous,” Hunter said, swooping her in his arms and kissing her gently on the mouth.

  “Oh, goodness! I need a shower!” Amber said, remembering that she was meeting Hunter's parents in less than an hour.

  Hunter laughed and patted her backside.

  “Why don't you go first? I'll meet the porter when he comes up with our bags.”

  Amber entered the elegant bedroom. Though not large, there was a king-sized bed in the center along with a large, antique armoire. When she opened the door to the armoire, she discovered a flat screen television tucked neatly inside. The bottom held roomy drawers. Long, luxurious silk drapes framed a large window that looked over the street below. Amber peeked out quickly before pulling the curtains shut for privacy.

  She kicked her shoes off and padded into the impeccable bathroom. There was marble everywhere, including the floor.

  She turned on the water, happy to see a full burst of water from the shower head. She chose shampoo and conditioner samples from an ornate wire basket. Mm . . . They smelled heavenly. She grabbed a bar of soap and placed everything on the silver tray beside the tub. Dropping her travel clothes on the floor, she stepped into the steaming shower.

  Ah! There was almost nothing that compared to a hot shower. Well, except for hot sex. But this was a close second. She could have stayed in there forever, but she was conscious of the time. She reluctantly finished quickly, stepping out and wrapping a thick towel around her middle. Even the towels were luxurious. She had no idea a hotel towel could be this soft and fluffy. She wrapped another towel around her hair in turban fashion.

  As she started to leave the bathroom, she spotted robes and slippers behind the door. Even better! The slippers were way too big for her small feet, but they were so comfy that she kept them on and shuffled out of the room with the robe cinched at her waist.

  “The shower's all yours!” Then she realized that Hunter was in the closet.

  “Sorry to yell,” she said. “I thought you were still in the living room.”

  “The porter came up right after you got in the shower. I sent him down with my suit and your dress for a quick pressing.”

  Hunter put away the suitcases in the corner of the closet.

  “Oh, I need mine first,” Amber said.

  Hunter pointed to the bottom half of the armoire. “Your things are in the top drawer.”

  “You unpacked my things?” Amber stared at Hunter.

  Hunter shrugged. “I had time so I unpacked everything. Don't you do the same when you travel?”

  Amber thought of how she normally yanked out what she needed during a trip and shoved everything back in the suitcase at the end.

  “Um . . . Yeah . . . Thanks for saving me the trouble.”

  Hunter chuckled.

  “What?” Amber asked.

  “I was joking when I suggested you unpacked your things.”

  Amber put her hands on her hips.

  “How would you know what I do on trips?” she asked, annoyed.

  She knew she wasn't the most organized person on the planet. But he didn't have to make fun of her.

  “I'm sorry, baby,” Hunter said, trying without success to erase the smile on his face.

  “But you're hands down the sloppiest person I know.”

  “That's a terrible thing to say!”

  Hunter folded his arms across his chest. “Really? And I suppose it's nice for you and Caleb to joke together about me being a control freak?”

  Ouch! Had Hunter overheard them?

  “Well, you need to be a gentleman no matter what I say,” she finally said, turning and flinging open the drawer to start getting dressed.

  Damn! He had individually folded every single pair of panties. Who did that? She remembered how she had wadded all her panties and bras in one giant pile of her suitcase. She blushed.

  “Ah, baby, don't be sore,” Hunter murmured. “You're the most gorgeous slob in the world.”

  Amber relented, looking up into those shimmering green eyes. She leaned forward to kiss him.

  “Well, I have to admit that you are the most handsome control freak in the world,” she murmured. “If we didn't have lunch with your parents or our little bet, I'd show you how much I love you right now.”

  Hunter flushed. “I guess I'll be taking a cold shower before we leave,” he said, his voice husky.

  Amber glanced at the bedside clock. “Yikes! I've still got to dry my hair.”

  Hunter relucta
ntly let her go and headed for the bathroom.

  Amber followed him in to get the dryer. She watched as Hunter's black jeans dropped to the floor. Resisting sex with Hunter tonight was going to be agonizingly difficult. She fought off a sudden yawn and grinned. Unless, of course, jet leg worked in her favor.

  Still, it was hard to pull her eyes away when Hunter stepped out of his black briefs. As he knelt to put them in a tidy pile with his other soiled clothes, Amber couldn't help herself. She reached over and slapped his bare butt cheek.

  Chapter 3

  “Hey!” Hunter whirled around.

  Amber giggled as she saw his firm erection. Then she bit her lips in alarm as he stepped closer. She looked up and got caught up in his mesmerizing eyes. She looked down and felt an ache in her groin from his arousal.

  “For someone who wants to win a bet, you sure are being naughty,” Hunter said. “Maybe you've changed your mind?”

  Blushing, Amber whirled around and grabbed the hair dryer from beneath the sink.

  “Just take your shower,” she said hastily. She scurried into the bedroom.

  As the water ran, she heard Hunter laughing.

  A few moments later, though, she heard a shriek. She raced to the bathroom and ripped open the shower curtain. Hunter clutched his chest and gasped for air. Was he having a heart attack?

  “Hunter! What is it? What's wrong?”

  She reached into the shower and then snatched her arm back. The water was freezing.

  “Seriously? Guys really do this?”

  Hunter panted and gasped. His teeth were chattering.

  “It . . . It . . . works,” he muttered.

  Amber glanced down.

  “Well, I'll be darned,” she said. “I thought that was an old wives' tale.”

  She grinned wickedly. “What would happen if I dropped my robe right now?”

  Hunter looked suitably horrified. He grabbed the shower curtain and yanked it back into place.

  “Out!” he roared.

  This time it was Amber who laughed as she left to finish drying her hair. Point for me, she thought with satisfaction. She wanted to tease Hunter further. But by the time she finished her hair and dabbed on a tiny bit of makeup, it was nearly time to go.

  When the doorbell rang, Hunter stormed out of the bathroom in his own bathrobe and slippers without looking at her. But once she was dressed and peering at herself anxiously in the mirror, Hunter seemed to have forgotten that he was angry with her.

  “You look amazing, baby,” he said, coming behind her and kissing her neck.

  “Don't worry about mom and dad. I promise that they don't bite.”

  Amber sighed. “Yes, but what if they swallow me whole?”

  Hunter laughed. “Seriously. They're going to love you.”

  “What's their normal reaction to you bringing a girl over?” Amber asked, suddenly curious.

  To Amber's surprise, Hunter flushed and turned away, starting to play with his tie.

  “I think that this is on crooked. Can you check?”

  Amber reached up and adjusted the tie by about a millimeter. She was going to have to win this bet if she wanted to get any information from Hunter. Why was he acting embarrassed? Had something happened with the last girl? Had the girl embarrassed herself? Used the wrong fork at dinner? Spilled dinner all over herself?

  “Breathe, Amber,” Hunter said, taking her hand. Leaning down, he kissed her gently on the lips.

  “I'm glad you look so natural,” he said. “Mom will be impressed. She doesn't like heavy makeup.”

  Amber forced herself to take a deep breath. She closed her eyes and forced herself to relax. When she opened her eyes again, Hunter was watching and waiting silently.

  “Okay, Monsieur Webb,” she said with a confidence she didn't quite feel. “Let's do this!”

  As they walked to the elevator, Hunter talked to her about some of the specifics of the company. She was surprised to learn that Hunter's mother was starting an arts' foundation for underprivileged girls.

  “That's incredible,” Amber said.

  Hunter looked embarrassed for a moment.

  “What?” Amber asked in alarm.

  “I hope you don't take this the wrong way. My mom wants to talk to you about working for the company part-time.”

  Amber beamed. “Really? That would be great!”

  Hunter looked relieved. “I just didn't want you to think she was asking because of . . . um . . . your past.”

  The elevator stopped. Amber waited until they stepped out to confront Hunter.

  “Is she asking because of my past?” she asked, narrowing her eyes at him as she crossed her arms over her chest.

  “No!” Hunter said with a fierceness that startled her. “I told her that I thought that you were incredibly smart and might have some good ideas.”

  Amber studied him for a full minute, watching his posture. She had never known Hunter to outright lie. Keep stuff from her? Yes. But he had never outright lied.

  “Well then, Monsieur Webb,” she said, linking her arm in his. “Let's not keep the parents waiting.”

  Amber was glad to see that the hotel restaurant was quite private and that nearly half the tables remained empty. At least she wouldn't have to worry about talking over loud conversations. As they were shown to their table, Amber tried to squelch her nerves. Fortunately, both Hunter's mom and dad had big smiles on their faces as they stood to greet them.

  Amber was amused to see Mrs. Webb give her son a kiss on each cheek before engulfing him in a hug. She was further impressed when Mr. Webb gave his son an equally warm hug. She waited, hoping that her palms were not too sweaty. There was no way she could wipe them on this dress.

  “Mom and Dad, this is Amber,” Hunter said, beaming at her. “Amber, this is my mom and dad.”

  “It's a pleasure to meet you both, Mr. and Mrs. Webb,” Amber said, her throat dry.

  “The pleasure is all ours, Amber,” Mrs. Webb said, warmly taking Amber's hands in both of hers.

  Tall and slender, Mrs. Webb wore her long, gray hair fashioned into a low bun behind her head. Her beautiful skin, the color of pale honey, looked clean and fresh. If she was wearing makeup, Amber couldn't see it. She wore a simple, navy, sheath dress that accentuated her long legs. Only her heels were surprisingly high. Other than her wedding band, a delicate watch, and tiny diamond studded earrings, she wore no jewelry. She exuded simple elegance.

  “Yes, Amber,” Mr. Webb echoed, also extending a hand. His light brown hair was cropped short and he had streaks of gray around his temples. Although he was dressed in an expensive suit, his manner was warm and laid back.

  Amber breathed easier as they all sat down. Soon, she was in a deep conversation with Mrs. Webb about her foundation. Apparently, Hunter wasn't kidding when he said that his mom wanted to offer her a position.

  “I have great ideas,” Mrs. Web confessed. “But I just don't know young people that well.”

  She leaned in as though a conspirator. “You might have noticed that Hunter is years ahead of his chronological age.”

  Hunter paused in his conversation with his dad. He arched an eyebrow at his mother.

  “Really, mom. I can hear you. I'm only about a foot away.”

  Mrs. Webb simply laughed and Amber had to smile.

  “So Hunter has always been responsible and level headed?” Amber asked with a grin.

  Mrs. Webb raised her salad fork for emphasis. “He came out of the womb, shook his little finger at the doctor in charge, and demanded to know how long the poor man had been practicing and where he got his degree.”

  Hunter blushed but chose to ignore his mother.

  Mrs. Webb turned serious. “The world has changed so much since I was raising Hunter. And he matured so quickly. I see youngsters in the street today and have no idea what they might be thinking.”

  “I would love to help, but I'm not sure if I have the necessary experience,” Amber said.

  Mrs. Webb
smiled. “Your honesty is refreshing. I need someone to help me plan things. Someone who isn't afraid to tell me if an idea is quite horrible. Do you think you could do that, dear?”

  Amber grinned and squeezed Hunter's arm to get his attention.

  “Your mom is asking if I have difficulty giving an honest opinion."

  Hunter grimaced. “Amber has never been afraid to tell me what she thinks. Good or bad.”

  “How refreshing!” Mr. Webb declared. “Finally, someone who stands up to Hunter.”

  “Aw, come on! Is this bash your son day?” Hunter stabbed his salad viciously with his fork.

  “Oh, sweetie, you know we love you!” Mrs. Webb patted Hunter's cheek and turned to Amber.

  “What a lovely girl you are. I'm glad that we've finally gotten a chance to meet you!”

  Amber relished the attention, but she was now really curious about Hunter's past. She knew that he hadn't dated in awhile, but his parents seemed borderline ecstatic to meet her. Had they feared that he would be a lifetime bachelor?

  Lunch was delicious, but Amber soon found herself fighting back yawns.

  “Dear, I'm sure that Hunter already warned you. As dreadfully tired as you must be, try to stay awake until this evening,” Mrs. Webb said, watching with concern.

  Mr. Webb turned to his son. “Hunter, we have to get back to the office. Why don't you take Amber sight seeing? A little brisk air will help revive her.”

  After hugs and kisses, the Webbs waved them off.

  Hunter smiled as they headed back to the elevator.

  “They absolutely adored you, baby."

  Amber yawned and smiled sleepily.

  “I'm glad. Look, do you think I could just put my head down for twenty minutes?” she pleaded. “I can't keep my eyes open.”

  “Sorry, but that's not going to happen. I have to keep you awake.”

  “You can't stop me,” she grumbled, thinking only of the king-sized bed. It had looked so comfortable.

  “If you put that sweet head of yours on a single pillow, I'll toss you in an icy shower,” Hunter warned, his voice pleasant.

  Amber yawned again. She peered at him through sleepy eyes.

  “You wouldn't do that.”


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