Jennifer jumps up, there is a pounding at her door. She glances at the clock and it's 10:03. It's Megan, and she isn't going to be happy that Phoenix is here. She looks at him, and he propped up on his elbow, the blanket is covering right below his hip. She lips her lips, and looks back to his handsome face he is smiling at her.
“Are you expecting someone this late?” His voice is dripping sex.
“Umm—” she shakes her head. “Yeah, that will be Megan.” She grabs her sweatpants and a tan top that has a build in bra. She turns around and sees him getting up. “No, I need you to stay here.” He raises his eyebrow at her. “She doesn't like you, and I don't want to lose her for good. Please Phoenix.”
“Fine, but I won't hidden in here all night.” He says and glares at her.
“Phoenix.” She says, and he shakes his head.
She walks out of her room, and shuts her door. She rushes to her door, and opens it to see her best friend.
Megan smiles at her, and she returns it. “I didn’t want to use my key.”
“Meg, this is your home too.” Jennifer moves out-of-the-way to allow Megan to pass.
She walks in, and sits on the couch. She smiles at Jennifer. “Phoenix is here, isn’t he?”
Jennifer sighs and nods. “Sorry we fell asleep, and woke up when you were knocking.”
Megan starts laughing. “So, your hair is messed up from the sex or sleep.”
Jennifer smiles and says, “Both.”
Megan looks at Jennifer and her smile falls. “I'm so sorry Jen. I am such an ass.” Tears start to fill her eyes.
“Oh Meg.” She sits on the couch and grabs her best friends hand.
Megan shakes her head. “No, I said some hurtful things and I hate myself for that. I’m just scared for you. You're pregnant with twins and to add to that Phoenix is an incubus.”
“And I’m a Nephilim.” She is so scared that her best friend will take off again.
“What is that?” Megan asks.
Jennifer smiles, “I am an angel's child.” Megan takes back her hand and covers her face.
She starts to laugh. “Your babies are half angels and half demons.” Jennifer smiles, she already thought of that. “Jen, can you get Phoenix for me? I want to tell him that I’m sorry for being an ass to him.” Jennifer stands up, and walks towards her bedroom.
She walks in and he is dressed and sitting on her bed. He has his phone in his hands. He looks up at her and doesn’t offer her a smile. “Oh Phoenix, don’t look at me like that. I just didn’t want her to freak out.”
He stands up and walks over her window. “I know I’m not good enough for you, and Megan sees it.”
Jennifer's mouth drops open. “What! You are my everything, damn it Phoenix look at me.” He slowly turns around. “Phoenix, I love you. I have never felt this way before, and I never want hear you say you're not good enough for me. I am the one that doesn't deserve to be with you. You are perfect in every way, and I don’t come close to perfection.” Jennifer can feel her heart beating faster.
Phoenix closes his eyes. “You can't love me, you are too pure.”
Jennifer walks over to Phoenix, and touches his face. “I do Phoenix, I love you.” He opens his eyes and she smiles at him.
He puts his hand on her face. “Darling, I don’t know if I can ever return your love. No one has ever given it to me before.”
She smiles at him, “I just want you.” He kisses her sweetly, and she pulls away before they both want something more. “Megan wants to talk to you.” He makes a face and it makes her giggle. “Hey now, she just wants to tell you that she is sorry.”
He sighs, “Fine. I'll do it for you.”
“See Phoenix, you care about me.” He takes her hand and lightly squeezes it.
“Darling, I care about you.” He opens the door and they walk out holding hands to see Megan.
Chapter Nine
Megan is where Jennifer left her, on the couch. “Megan?” Jennifer says and her best turns around. She smiles at them.
She stands up and meets them. “Phoenix, I wasn’t fair to you. I saw how Jen was after you left her, and I wanted to kill you. But, now I can see you aren't a slime ball. I’m sorry for acting like I did.” Phoenix tightens his hand on hers, and then lets go.
“I wasn’t fair to you either, and I don’t blame you for protecting Jennifer. But I want you to know if I had to I would give up my life for her and our babies.” If Jennifer wasn't in love with his she would have fell, right then.
Megan smiles, and nods. “Good, because she doesn't deserve to be a single mother of twins.”
“I will be there for her and our babies no matter what.” Jennifer heart swells, and the is a strong movement in her abdomen. She gasps, and falls to her knees. “Jennifer!” Phoenix says, and she looks up. She puts her hand on her abdomen, and she can feel movement. Phoenix lifts her face, and she can feel her tears steaming down her face. “Megan is calling Max.”
Jennifer shakes her head. “Let me see your hand.” He scrunches his eyebrows together, and she smiles. He gives her his hand and she places it where the movement was. Within a few seconds her and Phoenix feel it, and his eyes widen. He looks down, and a slow smile forms on his face.
“Max was in the area, he'll be here soon. He says—” Megan stops talking when she sees Phoenix and Jennifer.
“Megan come here.” Jennifer says, and Megan does. She doesn’t need to be told what to do, she just puts her hand on Jennifer's abdomen.
Jennifer smiles at the two people she loves. The only one missing is her mom. Another strong movement make her gasp again. “Holy shit! That is so awesome.” Megan says and Jennifer burst out laughing. Jennifer glances at Phoenix and he looks like he might pass out. She looks back at Megan, and she nods. She knows Jennifer wants to be alone with him. “I'm going to go wait for the good doctor outside. What does he look like?”
“He has black hair and green eyes. Oh and he is drop dead gorgeous.” Jennifer says and winks at her best friend.
“Great drop dead gorgeous can help me carry up my bag. That's if you want me back.”
Jennifer nods, and smiles. “Of course I do!” Megan winks at her and turns around to walk out of the apartment.
As soon as the door shuts Phoenix looks up at Jennifer. “Our babies.” She hears Phoenix whisper and at the sound of their father's voice they start moving again. He laughs, and she does too.
“I think they are enchanted by your voice, like their mommy.” She smiles at him.
“No darling I am the one enchanted.” She giggles, and he lifts her shirt to right under her bra. He kisses her abdomen and says, “Ma belle bébé, le père vous aime.”
Jennifer doesn't understand anything but English. “What did you say?”
Phoenix keeps his lips on her belly, and lifts his eyes to look at her. He moves his lips far away to speak. “My beautiful babies, father loves you.” Jennifer's tears fall from her eyes. “I never thought I could love anything, but as soon as I felt these babies more. I never knew what love was until now.”
She wonders if he will ever love her the way he loves their babies. He sits up and smoothes down her shirt. “I knew you could love.”
His beautiful smiles falls. “Jennifer—” He gets cut off when Megan and Max walk in.
“Hello sweetheart, so I hear you have felt your babies moving.” She stands up next to Phoenix, and nods. “Normally you wouldn’t feel your babies move until you were at fourteen to sixteen weeks. But since you are a Nephilim, and Phoenix is an incubus your babies will grow faster.” He walks over to her and takes her into a warm hug. Over his shoulder she watches Megan staring at Max, and she smiles at Megan.
She moves away from him, and smiles at him. “So, what does that mean?”
He touches her abdomen. “Let me measure you first, and we'll see where we are at.” She nods. “Will you please lay on the floor?” She does what he asks, and he pulls up her shirt to her bra line. He lightly presses on h
er abdomen, and his eyes widen. “You are my first Nephilim, so I wasn’t sure what to expect.” He grins down at her. “Sweetheart, you're measuring at about seventeen weeks.” He stands up and offers her his hand, she gladly takes it.
“Does this mean after the babies are born, they will grow up faster?” He smiles and shakes his head.
“No, after they are born they will age normal until they are twenty-five.” She already knows that part. He pulls out this weird circle thing and spins some things around. “I have your due date at September fifteen.”
Jennifer's jaw drops open. “That is only like four months away.” She doesn’t know if she will be ready that soon.
“It can change, we don’t really know how things are going to go. You may go before or after that date. I want you to take it easy, and not overly stress.” She just stares at him.
“I need to sit down.” Phoenix takes her into his arms, and sets her on the couch. In four months they will be parents. She is having twins in four freaking months. She starts to breath heavy, and her hearts starts to race.
“Jennifer I really need you to calm down.” She looks up into calm green eyes, and nods. “I know that this seems crazy to you, but you aren’t the first Nephilim to get pregnant from an incubus. You are my first patient to be one though.” He bends down and kneels on his knees. He takes her hands. “You will be a phenomenal mother, and you'll have Phoenix to help you.” He squeeze her hands, and stands up. “Call my office and make an appointment, for next week.” He shakes Phoenix's hand and then turns to her best friend. “Will you walk me out sweet Megan.”
Jennifer watches Megan blush then giggle. “Yeah.” Megan looks down, and he walks up to her. They walk out together, and Jennifer smiles.
“Does she know about me being an incubus?” Jennifer slowly turns her attention to him.
“Yes, I told her everything” He nods.
“Well you do need someone else to talk to about all of this. I do wish you kept that to yourself, humans don’t understand us. They think we are all evil because of the stories, but we aren’t. Not all of us at least.” She has already seen so much good in him that she could never think he was evil. She yawns, “Let's go to bed.” He stands up and offers his hand.
Smiling she takes it. “You’re still staying?”
He pulls her back to her bedroom. “Darling I told you I was, it doesn’t change just because Megan's back.” He shuts the bedroom door behind them and she can't stop her smile. “Now, let's get undress and snuggle naked.” She laughs and gets undress. She gets into bed and he pulls her close. “Good night my darling angel.” She falls to sleep listening to him breathing.
Jennifer gets woken up to Phoenix kissing her back and rubbing her butt. “Good morning beautiful.” His sexy deep voice says, and she moans when he moves his hand pass her butt. He slides a finger into her easily. “I love how ready you are for me.” He takes his finger out of her and returns to rubbing her ass. “I want to take you here.” He gently rubs her asshole, and she gasps.
“Oh Phoenix.” She moans as he slips the tip of his finger in her ass.
“I won't fuck you today here, but soon.” He whispers into her ear and she shivers. He turns her around and crashes his lips to hers. She wraps her legs around his butt to pull him closer to her. Jennifer moans into his mouth, when she feels him rubbing himself against her clit. He takes his lips away and she groans. He kisses down her body to her nipples, and then he sucks the whole nipple into his mouth. As he is pulling his mouth away he slightly bites, and she screams out in pleasure. He does the same thing to her other nipple, and she can feel her orgasm building. He goes back to the first nipple and bites first then blows on it. She jerks up, and he chuckles.
“I love how you react to me, and I’m not even using my powers yet.” He bites and blows on the second nipple, and she lets her orgasm take her over. She screams out his name, and his lips crash down on hers to muffle her screams. He smiles down at her, “Darling, Megan is here. She is going to think I’m killing you.”
Jennifer giggles, there has been many times she has heard Megan's love making. Now it's her turn and she isn't going to keep it down. He kisses her jaw and starts kissing back down her body. He kisses and nibbles on her belly, and continues down to her pussy. He does two quick licks and then he sucks on her clit.
“You taste like honey.” He says and licks her again.
She doesn't know how much more she can take. “Fuck me.” His laughter vibrates against her and she moans. “Please Phoenix.”
He brings up body up and smiles. “If that is what you want.” He thrusts his hips and he is inside of her. She lifts her hips to meet his, and he groans. She squeezes her vagina muscles and knows he won’t last long. “I. Need. To. Feed.” He word he thrusts harder into her, and it steals her breath with her orgasm. She nods and feels his power wash over her. She loves to lose herself in Phoenix.
After they get their breathing back to normal he pulls himself out of her. “Let's take a shower, and get ready for work.” She moans. “If you make that noise I will end up back inside you.”
She laughs and sets up, “Do you think taking a shower is a good idea? You can barely keep your hands off of me.”
He laughs and grins at her. “You are so right, I need to head home before work.” She doesn’t want to be without him. He comes to her and grabs her face. “I'll see you later.” He kisses her lips and she wraps her arms around his neck. She is the one to deepen the kiss and he doesn’t stop her. She feels and hears his growl. He is the one to pull away. “You are playing with fire, chéri.”
He walks away from her, but stops at the door. He gives her one last look and walks out. Jennifer heads to the shower.
After she gets out of the shower and she is dress she walks in to the kitchen. She sees Megan sitting at the table with a large bag in front of her.
Megan looks up and smiles. “Good freaking morning, prego.” Jennifer blushes, she can tell that Megan hear her and Phoenix's fucking earlier. “You, know I am really happy for you. But if I have to hear you screaming I’m going to pop my ear drums.” Megan burst off laughing and pushes the large bag towards Jennifer. “I got you something.”
“Meg, you didn't have to get me anything.” Jennifer smiles and grabs the bag.
“Trust me I did.”
Jennifer opens the bag, and her eyes widen. She pulls out a ball gag, and something that looks like tape. “Oh my god.” She starts to giggle when she pulls out a vibrator. The box has a picture of it, it's pink and has a butterfly that goes on the clit. She sets her new toy on the table and reaches back into the bag. She pulls out many different favors of lubes.
“I think you really need that gag.” They laugh together.
“I'm sorry.” Jennifer says.
Megan shakes her head. “No you aren’t, but that's okay. I know you have heard me a few times. Plus, I got to meet Max.” Her face softens, and Jennifer hasn't ever seen her like this before.
“You know he is an incubus, right?”
Megan rolls her eyes, and nods. “Yeah, I asked him and he told me he was.”
Jennifer smiles, “Good. But you know he can't feed of you a lot or you die.”
Megan looks down, but Jennifer didn't miss. “I know, he told me that.”
Jennifer didn't think Max was a bad guy, and she just worries for Megan's heart. “I'm here if you need to talk.” Jennifer stands up and walks over to Megan. “Thanks for my new toys.” Megan laughs and Jennifer wraps her arms around her best friend.
“I hope you have fun at Phoenix's house!” Megan squeezes Jennifer and gently pushes her away. “You better get going. Phoenix told me that he would come and get you if you were late again.” Jennifer smiles because she knows he will. “By the way, I like Phoenix. He is good for you.”
“Yeah, I think he is a keeper.” She says, and walks to her bedroom to put her new toys away. She giggles when she thinks what Phoenix will say. Jennifer is laughing as she is walking
out the door.
The drive to work is fast and she can't wait to see Phoenix again. She parks her car and heads to the elevator. She is wearing her favorite red dress with a black blazer, and she kept her long hair down. Her dress hugs her curves, and she notices her baby bump for the first time. She smiles at her reflection, and when she gets to her floor she gets out. She smiles at a few women, and they stare at her. She sees Phoenix talking to a few men and some women, they see her before he does, and she smiles and nods. He glances over his shoulder, and when his eyes meet hers they seem to be undressing her. She can feel her body blush, and she hurries to her desk.
“Jennifer, in my office.” Phoenix is already walking into his office when she looks up. He doesn’t sound too happy either. She stands up and walks in his office. “Shut the door.” He says with his back to her. She does and he slowly turns around. “I thought I told you I can't think straight when you are wearing a skirt.” He walks towards her, and he is grinning.
“Well sir, this is a dress, and you didn't ever say anything about not wearing a dress.” He stops about a foot in front of her.
“Smart ass.” He says, and she smiles up at him.
“I rather be a smart ass than a dumb ass.” He throws his head back and laughs.
“That is true.” he looks back down at her, and his gaze is like molting lava. “Now what am I going to do when every man in my office is starting at you.” He places his hand on top, of her baby bump, and smiles. “I think I need to fire every man in the office.” She laughs, and raises his eyebrow at her. “I'm not joking darling, you are too sexy and I don’t want men looking at what is mine. Not like that.”
She narrows her eye. “I am not your property.”
“Darling you are, you are carrying my babies.” She takes his hand off of her, and glares.
“That doesn’t mean you own me.”
Jennifer watches anger and regret play on his face. “I'm sorry, I know I can be an ass some times. But I told you I’m not made for a relationship.”
My Everything Page 8