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Immortal Espionage

Page 18

by Debbie Behan

  ‘Well that’s handy to know. I’d hate to have to lock her up and have neither of you get home tonight.’

  ‘She’s doesn’t have a licence so there’s no issue with drink driving.’ She smiled sweetly. ‘Thanks for your help officer. I’ll wait for my mum out front.’

  ‘Hey lovie! You don’t have to stand out there. It’s cold outside. Let me make you a coffee or something. You can wait in here.’

  She eyed him, not trusting him either. He might decide to do a check on her and find out she was wanted. ‘Thanks again but I’d sooner be ready when they come. Mum gets cross if she has to wait.’

  Alina opened the door and rushed to get away from him. The less he remembered of her when he was questioned later, the better. He opened up his mouth to say more, thought better of it and went back to his book and his coffee.

  * * * *

  A couple of helicopters landed. Alina came out of hiding when she saw her emblem on the aircraft. Her trademark was a large single eye representing the All Seeing Eye, the name of her company. Pleased they answered her call and came promptly, she jumped on board. She refused to allow her heart to rule her head and change her mind and stay. A large part of her was devastated and tears ran from her eyes. Bye my loves, I’m sorry I ruined your lives. Forgive me. She sighed as the pilot lifted off to get her to safety.

  When Alina got back to headquarters, she was greeted by her faithful and long-time friend, Sharon. ‘I’m so happy to see you Alina.’ Tears welled up in her eyes as Sharon hugged her. ‘I thought you were dead. We traced you to Orca Island just as it blew up. Then there was a chase through Velderous city before you just up and disappeared. We have searched relentlessly and nothing. Where were you?’

  ‘I can’t talk much. They are tracking my voice so I need a voice alteration device to change the sound waves,’ Alina said.

  Sharon snapped her fingers and a staff member moved with long strides to them. ‘Get me a VRD and now.’ Sharon shooed her off impatiently.

  Alina was always impressed. ‘It doesn’t matter what I ask for; you do it without question.’

  Sharon flicked her short dark hair. ‘You’re my girl.’ Her tall thin frame bent as she pulled a leaf from Alina’s hair. ‘You need a shower and fresh clothes.’ She snapped her fingers at a worker. ‘Take Alina to her quarters and on the way, call past Doc Cameron’s rooms so he can insert a VRD into her.’ She held Alina’s hand, ‘So glad to have you home. I’ll call past later so we can chat.’

  ‘That won’t be necessary Sharon. I will come and find you when I’m ready to talk.’ Alina was abrupt, not liking Sharon’s dominant attitude. Who’s the boss here? Alina realised she’d been gone too long. Weary, Alina smiled. Could her frame of mind have her mistrust even an old friend? Or were her instincts alert and fine?

  Sharon was in her forties but didn’t look a day over thirty. She was ruthless in business and guarded Alina’s fortune with pride.

  Sharon lay beaten by her pimp and crying in pain when Alina found her. Alina needed a place to stay and lie low so helped Sharon home. Here she tended to her wounds. It was some days before Alina decided to leave. By then Sharon was better and they had become good friends. Sharon begged Alina to take her too. She wanted to start a new life. That was twenty years ago.

  For the past few years Alina trusted her so completely she put Sharon in charge of her entire fortune. The All Seeing Eye became huge, an empire that Alina needed someone trustworthy to manage. She took time off work to care for her aging sick husband and later, to get over his eventual death. Seeing Captain Nash turn against Ricco after their years together had made her suspicious of everyone. She didn’t even trust Sharon at the moment, so she calculated a plan as she followed one of the workers. The concept to start again in a new land and leave everything behind felt good. If absolutely no one knew where she was, she could do just that and this time do it right.

  After the doctor fitted Alina with a Voice Recognition Deterrent (VRD) that he injected into her throat, she got to work. In her private office she locked the door and switched on the computer. The secret code kept from even Sharon helped Alina transfer money around the country and finally landed it in a new account with a new name. Next was to change her ID and alter the picture. She carefully changed the colour of her eyes and hair. With her passport and license now changed she hacked in and re-worked her particulars.

  Chadalina became someone that died many years ago. With today’s technology, there’s nothing that can’t be changed… She grinned as she looked at the finished results. Goodbye Chadalina Harper, hallo Rose Bradshaw.

  She did research on Rose before taking the name. The teenager went missing ten years ago and was around her apparent age now. It was perfect. If found by authorities, she figured they would take her back to a family she may decide to adopt for a while.

  Lastly, Alina deleted every file and corrupted the hard drive so what she did would never be uncovered. Then as a final measure she smashed the hard drive on the floor. It made a racket and she glanced at the door, glad her office was soundproof and that nobody heard the sound of it scattering over the tiled floor in pieces.

  Outside, Alina found Sharon. ‘Hi girlfriend, need to go buy some new clothes. These are old-fashioned.’ She looked down at the deliberately chosen outfit.

  ‘Sure, I’ll organise a car.’ Sharon was too willing to let her go so soon, thus confirming Alina’s suspicions. At this moment everyone she knew was untrustworthy and she’d had enough. Alina was so cross at the cards she’d been dealt she couldn’t think straight and almost shook with the rage.

  * * * *

  An hour later, at one of the finest day spas in town, sweat poured from Alina as she noticed the unusual number of guards Sharon had watching her. The shop was surrounded, not to stop people coming in; it was to make sure she didn’t get out and escape. Sharon! Alina spat silently. It was her! All this time, keeping tabs on me for him.

  In the changing room Alina stared at her refection. She was a fighter and had stayed alive all these years and lived free. Her time would not be ended by a two bit hussy. She unbuttoned her jacket and took off the top layer of her clothes. With a firm grip on her jacket she slid under the first two change rooms, thankful she was small enough to fit under each wall divider. Now in the end cubicle she straightened the knitted dress she wore. There were provisions for the jacket and she carefully stuffed it inside a pouch to make her look pregnant. She pulled a short black wig out of her bag, twisted her hair into a topknot, secured the wig on her head with bobby pins and tidied it up with a brush. On her face she placed a large pair of sunglasses. Tapping at the glass she grinned. Brilliant, just perfect. Who takes notice of pregnant women? Alina felt safe as houses as she opened the door and ambled out looking almost ready to pop. She relied on the hope that men’s tunnel vision when a woman is having a baby is to look at their stomachs, never at the face, as they open doors or try to avoid her.

  Alina was right. She walked through without a glance from anyone until she went through the exit doors, where her tummy touched one of the guards. To her surprise, he just apologised and went bright red as he looked at her large tummy and moved aside. When she glanced back at him, he was back on guard duty, unaware that the one he watched had brushed past him.

  Out of sight and further into the city she walked into a bank.

  ‘I had my belongings stolen and would like to order new ATM and credit cards.’

  ‘No problems, Rose,’ the teller said, looking at her driver’s license.

  ‘Send them to the NAB,’ she instructed the helpful teller.

  ‘Done! They should be there by the time you arrive. Anything else I can do for you Rose?’

  ‘Make sure they are there.’ Alina placed the cash she had drawn out into her oversized handbag and slipped the cashier a hundred dollar bill.

  ‘I will follow it up personally. Thank you Rose, have a lovely day.’

  Alina left without looking up. The gun she swiped f
rom one of the guards was in view when she had her bag open and even though the cashier would not have seen it, the overhead cameras possibly did. Alina had never used a weapon before, but with the cash she carried, even holding the gun she hoped would frighten off a robber. Why had she never learned how to use one? For the first time ever, she was totally alone, frightened and vulnerable.

  ~ Chapter Twenty one ~

  The Blunt Truth

  Alina liked her new identity; the pregnant Rose Bradshaw. Nice memories of Australia had been the deciding factor to go back. The plan included fun, as much as it took to forget the last few months that had ended poorly. From today the intent was to fill her life with new experiences, new people in new places, and to rid her of controlling, horrid men.

  At the international airport, she faked a fainting spell. While the attendant went to get her a glass of water she hacked into the computer on the desk. Here she found information on the comings and goings within the private sector. A deathly expression plastered on her face, Alina just made it back on the couch as her glass of water arrived.

  ‘Here you go madam.’

  ‘Thanks.’ Alina drank it in one big gulp. ‘That’s much better, I’ll be fine now thanks…’ she looked at his tag. ‘George.’

  ‘I have a medic coming to have a look at you.’

  With a sudden movement, Alina was on her feet. ‘No worries, I just needed a rest. I’ll make sure I drink more water, must have been dehydrated.’ Alina rushed out the door with the concerned attendant watching after her.

  Around the corner she ducked into a shop and hid in the change rooms until they stopped the search for her.

  * * * *

  First thing in the morning she was waiting as an elderly couple arrived at the gate to board their private jet.

  ‘Excuse me,’ Alina approached them.

  The woman’s eyes looked friendly but concerned.

  ‘Mr and Mrs Veldermon is it?’


  ‘I have a mother dying in Australia and Terry; your son, said you might give me a lift. Your son said to ring him if there was a problem.’ Alina dialled the number and passed the phone to the father. She had researched well and knew their son was in meetings for most of the morning. He had left strict instructions not to be disturbed. As she assumed, they talked to the secretary whom Alina had paid well, ‘Ah yes, Rose. The woman that had dinner with Mr Veldermon last night,’ the speaker phone allowed her to hear.

  ‘It looks like he is unavailable but you have been verified as knowing my son personally.’

  ‘Thank you. And as I told Terry, I am willing to pay for the fuel over and pay you on top of that for your kindness.’

  Both blinked, unable to believe their ears. The husband spoke first. ‘Dear, I’m sure you have money, else my son never would have given you the time of day. However, it is illegal to take a passenger without logging you in and we are leaving this minute.’

  ‘I will make it worth your while. How about the fuel to come back here too and to cover all expenses while you holiday at the resort you have booked into in Broome?’

  The wife’s eyes widened. ‘Throw in a couple of nice pieces of local pearl jewellery and I’ll leave him here and take you.’

  Alina put out her hand. ‘Deal, but you are kidding about your husband.’

  ‘Only if he refused to take you.’ His wife eyed her husband with one of those dare you to expressions.

  The husband shrugged. ‘As usual I get no say. Just don’t get us into trouble lady or you will find me a hard man to run from.’

  Alina put her hands up submissively. ‘Trust me, I’ll be a ghost. You won’t hear from me again once we hit Australia.’

  Alina handed him a wallet full of cash that he flicked open and checked before snapping it shut. ‘Yep, we’re good to go.’ He put an arm through his wife’s and spun on his heels. Both left Alina to follow.

  * * * *

  Hours later the plane landed.

  ‘Where are we?’ Alina stared out the window at the red dirt.

  ‘Broome dear,’ the lady answered.

  ‘Now get going.’ The husband hustled her out of the craft. ‘Let this be the last time we see you.’

  ‘Sure, you have a nice life too.’ Alina tripped backwards as he took hold of her bag from the locker and shoved it in her hands. Alina nodded to the wife and smiled. ‘Thank you.’

  ‘Bye dear.’

  * * * *

  Looking over brochures from the airport lounge, she found a resort, rang and made a booking. On arrival she noticed the man behind the counter and had decided this time, there was to be no befriending the desk clerk. Never again would Alina let a man into her heart as she had let in Jay and Ricco. The memory saddened and overwhelmed the strong upper lip and it was the thought of shopping that broke the misery that threatened to make her cry. Spending money always makes any girl feel better. The thought made her smile while hailing a cab.

  First stop was the hairdressers where she asked for red and strawberry highlights and later had a short bob style cut. Next it was off to the maternity department where many maternity dresses were selected, tried on and finally chosen. At the costume department she gave the pregnant look a makeover with a false stomach insert. Since playing the part of an expectant mother it keep her invisible. She also noted what a man repellent it was to be out there in the front.

  Glad she had hired the cab driver for the day, she had him load her purchases into the trunk while she went off in another direction. Shopping usually put a spring in her step and should have. The clothes she purchased were stylish, yet she screwed her nose up as blue eyes didn’t work so well with red hair. Next stop was an optometrist where she purchased green contacts.

  By now the heat of the day had started to get to her so she looked for a shop that stocked maternity bathers. Finding one she brought a few pairs, a layabout caftan and wraps. Last stop, shoes. No way! Alina shook her head at sensible shoes. Ew! Her body shuddered and she headed for the stilettos and high class dress shoes. Finding ones she was happy with and purchases complete, she headed back to the cabbie who drove her back to the resort.

  * * * *

  The afternoon of shopping did nothing to improve her mood, but she was somewhat pleased she was able to find everything needed to complete her new look, far from attractive or sexy and yet stylish. Alina had been nice to everyone to get to this point. Now she wanted nothing more than to be left alone to be miserable and get over the hurt that niggled at her heart. If anyone got in the way of her grieving time she intended to let them have it.

  In her room she dressed to go for a swim. The cool water had beckoned her and after a swim she summoned the waiter. The new start had now begun and Alina wished to celebrate this new found freedom instead of wallowing in self-pity.

  ‘What can I get for you madam? We have non-alcoholic drinks on the menu.’ The waiter glanced at her pregnant state.

  ‘Hey mate,’ she said, and frowned. ‘If I wanted to have a crap time I wouldn’t have come to a resort. I’ll have a black Russian and keep them coming until you see me pass out.’ She went over to a recliner deck chair and, subsiding into it, pulled her floppy hat over her face not having patience for anyone.

  ‘Madam, excuse me, your drink.’

  Alina sat up and snatched it. She gulped it and gave the empty glass straight back to him. His eyes widened and worry lines marked his forehead.

  ‘Another.’ Her hand waved him off with disrespect. The waiter pursed his lips tightly and left. Not in the mood for those looks from anyone, she wanted to learn how to use that gun sooner.

  This time when he came back he had two cocktails. She gulped the first one, took the other and spoke. This time she tried to keep the sarcasm controlled.

  ‘Is there a rifle range around here?’ she asked without looking at him. ‘I want to learn how to shoot.’

  ‘Yes–would you like me to book you in for a lesson?’

  Alina shifted, lifted her gla
ss and eyed the liquid. Too nice to stop indulging. She looked up at him. ‘Not today though, I intend to get very bloody drunk. Now go get me another.’

  ‘Madam–I don’t mean to point out the obvious, but alcohol is not good for the baby–so I’m told.’

  She swung her head up and glared at him. ‘Are you my nurse maid or the damned barman? Quit pestering me or I’ll take my business elsewhere.’ Alina shuffled in her bag, pulled out a couple of hundred dollar bills, and slapped them in his hand. ‘A tip for being a good boy, now keep them coming and less talk.’

  The waiter stuffed the bills in his shirt pocket and left without another word.

  Now my holiday can begin. She swam, drank, sunbathed, drank, swam, drank and well, just drank.

  It was late in the evening before the thought of food overshadowed her thirst. Her mind touched on company while she ate but she knew there was none for her anymore. Loneliness was no friend as she viewed the lovers embracing near the waterfall. I hate them too. Where’s my gun, I’ll could use them for target practice, bastards.

  ‘Don’t get too comfortable girls, they are complete liars and will dump your arse as soon as something more interesting comes along,’ she mumbled as she stood up.

  The barman who she now knew as Barry the bloody barman chuckled. ‘Finally had enough Rose? Let me help you to your room.’ The offer was genuine and he took her arm to steady her.

  ‘It’s Mrs Bradshaw to you young man and no I don’t want your help. Nicky whoop and tend to your customers.’

  Barry let her go. Alina, unsteady and drunk, fell backwards. The outdoor recliner softened her fall. ‘Well maybe I’ll just stay here for a while,’ Alina slurred. The alcohol had taken its toll on her.

  Barry attempted to help but turned and left when she lashed out with abuse. ‘Touching me up is a criminal offence and I will get you sacked tomorrow for your insolence and—’

  * * * *

  Alina woke up with the sun streaming through the window. Damn, someone must have brought me back to my room. She hoped they didn’t touch the false stomach and now knew she wasn’t pregnant. At least they hadn’t removed her bathers so maybe they didn’t notice. I bet it was that Barry the sticky beak barman. Damn it! I’ll most likely have to leave now and just when I was starting to enjoy myself. Getting drunk was great and that Barry the barman basket case let her abuse him all day and night for a lousy couple of hundred dollars. Sucker, but now I bet he knows the stinking rotten snooping truth. In the shower it was clear that if he did know she had to leave.


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