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Immortal Espionage

Page 21

by Debbie Behan

  ‘Why are you here? I’m sorry; I shouldn’t have reacted like that. You made it perfectly clear you didn’t want me around anymore but I’m not mad at you if you came to say sorry. It’s obvious with only six hours a night to yourself, of course you’d want to spend it making love to your man. I’m so dumb and I do apologise for running off, but I’m sure you are a lot happier now, not having to squeeze us both into your time schedule.’

  Jay struggled to find the right words. ‘Please stop Ali. Nothing is your fault. It is ours, mine.’

  She blinked, surprised. ‘What do you mean? It was me that expected nothing to change and it did. I’m thinking straight now. It took opening up to Barry to see it from a man’s point of view. I loved you too much Jay. I had to back away. Give you your life back. That’s why it’s crazy for you to come. I’m still me and doubt if I’ll change. Still care for you just as much. But this with us, won’t work.’

  He put two fingers gently to her lips. ‘Please listen. That afternoon we spent together, before it went pear-shaped, my feelings for you were out of control. I was confused. In that moment when you walked to Ricco, after we came out of the lift, I was jealous.’


  ‘Yes!’ He lowered his head. ‘I don’t get either what I was thinking, hell I’m gay and nothing could ever happen between us, but still... How I feel for you I find hard to define.’

  ‘Me either.’ She twisted her hands in her lap. ‘I loved Ricco but also couldn’t let you go. I was wrong.’

  ‘No. I was and led you on. But Ricco took it wrong; he read my mind and thought we had slept together. It was just a fleeting thought as I wondered if I could.’

  ‘Jay!’ She chuckled. ‘You never.’

  A smile etched the corners of his mouth and then disappeared as he continued. ‘I figured I was in trouble the way Ricco glared at me. Granted, at the time I wasn’t thinking he had read my mind. Even so the look he gave was enough to scare me. I realised that if I didn’t stop wanting to hang out with you all the time, I would blow my friendship with him, Kev and eventually you.’

  ‘Wish you had spoken to me Jay, and told me why you chose to ignore me. I’d have understood. Maybe then I could have talked to Ricco, discussed what was really on his mind. I didn’t know what was wrong with either of you.’

  ‘So instead of asking me you ran.’

  ‘Would you have told me?’

  ‘Yes. Ali, I could never lie to you. That’s why I didn’t talk, but waited and watched, praying you two would sort it out. I believed I was the problem and was so upset, but didn’t know how to fix it. I thought you two had fought, and that he told you what he thought he saw in my mind, and you were mad at me. Kev said if I stopped making Ricco jealous, you two would be okay.’

  ‘I’ll never be okay without you Jay.’

  ‘Then you were gone!’

  ‘And you told Ricco everything I’m guessing.’

  ‘Ricco was devastated that he had got it wrong and switched off that power. It made him see that sometimes thoughts are just feelings and not always real.’

  Tears welled up in Alina’s eyes.

  ‘I was so angry with Kev for advising me to keep away from you. It busted us up and he left me and went backpacking it around Europe until a month ago. He’s back now and together we worked it out. Kev knows I can’t help how I feel for you and eventually gave in to help find you. He understands you are not a threat to our relationship but make it better, cause I’m happier when you’re near. I love you Sleeping Beauty and I’m not scared to admit it any more to Kev or Ricco because they finally get it’s different with us. I want you to come home with me where you belong and let me make up for being such a bitch of a girlfriend to you.’

  Jay knelt in front of her. ‘Will you give me a second chance to be the best friend you ever had?’

  Tears wet her cheeks as she looked at him. She pulled him into a bear hug, then up on the bed and cuddled into him. ‘I missed you so much Jay. I really thought you didn’t want me around anymore.’

  ‘For a hundred-year-old you can be pretty dumb.’

  ‘Get stuffed.’

  ‘You get stuffed bitch.’ Jay tickled her and then hugged her more. ‘I can’t bloody let you go girl. If you don’t come back I’m going to have to hang around you like a little lost lovesick puppy until you give in.’

  ‘What will the prince say if I came back? He will never forgive me for taking off on him again without talking to him. When we got married I promised to stop running.’ She looked pale with the thought of what actually went down between them.

  ‘Are you kidding? Ricco’s a mess without you and is so twisted with guilt at just sulking and not talking it through with you. He is missing his mon chéri, as he calls you, so badly he can hardly get out of bed these days. I battle to get him to eat. If this wasn’t you this time I think he would have given up.’

  ‘What do you mean, this time?’

  ‘We have searched the world for you and every time we thought we found you it would be a lookalike, and not you.’

  ‘What gave me away? I thought I had hidden extremely well this time.’

  ‘The way you slant your head when you don’t quite get what is being said.’

  ‘Is that it?’

  ‘Yep, then just before I left to get on the plane Kev spotted these.’

  Jay picked up her hand and kissed her fingers. ‘These multi-coloured nails had to be yours. That proved you were our Sleeping Beauty and not an impostor.’ He released her hand. ‘Please say you’ll come back and give us another chance. Please, please, please,’ he begged, ‘pl–ease.’

  He tickled her, making her giggle then the door swung open and Barry caught them fooling around on the bed.

  ‘Well it’s time you guys sorted it out. I guess this means I’ll be losing you, Rose.’ He turned to Jay. ‘If she goes you better make damned sure this doesn’t happen again or you will answer to me this time. Rose can always come back here any time she wants. But next time I will not be letting you in the door. Understood?’

  Jay sat upright. ‘It was a misunderstanding but we couldn’t find her to sort it out. Anyway…’ he smiled at Alina. ‘I’m still working on her. You, by now have to know how stubborn she can be. She hasn’t said yes yet.’

  ‘Does she know you love her?’

  Jay eyed him. Barry didn’t miss a trick. He could see it, but Jay wondered why Alina didn’t. Barry was right. It was a girl thing and she was hanging out to hear exactly how they did feel about her.

  ‘We love Alina more than the air we breathe, stronger than fire, she runs through us like liquid water, earths us all, keeping us happy and grounded. Without her we are what’s left, the excretion of life. We are nothing.’

  ‘That is such a gay thing to say.’ She chuckled. ‘But also the loveliest.’

  ‘No wonder you love him, shit even I love him after that speech.’ Barry chuckled.

  ‘Hang on, I haven’t said yes yet.’ Alina sat up looking stubborn.

  Suddenly footsteps stomped to the door and two strong hands picked Barry up and placed him out the way.

  ‘Ricco!’ Alina squealed and threw a hand over her mouth to muffle her joy.

  Barry gasped at the strength of the man that picked him up as if he weighed little more than a puppy.

  Jay figured Kev had let the cat out the bag and Ricco flew here in his private jet. He looked frozen to the floor and yet his eyes said it all. So much love and longing for his woman, it was heartbreaking to watch.

  ‘Please come home sweetheart, I can’t take it anymore without you.’

  ‘Ricco, you….you look terrible,’ said Alina.

  A quick scramble off the bed and she stood in front of him, both communicating on their strange level as Jay had seen them do before, many times.

  Ricco finally broke his concentration and looked at Barry. ‘You’re her man.’

  ‘No, I’m the brother, well adopted sort of,’ Barry said, still in awe of Ri
cco’s strength.

  ‘I must apologise, but I aim to take my beautiful wife now. I can’t be without her any longer.’

  He picked her up in his arms and carried her out. It was so officer-and-a-gentleman–romantic that Jay almost sobbed over Barry where he now stood leaning. Both watched Alina be carried off by her prince.

  ‘She’s coming home Bazza!’ Jay was excited. ‘She didn’t even argue. See, I knew they just had to see each other again.’

  ‘I’ll be back from my honeymoon in four weeks. Organise with the giant to come visit. She’s been a big part of my life Jay, don’t take her from me permanently.’

  ‘If we can’t get her here safely, you can come to us. Promise.’

  ‘Thanks mate.’ Barry shook his hand. ‘Better get going. Doesn’t look like the big fella waits for no man.’

  ‘He waits for me.’ Jay strode off after them, unconcerned. While they were in the world he’d never be alone again.

  * * * *

  Back at home Alina turned to Jay. ‘We need some time. Will you be all right now?’

  ‘You’re home, so everything is perfect.’

  ‘Come on prince of my heart, it’s time for you to show me how much you’ve missed me.’ Alina smiled lovingly up at Ricco.

  The prince didn’t seem as if he could stand, never mind make her feel as she should be made to feel, but he walked beside her, besotted, not taking his eyes from her.

  ‘Bastard, taking my girlfriend,’ Jay mumbled.

  Ricco turned and gave him a cocky smirk that made Jay laugh.

  Kev watched. ‘Back to stirring him, you two-timing sod. Come here and let me punish you.’ He grabbed Jay firmly and pressed up against him.

  ‘My girl’s home Kev; you know what that means don’t you.’

  Kev pinched Jay’s butt. ‘You’ll be in a better mood. Welcome back lover.’

  Jay pulled at him roughly and dragged him to the lift, barely making it to their room.

  ~ Chapter Twenty Four ~

  Spy’s Snow Deep

  Next morning Jay woke and left Kev to sleep. He was restless, as an idea formed that involved only himself and Kev. He knocked on Ricco’s suite door. Before getting an answer, he entered the room with a spring in his step and sat heavily on the bed.

  ‘Is Ali still asleep?’ She was wrapped in the sheet like a mummy. ‘What did you do?’ Jay glanced around and noticed the upturned furniture and broken ornaments. ‘And what the hell happened in here last night?’

  ‘Mon chéri missed me too. Wrapping Ali up was for her own protection. Can’t bloody leave her alone.’

  Jay leant over and kissed her forehead. ‘Wake up Sleeping Beauty. I want to ask you both something.’

  Alina stretched and gave Jay the smile he had missed. ‘Can you turn on the bath for me?’

  ‘Shit, what did your last slave die of?’ He got up, still grinning that she was back and had already started to fling orders again.

  Jay reached for the remote on the table and flicked the on button. ‘Rose fragrance,’ he said, and smiled. ‘Seemed fitting, hey Rose.’

  ‘Thanks, cheeky beggar. And it’s Alina again now.’ Still wrapped in the sheet she got up and headed for the bathroom.

  Jay felt Ricco’s gaze on him. ‘While Ali’s gone, out with it. Why are you doing as you’re goddamned told for a change?’

  ‘Well I was thinking that you guys need time alone and I want the same thing with Kev. This has been hell for him with our obsession to find Alina. Now she’s back I want to make him feel important for a change.’

  Ricco’s reaction was far from what Jay expected. ‘Well it’s about time you got your mind off my wife and on to that man of yours. Kev’s a good bloke and for once I agree with you. Take a break. But before you go we sort out security together and you go to one of my suggested locations.’ Ricco grinned. ‘How do you like skiing?’

  ‘The snow! You’re kidding. That would be perfect.’

  Ricco and Alina waved goodbye as Jay and Kev boarded the plane.

  ‘It’s just for the weekend,’ Ricco reminded Alina as she wiped tears from her eyes.

  ‘Feels like I’m waving off my kids.’ Alina replaced her sunglasses to hide her sadness. ‘This is silly being so emotional but I’ve only just come home and will miss them both, Jay in particular.’

  ‘He’s out to prove to Kev that his loyalty is to him first.’

  ‘Used to be me. Have I lost him?’

  ‘No Alina, Jay and you have a connection I doubt will ever be broken. Unfortunately for me, when they get back he will be just as annoying as always, where you’re concerned. This is for you too.’

  ‘I don’t understand.’

  ‘Jay believes we need time alone to talk.’

  ‘But we don’t, we’re sorted, didn’t you tell him?’

  ‘No way! Jay’s done me a favour. I get to spend the weekend with you. And alone too! Are you ready to leave?’

  ‘Where?’ Alina’s eyes lit up. But their brightness faded. ‘I’m even more worried now. What if they need us and we’re off enjoying ourselves? I don’t like them going out into the big bad world on their own. Yes, we changed their voice waves but you know how ruthless it can get out there if Detective Berry does track them.’

  Ricco hugged her. ‘That’s why I’ve booked us in too. We’re in the cabin just across from them. Close in case anything happens.’ Ricco led Alina to the hanger where his private plane was fuelled and ready for their trip.

  ‘That is very sneaky Ricco. But if the boys find out we’ve followed them, they’ll not be impressed.’

  ‘Better they are ticked off than dead.’

  ‘Agreed.’ Alina’s stomach had been a mess all morning. Pleased now they would be there if anything went wrong, she sighed as Ricco buckled her into the seat next to him. Ricco knew how happy she was as the magic between them had surged through him.

  ‘Alina, no more of those thoughts until we land.’ Ricco kissed her softly and grinned before he sat and buckled up. ‘I have a plane to fly here.’

  Alina was amazed at how receptive Ricco was to her since she returned. He’d linked himself to her somehow and the bond was so powerful it made Alina dizzy with the love he projected back to her. She had begun to believe this would be nice for them as well. Neither of them had taken on a partner while they were apart and both had a lot of catching up to do. Ricco’s body was a huge playground and she was hungry to play.

  ‘Darling, stop it.’ Ricco grinned again.

  ‘I’ll try.’ Alina chuckled and picked up a magazine to take her mind off the weekend to come.

  * * * *

  ‘Wake up Alina, we’re here,’ she heard Ricco say quietly.

  Alina peered out the window of the plane. Outside it snowed and she shivered.

  ‘Here, put this on.’ She slipped her arms into the thick padded jacket he held. ‘Even covered you look adorable.’ He pulled the hoodie over her head. ‘Warm enough?’

  ‘I feel very cared for, but what about you?’

  ‘Don’t need it. My internal temperature will adjust once I’m out in it. Ready?’


  On the ground a four wheel drive was parked and a man beside it tossed Ricco the keys. ‘Follow this road north until it ends, then turn right and you’re there. Wheel chains are in the boot.’

  ‘Wheel chains?’ Alina looked alarmed. Never having taken a road trip to the snow-capped mountains before, she wasn’t sure what to expect. The company helicopter had always landed her right where she needed to be.

  ‘We’ll use them later when the road becomes tricky as we head up the mountain.’ Ricco grinned. ‘You do trust me?’

  ‘No! Not in a car. Not after I’ve seen how you drive. Maybe I’d better take the wheel.’

  ‘This is why we are here. I want you to trust me with you again. Please–give me a second chance.’

  Her arms went up as she moved around to the other side of the car and opened the door. ‘Fine! But kill
us and Jay is going to be so pissed at you.’

  As Alina buckled her seatbelt she realised what she’d said and started to laugh. ‘Kill us? That boy is making me think way too normally.’

  Ricco had stifled a laugh and now enjoyed a good chuckle with her. ‘Wondered how long it would take for you to see how funny that sounded.’

  At the bottom of the biggest mountain Ricco pulled up and put the chains around the wheels. Half way, the view caught Alina’s attention, although not for long. Her mind was never far from worrying how the boys were doing and if they were being watched. Unlike Ricco she had no trust and believed danger would now, always follow them too.

  When they pulled up and got out of the car it started to snow again and the puffy white fluff floated around them. Being so worked up about the boys, her thoughts had not allowed any enjoyment so far. That was until staring out into this most amazing view. Here in this romantic setting and with her wonderfully, incredibly sexy husband, she decided it was time to put him first. Ricco was right. All the way he had insisted Jay was no fool and would keep himself and Kev safe. Alina had to start trusting again, both of them. Jay had always looked after her, she knew this. In a better frame of mind she slipped her arm through Ricco’s and cuddled up next to him. ‘Let’s start having our own fun.’

  Ricco answered with his lips as he pulled her into his warm arms. ‘I would love that.’

  The kiss was warm and there was so much love packed behind those lips that Alina felt she could stay frozen in that moment forever. Ricco had to let go first, as she had no will power. Alina had succumbed to the romantic surroundings and moaned when his warm lips and tongue left her mouth.

  ‘Mmm…yummy.’ She grinned, not able to move from the comfort of his arms.

  Ricco chuckled. ‘Allow me to book us in and then I’m all yours.’

  In their room, there seemed a continuous stream of bellboys and maids that delivered fresh fruits and flowers, and served fancy cocktails and lavish plates of snack foods.

  ‘They treat you like a god here.’

  ‘I own it.’


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