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Immortal Espionage

Page 25

by Debbie Behan

  Jay didn’t hear the car pull up or the footsteps that came towards him.

  ~ Chapter Twenty Nine ~

  Brave Friend

  Ricco bent close to him, saddened by his bruised, swollen face.

  ‘Jay, what the hell have they done to you? Are you okay?’

  He was semi-conscious.

  ‘Knew you’d find me first.’ Jay sounded fatigued.

  With no time to spare, Ricco lifted him up and over his shoulder, making the trip to the car quicker. ‘Easy,’ he disciplined Jay as he tried to help. Ricco tucked a pillow behind his head before closing the door. In the driver’s seat he clipped in both seatbelts and shuddered at the deadness that peered behind half opened eyes. What the hell did they do to him? His only thought was to get to the safe house and check him over. With his foot flat he fishtailed off, concerned the enemy may be seconds from them.

  ‘I tasered myself–bloody hurt,’ Jay croaked.

  ‘Bet it did, you crazy kid.’

  ‘I swear I didn’t give you up.’

  ‘By the looks of you they got nothing but tried hard.’

  ‘Most of this is my fault.’

  ‘None of it is your fault Jay. You didn’t deserve any of this. That Berry is so going to pay.’ He pulled the car up in the carport that he electronically accessed seconds earlier. In the light he saw a swollen bloodstain gash behind Jay’s ear. It looked painful.

  ‘What the hell.’ Ricco moved a clump of blood-soaked hair out the way.

  ‘Bastard surgically put something in there so I dug it out.’

  ‘Hell Jay, you made a mess buddy.’

  ‘Wanted to come home, and you couldn’t take me back if I’m bugged.’

  ‘You’re so stubborn. Why didn’t you wait for me? I’d have helped and not made that mess.’

  ‘That’s what Berry wanted. I was the bait. They waited for you to come get me.’

  ‘We lost you. Where did he take you?’

  ‘His place. Must have been specially insulated like you have done to prevent super-snoops like us from seeing what he is up to. But this morning he’d gone and just left the maid and now thinking about it, most likely one of his staff. The cunning sod wanted me to escape so they could follow me!’

  ‘But you outsmarted him.’

  ‘Not sure. He drugged me last night and I didn’t wake up till 11am. He had the night to do something.’

  ‘Jay you went missing for a few days. No trace of you until you contacted Kev this morning. We were sure he’d killed you. Kev’s been a mess, we all have. The only one that kept us sane was Alina. She has a connection to you spiritually and didn’t give up hope on her belief that you were alive, so we kept searching.’

  ‘When I woke I was naked so goodness knows what else the sly dog did to me. What if he knows the location to our hideout?’ His eyes widened with concern.

  ‘I doubt it so don’t panic. If you did give it up he would never have set you free. He wanted you to escape and get to us. What he didn’t count on was that you’re a stubborn little tyke and you’d sooner die than bring harm back to us.’

  Ricco helped him out the car. ‘You right to walk? I want to check you out before we go any further.’

  Jay nodded and followed. His energy levels were low but it didn’t stop him climbing the stairs without help and jabbering the entire time. Ricco missed him more than he realised and to hear his voice, though weary, was pleasing to his ears.

  ‘While I stayed with him, awake that is, he didn’t ask a thing that made sense. Just details of my relationship with you both, and he listened and acted so nice. As for his home, wow, has he got money! ‘Jay whistled through his teeth. ‘Oh and like you, his wardrobe is packed full of expensive clothes, suits and shoes. Oh and get this, the pig told me he has a child, a bit older than me. Bet it was a daughter. But no way that’s possible. He’s too young to have child that age. And as for the creeps that work with him, no way are they cops.’

  ‘Back up, you said he’s too young. What do you mean?’ Ricco asked.

  ‘He took his glasses off to read. If he lost the beard I’d say he’d be your age. Well, not in years, but in looks.

  ‘Can’t be! He’s chased Alina for over forty years. He has to be retiring age.’

  ‘That may be, but I’m telling you he’s young, mid-twenties, no more, with his glasses removed. You see he removed them while he read and without them and that fluff on his face, he isn’t old. No way!’

  ‘May be the vindictive son is taking revenge for his daddy.’

  ‘I’d have to agree with that.’ Jay went through an open door and followed Ricco into the kitchen.

  Ricco opened the medical bag he carried. He’d hoped when he packed it that he wouldn’t need it.

  ‘Where do you want me?’ Jay didn’t look worried when he saw Ricco pull out a needle and fill it with something.

  ‘On the table.’ Ricco threw him a cushion for his head. ‘I’m going to put you to sleep so you feel no more pain while I search for what else he’s done to you.’

  ‘You okay Ricco?’ Jay noticed how sombre his mood had become. ‘Don’t worry, I’m not scared.’

  ‘It’s not that so much. I’m just so angry he did this to you. I assumed at the most he may try to befriend you, and turn you against us. But what he did do, well he’s gone too far Jay.’ It was then the injection took effect. Jay drifted off to sleep.

  Ricco moved his fringe across his forehead, amazed at Jay’s trust in him. Since the day they met Jay he’d showed loyalty and it didn’t waver. The mess he was in! Ricco swore to take his revenge for the hurt they’d inflicted.

  As he worked, using electronic devices to search for anything alien, his temper rose as he found more embedded bugs. Poor kid. He removed the last one. How could Berry do this? These measures to find her were extreme. In fact none of this added up. And like a brick it hit him. Jay said Berry had a daughter. Is Alina his daughter? If she is, that means he must be immortal. It possibly explains him not aging and hiding behind a face of hair. But why not just tell her? Why try to kill her? That mystery he needed to ponder. With Jay now free of detection, Ricco felt comfortable to get moving. After he settled Jay in the car, Ricco opened a secret cupboard and took from it supplies. We’re taking a little field trip Jay my boy and I’m glad you will sleep through it. He looked like a young boy as he slept yet Ricco knew inside that weakened frame lived an honourable man. He was a hero that swore his allegiance and upheld it or Berry would have been at their door days ago. Damn you Berry for hurting my little buddy, he thought as he closed the passenger door and got in the driver’s seat.

  * * * *

  When Jay woke, the sky began to light up and he knew it was daybreak. He sighed with relief. Glad to be in Ricco’s car, he sat up and adjusted the seat. Ricco is a big softy, tucks me up in his car with a pillow. He threw it over onto the back seat.

  ‘Where are we?’ He glanced around seeing bush and the dirt road they must have travelled. Jay tried to retrace their last steps but with vague memories, his last thoughts were of the needle. He sighed, aware by the couple of sore spots that Ricco found more tracers. Now I can go home to see Sleeping Beauty and Kev. The thought perked him up. But where are we?

  Jay shook his head to pull from the dazed state. And then he heard a scream. He was alone. Where was Ricco? Voices came from bushland to the left of him. Out of the car he staggered towards the noise.

  ‘No, not the prince, take me instead.’ His words lost in more ear piercing cries, Jay picked up a stick and ran to help Ricco. What where they doing to him? He got into sight and stood frozen.

  Detective Berry stood naked and tied to a tree. He was telling Ricco to stop and were those actual tears coming out of the pig’s eyes?

  Jay took another step. The sound registered to Ricco and his head spun around. The expression on his face made Jay shiver in fear of him, for the first time. The prince had lived many centuries and although he evolved as normal mortals do with time,
he was from a primal time when the strength of the fittest kept you alive. It was pure primal hate he had on his face, vindictive and vicious. In front of him, Kalam Berry had real fear in his eyes. He’d pushed the prince too far and was suffering the wrath of his anger.

  ‘Ricco.’ Jay put his hand out to him, not even sure if he could hear him in his angry mood.

  The prince’s eyes softened as he reached for Jay and helped him to a log where he sat slumped and unsure what to do next.

  ‘I didn’t want you to see this Jay. I’m sorry my boy, but this has to end and I need information first.’ He knelt to Jay with concern and caring for him. His doing so in his worked up state helped Jay feel strong enough to express his concern.

  He grabbed Ricco’s shoulder and squeezed it hard to snap him out of it. ‘Don’t become him. By having a deliberate calculated death on your hands you will! It destroyed him and it’s sure to change you.’

  Ricco glared at Jay for a long while, listening to him defend the dirt he intended to get rid of before his face relaxed and his breathing changed. Jay had got through and his eyes widened in surprise as Ricco listened and responded. His voice when he spoke again was calm. It had lost the cruel tone it carried.

  ‘Well Detective Berry, you can thank Jay for saving you from meeting your maker for now. He has chosen your fate for the wrong you have inflicted on him. But I warn you, if you dare lay one finger on him again, we will be having another one of these little chats. Only next time I will kill you and end your ridiculous reign of terror. Do I make myself clear?–Do I?’ he yelled louder.

  Berry nodded and turned his face to Jay. ‘Son, my intention wasn’t to hurt you. If I had known you’d dig them out yourself I’d have found an alternative. You are smart so I placed them where you wouldn’t detect them. I had intended to get you back and remove them without you even knowing.’

  Jay shook his head. ‘I trusted you. I thought you understood how much I loved them. I’d die for them,’ he whispered. ‘You hurt them and you hurt me more. I will never trust you again Kalam Berry.’

  ‘Jay, don’t even bother. He’s nothing but an evil sinister nobody and doesn’t give a damn about you. He’s just trying to stay alive.’

  ‘Jay, he’s wrong. I do care about you, but you have to believe me! That woman you love, that you lay your life on the line for, is wicked and evil. Kill her and save yourself. She will destroy you, both of you.’

  ‘Jay.’ Ricco sounded his old self again. ‘He lies and we both know it, so go back to the car. I’ll join you in a minute–go.’

  He turned Jay around in the direction of the car, then passed a phone to him. ‘Ring Kev and tell him we’re on our way home.’

  Jay glanced back at Ricco, worried.

  ‘It’s okay, I’ve got it together. I just need to ask him a couple more questions and I’ll join you.’

  Jay saw he had calmed but had a concern, a big one, and Jay felt it to be private. Something only he needed to find out.

  Jay stumbled towards the car, hearing Berry call out to him begging him not to leave him with Ricco. But Jay trusted Ricco. He had given his word and that was enough for Jay. Berry however, was a liar and he hated him although sadness for him pulled at his heartstrings. Why should I care for that creep? He ignored his plea. Berry had been deceitful and his actions put Jay in so much pain. Yet there was another part of him deep inside that liked the way Berry had cared for him when they were alone. He knew Berry had fooled him but wished it had been different. In another time they may have even become friends.

  He threw the thoughts away. He wasn’t feeling well and figured it to be the effects of the drug administered. What else could make him think there may have been humanity left somewhere inside that calculating and killer crazed detective?

  * * * *

  Ricco sat back in the car and had the engine started before Jay had finished talking to Kev. Alina had just started to talk when the phone cut out.

  ‘Damn.’ Jay passed the phone back to Ricco. ‘Cut out.’

  ‘Sorry buddy. Promise I’ll have you back there in no time.’

  ‘Ricco, what happened back there, it’s our secret, okay?’

  ‘I’d appreciate that. I lost it back there.’

  ‘Not only that. I don’t want Alina to get upset that I went soft on him.’

  ‘I wanted to kill him for what he did to you.’ Ricco didn’t take his eyes off the road.

  ‘I know. I did too. But I had spent most my time with him defending you. I thought if I made him see how great you guys are he’d leave you alone. Then when I saw you so angry it gave another opportunity to show him how in control you can be. Let him see you’re different to what he believed you to be.’

  ‘Didn’t work.’ Ricco smirked. ‘You should have let me kill him. He’ll be on our tail with more revenge now.’

  ‘Next time I might just let you off your leash.’ Jay smiled.

  ‘Next time, he will not live no matter how much you pity him Jay.’

  ‘I know.’

  ~ Chapter Thirty ~

  Soul Searching

  Alarms went off as Ricco opened the hatch door above and accessed the lift.

  ‘Kev! Turn the noise off, it’s them.’ Alina got up so fast her chair rolled backwards and slammed into the planter behind, tipping over the fern.

  Kev joined her at the entrance as the electronics of the heavy vault door groaned as it opened. The automatic timer had it slam shut the second Ricco and Jay were inside.

  ‘Jay!’ Alina squealed.

  Kev was quick and hugged Jay first. ‘Thought you were dead! Don’t you dare scare us like that again.’ His eyes were filled with emotion as he lifted Jay off the ground in a man hug.

  Ricco held Alina, her sobs loud in the silence of the room.

  ‘Come here you.’ Jay held out his arm to her and the instant he did she ran and jumped up on to him. Anxious arms wrapped around his neck, pushing Kev aside.

  ‘Sorry mate.’ Ricco ruffled his hair. ‘If I held her any tighter to give you time it may have hurt her. Can’t keep either of them apart for long, can we?’

  Kev shrugged. ‘She’s got what he needs and when she’s done, I’ve got what he wants.’ Unscathed, he strode back to the computers. ‘I have work to do anyway. Have to make sure you two weren’t followed.’

  ‘Thanks Kev.’ Alina breathed out a sigh of relief he wasn’t cross with her. She had been out of her mind with worry. They both had, but Kev saw as she did that he needed healing and fast. Both shared a glance when the door first opened, their hearts overwhelmed he was alive but sickened to see what the enemy had done to him. With his face bruised swollen and twisted in pain he was unrecognisable. The pale skin, and darkness to his eyes disguised the usual tanned complexion and the royal blue peepers that usually lit up the room. He looked more like a creature from the night than their soft, sweet faced Jay.

  ‘He needs healing and fast.’ Ricco’s voice broke into her state of shock.

  ‘Shall I take him to our room? The spa is most likely the easiest way to clean him up first.’

  ‘Good idea. Not sure if he has the energy to stand in a shower. And as you can tell he really does needs one.’

  ‘Thanks pal.’ Jay eyed him, exhausted, and unable to raise a smile.

  ‘I have a few things to do here first if you don’t need me.’ His thoughts were back on Berry and if they had found him yet.

  ‘I’m in good hands,’ Jay said and followed Alina like a robot to her room, grateful when she helped him in the bath. He was sweaty, dirty and had dry blood set in the corners of his mouth and dribbling on his neck. Her heart went out to him and what he had endured.

  ‘How anyone could hurt you like this.’ She sponged his face once he had soaked for a while.

  Clean and dry she lay with him on the bed, her mind concentrating on healing his wounds. She worried about his state of mind and how to heal his tortured memories that flashed before her.

  He encased her in his
arms. ‘I missed you Sleeping Beauty,’ Jay whispered with closed eyes.

  ‘Relax for me Jay.’ Alina held her hand on his head. She was surprised how tuned in they were when she heard his breathing change and synchronise with hers. The healing took a while, but eventually his wounds closed and disappeared. Alina had a hard time concentrating as the magical connection gave her insight to what Berry had done to him. Angrily, she shook.

  Jay snapped open his eyes. ‘Don’t Ali, I’m better and the memories will pass now I’m home. Ricco has made him suffer enough.’

  ‘This is my entire fault. Berry will not stop until he finds me. If you and Kev stay with me you risk this happening for the rest of your lives. I don’t want you to live like this anymore. Let us help give you a new identity so you and Kev can start a new life, a normal life. It’s not too late.’

  Jay hugged her hard up against him to stop further words. ‘Don’t Ali,’ he said wearily. ‘I’m never leaving you. Come up with another plan that includes you or I can’t listen. This talk hurts more than what he did.’

  ‘I know, it upsets me to discuss it too. I can’t imagine life without you in it either.’

  Jay moaned and fidgeted.

  ‘Are you still hurting?’


  Alina freaked out. ‘Where?’ Her hand reached over to touch his forehead as he closed his eyes but she couldn’t find any other ailments.

  ‘My heart.’ He took her hand and rested it on his chest. ‘I have missed you and Kev so much Ali, so much it hurts.’

  Her instinct was to comfort and she hugged into him. ‘Better.’

  A sigh of contentment escaped his lips. ‘Just need my best friend if you can stay a while.’

  With a slight nod she waited for the hurt inside him to surface.

  A short time later he opened up and talked. He poured his heart out to her, upset Berry had made him care for him and then let him down so miserably. Berry had done more harm than just the physical pain; he had mentally screwed with him and Jay sobbed, heartbroken. Only to his best friend in the whole world could he confide such secret thoughts and show these deep emotions. Alina carried his pain and cried with him for what he had endured. Together they lay on the bed and talked until they fell asleep, wrapped up as friends in each other’s arms.


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