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Dwyer, Dixie Lynn - SWAT Team Seven: Goddess of the Circle [The Men of Five-0 #5] (Siren Publishing LoveXtreme Forever)

Page 9

by Dixie Lynn Dwyer

  “This could be the clue we’ve been waiting for. I’d hate to think someone in the circle, a man like Donovan, would be assisting the enemy. But what else can we assume from this picture? He was there at the warehouse. He could be the one informing the count of any updates in security,” Saxton stated.

  “Or it could be an associate,” Tango added.

  “He is friends with Xavier and he is the one, the fifth choice to become a member of the Security Ring,” Melena said then looked angry.

  “Holy shit,” Tango added.

  “I’m going to have to go to work. I need my resources there to investigate Donovan fully as well as his employees.”

  “That is not a good idea. Others could be looking for you still,” Tango said.

  “I guess it’s time for another great disguise, Saxton.”

  * * * *

  It was late in the evening when Melena snuck in through the side entrance to the building. She knew that Xavier was still upstairs in his office working, but she wanted to filter through the old files in the basement, where she could get information on Donovan and his department. With their identification numbers she could research them on a secure network.

  She was looking over the files when she thought she heard a noise. Just as she turned around, she caught sight of the two men standing there with arms crossed in front of their massive chests.

  She nearly gasped at the sight of them. Dark blue eyes, jet-black hair, Gideon and Edric Dolberg were gorgeous. Better looking than the old picture Saxton and Tango had shown her.

  “Breaking and entering is a crime, sweetheart.” Gideon looked her over. Talk about intimidation? These men projected it like nothing else she ever experienced before. She felt her heart rate increase. She felt her body react immediately in a positive way. This was insane. She held in her reaction, kept a straight face and willed herself to be cool and in control.

  Edric slowly took a step toward her.

  She placed the open filing drawer between herself and him.

  “I work here, so it’s not breaking and entering. How about you two?” She turned toward the filing cabinet and pushed the file she was looking on back down. She ran her hands over all of the files in case these wolves decided to sniff where she had been. She wouldn’t want them to catch onto her investigation.

  She closed up the cabinet and stared at them.

  Edric reached toward her and she feared his touch as he flipped a strand of the long strawberry-red hair.

  “A redhead now? What’s with all the disguises?” Edric asked, looking down at her.

  She didn’t like the feelings she was getting. Her body felt aroused. Her nipples hardened. What was it about these men that made her react like this? She needed to get upstairs. She shouldn’t be alone with men this big and powerful.

  “Sorry, buddy, but the interrogation tactics don’t apply to us humans. If you’ll excuse me.” She started to walk away when she felt the large hand gently grasp her fingers.

  “Wait. Don’t run off again. We want to talk with you.”

  Oh God, he has huge fingers and hands. She immediately felt so feminine and petite compared to them. Why was she attracted to such obviously wild men?

  “There’s nothing to talk about. I don’t know either of you.”

  “Get to know us then,” Gideon stated, and she turned immediately toward him and his commanding tone.

  It wasn’t a casual invite. No way. It was laced with command and order. He’s ordering me to get to know him. Pompous wolf.

  He looked her over and she felt like moaning from the warm sensations that flowed through her. Melena wondered if wolves had similar powers like vampires? Could they control her somehow through mind control?

  “I need to head upstairs to speak with Xavier. Please, just leave me alone.”

  She started toward the door when she felt the hand on her waist. Abruptly she pulled from the contact and hit the wall behind her.

  Both men’s eyes widened in shock at her reaction.

  “Don’t touch me. Stay clear of me,” she stuttered as she pointed at them, while taking a few steps backward before she hurried out of the room and up the stairs.

  Before she could reach the door, Xavier was pulling it open.

  “Melena, thank goodness you’re okay. I was getting worried when you hadn’t shown up earlier today.”

  “I’m sorry, Xavier. I thought it was safe to come here and get some work done.”

  Just then Gideon and Edric entered the hallway.

  “You’ve met my nephews, correct?”

  “Yes. I need to speak with you. Alone,” she stated, and Xavier looked at his nephews.

  “We’ll talk later, Melena,” Gideon said, and she felt the chills run over her body. She watched as both men left and then she walked into Xavier’s office.

  “So what is going on?” Xavier asked and she began to explain her findings.

  “This can’t be true. Not Donovan. It must be a mistake.”

  “That is why I showed up here tonight. I wanted to get a hold of the old files downstairs but I noticed there are some pages of information missing. Why is that?”

  “There shouldn’t be anything missing from those files. They came directly from the government. Lance Collette was in charge of securing those files years ago.”

  “Well something is missing in them. In regards to the employees Donovan has working in the New York location of Wolf Bay Banks.”

  “What are you thinking?”

  “I’m thinking that if Donovan himself isn’t in cahoots with Filletto and the count, then perhaps one of his employees is. I have a list and I want to investigate each of them.”

  “Well then it’s good that Gideon and Edric are here. They can assist you. They’ve known Donovan Kylton for years.”

  “No. I do not want anyone helping me. I work better alone.”

  Xavier stared at her.

  “They will not hurt you, Melena. In fact, if there is something criminal going on around the circle, then these men can be of assistance.”

  She swallowed hard.

  “I work alone, Xavier. I had hoped to make the decision of choosing Donovan as a member of the Security Ring. I hate to think that my judgment was so far off and that I could have jeopardized everything you and the others have been working for.”

  “Nonsense, Melena. You have been key in creating this organization of security. Yes, it has taken some time and will continue to take time, but it must be done. I’ll tell you what? The Dolberg Pack is at your disposal. If you need them to assist, then they will comply.”

  “I won’t need them,” she replied confidently then exited the office. A glance over her shoulder and she saw both Gideon and Edric watching her before they entered their uncle’s office.

  * * * *

  It had been two hours since she started researching the list in hand.

  She wasn’t coming up with much. But then she found out that one of Donovan’s employees from the New York branch here in the city was related to Valdamar Pack. That particular wolf pack was huge in the were hierarchy.

  Her head was beginning to hurt, and as she glanced at the clock, she saw that it was nearly two in the morning. She closed off the computer, locked up her notes, and grabbed her backpack.

  Dressed casually in dress pants, low-heeled shoes, and a blouse, she headed out of the office. Xavier’s lights were off, indicating that he had left for the evening. As she exited the building, she headed toward the bus stop when she thought she heard some noises. Glancing around, she had the funny feeling that someone was watching her. That was when she caught sight of one man about twenty feet in front of her. A car skidded to a halt by the curb in front of the bus stop and she knew that she was in danger.

  As she turned to walk in the other direction and perhaps run, she nearly slammed into another man. He grabbed her by her shoulders and she ducked and stepped back.

  “Whoa, sweetheart, don’t be afraid. We just want to talk to you.”<
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  “I don’t know you.”

  “No, you don’t, but we need to take you to someone who does want to know you. Come on.” He reached his hand out and she stepped back.

  “I don’t think so.”

  “Oh come on, sweetheart. He’ll make it worth your while. You’ll never want to leave him.”

  As she turned to run, the other two men were there. She sidestepped, unsure where to go, when one of the other guys reached for her arm. A quick turn and she pulled from his grasp just as the deep, loud voices approached.

  “I don’t think the young lady wants you to touch her.”

  She was surprised to see Gideon, Edric, and Chordeo, but as the feeling of relief hit her, the situation got out of control.

  The one guy who spoke to her first grabbed her around the waist and hoisted her up over his shoulder. She struggled to get free, realizing just how strong these were men were.

  She could hear some grunts and growling as the one guy tried to toss her into the backseat of the car. She kicked him hard in the groin and scooted backward across the seat to the other door. She opened it and fell onto the ground, before jumping up.

  As she turned to run, there was another guy she didn’t recognize.

  He reached for her and she swung her forearm at his throat as he bent to grab her.

  He grunted and she ran, right into Saxton and Tango. Tango took the guy out with one punch then stared at the bodies lying on the ground.

  Gideon was yelling at one of the guys and questioning him.

  “Are you okay?” Saxton asked as he held her.

  “Yes. What the hell was that all about? Who are they?”

  “Divanni’s men,” Saxton said.

  “Release her now.”

  Melena turned around to see Gideon Dolberg.

  His eyes were slightly glowing and one glance up toward Saxton and both he and Tango appeared on the defensive, too, as they showed their wolf eyes.

  “They’re with me,” she stated toward Gideon, and he didn’t look pleased. She shouldn’t have even cared but instead she felt guilty for some odd reason.

  “Let’s get her out of here.” Saxton remained holding her as he and Tango escorted her away from the scene. She wasn’t surprised to find Gideon and Edric following. They hadn’t walked far when she heard Gideon’s voice right behind her.

  “Where are you taking her?”

  “Out of here,” Tango stated firmly then placed himself between her and Gideon. Edric growled.

  Saxton put his hand up.

  “We are not the enemy.”

  “That is yet to be confirmed,” Gideon replied.

  “They aren’t,” Melena added.

  Saxton grabbed her hand and pulled her closer to him.

  “We need to get her out of here.”

  A large black SUV pulled up and the door opened.

  “Need a lift?”

  She recognized Chance immediately. He had a sparkle in his blue eyes and a bit of jokester in him.

  As Saxton went to say something in response, a large dark-colored van with tinted windows approached and men got out and began to arrest the men the Dolberg men had restrained.

  “Let’s go,” Gideon stated firmly in that very commanding tone and they all got into the SUV.

  Melena was going to sit between Saxton and Tango but there was just enough room in the SUV for the five Alpha Dolberg wolves and Saxton and Tango. She maneuvered onto Saxton’s lap and the entire cabin filled up in low growls. Saxton smirked as he held Gideon’s gaze and Tango chuckled then placed his hand on Melena’s knee.

  Something told her that the Dolberg men were jealous. The thought made her belly quiver as she glanced at three of the five Alphas. Chordeo and another brother she hadn’t met, and had to be Mano, were in the front seat. Gideon, Chance, and Edric were much larger than Saxton and Tango and they were six feet tall. The SUV went over a bump and she grabbed onto Saxton. Another set of low growls moved through the cabin.

  “How about you come on over here, honey, and sit on my lap?” Chance said in a very sexy and powerful manner. She immediately felt her body react to his tone and the deep blue of his eyes as they held her gaze. Man, could she get lost in his eyes.

  She shook her head.

  “She’s fine where she is. Where are we going?” Tango asked.

  “What do you want with Melena?” Saxton asked.

  “We want to talk to her,” Gideon replied and she could tell this was some kind of wolf pissing contest. But in the enclosed space, she could practically feel the testosterone and need to fight.

  “Talk to her about what? She doesn’t work for you. She works for your uncle,” Saxton replied.

  “It’s more of a personal nature,” Gideon said and she stared at him. His face was so intense looking right now. He kept his very large hands on his knees, and she could see the muscles in his forearms. He appeared to be built from solid rock. He was so close she could reach out and trace the hard lines of his jaw with her fingertip. There was no doubt in Melena’s mind that Gideon was a force to reckon with.

  “Personal? I don’t think so. I don’t even know you,” she replied with attitude and his one eyebrow raised a bit as if he wasn’t used to people talking back to him or perhaps a woman doing it. That annoyed her as she held his gaze. She had never been surrounded by such charismatic, attractive, and sexy men in her entire life. The fact that she felt somewhat like Thumbelina really twisted her thoughts.

  “I can ensure you that if you give my brothers and I a bit of time we can explain things so that you understand.”

  His cocky, sure-fire attitude unnerved her. So in response, she did what came naturally and went on the defensive. She wasn’t easily intimidated. She stared right back at him. Willed her eyes to roam over his body as if it didn’t affect her one bit at all.

  “Explain what? I don’t know any of you and this is a waste of time. I have work to do. You should let us out on the next corner.”

  “No. You are our mate. You’re not leaving our sight,” Edric said, causing her heart to race as she shifted on Saxton’s lap.

  She swung her head toward him and glared.

  Now Edric was getting all bossy and controlling, too. If all five of these men were like this, she surely would lose her mind with frustration. She now stared at him and looked him over as if that sensational body of his was available on every street corner or even on shelves nationwide.

  “I do not belong to anyone. I don’t know about this mate thing or whatever you are talking about, but I’m not interested.”

  Edric held her gaze and leaned forward. In the small confines of the space, his knee now touched hers.

  “You don’t know what you’re saying. We’ll explain it to you when we get to our place.”

  “I’m not interested and I am not a wolf. Back off.”

  Edric smirked then leaned back but not before squeezing her knee gently with his hand. She felt the sensation move up her body and straight to her pussy. This time the Dolberg men smirked and both Saxton and Tango growled low.

  * * * *

  It was a positive sign that Melena responded to Edric’s touch in such a way. Every wolf in the vehicle smelled her arousal. Gideon had to fight the urge to take her into his arms and taste her for himself.

  “Whose idea was it to cram into this vehicle with a mate we cannot touch?” Chance asked through their mind link.

  “It seemed like a good idea at the time. I didn’t know it would be like this. The urge, the need to have her and possess her is nearly overwhelming,” Mano added from the front seat.

  “What is her relationship with Saxton and Tango? Weren’t they members of the Brothers of Were at one time about ten years ago?” Edric asked.

  “Check into that with Dani and maybe Sam,” Gideon said.

  “Just get us to the estate and out of this vehicle,” Edric said.

  * * * *

  Melena observed what she could about Gideon, Chordeo, and Edric. The th
ree of the five brothers were just about identical. They shared the same black hair and blue eyes. Edric seemed easygoing, yet determined and in charge. It could be the whole Alpha thing, but the others were more obvious about it. Chordeo was intense. Even the way his eyes zeroed in on her body, made her feel alive, and on edge, but Gideon took the cake. The man had such a hard, unapproachable persona that it actually made her nervous. Whenever she got nervous, she gained attitude. She had a feeling that her mouth might get her into a heap of trouble.

  She caught Chordeo’s gaze and couldn’t help but find his physical appearance attractive. Big muscles, tattoos on his arms and neck. The man looked lethal. Finally the SUV came to a stop. Melena went to climb out of the SUV but Edric lifted her into his arms then slowly slid her body down his as he held her.

  “I wouldn’t want you to fall,” he said, and she swallowed hard. The man was big and filled with muscles. As her body moved down his, she felt the stone beneath her breasts. This was insane.

  As she pulled away, Saxton guided her toward the estate and she was pleasantly surprised to see the gated entryway. They were about thirty minutes outside of the main city. As they entered the small building, she noticed that there weren’t any personal items tossed about. In fact, it looked rather cold and un-lived-in.

  “Can we get you something to drink?” Chordeo asked her.

  She shook her head.

  “I’m Mano.” The one she hadn’t met, but knew of him from the photograph she pulled from files, greeted her. He was exceptionally handsome. She found herself staring at him and his gorgeous blue eyes. What had Saxton and Tango said about the were men not being like the men described in romance novels? Oh, how wrong they were. Men shouldn’t have such sexual appeal. She wondered what Mano might look like naked. These types of thoughts were going to get her in over her head.

  She didn’t bother to speak. She just nodded her head as he inhaled as if gathering her scent.

  She felt a combination of oddness and interest. When she saw his eyes glow as he inhaled, she squinted her eyes to see if it were real. He turned away.


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