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Dwyer, Dixie Lynn - SWAT Team Seven: Goddess of the Circle [The Men of Five-0 #5] (Siren Publishing LoveXtreme Forever)

Page 12

by Dixie Lynn Dwyer

  Wilton smiled. “I heard that the authorities found a person dressed in black escaping from the building as it was being raided on the surveillance cameras. It could have very well been this Melena, too. She is at the city council building. She arrived an hour ago with two other men. I am waiting to find out their identities and whom they work for.”

  “Excellent. I have to be there in twenty minutes. Bumping into her could be a great opportunity. Be sure to get pictures of the men who arrived with her. That way if they need to be eliminated, we can handle that simultaneously while I chitchat with the beauty. Wonderful work, Wilton. Keep me updated with anything new. Can you tell Tanner to get the car ready?”

  “Yes, sir.”

  Wilton exited the room.

  Divanni picked up his phone and called Morago. He explained about Melena.

  “She can’t be just some half blood, Divanni. She must be of importance or at least her family. Or perhaps she is working on her own to gain some power. I don’t like it. How the hell could she sneak into a building and steal things while the SWAT teams raided the place? It’s unbelievable. She has to have help.”

  “She doesn’t have any family as far as we know right now. I think it would be smart and in our best interest to pick her up and question her.”

  “I think you’re right. The last thing we need is some woman screwing up our plans of a takeover. When you get her, bring her to my place. I’ll send a few men to assist you at the city council building.”

  Divanni hung up the phone then headed out the door. This could be the insurance he had hoped to have before digging for the treasure. This situation needed to be handled accordingly. He better tell Wilton to bring backup.

  * * * *

  “When is Melena supposed to get here?” Edric asked as he leaned back in the chair in the conference room. He and his brothers were dressed in SWAT attire, after spending the morning assisting in a drug raid. When they got the call from their uncle about meeting Melena, they hadn’t had time to change.

  “Any minute,” Xavier said when they heard the knock at the door. Chance opened it and there stood Melena, Saxton, and Tango.

  She looked incredible, as usual, but this time she wasn’t in disguise.

  She seemed to be taken aback by their attire. Her eyes widened and a small blush appeared on her cheeks.

  “Good morning, gentleman. Shall we get started?” As she entered the room, wearing her knee-length, slim-fitting beige skirt and white blouse with a matching beige jacket, Edric and his brothers inhaled her scent. Edric felt his chest tighten and his cock harden instantly. She walked past Xavier carrying an attaché case and Gideon stopped her.

  “No disguise today, sweetheart?” He ran his hand gently up her arm then back down again. She looked at his hand then back up at him.

  “It’s not necessary anymore. It’s time to face the enemies.” She walked past him to the chair.

  “Shall we?” she said, motioning for them to sit. However, no one except for Xavier and Melena sat down.

  Tango and Saxton stood by the door with their arms crossed in front of their chests. Edric watched his brothers who stood in similar defensive stances.

  “So what’s going on?” Xavier asked.

  “It’s come to my attention, through other means of investigation that Togar Filletto, Count Lumanesque Divanni, and Coriano Morago are planning some sort of infiltration of the circle or at minimum, attempting to steal something of importance to the circle.”

  “What do you mean? What evidence do you have?” Edric asked.

  “Xavier, Saxton, and Tango say that you and your brothers can be trusted, so I am taking their advice and sharing some of my research and findings.”

  Edric thought she sounded unsure about them. He wished she had more were blood in her so that she would know for certain that he and his brothers were trustworthy and that they could secure her safety and well-being. Instead Gideon gave her one of his annoyed expressions. She stared right back at him and Edric hid his chuckle.

  “I was investigating Donovan Kylton as a potential member of the new organization I have been working on to provide impenetrable security for the circle and its members. During my investigation, it came to my attention that he or someone associated with his business, Wolf Bay Banks, is providing some sort of assistance to Filletto, Morago, and Divanni and whatever it is they are working on. I tell you this because I would like you, Xavier, to have your nephews or whomever, monitor these three men. They are up to no good.”

  “How did you obtain such evidence?” Gideon asked.

  Melena turned toward Saxton and Tango. Both men nodded their heads.

  “Does it really matter?”

  “Yes, it does,” Gideon replied.

  She looked at Saxton.

  “Go ahead, Melena, tell them,” Saxton said.

  “There was this warehouse, probably the one you and your brothers were investigating, where some paperwork was left lying around. The Wolf Bay Banks symbol was found on a document as well as some other information. That’s how we found a connection to Filletto, Divanni, and Morago to Kylton.”

  Gideon looked at Saxton and Tango.

  “Julius warned me about a potential secret society forming. When we got to the warehouse it was empty. What did you find when you and Tango were there?” he asked.

  Saxton began to speak but then Melena interrupted.

  “It was I who was there. I saw numerous antiques and boxes, some drugs that these men were obviously smuggling inside of the artifacts and documents that talked about an organization. There were sketches of a large building and compound and points of entry.”

  “You were there? With who? How?” Chance asked as he raised his voice. Edric felt his own temper flare. He didn’t like the direction his thoughts were going in. Had Melena snuck into the warehouse alone?

  “Listen, that is of no concern of yours. Now, are you going to monitor these individuals or what? Because if you don’t, then I won’t be able to focus on the job I have to do.”

  “First of all, sweetheart, we don’t take orders from anyone. I want to know why you were there. What were you doing at that warehouse and all alone? Who the hell are you and what are you hiding from us?” Gideon asked, raising his voice.

  Melena stood up and closed the file. She pulled another one out of the case and pushed it toward Xavier.

  “Can you handle this so that I can take care of my responsibilities?”

  Xavier stood up and took the envelope. He stared at Melena.

  “You need to be honest with my nephews and I. What is your involvement with this? Why would you go to a warehouse and investigate on your own?”

  “I am not at liberty to discuss my job responsibilities to any of you. I’m a big girl, Gideon, and I can take care of myself.”

  She started to walk away when Gideon grabbed her upper arm to gently stop her. She gasped and looked up toward his face. Edric felt all his brothers’ emotions. They were concerned, they were suspicious, and they were getting tired of holding back their emotions about finding their mate. The sooner Melena accepted them, the better.

  “Uncle, can you please take Saxton and Tango out of the room and give us a few minutes alone with Melena? There are things we need to discuss.”

  Melena looked toward Saxton and Tango.

  “I’ll be fine.”

  They appeared unsure but nodded toward Melena and exited the room.

  * * * *

  Melena wasn’t sure what Gideon and his brothers were going to do. Right now she should be annoyed, but if she was at all honest with herself, she would admit that she was completely attracted to Gideon and his brothers and aroused by the aggressive way he held her arm.

  He stepped closer, lifted her up, and placed her onto the boardroom table. She gasped as her ass hit the hard surface but then leaned back onto the palms of her hands. Gideon placed both of his hands on either side of the table as he leaned over her body. He held her gaze. His deep blue eyes
sparkled and seemed to glow a bit.

  “We’re losing our patience with you. We need to move past the disguises, the limited information and get down to the reality of this relationship.”

  “What relationship?” she asked and felt the others move around her and the table. One glance around her and she saw the intensity on the men’s faces. They were so masculine and sexy and she felt about to freak out and panic.

  She felt Gideon’s hand move to her waist.

  “We can understand your reservations about the five of us. But you need to understand that your existence has immediately opened up an opportunity we thought was lost over a decade ago. We can’t take the chance of losing someone so important again.”

  “We won’t take that chance, Melena,” Mano added.

  She swallowed hard. She wondered what they meant. Had they once loved someone and lost them to death or violence? She felt a mix of emotions as her heart ached and her belly tightened. She was jealous and then she was sad.

  “I know what it’s like to lose someone close to you. You’re right, I don’t understand this whole mating thing, but there are more important issues at stake right now. Men like Filletto, Divanni, and Morago must be stopped and destroyed.”

  She felt Gideon’s hand smooth up her waist then her arm and to her shoulder and neck. He cupped her face between his hands and she grabbed onto his forearms.

  “You sound like you know them well.”

  “I know evil and these men represent it in many ways.”

  “You’re going to have to come clean with us, Melena. These men are our enemies. Why are they yours, too?”

  She turned away from him and looked toward the blank wall. In her mind, she fought over whether to be completely up front with him or to tell him lies. Even that thought brought on feelings of guilt.

  She tried to push off the table but he wouldn’t allow it. His much larger body encased hers and she felt his big, hard hands against each thigh on either side of her legs. Melena was completely in tune to his scent, his masculine, superior presence.

  “Melena, talk to me. Tell me the truth. Tell me why you seek Morago and these men out.”

  She closed her eyes and released an uneasy breath. The way Gideon said Morago’s name and how compelled she felt to give in to the need to confess to Gideon became too much. Gideon must have felt the same way, because his face moved closer to her. He inhaled against her cheek and her body reacted in a way that shocked her.

  He must have smelled her arousal, because the next thing she felt were his hands moving up her body and one cupped her head and hair, making her tilt her chin up toward his face.

  Before Melena could pull back, Gideon covered her mouth with his own. He kissed her thoroughly, making love to her mouth, exploring deeply. The feel of his powerful kiss, his take-charge tactics, seemed to ignite something deeper within her. There was no use in fighting it and there was no way she could deny the enticing sensation his kiss caused.

  There was no other response for her to give but to kiss him back and enjoy her first kiss with him. When one hand gripped her hair to keep her in place while his other hand moved across her lower back to her waist and pulled her between his splayed thighs, she allowed it and fell into the comfort of Gideon’s invasion.

  His hard, solid chest pressed against hers and through no recollection of her own, she opened her thighs and he pressed between them. She moaned into his mouth and felt so feverish and wild with need. Thighs of steel pressed into her inner groin. Her heart hammered in her chest, her hands explored his chest and his massive muscular flesh as he deepened the kiss.

  Oh my God. Oh my God, I feel my pussy swell and something just leaked from there. Oh God, this is crazy.

  The realization of what was happening here brought her out of the fog as embarrassment filled her. She didn’t want to come across as easy. This was a crazy, out-of-control situation that had to stop or she would be spread across the table for him to have his way with. That thought aroused her and shocked her as she pulled from his mouth.

  “Gideon, stop. Oh God, please, this is too much,” she stated as he nuzzled his mouth and face against her neck. His arms wrapped around her and he lifted her up and against him. Gideon continued to lick and suck her skin, sending goose bumps along her flesh. She felt fingertips against her chin then turned toward Mano. He cupped her face between his hands and kissed her hard on the mouth while Gideon continued to kiss along her neck and shoulder bone. It was all too much to handle. Two men kissing her at once while three others looked on waiting for their turn. Her pussy erupted from the thoughts and low growls filtered through the room.

  “Listen to your body. Let us show you the ways of the wolf.” Chordeo.

  Mano eased his mouth from hers and before she could open her eyes fully, from being caught in their spell, Chordeo took a turn at kissing her. His thick, large hands cupped her head beneath her hair as he stroked her tongue and kissed her with vigor. She could hardly catch her breath and as he released her lips for Chance to taste her next, she felt Gideon’s hand cup her breast and stroke her nipple.

  “Oh God!” she moaned as she pulled from Chance’s mouth.

  Edric took his place and pulled her from Gideon’s hold. She straddled Edric’s waist and he turned her toward the table and laid her back down upon it. In this position as Edric made love to her mouth, he ran his large hand up her skirt, over her thigh to her waist. When he squeezed her hipbone she thrust upward, wanting, needing more. When he finally released her lips and she opened her eyes, she saw Edric’s eyes glowing and her heart raced as she gasped. His forearms lay on either side of her head and he smiled down at her.

  “See what you’ve been missing? You belong to us, Melena, and together we’re going to prove to you that this is meant to be.”

  That’s what you think. Wait until you find out that revenge is what I’m after. Then you’ll want nothing to do with me.

  * * * *

  They were relentless. Leaning over Melena’s shoulder as she looked up information and explained her findings. She was still unsure until Saxton and Tango informed her that the Dolberg brothers were members of the Secret Order of the Brothers of Were. She had been intrigued with the Secret Order for years, since her father was somehow a liaison or informant to members. The group dealings had something to do with his murder, too. Were these wolves capable of showing loyalty to anyone really? For all she knew, Morago had connections on the inside. Why else would he, Divanni, and Filletto still be alive? Especially with their history of criminal activity. Who made the rules? Who decided who lived and who died? What if the Dolberg brothers were involved somehow as members of the Secret Order? After all, weren’t their jobs to ensure the safety of the circle and enforce were laws?

  She shivered at the thought then felt the hand cover her knee. She jerked a moment until she turned to the right and locked gazes with Edric.

  “Are you okay?”

  “Yes,” she replied then looked back at the screen. Like it wasn’t bad enough she couldn’t concentrate with these men around her and dressed like a SWAT team about to take on a mission. Hard abs underneath black tight T-shirts and muscular thighs hidden beneath multi-pocketed pants. She knew what those hard thighs felt like, especially against her own thighs like when Gideon spread hers by the conference table.

  She gulped hard. These types of thoughts weren’t good ones if she wanted to remain focused on the task at hand. Glancing at Edric and his large, thick fingers spread on the table beside her as he looked at her made Melena wonder if he and his brothers were really the good guys. After living with the knowledge she had and only Saxton and Tango to trust, she suddenly felt like she couldn’t decide on her own who was trustworthy.

  Following her gut had gotten her through different situations. But mix in this seemingly magical sexual desire for these men and she was never so confused in her life.

  She hadn’t realized that she was still staring at Edric until he spoke to her.

  “Melena, I get the feeling that you want to ask me a question. Please, ask me whatever you want. Chance and I will try to ease your mind of the worry.”

  She looked from Edric to Chance. She knew that Saxton, Tango, Gideon, and Chordeo were trying to decode the letters TAMW as they looked over the drawings of the building and compound she found at the warehouse.

  She looked at the screen and a picture she had scanned into the program days ago. The count was onto something important and the fact that she found bills from diggers and exploration teams made her believe that he was searching for artifacts. But what specifically? What artifact could be so important to were packs? She glanced away from the screen and toward Edric. His blue eyes held her gaze and his firm, hard expression made her feel intimidated. She thought about asking him without caring about revealing her knowledge of their position, but she couldn’t.

  “What is that file?” Chance asked her and Edric moved to her other side. Now both monstrosities of men were hovering.

  “It’s a series of bills Morago has paid to digging companies. It’s like he’s searching for something,” she replied.

  “Maybe artifacts. There were a bunch of things at the warehouse we raided,” Edric said. She swallowed hard. If they found out that she was the woman in black who escaped that night, they would surely be pissed off. Look what they did when they discovered she had gone to the other warehouse alone. At least they didn’t question her reasoning for taking the set of knives.


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