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Breaking Karma

Page 34

by Charity Ferrell

  "Uh yea, this shit has got to go," I grumbled, dragging the thin straps down her arms and throwing it on the floor to join her shirt.

  Leaning forward, my tongue swiped down the middle of her cleavage, feeling her body lightly shudder against it. Shit, my girl might be embarrassed talking about sex, but she sure as hell had no problem enjoying it. She fucking loved it.

  "Your skin is so soft," I muttered, moving my tongue from her cleavage to her nipple while my palm worked her other breast.

  Her body continued to buck against mine. I couldn’t remember the last time I had dry sex with a chick. I was usually a 'get their panties off and get to it' kind of guy.

  I flipped her on her back and hovered over her, resting on my elbows. Her arm draped over her breasts while the other covered her stomach. I stopped, cocking my head to the side in confusion. What the fuck? My mouth and hands had been on every inch of her body, why was she trying to hide from me now?

  “Baby, what’s the deal?” I asked.

  "I know I'm not your usual type," she answered, looking up at the ceiling.

  "Daisy, look at me," I demanded, pushing her soft hair from her face and running my hands over her cheeks. She blinked a few times before her eyes met mine. "You're fucking beautiful, do you hear me? You have the most amazing body I've ever laid eyes on." She shivered as I ran my hands down her legs. "Your skin is the softest I've ever touched. You’re perfect to me. That’s all that matters. Piper wouldn’t be giving you shit if she didn’t feel threatened by you. She knows, fuck, everyone knows, you’re everything that I want.”

  Her mouth parted, and I ran my thumb along the opening of her delicious lips. “Okay,” she whispered, biting down on the tip of my thumb. She pulled her hands away from her body.

  I tugged at the drawstring of her sweatpants, dragging them down and revealing a pair of sparkly, red panties. I hooked my index fingers in the side of them and ran them down her perfectly, sculpted legs. I tossed them, along with her pants, onto the floor.

  Leaning back on my knees, my eyes devoured her body. I traced her every curve with my fingertips, showing her my appreciation of letting me have her. My tongue replaced my hands, tasting her, and taking ownership of her body. I groaned against the sweet scent of her skin, relishing a mixture of coconut and chocolate. Pleasing this woman pleased me.

  "Why am I the only one who seems to ever have their clothes off?" she asked, suddenly, grabbing me by my ears to lift my head up from between her legs. "I'm beginning to be at an unfair advantage."

  I grinned a mischievous smile. “That can be an easy fix, baby,” I said. I moved back, giving her more room as she pushed forward.

  She grabbed the hem of my shirt in her knuckles and pulled it over my head frantically. My breathing heightened as her fingers inched below the waistband of my jeans. I swallowed, unsure of where she was going with this, but hoping to God she was going to do something before I exploded in my pants. I needed her to touch me.

  I tensed up as she began to unbuckle my pants with both hands, sliding them halfway down my legs. She palmed me through my boxers, and I was a goner. I was close. I groaned at the anxiousness of wanting to feel her skin against skin. Every muscle in my body locked up as she began to slowly stroke me. It was torturous, but fucking nirvana at the same time.

  My head fell back as I pushed forward in rhythm with her strokes. I fought the urge to pull her hand away from me, lay her down, and plunge deep inside of her.

  "Hold on," I rasped out, grabbing her wrist. "If you don't stop, I'm going to bust all over your hand."

  "Isn't that what’s supposed to happen?” she asked, continuing to stroke me.

  "Yes,” I grounded out, sinking my teeth into my lower lip. “But ladies first." I wasn't about to get off without her. Every man who's not a dumbass knows to make sure the woman gets hers before we get ours.

  She stopped and looked up at me through dark eyes, reminding me of the night I first saw her. She climbed to the head of the bed and did her best “come hither” gesture. I did as I was told, kissing her before settling down in-between her legs.

  “No,” she said, causing me to pull back before I dove into her pussy. I looked at her in question. "I want you," her tiny voice clarified.

  "Are you sure?" I asked, gulping. Was this really about to fucking happen? I wanted to pinch myself, but my hands were too selfish to move away from her body.

  Leaning forward, she grabbed my neck and pulled me to her mouth. "I'm positive. Are you going to make me beg, Mr. Montgomery?"

  "Fuck no," I answered, smashing my mouth into hers.

  Our tongues slid together, and the quiet space around us became filled with our quick breathing and heavy moans. Her nails raked down my back, stopping at my waist to pull my boxers down. Helping her, I kicked them off until they fell to the floor.

  "Do you have protection?" she breathed out, our lips still attached.

  "Yeah," I groaned, cursing myself for not getting that shit before.

  Pulling away from her, I leaned down to give her a small peck before grabbing my pants and opening up my wallet. I always had a condom. Always. Without fail. If there was any advice I ever listened to from my mom, it was to always wrap it up.

  I grabbed the wrapper, tossed my pants back on the floor, and tore it open with my teeth. "You sure you're okay with this?" I asked, again, holding my cock at her entrance.

  She threw her palms against the bed. "Do you freaking do this to every girl you have sex with? Jesus! Yes, I'm sure. I want you to have sex with me, Keegan!"

  Before I could say anything else, she grabbed my ass and pulled me into her. I slid inside slowly, easing us both into it. My head flew back, and I groaned when I filled her. Perfection was the only word to describe the bliss of what it felt like to be inside of her.

  I could feel how tight her walls were around me, so I took my time. Her hips began to move underneath me, falling in sync with mine. I tried to control my thrusting the best I could, but the louder she moaned, the more frantic they grew. I couldn’t help myself. She felt too fucking good, and my dick was angry with me for the pussy hiatus I’d taken while I waited for this moment. I was already close to exploding.

  I interlaced our hands. “Please … please tell me you’re close,” I muttered, looking down at her and rotating my hips. She groaned in confirmation. I used a hand to massage her clit, bringing her closer to the brink. I grinned when she found her release, and then shuddered as I found mine.

  I collapsed on top of her, exhausted. “That was fucking amazing,” I said, swiping her sweaty strands away from her forehead before running my hands through her hair.

  “Thanks,” she said, snuggling into me as I fell to her side.

  I looked at her incredulously. "You're thanking me?"

  "Yes. You were gentle with me. It was nice."

  I kissed her forehead before getting up and walking into her bathroom. I tossed the condom into the toilet and flushed it. She covered herself up with the blanket when I walked back into her bedroom.

  “Don’t get shy on me now,” I said, jumping back on her bed. I ran my hand down her leg and felt my cock twitch. Fuck, he was getting hard again, ready for round two when her phone began to ring.

  "Ignore it," I said, climbing under the blanket.

  Instead of doing what I said, she ignored me by turning around and grabbing her phone. "It's Jamie," she mouthed, answering it. "They're on their way home," she said, as soon as she hung up.

  We both jumped up out of bed at the same time and scrambled for our clothes. We made it to the couch and flipped on the TV just minutes before the front door opened.

  Close fucking call.


  Chapter Twenty-Six

  I fell down on the couch next to Keegan with a smile beaming across my face. “So guess what?” I squealed.

  His dark eyebrows arched. "What?"

  "We've officially gone one full week without any drama," I answered, clapping my hands togethe
r. The fact that I was elated our relationship had been drama free for a week was actually sad if you really thought about it, but it was refreshing to me. "No Piper, no jealous girls, nothing."

  "I guess a celebration is in order."

  I smiled over at him. "I think you might be correct, Mr. Montgomery."

  Moving in closer, I straddled his lap. His hands immediately ran down my sides, stopping at my hips. I breathed out as they edged their way under my ass, propping me up, so I was directly against him and his hardness. My lips instantly met his open mouth.

  "Mmmm," he muttered, breaking our kiss, but our mouths still lingered on each other’s. "I know I'm right because I'm always right, babe."

  Smacking his shoulder, I laughed, shivering at the feel of his hand skimming along the hollow of my throat. Spreading his fingers out, he dipped them underneath my bra and lightly brushed the bottom curve of my breast. Back and forth, back and forth, driving me crazy.

  Warm lips pressed against my shoulders at the same time the snap of my bra came undone. I loved the way he never seemed to get enough of me.

  "Sneaky one, aren't you," I joked, leaning forward and nibbling gently on his earlobe. He chuckled, his hand smoothing down my skin to the hem of my shirt and pulling it over my head swiftly. Both of his hands immediately went to my chest, palming each breast and rubbing his fingers across my hard nipples.

  "You're the sexiest girl I've ever laid eyes on," he muttered.

  I was growing more accustomed to his touch every time we were together. The first few times we had sex, I was shy and insecure. It was strange letting someone else see you in your most vulnerable state – naked and on display for them. Tanner and I had sex plenty of times, but it was different with Keegan. His touch was like electricity against my skin, bringing me more and more to life with each one.

  I gasped as his mouth hit my nipple, sucking hard, and repeating the same thing to the other. I whimpered, arching my chest to feed him more. The throbbing between my legs intensified at the frantic touch of his fingers sliding to the front of my pants and underneath my panties. He wasn't wasting any time.

  I moaned, moving roughly against the bulging hardness underneath me while his hands continued to massage me.

  "These need to get the fuck out of here," he said, unbuckling my jeans.

  I hesitated a moment before standing up in front of him so I could take my jeans off.

  His eyes shined in appreciation, not moving away from me as I pulled off my jeans and panties. I got down on my knees and unbuckled his pants next. His mouth curved into a devious smile, and he lifted his legs so I could slide them off. I gulped nervously as I glided my hand slowly down his hard length. He shuddered underneath me as I snaked my tongue out and licked the tip of him.

  I started off slow, sliding him in my mouth, and his fingers flew into my hair as he breathed heavily. The soft groans coming from his throat gave me more encouragement as I quickened my pace, taking him deeper until he stopped me.

  "Up," he said, roughly.

  He leaned forward and grabbed me underneath my arms to raise me up. I took a hesitant step back, and his hand snapped out to grab me around my ass. He pulled me back towards him. I shivered as he ran a finger between my legs, directly to the place I was throbbing with need. I cursed when he removed his hand.

  He brought his finger to his mouth and sucked hard. “You taste fucking delicious,” he said, grabbing a condom and putting it on.

  I took a deep breath, straddled him again, and heat flooded through me. “Does this feel okay?” I asked, awkwardly. I wasn’t new to being on top, but I wasn’t as experienced as the other girls Keegan had been with. I wanted him to enjoy this, especially since I was in control.

  He groaned, blowing out a long, harsh breath, and his eyes slanted. "You seriously asking me that?" His hands tightened on my hips. "You feel fucking amazing. Now please, keep moving, or I'm going to die." His firm grip stayed on my hips, moving me in sync with his own thrusting underneath me.

  My body ached for more, moving into him faster. "I love the way you feel," he whispered.

  I whimpered, a wave of tingles flowing through body until I felt like I was weightless. He pumped into me a few more times before groaning out his own release. I looked down at him with a smile as he pulled my face down for a kiss.

  "Holy fuck me! Bravo!" I completely froze at the scratchy voice behind us. A voice that was not Keegan's. "That was fucking hot!"

  I slammed my eyes shut.

  This was not fucking happening.


  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  I was going to rip his fucking head off.

  I surged off of the couch to grab a blanket. I wrapped it around Daisy and blocked his view from her with my own nakedness. Let him see my ass, I didn’t give a fuck, but there was no way in hell I was going to let his vile eyes see anymore of her.

  "You two would be so hot on camera," the asshole behind me boasted, laughing.

  Vic Sterling was the epitome of a perverted, slime ball. I guessed if you were one of the top porn directors in the country, being a pervert was a necessary requirement on your resume.

  My mom had been one of his "girlfriends" for years, but I'd only met him a handful of times, which was perfectly fine with me. I wasn't planning on calling him step-daddy anytime soon.

  I ignored him, keeping my eyes on the petrified girl in front of me. "Oh my god," she whispered, pulling her hands up to cover her face. I wrapped my arms around her shaking body.

  "I could make a shit ton of money off you two," he went on, pissing me off more with each word.

  I leaned down, grabbed my shorts, and pulled them up my waist. I gave her a quick peck on the lips before turning around and facing him. "Shut the fuck up!" I screamed, feeling the warmth of Daisy's body hitting my back. I turned around to look at her again. "Baby," I breathed out, trying my best to hold in my anger until she left the room. I noticed the trace of moisture building up around her eyes as her hands wrapped around my stomach. "Go up to my room, and I'll be there in a minute."

  She nodded quickly, and I leaned my chin against the top of her head before planting another kiss against her silky, dark hair. My eyes stayed on her as she clutched the blanket around her tiny body and stepped over our pile of clothes. She stayed as far away from Vic as she could, edging herself against the wall as she headed towards the stairs.

  A loud whistle rang from his mouth when she passed him. "Don't worry, sweetie," he said, grinning. "It ain't nothing I haven't seen before."

  Daisy picked up her pace, and my mom walked into the kitchen at the same time she was walking out. Her heels clanked against the marble floor, and she headed straight to the cabinet filled with glasses. She was either completely oblivious to what had just happened, or she was choosing to ignore it.

  "What a cute little thing," she said, dragging a glass out. "A little innocent for your usual taste, but cute nonetheless." Her next stop was the fully stocked alcohol cabinet. Unscrewing the lid from a bottle of vodka with her perfectly manicured hands, she poured the clear liquid into the glass until it was half full.

  I remembered the first time she walked in on me having sex. I was fifteen, but she didn't seem the least bit shocked when she opened up my bedroom door and caught me in the act.

  "Be sure to wear a condom," were the only words she said before walking back out and shutting the door behind her. Mother of the year right there, ladies and gentleman. Most moms would've shit a brick, but Layla wasn't like most moms, obviously.

  "Fuck yeah, the girl is cute," Vic agreed, grabbing the bottle of vodka and taking a large gulp straight from it. He set it back down and ran his hands through his goatee. I knew exactly what he was doing. He was mindfucking my girlfriend. "How old is she? How about you do me a favor and give her this for me, will ya?" He pulled out a leather wallet from his back pocket, snatched a business card from it, and held it out to me.

  "Shut your fucking mouth, asshole," I snarled. "
I won't be handing her shit, so you can stick that card up your ass." I looked down, realizing my fists were clenched to my side, holding in my restraint from pounding them into his face.

  "Shit dude," he attempted to joke, holding his hands out in a peaceful gesture. "I was only asking. No need to get pissed at me for doing my job. Your mama ain't getting any younger. I've got to start looking for replacements."

  My mom's body went still. She didn't say anything, but I knew what she was thinking. She knew her time was running out. Beauty only lasted so long, and there was always someone younger and prettier.

  "Daisy will never be one of your whores," I snapped back, eyeing him from the short distance we stood from one another. My mom gasped at my insult.

  "Aw hell, and she already has the perfect porn name, Daisy. We wouldn't even have to change it," he said, failing to even defend my mom. My stomach rolled at her name coming out of his contaminated lips. "Sorry man, didn't know the bitch was your girlfriend."

  My entire body went rigid. "Did you just call her a bitch?" I shouted, my voice carrying through the house.

  "Keegan doesn't have girlfriends, honey," my mom rushed out quickly, trying to do damage control. "She must be one of your favorites, though. Why don't you introduce us? You know Vic didn't mean any disrespect. We just aren't used to seeing you care about girls."

  I ignored her attempt of diffusing the situation and marched straight up to the prick. His eyes widened when I snatched him up by the collar of his expensive shirt. "I'm only going to ask you one more fucking time. Did you just fucking call her a bitch?”

  My arm shot out before my brain processed if he'd even given me an answer. My fist tightened around my knuckles, swinging backwards and coming into straight contact with the center of his face. He staggered backwards, hitting the wall behind him, and cupped his bleeding nose with both hands.

  "Keegan," my mom cried out, rushing to Vic's side.


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