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Faith's Heart

Page 1

by T J Vertigo

  Faith's Heart

  Faith rolled over and kissed her slumbering lover on the lips before slipping from the bed. It was early in the morning, but they had a big day ahead of them and the actress wanted to get a head start. They had an afternoon cocktail party that Faith just had to attend... a froo froo, black tie affair for a number of actors connected with her studio. Reece had been fighting this party tooth and nail for a week but finally gave in when Faith had promised to make it up to her in a big way.

  The actress pulled on the sweatpants and T-shirt that Reece had worn the day before and went downstairs to make coffee. Smudge walked around her legs a number of times before whining and scratching her calf.

  "Oh no, baby, Auntie Reece doesn't like me going out this early by myself any more." Faith explained to the tiny dog.

  She thought back to the time a few months ago when she snuck out early to walk Smudge, and was followed by a tabloid photographer. When the actress ran into the house a nervous wreck, Reece tore outside in her underwear and ripped the guy a few new assholes. After that, Faith wasn't allowed to do it again. She understood Reece's apprehension, her protectiveness made Faith feel good, not smothered, so she obeyed her wife's demands.

  The actress suddenly smiled, It's Valentine's Day. Finally! The smile grew bigger as she thought of her after party plans. Reece is going to LOVE this! she giggled excitedly. Smudge scratched at her ankle again, breaking her from her thoughts. She poured a cup of coffee and walked carefully with it up the stairs, Smudge hot on her heels. I wonder if she has any plans. I can never tell with her, she's so good at this stuff... I'm busting!

  Once in the bedroom, the actress placed the coffee on Reece's night stand, picked up Smudge and put him on the bed. The dog made a beeline for Reece's face and started to lick her chin, causing the club owner to growl a little and turn her head. Smudge licked her cheek and Reece pulled the pillow out from under her head and covered her face with it.

  "AP, AP, AP, AP!!"

  Reece groaned then lifted a corner of the pillow, one eye peeking out. "I know he can't climb up here by himself." she rasped out in a sleepy voice.

  "Happy Valentine's day, honey." Faith said with a smirk.

  Reece threw the pillow to the side and stretched with a long, high pitched sound. "Oh shit... yeah. Happy Valentine's day," she grumbled. "Why are we up so early?" she complained, plopping the dog on her belly and scratching his head.

  "We have that cocktail party at one o'clock."

  The tall woman sat up with a frown and found her coffee. She took a careful sip, all the while giving Faith the evil eye.

  "Come on, Reece. I promised I'd make it up to you." Faith said with a purr.

  Blue eyes brightened. "Take off my clothes and come here."

  "You're already naked." Faith teased. "Your dog has to pee."

  Reece gave Smudge a thoughtful look. "Well, alright, but you still have to take off my clothes."

  "I like the way these smell, put on other stuff." Faith pouted, bringing the bottom of the shirt to her nose.

  Reece pulled the covers off and got out of bed, lifted her arms over her head in a torturingly, sensual stretch and then shivered from the chill in the air. She held both breasts in her hands and showed them to Faith. "Now look at what you caused." she said with a wiggle of her eyebrow.

  "That is so unfair." Faith narrowed her eyes at Reece's erect nipples.

  "You wanted me naked." Reece countered as she walked to the bathroom, shaking her ass all the way.

  When Reece came back from walking the dog, the first thing she noticed was the smell of bacon, the second thing was that Faith was freshly showered and wearing nothing more than her panties. "Oh baby!" She exclaimed, unable to contain her happiness at this find.

  "I made breakfast." Faith said, turning around and pursing her lips for a kiss.

  Reece bypassed her lips and dropped down to place a kiss on each one of Faith's nipples.

  "Ooo, your lips are cold." The actress shivered.

  "I'm sorry." The club owner smirked. "Want me to warm those babies up?" She said, palming her wife's breasts.

  "Shit Reece! Your hands are even colder!" Faith squealed and backed away.

  Reece snickered and sat at the table, waiting for Faith to join her. "What are you wearing to this stupid party?" She asked, picking up a piece of bacon with her fingers.

  "Use a fork, I have a new red dress I'm dying to wear. Why?"

  "Bacon is finger food." The club owner said, pointing at her wife with the half eaten piece. "I just wanted to know what color to wear."

  "Honey, its black tie, you're wearing a tux, like everyone else."

  "Faith," the tall woman whined. "I wear a tux every day. Can't I be creative?"

  Faith thought about it as she chewed. "How creative?" she asked skeptically.

  Reece shrugged as she swallowed some egg. "I dunno, I'll think of something."

  Faith narrowed her eyes. "Well, run it by me will you?"

  The tall woman smiled. "But of course."

  Faith was putting on the last of her make-up when her tall sexy wife came out of the bathroom. The actress nearly took her own eye out with her mascara brush.

  "Well?" Reece asked, twirling herself around. She was wearing leather pants with a lace-up front, a white button down shirt and her leather vest. "I'm going to wear my tails, for you."

  "Oh god baby, how am I going to control myself around you?" Faith asked, her mouth watering.

  Reece looked in the full length mirror and smirked. "You got me these pants last Christmas."

  "Oh I remember them fondly." the actress fanned herself.

  "Me too." Reece leered at her wife. "You know, there's something about a woman in her stockings."

  Faith wondered how she was going to manage to keep her hands to herself. All those photographers want is a picture of them being intimate... kissing, cuddling, being a couple, and this being Valentine's day, they are sure to expect something. So far Reece and Faith eluded them, driving them even more crazy by the day. The photographers camped out everywhere. The actress wondered just how much money they would receive for a picture of them caught in some act. She glanced to their VCR and made a mental note to put one tape in particular in the safe. "Stop drooling sexy, and get me my dress." The blonde pointed to the garment bag on the door and turned away from Reece. Just thinking about the tape they made got her pulse racing.

  Reece watched with great interest as Faith shimmied the dress over her head and smoothed her hands down her body. "I think I just got wet. I should watch you dress every day."

  "We'd never leave the house then." The actress giggled and gave her wife a saucy wink, secretly happy that Reece was just as horny as she was.

  "That dress is so hot. It sticks to you like a second skin." Reece admired the red silky fabric. "You think you got problems keeping your hands to yourself?"

  Faith backed into the dresser as her tall wife advanced on her. "Honey, my lipstick!" She half protested, sticking out her tongue to meet Reece's. The club owner sucked on the muscle sending a jolt between Faith's legs. The actress pulled away and waved at her face. "Whoo! You better stay at arms length today honey, I'm in one of those moods."

  Reece smiled excitedly. "The 'everything makes me horny' mood?"

  "That would be the one." Faith replied, leering at her lover's leather clad legs.

  Reece's smile turned into a devious grin. This party might just be fun after all.

  "What are you grinning about over there?" The actress asked.

  "Nothing." Reece said innocently.

  Faith pursed her lips and studied her wife. "I don't believe you for a second."

  "I'm thinking about how much fun its going to be when I peel you like a grape later."

>   "Oh?" Faith felt warm suddenly.

  "With my teeth." The club owner said, coming closer to her lover.

  "Then what?' Faith asked in a husky voice.

  "I'm going to lick every delicious inch of you." Reece said in a deep sexy purr.

  "Oh god."

  "You look a little flushed there sweetie, would you like some ice?"

  Green eyes narrowed as Faith's nipples got hard. "You know what happened the last time you gave me an ice cube Reece." She warned.

  Reece would never forget it. She didn't think Faith would put it there, and she never imagined it would take that long to melt. She shivered with the memory. "You really are in that mood aren't you?"

  "So much so." Faith crossed one leg and groaned. "I really don't know how I'm going to make it through this day without molesting you in some corner." She said, turning around to face the mirror one last time.

  Reece stared at her wife's perfect ass. "You ain't kidding."

  Faith spent the entire limo ride to the party swatting her wife's roaming hands. Her dress was so fitted that she couldn't open her legs as much as Reece would have liked so the tall woman kept poking her fingers into Faith's crotch and the actress was afraid that she'd have a permanent dent in the fabric between her legs. However, Reece wasn't wearing a fitted dress and Faith's hands fit perfectly between her legs, and that's where she kept them when she wasn't fighting off Reece's advances. The club owner complained half heartedly at her wife's teasing touches, loving every minute of the attention. By the time they arrived at the fancy hotel the party was located in, Reece was good and horny and intended to make Faith just as hot.

  "Are you ready honey?" Faith asked her suddenly stiff wife.

  "Let's get this over with ok?" Reece replied, taking a deep breath as the driver opened her door.

  Faith watched with hungry eyes as Reece's long body gracefully slid out of the car. She took the offered hand and allowed her protective wife to escort her through the small crowd that had gathered outside of the hotel.

  "Faith! Reece! Look this way please!" A photographer yelled.

  "I love you Faith! Be my Valentine!" a woman's voice screamed.

  The couple smiled briefly at the man who suddenly knelt in front of them with a gigantic camera and Reece ushered Faith around him quickly.

  "Reece! You are so hot!" A woman yelled.

  The club owner ignored the crowd as best she could and once the door closed behind them she let out the breath she was holding. "I hate that." she groused.

  Faith squeezed her wife's hand tightly. "I know baby, I'm sorry."

  "S'okay." Reece said unconvincingly.

  Faith stopped the tall woman from walking and stood in front of her. "It's not ok, you detest that, I know you do, but you keep on being there for me, with me. I appreciate that Reece. I love you more every day. Please know how much I love you." Faith said with desperation.

  Reece's hard expression softened. "I know you love me, even if you never told me out loud again." Blue eyes darted all around them, then Reece whispered, "Cameraman, to your left." Faith nodded. "Wanna fuck with him?"

  Faith smiled and turned to face the partially concealed man. "What exactly is the price on a kiss?" she asked him.

  "Ten thousand." the man said excitedly, standing up and getting closer.

  "How bad do you need it?" Reece asked.

  "Fifteen year old twins." he said with a grimace.

  "That'll do." Faith said and pulled her wife down for a sloppy tongue kiss. They both snorted in each others mouth at the multitude of flashes and couldn't keep kissing.

  "You get what you need buddy?" Reece asked with a lopsided smile.

  "Uh.. yeah. Thanks." the man stuttered and ran away.

  "I love your attitude when you wear leather." Faith laughed as Reece took her hand and led her towards the party room.

  "Pretty cocky huh?"

  "Oh yeah." The actress purred, goosing her surprised lover. "And you're all mine."

  To Reece's great dismay, there were people there that were actually waiting on her arrival as well as her wife's. She had become famous by association and was very uncomfortable with the notoriety. It wasn't her nature to accept such attention and she had to grin and nod her way around such get together's while her wife made her appropriate connections.

  The tall woman nodded and smiled at all the right moments as she made her way across the room to an unoccupied corner. They weren't hard to find at these functions, everyone here wanted to be seen and migrated to the middle of the room. Some planted themselves at the bar for the duration and Reece knew exactly who would be there for each party. Not that she'd been to many, Faith usually attended these things with John, but the few she'd been to she was able to recognize the same people in the same spots.

  Reece looked around the large decorated room, often laughing to herself at how phoney people could be. She spotted the producer that was enamored by her wife's cleavage and narrowed her eyes. He was a short man, he stood just about an inch taller than her wife, and was reasonably attractive, but not gorgeous. Reece snorted at his 'desperate to be trendy' clothing, only teenagers and movie stars should wear a turtleneck under tails. The tails made him look shorter, almost comically so, and the club owner bit back laughter as she envisioned him skipping down the yellow brick road. She sighed as she approached her wife. Faith didn't mind the man's attentions, and Reece wasn't really that upset that he stared, after all, she couldn't take her eyes off of Faith's breasts herself, but still, the tall woman couldn't help being a little pissed.

  Reece avoided inane conversation, air kissing and anyone that called her darling as much as she could, and backed herself into a corner in hopes of fading away. There was a particular woman, Alice, married to a rather famous actor, and Reece was sure Alice was openly flirting with her at the last event. The tall woman winced after she spotted said woman in a crowd of equally obnoxious rich people and snuck out of her safe corner and headed the other way. Safely out of the way, Reece couldn't help but follow the woman with her gaze. Alice was probably in her early fifties, but she had the body of a woman in her thirties. She often bragged about her personal trainer and regardless of heir extra curricular activities, the trainer did his job. The black dress Alice wore showed off more than just her thousands of dollars worth of training, the woman wasn't wearing any underthings and Reece winced knowing Alice would find all the reasons in the world to rub up against her

  Faith just happened to glance over at Reece when she saw the sour face and the attempt to flee. She spotted the cause of her wife's discomfort and promised herself to make it a point to stake her claim as soon as she had a free moment. In the meantime, she was content to keep one aroused eye on her leather clad lover and one ear tuned to the conversation she was having.

  "So, I hear you're being considered for that new action flick?"

  "Yes, but I'm not the only one. I have to read next week." Faith answered the question but her eyes were trained on her wife's mouth as she ate a shrimp off of a toothpick." God, why is that turning me on so much?

  "You're a shoe in, I can't imagine anyone else in that part." The man droned on.

  Faith was well aware that he had been talking to her cleavage, but couldn't care less. She caught the attention of a certain blue eyed beauty who with a simple smile, just turned her knees to jelly.

  "If you'll excuse me." she said holding up an empty glass.

  "No, go right ahead."

  Faith headed in Reece's direction and stopped dead in her tracks when her lover narrowed her eyes and licked her lips. If she went near her now, she'd have to kiss her and she couldn't do that without creating a scene, although it would certainly keep Alice at bay. She scowled at her playful wife and headed for the bar instead. She was leaning against it chatting with yet another producer, one who apparently had less interest in her breasts than her acting abilities. Faith enjoyed his company, he was smart and appreciated her, which made him all the more interesting to talk
to. He was an older more respected man, with a few awards to prove his abilities. The blonde actress settled in to a comfortable conversation with the man, losing sight of her sexy wife in the process. The producer was proposing a very intriguing project, an independent film, one she was extremely interested in when her cell phone rang.

  "Oh, I am so sorry." she explained fishing through her bag for the phone. "I don't want to be rude, excuse me." she apologized and turned her back on the man. "Yes?" she answered the phone.

  Do you know how hot you are?

  "Reece?" Faith blushed and scanned the party for her wife. "Where are you?"

  I want to tear that dress right up the middle and wrap your sexy legs around my body.

  The actress blushed harder and began to breathe heavily. She glanced over her shoulder at the producer and held up a hand to make him stay.

  What do you want me to do to you Faith?

  The actress closed her eyes and swallowed hard. A sea of replies filled her mind. "Everything." she breathed.

  Do you want me to suck your toes? Would you like it if I ran my nails down your back? Should I sit you on my lap and touch you?

  Faith nodded, knowing her wife was watching her.

  I bet you wish you were sitting on my face instead of talking to that man don't you?

  The actress nodded again, breathing heavily over the phone.

  "Care for one miss?"

  Just then a waiter shoved a tray in her face and she slammed her phone shut, turning to the bar and downing her drink in one gulp.

  "Hey there, are you alright?" The producer asked her worriedly. "You look terribly flushed."

  "I'm fine." she smiled convincingly. "I need to get some air."

  Reece snickered from her little corner, proud of herself until she sat down in a nearby chair. She was uncomfortably wet and her pants dug into her crotch. She slid the phone into its clip at her waist and frowned. Well, that certainly backfired. She looked around for her lover and caught a glimpse of her as she disappeared into the bathroom. A smirk appeared on her lips. Hmm... nah. I can't do that.

  "Yoo hoo!"


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