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America's Women

Page 64

by Gail Collins

Lyon, Mary

  Lyons, Lydia

  Mabry, Susan

  McCarthy, Joseph

  McCormick, Jill

  McCormick, Katharine

  McCormick, Stanley

  McMahon, Anna

  Madison, Dolly

  Magruder, Irene

  Maine Anti-Slavery Society

  Main Street (Lewis)

  Manning, Edward

  Marcuse, Herbert

  Marcus Warland (Hentz)

  Marion, Andy

  Marion, Frances


  age at



  blood tests before

  employment and


  in fifties

  gender imbalance and

  of immigrants

  of New Woman

  pregnancy before

  protection of women’s property rights in


  in sixties

  of slaves

  in twenties

  in West

  World War II and

  Mason, Bobbie Ann

  Massachusetts Bay Colony

  Massery, Hazel Bryan

  Massie, William

  Masterson, Martha Gay

  Mather, Cotton

  Mather, Increase

  Matthias, Prophet

  Maxwell, Martha

  May, John

  May, Samuel Joseph


  Mead, Margaret

  medical schools


  Civil War and

  in Gilded Age



  see also doctors; midwives; nursing

  Meigs, Charles

  Melville, Sam



  sanitary napkins and

  Merrick, Caroline

  Mexican Americans


  Meyer, Agnes


  Milholland, Inez

  military, women in

  Mill, John Stuart

  Miller, Arthur

  Miller, Judge

  Miller, Lewis

  mill girls

  ministers, female


  Miss America pageant

  Mitchell, Margaret

  Modern Women (best-seller)

  “Molly Pitcher,”

  Monroe, Marilyn

  Monsrud, Nels

  Montez, Lola

  Montgomery bus boycott

  Moore, Fannie

  Moore, Mary Tyler

  Moore, Owen

  “Moral Disarmament of Betty Coed

  The” (Steinem)

  Morgan, Alexander

  Morgan, Diana

  Morgan, Mrs. Alexander

  Morgan, Robin

  Morgan, Sarah

  Morris, Esther McQuigg

  Morris, John

  Morris, Robert

  Morrow, Prince

  Mott, James

  Mott, Lucretia


  in fifties

  in sixties

  World War II and

  Mulcahy, William

  Murray, Pauli

  Nathan, George Jean

  Nation, Carry

  National American Woman Suffrage


  National Association of Colored Women


  National Organization for Women


  National Women’s Party

  National Youth Administration

  Native Americans

  colonists’ relations with

  in West


  Neblett, Lizzie

  Neblett, Will

  Neff, Mary

  newborns and infants

  diapers for

  of immigrants


  New Woman

  Addams as

  bicycling and

  business women as

  chorus girls as

  housekeeping and

  Mother Jones as

  World War I and

  New York Committee for the Suppression of Vice

  Nichols, Anne

  Nicolsen, Marjorie

  Nightingale, Florence

  Nixon, E. D.

  Nixon, Richard

  Northrup, Simon

  Norton, Charles Eliot

  Norwood, Lewis B.


  Nurse, Rebecca

  Nurse, Sarah


  in Depression

  in World War II

  Oakley, Annie (Phoebe Ann Moses)

  Oatman, Olive

  Oberlin College

  O’Brien, Colonel

  Office of Price Administration, U.S.

  Office of War Information, U.S.

  Offley, Sarah

  Oliver, Elsie

  Oliver, Mary

  Oliver, Salmon

  Olmstead, Frederick

  O’Neill, Ella

  O’Neill, Eugene

  Osborne, Sarah

  Ostrander, Joan


  Owen, Robert Dale

  Owens-Adair, Bethenia

  Packard, Clarissa (Caroline Howard Gilman)

  Paderewski, Ignacy

  Parkhurst, Charlie

  Parks, Raymond

  Parks, Rosa

  Parris, Betty

  Parris, Mrs. Samuel

  Parris, Samuel

  Parrish, Susan

  Pasternak, Rose

  Pastor, Rose

  Pastor, Tony

  Patent Office, U.S.

  Pattee, R. L.

  Patterson, Delcia

  Paul, Alice

  Paul, Mary

  Paul, Saint

  Pember, Phoebe Yates

  Perkins, Elizabeth

  Perkins, Frances

  Perry, Annie

  Peters, John

  Phipps, William

  Phoenix, Katie

  Pickford, Mary

  Pierce, Jane

  Pierce, Joan

  Pierce, William



  Pinckney, Charles

  Pinckney, Eliza Lucas

  Pincus, Gregory

  Pinkham family



  isolation of

  running of

  slavery on

  Playboy clubs

  Pleasant, Mary Ann


  Poe, Edgar Allan


  Polish Americans

  Ponselle, Elsa

  Poole, Elizabeth

  poverty, the poor

  alcohol and

  African American

  Civil War and

  in colonial period

  in Depression

  health issues and

  New Woman and

  in pre–Civil War period

  slaves compared with white poor

  Powell, Rev. Adam Clayton


  pre–Civil War period

  children in

  domestic life in

  employment in

  female public figures in

  health issues in

  reform movements in

  separate spheres in

  sex scandals in

  women’s rights in

  see also slaves, slavery; slave women pregnancy

  in fifties

  of immigrants


  of pioneers

  in sixties

  of slaves

  see also abortion; childbirth

  Presley, Elvis

  Pretty Shield

  Prince, Mary

  Prisland, Marie

  Proctor, Alice

  Proctor, Elizabeth and John



  in West



  witch-hunts and

  Purity Campaign

  Putnam, Ann (daughter)

  Putnam, Ann (mother)

  Putnam, Thomas


  abolition and

  Quimby, Harriet


  Raft, George

  Raiche, Bessica

  Rand, Sally

  Randolph, A. Philip

  Randolph, John

  Rankin, Jeanette

  Rankin family


  Rascow, William

  Ray, Johnny

  Republican party

  Restell, Madame (Ann Lohman)

  Reynolds, Debbie

  Rich, Adrienne

  Richards, Anne

  Richards, Ellen Swallow

  Richards, Robert Hallowell

  Richardson, Alfred

  Riggs, Bobby

  Riis, Jacob

  Riker, Janette

  Roanoke Island

  Robinson, Harriet

  Robinson, Jo Ann

  Robinson, John

  Roche, Josephine

  Rochester convention (1848)

  Rockwell, Norman

  Roe, Elizabeth

  Rogers, Edith Nourse

  Rogers, Ginger

  Rogers, Martha

  Rolfe, John

  Roosevelt, Eleanor

  Roosevelt, Franklin

  Roosevelt, Sara

  Roosevelt, Theodore

  Rorer, Sarah Tyson

  Rosie the Riveter

  Ross, Nellie Tayloe

  Rowland, Jessie Hill

  Rowland, Kate

  Rowlandson, Mary

  Ruffin, Josephine

  Rule, Margaret

  Russell, Jane

  Russell, Lillian

  Russell, Rosalind

  Ruth Hall (Fern)

  Sabine, Pauline

  Sachs, Sadie

  Safer, Morley

  St. Elmo (Evans)

  St. Mèry, Moreau de

  Salem, Mass.

  witch-hunts in

  Salmon, Lucy

  Saltonstall, Elizabeth

  Sanger, Bill

  Sanger, Margaret

  Sanger, Peggy

  Sanitary Commission, U.S.

  Sarmiento, Domingo

  Sawyer, Lanah

  Scheur, James

  Schurch, Frieda

  Scudder, Vida

  Sears Roebuck

  Sedgwick, Catherine Maria


  Senate, U.S.

  Seneca Falls convention (1848)

  separate spheres

  reform movements and

  True Woman and

  Servant, Ann


  African Americans as

  in Depression

  ex-slaves as

  immigrants as

  slaves as

  wages of

  see also indentured servants settlement houses


  Sewall, Samuel

  Seward, William


  sex, sexual behavior

  age of consent for

  in colonial era

  conception and

  enjoyment of

  in fifties


  in movies

  of New Woman


  in sixties

  in twenties

  in World War II

  Sex and the Single Girl (Brown)

  sex education

  Sex in Education, or, a Fair Chance for Girls (Clarke)

  sex scandals

  Sexual Behavior in the Human Female (Kinsey)

  sexual decorum

  suspension of rules of

  sexual harassment

  Shepard, Hetty

  Sheppard-Towner Maternity Act (1921)

  Sheriff, May

  Sickles, Daniel

  Sickles, Teresa

  Sigourney, Lydia

  Silks, Mattie

  Sims, Amanda

  Sims, J. Marion

  Sims, Thetus

  Sinatra, Frank

  single women

  in Depression

  in Gilded Age

  as immigrants

  as New Women

  as servants

  in sixties

  in World War II

  Sisters’ Freehold

  Sitting Bull


  civil rights movement in

  cultural revolution in

  sexual revolution in

  women’s liberation in

  Slattery, Suzie

  slaves, slavery


  education of


  emancipation of


  as house servants

  marriage of

  in North

  pregnancies of

  resistance, rebellion, and escape of

  sale of

  sexual exploitation of

  surgery practiced on

  as traders

  white women and

  see also abolition, abolitionists

  Slee, Noah

  Smith, Bessie

  Smith, Elizabeth Dixon

  Smith, Ellen

  Smith, Howard

  Smith, John

  Smith, Lillian

  Smith, Mamie

  Smith, Margaret Chase

  Smith, Mary Rozet

  Smith, Sam

  Smith College

  Smithson, John



  soap operas

  social workers

  Society for the Relief of Poor Widows with Small Children

  Solanas, Valerie

  Southern Christian Leadership Conference


  Southworth, E.D.E.N. (Emma Dorothy Eliza Nevitte)

  Spicer, Laura


  Spinner, Francis

  Spock, Benjamin



  Spragg, Eleanor

  Springs, Elizabeth

  Standish, Miles

  Stannard, Mrs. Robert

  Stanton, Elizabeth Cady

  Stanton, Henry

  Starbuck, Mary

  Starr, Ellen

  Steele, John

  Steinem, Gloria

  Stevens, Judith

  Steward, Emma

  Steward, Solomon

  Stewart, A. T.

  Stewart, Mother

  Still, William

  Stimson, Julia

  Stokes, J. G. Phelps

  Stone, Lucy

  Stowe, Calvin

  Stowe, Georgiana

  Stowe, Harriet Beecher

  English tour of

  health issues and

  on appearance

  Uncle Tom’s Cabin and


  Stuart, Adelaide

  Stuart, Elizabeth Sullivan

  Stuart, Lavinia

  Stubbs, Minnie

  Stumph, Marye

  suffrage, female

  African American

  elections and

  Sukie (slave)

  Supreme Court, U.S.

  Swain, Louisa Ann


  Sweetser, William

  Swisshelm, Jane Cannon

  Tappan, Lewis

  Tarbell, Ida

  Taylor, Elizabeth

  Taylor, Sarah


  African American

  in Depression

  in fifties

  wages of




  Temple, Shirley

  Terkel, Studs

  Terry, Peggy


  This Side of Paradise (Fitzgerald)

  Thomas, Gertrude

  Thompson, Bertha

  Thompson, Dorothy

son, Samuel

  Thoreau, Henry David

  Thorowgood, Adam

  Thorpe, David

  Thurber, James


  tobacco brides

  Tocqueville, Alexis de

  Townsend, Susanna

  Tozier, Elizabeth

  Treasury Department, Confederate

  Treasury Department, Union

  Treatise on Domestic Economy, A (Beecher)

  Treatise on the Physical and Medical Treatments of Children (DeWees)

  Trollope, Frances

  True Woman

  Truman, Harry S.

  Truth, Nancy

  Truth, Sojourner (Isabella Van Wagenen)

  Tubman, Harriet

  Turner, Mary


  African Americans in

  appearance in

  cars in

  domestic life in

  entertainment in

  flapper in

  politics in

  sex in

  sports in

  Twiggy (Leslie Hornby)

  Tyler, John

  Tyler, Priscilla Cooper

  Uchida, Yoshiko

  Ulrich, Laurel

  Uncle Tom’s Cabin (Stowe)

  underground railroad

  Union Army

  African Americans in

  Vanderbilt, Cornelius, II

  Vanderbilt, William

  Vane, Henry

  Vassar College

  Vaughn, Hester

  Victoria, Queen of England


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