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I Want Your Love

Page 12

by E. L. Todd

“Well, there isn’t much else,” I teased.

  Dad chuckled then hit me in the arm playfully. “Double date tonight.”

  “Dude, I just got her back. I don’t want to go out with anyone.”

  “How about tomorrow?” he pressed.

  I rolled my eyes. “More like next week.”

  “Fine,” he said. “Hopefully you can get it out of your system soon.”

  There was a knock on the door before it opened.

  “Oh sorry,” Lexie said. “Your secretary told me to come in…” She held a plastic bag of food in her hand.

  “No, come in,” I said. “You aren’t interrupting anything.”

  Dad moved to her before I could reach her. “Hey, sweetheart.” He hugged her then lifted her off the ground.

  She laughed as she became elevated above the floor. “It’s nice to see you too…”

  Dad laughed then lowered her to the ground. “My son just told me the news. I’m very happy for both of you.”

  Lexie’s cheeks reddened slightly. “Thanks. We’re happy too.”

  He kissed her cheek then pulled away. “Let’s play tennis after work. A little one-on-one.”

  “Dad.” I cut him off before he could continue. “She’s busy.”

  He gave me an annoyed look. “You can’t hog her forever.”

  “I would love to,” Lexie said. “You’re a very good player.”

  “No.” I gave her a serious look. “You have plans with me.”

  Dad rolled his eyes. “He gets grouchy when he doesn’t get his way.”

  “Very,” I said.

  “Let’s do a rain check for next week,” Dad said.

  “That sounds good,” Lexie said.

  He clapped her shoulder before he walked out. “I’ll let you kids talk…” He shut the door behind him.

  Lexie grinned then set the bag of food on the counter. When she looked up at me, her eyes smoldered in affection. “You were gone this morning.”

  I stared back at her, loving the way her blouse fit her curves, and then I sauntered around the desk. “I’m sorry you woke up without me.” When I reached her, my hand dug into her hair and I pulled her lips close to mine. She visibly melted right before my eyes. “I’m sorry about my dad. He’s a little enthusiastic.”

  “I think he’s sweet,” she whispered. “He’s always made me feel like part of the family.”

  “He loves you.”

  “I love him too.”

  I kissed her neck then her jawline. “I missed you.” I just saw her this morning but my heart felt a void when I left.

  “I missed you too.”

  “Coming over after work?”

  “Where else would I go?”

  I rubbed my nose against hers. “Good answer.” I turned to the bag. “Chinese?”

  “I know it’s your favorite.”

  I pulled everything out and we sat in the chairs in front of my desk.

  She crossed her legs and ate with grace. “Where did you go this morning?”

  Lexie knew my schedule. I did leave earlier than I normally would. “To see Beatrice.”


  “I thanked her for what she did. Then I left.”

  Lexie ate quietly. “What she did was really thoughtful.” She didn’t seem happy. It actually seemed like she hated Beatrice.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “Nothing.” She kept eating.

  “Lexie.” My tone told her I was calling her bluff.

  “I just…what she did was really sweet. I guess I’m afraid that you’ll go back to her since she’s proven her love for you.”

  It was a ridiculous theory. “I feel better about our relationship now that she’s shown me she really cares. After our relationship ended I couldn’t tell if she really cared about me or not. But that doesn’t mean I want her again. You’re the only woman I want. I know what it’s like to be without you. I’d rather not repeat it.”

  Her eyes turned to me and she gave me a faint smile. Then she returned to eating.

  Chapter Fifteen


  No one messed with my girl and got away with it.

  The fact Jeremy was stooping so low to blackmail her was pitiful. Did he really want her under those terms? Did he really want to break up a family just to get between her legs?

  Every time I thought about it I wanted to smash my fist through a wall.

  At least Clementine didn’t consider giving into him. I feared she would since she was so ashamed of her stripping career. It was enough to make anyone give in. But I was grateful she refused to do it. She was willing to ruin her reputation to keep us together.

  And that meant a lot to me.

  I got his information then headed to the courthouse where he worked. According to my research, he was young and successful. He graduated college at a young age, worked at the UN, then became a lawyer, and now he was a judge. He’d been practicing law for about a year.

  So I knew he was smart.

  But I was big.

  I waited outside until I saw him leave the building. He wore a Hugo Boss suit and he had his satchel over his shoulder. He had short brown hair and blue eyes that were similar to my own. The fact he was attractive irritated me. I didn’t like knowing he’d been with the woman I loved.

  She was mine.

  Once he reached the sidewalk I approached him from behind. “How’s it going?” My tone wasn’t friendly whatsoever. I issued a death threat without actually saying the words.

  His head snapped my way and he sized me up for danger.

  “Allow me to introduce myself.” I extended my hand. “Ward—Clementine’s boyfriend and father of her child.”

  He stopped walking and eyed my hand. Then he took it.

  I pulled my hand away before he could touch it. “I don’t shake hands with my enemies. And I want to make it clear we’re enemies.”

  He continued to watch me but kept his mouth shut.

  “Let’s get this straight.” I forced myself not to beat the shit out of him. But fuck, that was hard. “Clementine will never leave me. We’re a family. If you think you’re going to break us up with those photos you’re wasting your time.”

  He didn’t seem intimidated. He stared at me as if he was bored. “Then why are you lurking outside the courthouse like a stalker?”

  “Because I want you to do the right thing and leave Clementine alone. Spare her reputation. She’s going to be a mother.”

  He sighed and looked away. “I’m sorry.”

  “If you do this there will never be a chance for you. You understand that, right? Because I might die someday but you’ll lose your chance.”

  “I want her now. And I’ll get her.”

  I clenched my fists by my side. “Your plan isn’t going to work. She’ll never give into your demands. She and I are in love and we’re having a child together. You’d seriously sabotage that?”

  “I know she still loves me.”

  “No, she doesn’t,” I said through gritted teeth. “Because she loves me.”

  “I think there’s still something there. I’ve been around the world and I’ve been with so many women. Clementine is special, and she’s the only girl I want. I don’t care if she’s having your baby. I have my own kids. Together, we could be a family.”

  I wanted to strangle him. If he weren’t a powerful judge I’d beat him senseless. “How can you claim to love her but are willing to do this to her?”

  “People do crazy things for love.”

  “Not this,” I said as I shook my head. “How do you think her father will feel when he knows the truth? Her mother? Her grandparents?”

  “It’s terrible,” he said. “I know. But that’s’ the only thing I can do to get her to change her mind.”

  “Nothing will change her mind,” I snapped. “She’s not going to leave me for any reason. Offer her all the money in the world and she still wouldn’t do it. You obviously don’t know Clementine very well if you think blackmail w
ill work.”

  “She still has a few days…she may change her mind.”

  I hated his arrogance and confidence. “Don’t do this to her.”

  “Are you ashamed of her?”

  My eyes narrowed. “Never.”

  “Because you seem pretty concerned about it.”

  “She’s the woman I love,” I hissed. “You think I would just stand by and do nothing?”

  He started to walk away. “Clementine knows what she can do to protect herself. It’s up to her if she wants to.”

  I remained rooted in place as I watched him walk away. My hands were balled into fists and I felt the anger course through me. If only I could kill him and get away with it.


  The second I walked in the house Clementine waddled to me as fast as she could. Her stomach had become so big it was difficult for her to move around. She needed to quit working soon so she could rest. All that weight on those little feet must be agonizing. “What happened?” She automatically grabbed both of my hands and examined my knuckles, probably looking for bruises and blood.


  She continued to study my hands. Only when she realized there wasn’t a speck of blood did she look up at me. “You didn’t kill him?”

  “I wanted to.”

  She released a sigh of relief. “I’m glad you didn’t act like a caveman.”

  I didn’t agree with that.

  “What happened?”

  I shrugged. “Nothing, really. He’s not going to change his mind. He understands the severity of his threat but it doesn’t matter to him. He thinks it’s the only the way to get you back.”

  Disappointment moved into her eyes. “Oh…”

  I felt like a failure for not doing something to change the situation. “I’m sorry.”

  “It’s not your fault, Ward. I decided to strip and I was stupid for thinking I would be able to keep it a secret forever.”

  I moved my hand to her stomach, loving the way it felt in my large palm. There was life inside her, life that I created. “It’ll be okay, darling. It’ll be difficult in the beginning but we’ll get through it.”

  “You don’t understand,” she whispered. “My dad has been proud of me my entire life. He always bragged about me to anyone who would listen. When he looks at me, he sees a princess. But when I told him I was knocked up…he was so disappointed. And now when he hears this…”

  “He’ll be surprised but it’ll never change the way he feels about you. He loves you, darling.”

  “I know he loves me but…I don’t want him to look at me like that again.”

  I bowed my head. “It’s only a small part of who you are. You did it for the money and so you could pursue music. It’s not like you slept with men for money.”

  “It’s still every father’s nightmare.”

  It was a disaster no matter how I spun the situation. And truthfully, it was disappointing. When Clementine was a stripper it ate at me every day. Seeing her spin on a pole with her tits hanging out made me sick. But at least her father didn’t have to see it. “You stopped stripping a long time ago. It’s in the past now. If you were still doing it, that would be different.”

  “Ward, thanks for trying to make me feel better. But…there’s nothing you can say.” She looked down at her stomach with a frown on her face. One hand moved over mine, and her faint pulse was felt through my skin.

  “I’ll stand by you no matter what. If someone insults you I’ll make them pay for it—even if it is your father.”

  “I know,” she whispered.

  I moved my lips to her hairline and kissed her. “It’ll be alright, darling.”

  She leaned her face against my chest and sighed.

  “It will,” I said firmly. I wanted to have more children with Clementine someday. I used to want a little girl, someone I could spoil and love. But now I wasn’t so sure.

  If my daughter were a stripper I’d snap. I would drag her off that stage and make sure she never walked back on. My little girl would never be disrespected, and if anyone looked at her in the wrong way I’d kill him

  Now I only wanted boys.

  Clementine moved away from me. “I’m going to lie down…”

  “You feeling okay?” I reluctantly let her move from my embrace.

  “I’m just…sad.” She slowly walked upstairs then entered our bedroom.

  I stood there feeling helpless. How could I make this go away? How could I make my girl happy?

  I followed her into the bedroom and saw her lying on her side on the bed. Her large stomach was distended and swollen. Her breasts were twice as big as they once were.

  I lay behind her then gently rubbed her back. I knew she was sore from the constant weight, and she moaned in pleasure as I touched her. I rubbed the area between her shoulder blades then kissed the back of her neck, wanting to make her relax.

  Then I moved closer to her and massaged her tits. I grabbed them because I loved feeling them in my large hands. Now they were large enough to take up my entire palm. They were firm and perky, and they turned me on like nothing else. But I also rubbed them because I knew they were sore. Clementine liked it when I did this, and I had a feeling it was for several reasons.

  Her pregnancy was the biggest turn-on in the world. She was swollen with my child, and she was carrying my son. I came inside her and made a baby with her. What was sexier than that? She was the woman I loved and now she was mine forever. Through our love we made something beautiful, and I couldn’t wait for our son to arrive.

  I wanted her all the time. I needed her in the morning before work, the second I walked through the door after I clocked out, and every evening before bed. I was always gentle with her because I knew she wasn’t comfortable. When it came to making love, it was about every inch of the body, not just the typical zones. I made Clementine feel lovely in every place imaginable. She never had to doubt if I loved her.

  I always showed her.

  I moved Clementine onto her back then lifted up her dress, exposing her swollen stomach. I lathered kisses over the skin then pressed my ear against it. I listened for the sounds of kicking but didn’t hear anything. Then I returned to kissing her beautiful dark skin.

  Clementine wanted me more often when she was pregnant. Her hormones were out of whack and her sex drive was through the roof. I didn’t mind in the least. But I would sorely miss it.

  She pulled her underwear off then undid my slacks, the desire burning in her eyes.

  I pulled her dress over her head then unclasped her bra, wanting to suck her nipples until they were raw. We undressed each other quickly, wanting to combine our bodies as soon as possible.

  Her stomach was a hindrance at this point, so the only way I could make love to her in this position was when I leaned back on the balls of my feet then thrust into her. My hands gripped her ass and elevated her slightly so I could push deep inside her. I preferred kissing her during our lovemaking but it just wasn’t possible at this point. But I love staring down at her perfect body.

  I inserted myself inside her then heard the loud moan as she gave it. She was still as tight as she used to be, and I loved feeling her constrict around my cock. When I towered over her like this I felt like a king. Every man wanted this fantasy but it was only my reality. I got to do this every night for the rest of my life. No one else could say that.

  Whether she was a stripper or nun it didn’t change the way I felt about her. To me, she was the most amazing woman in the world. I loved her with my whole heart and lived every day just to make her happy. She was a dream come true, a shooting star that I got to treasure for more than a second, and she was all mine.

  Chapter Sixteen


  I tapped my fingers against my desk while I looked out my window at the view of the city. My body was bunched in tight nerves, and anxiety pooled in my stomach. I tried to remain relaxed and calm and I was successful. But on the inside, I was having a meltdown.

Mr. Terry walked through my open door and approached my desk. He wore a gray suit that matched his gray hair. The day until his retirement was getting closer and closer.

  I touched my tie so I had something to do with my hands. “What are your thoughts, sir?”

  He sat down then crossed his legs. He stared at me blankly for a moment so I feared the worst. Then a grin stretched across his face, slow and steady. “I think its genius.”

  His words moved into my ear but I wasn’t sure if I heard them correctly.

  “It’s simple, it’s cheap, and it’ll really help people. It can’t be used for something else, and it can be used for a long period of time. It’s amazing, Cayson.”

  I released the breath I was holding. “I’m glad you liked it, sir.”

  “Liked it?” He released a faint chuckle. “I loved it. It’s the smartest thing that’s come through this office, and I’ve met with highly intelligent people. But no one has thought outside of the box like you have.”

  His compliments were forcing me to shift my weight uncomfortably. “Thank you, sir.”

  “Call me John. You aren’t my assistant, Cayson.”

  “My apologies,” I said quickly. “So…what do you intend to do with the water purification system?”

  “Launch it into the hands of the people who need it. Even countries that aren’t in third world poverty need it. There’s Africa, India, and parts of Asia. This can really make a difference in their lives.”

  “I hope so.”

  “And each system is fairly inexpensive. We could produce a lot of these.”

  “That’s what I’m thinking too.”

  “So, are you going to lead the team in distribution? Unfortunately, we can’t use Amazon’s Prime shipping to get the systems there.” He chuckled at his own joke.

  “You want me to go?” I blurted.

  “Well, it’s your system, Cayson. I assumed you would want to see their faces when you handed it over. Obviously, you wouldn’t go alone. You would have a team as well as translators.”

  I nodded in understanding, but there were a million things going through my mind. When would I leave? I intended to get married soon. Would that conflict with the wedding? And how long would I be gone for?

  “You don’t seem too excited…”


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