Opposing Forces
Page 15
Immediately, a large, black, thick cloud covers the sky of Mimoso. The sun is also covered and with that the natural light of the sky decreases significantly. The curse was programmed to take effect every day after 12:00 PM. With this, the witch would have her power doubled and could act more freely.
The Martyrs
Shortly after the deployment of the black cloud, the witch begins to act. She hired two pagans, Totonho and Cleide to assist her in her occult works. In addition, she instructed the two to get rid of the representatives of Christianity in the place. The first victims were Father Chiavaretto and the Friar Nunes, who was visiting Mimoso. In addition, some believers were decapitated and others put on stakes to burn in a bonfire. After the murders, they began destroying the small chapel which had been erected in honor of St. Sebastian. There was virtually nothing left but the cross that stood intact despite the attempts to destroy it. It was the symbol that Christianity was still alive and could react.
With the domination complete, the circle of "opposing forces" disbanded and it spawned an imbalance. If the situation remained like this for a long time, Mimoso would risk disappearing. That is because the forces of good would not remain captive before this sacrilege. In the end, this would result in an unpredictable war that could destroy both worlds.
End of the Vision
The sequence of images from the vision that filled my mind suddenly stopped. Consciousness gradually returns and I find myself holding a page of newspaper with the headline: Christine, the Young Monster. I observe it and think the headline woefully inadequate as the tragedy that happened was not in any way her fault. She was but another victim of the cruel and powerful sorceress Clemilda. Suddenly, I'm beginning to understand why my time travel and my victory over the cave came to be. I was part of a plot by destiny to try to retrieve the blessed Mimoso from the arms of tragedy. My mission was to reunite the "opposing forces" and help the owner of the scream heard in the cave. I was absolutely sure that the owner of that voice was the beautiful Miss Christine. A mutated, totally bitter Christine awaited me. I'd have to convince her to react and to make her my ally in the fight against the forces of evil. In the end, I'd have to remember the teachings of the guardian and the dreaded cave of despair, the cave that had realized my dreams and made me the Seer. I now had a new challenge and was willing to meet it.
With the newspaper in hand, I read the whole story about Christine. They claimed that she was a monster since childhood and that only then had it been discovered. A mixture of indignation and anger fill my whole being. How did those journalists have the courage to publish that? They had taken advantage of a tragedy in order to tell lies. Christine was never was, nor could be a monster either. She just had been cursed by an evil and perverse witch. It was up to good people to help her and heal her. I keep reading the paper and they claim that Christine was a young rebel who left the convent because of bad behavior. I'm revolted again. I feel like ripping up the whole newspaper. Damned journalists, they distort everything to make money. Christine was a young, submissive girl and had followed the advice of her mother to cloister herself in a convent. When the sisters realized that she had no vocation, they kicked her out. I quit reading the news because it was not true. The vision was enough for me to I know where I stood. I take the newspaper and return it to the cabinet drawer, next to the table, from where I had gotten it. I get up and start to draw up a plan of action in my mind. I would have to somehow reunite the "opposing forces" and help Christine find true happiness. I approach the door and I am just about to open it.
When it opens, I'm surprised to see a gathering of people in the small foyer of the hotel. What was the meaning of all that? I get closer so that I can ask.
—What's going on here?
Pompeu, the delegate, speaks up.
—We're here because serious allegations were made against you. You need to come with us, boy.
The delegate signals to his underlings and they bring handcuffs. They put them on my wrists and I feel wronged, like a slave back in the olden times. Carmen tries to intervene but the delegate doesn't listen.
—Is that really necessary? I have a clear conscience.
—We'll see about that at the station, son. (Major)
Obeying his orders, I begin to walk and the train leaves also. Upon leaving the hotel, I realize that there were a lot more people present, interested in what was going on. What did they want with me? Had I committed a crime? Ever since I arrived in Mimoso, I had tried very hard not to call attention to myself. However, now I was being handcuffed and taken to the police station. I'm starting to worry about what exactly to tell them. I could not tell the entire truth and jeopardize the mission. I would have to defend myself from the accusations with good common sense and intelligence. I begin to think of Claudio and the way he was thrown in jail. I would think of a way to avoid the same happening to me.
Some ten minutes after leaving the hotel, we finally arrive at the imposing police station. Major Quintino and Delegate Pompeu come in with me. The others are outside waiting for a decision. Upon entering the delegate's private office, they remove my handcuffs and with that I'm more relieved.
—Well, sit down, Mr. Seer. I am now the one who will ask the questions. First, what's your real name and where are you from? (Delegate)
—My name is Aldivan and I'm from Recife.
—What are you doing around here if you're from Recife? What's your profession?
—I'm a reporter for the Capital Newspaper and I came looking for a good story. I assure you, my intentions are the best possible. I'm not a criminal and I don't want to hurt anybody.
—What do you have to say about the relentless interrogations which you've been submitting the people of this place to? What exactly do you mean by doing this?
—It is part of my job, a strategy in which to collect information. However, if this has become awkward for anyone, I'll stop.
—As you may know, Queen Clemilda has made a decree against your person. What do you say to that? By chance, are you her enemy?
—I think I better not answer that question.
—Well, I have no further questions. Major, do you have any more questions you want to ask this guy?
—Yes. I want to know if he works for the opponents of the government.
—No, not at all. I'm not looking to get myself involved in political issues although I think the current system is quite unfair.
—Well, Mr. Aldivan, I think I'll let you stay in prison for a few days to check if everything that has been said here is true.
—I will not stay here. This is unfair. If you make this whimsical decision, I will denounce you to the governor who is a close friend of mine.
The major and the delegate are amazed by my reaction and by the news that I had just given. They gather to commune in silence and resolve not to risk it. In the end, I'm released despite the protests of some people outside the police station. My plan had worked.
Back to the Hotel
When I leave the station, I begin to wonder why the people of Mimoso have reacted so passively. They lived under the tyranny of a cruel witch and major. I think maybe it's fear that stops any retaliation from them. Suddenly, I begin to remember the three doors that I had to choose from in order to advance in the cave. They represented fear, failure and happiness. There, I learned to control my fears and confront them in spite of all the factors in the cave that likened to trip me up such as the dark, the unexpected and all of the pitfalls. I learned also to face failure not as the end but as the resumption of a new plan. I ended up choosing the door of happiness and it's what people don't often choose. Many are slaves to their daily lives, to egoism, to morality, shame and their own abilities to dream. Those are the ones who fail and are afraid. They don't even risk entering the cave to accomplish their desires. They become unhappy people with no self-love.
I look to my side. I see people who don't even know me yet who are very angry with my release fro
m the police station. At the bottom of their hearts they have already judged and sentenced me. How often do we do that? How often do we think we own the truth and that we have the power to condemn? Remember what Jesus said: Remove first the beam out of thy own eye before pointing it at thy brother. He said that because we all have flaws and this makes our judgments partial and obscure. Only those who know the human heart and who are free from all sin have the ability to see everything clearly. I look for the last time at these people and I feel sorry for them because they prefer their greedy sense of justice rather than reflecting on their own lives. I leave them behind and continue on my way back to the hotel. I start to mentally organize every step that I would make in order to reunite the "opposing forces" and help Miss Christine. She had been the owner of that scream that I heard in the cave of despair and that led me to travel through time. This journey was part of a process of spiritual and human improvement for me and at the same time had the purpose of correcting injustices. I keep walking and after about five minutes I get to the hotel. Renato and Carmen are waiting at the gate. They are my companions in this fight. The next day would be the most appropriate time to start my plans.
The Idea
The first rays of sun caress my face and the force of natural light has just awakened me. I remain immobile for a while because I didn't have such a good night. I was still remembering the nightmare I had last night which made me wake up. In the dream, I was with some young people talking about my book. I spoke of my expectations and the hopes of getting a commercial publisher for it. Along comes a little devil bothering and scaring everyone. People fled and the demon, who did not show his face, exclaimed: -So you have it all figured out!
In that moment, the nightmare ends and I wake up in the middle of the night, sweating profusely. What did this mean? Did it have something to do with the history of Mimoso? I wasn't sure. What I did know is that I wanted to have a decent place in the universe and if my destiny and my vocation were in literature, I would follow it with great passion. After all, why had I entered the cave if I was not to become the Seer, someone able to transcend time, predict the future and understand the most confused and distressed hearts? With that thought, I turn in bed and stand up. I observe Renato who is still asleep and wonder why the guardian had insisted so much about me bringing him with me. Up until now he had barely contributed. What could a child do for me? Well, I didn't know. I divert my attention from him and I head to the bathroom to quickly bathe. The bath would leave me more accessible. I enter, turn on the water, and start to feel the benefits already. I think of my family and I am feeling homesick. I remember my mother and my sister and how they were so contrary to my dream. A feeling of forgiveness invades my being and I end up forgetting this fact. After all, it was I who had to believe in my own talent and calling. In addition to washing my body, I try to clear my mind of any impurities because I had to be prepared to overcome the obstacles and challenges that may appear. I turn off the water and soap up.
At that moment a small drop, by itself, touches my head and I travel instantly through distant dimensions. I see myself in heaven, talking with angels and asking them what the meaning of life is. In response, I hear ringing and this leaves me more confused. After the angels, I talk with the Apostles and one of them tells me I'm very special to God. He considers me his son. I see, from a distance, the Virgin and she looks the same to me as the other times I've seen her: pure and wise. After, I see Jesus Christ on his throne, with all his glory, and he tells me to be good and to trust my talent. All this had happened in less than one second, the time that it took the drop of water to touch my head. Then I see the faucet, the water running down my body, and I come back to reality. I decide to turn it off because I'm clean enough. Coming out of the bathroom, I find Renato still asleep and I am upset. I shake his body vigorously in order to wake him up. He gets up grumbling and goes to take a bath. I take this opportunity to go to the kitchen of the hotel and have breakfast. When I arrive, I'm well received by all and Carmen serves me some snacks.
—You mean that yesterday the delegate released you just like that? (Rivanio)
—I was able to convince him. He had no reason to keep me imprisoned there.
—You got lucky, boy. It is common in this village for many injustices to occur. An example is Claudio. He's arrested because he became involved with the major's daughter. (Gomes)
—It's really a shame. If I could do something for him...
—You better not dare. The major would consider you his enemy and that would be a nightmare. The methods that the major uses to deal with his enemies are not pleasant. (Carmen)
The warning from Carmen left me quite reflective. I had to really be careful because the major and the witch weren't to be kidded with. I was treading in enemy territory and would have to play the right moves in order to come out a winner. The conversation continues on to other subjects and I finish my breakfast. As soon as I finish, Carmen calls me for a private conversation.
—Well, it's time to discuss payment as I had stated earlier. Do you have money?
The question caught me a little by surprise but I remembered that I had brought some with me on the trip. I excused myself, looked in my bag and came back with some change. Carmen took the money and asked;
—Which country is this money from? I have never heard of "Reais." Unfortunately, I cannot accept it. I want national currency.
The response of Carmen was like a slap in the face and then I realized that in 1910 my money had no value. I had no response.
—Well, I see you don't have any money. Then you will have to get a job to pay me. How about if you work for the major as a journalist?
—I don't think that's a good idea. However, it's the only option I have. I'm going to talk to the major and ask for a job.
—That's the way. I wish you good luck.
Carmen gives me a hug and retires. Her idea was not so bad. I would have the opportunity to meet Christine and who knows, maybe even have some kind of contact with her.
The Figure of the Major
Shortly after having spoken with Carmen and her having given me the idea, I decided to set it all up. After all, the clock was ticking and I had now just over two weeks to gather the "opposing forces" and help Christine find her destiny. With that in mind, I went to my room, put good clothes on and left. Upon leaving the hotel, I begin to concentrate and think about the best way to treat the major because he was a difficult man, very prejudiced, proud and overbearing. Christine and Claudio were some of the victims of his way of thinking and acting. I didn't want to become one more and would need to choose the right words. I continue to reflect on the major and think of the numerous difficulties he went through when he was just a child. However, he did not seem to have learned anything since he couldn't miss an opportunity to humiliate and harm people. Life had hardened his heart and his soul. He wasn't anyone's idea of a perfect boss but I needed the job to carry out my plans.
For a moment, I stop thinking about it and speed up a little because I'm near the bungalow. I look around me and the people that I see are sad and conformed. I think the people of Mimoso are partly responsible for the current situation of tyranny and injustice that occurs in this place. They were dominated by a wicked witch and by the major representative of the Colonel System. One threatened the people with black magic and the other used force to intimidate and bully. Both could be overturned if all united in rebellion against them. A lack of initiative and conformism kept them in the same situation, dominated. So the forces of good took action and made me travel to a mountain that everybody said was sacred. There, I met the guardian, the young girl, the ghost, the boy, performed three challenges and entered a cave capable of making the deepest of dreams come true. In the cave, I escaped traps and I advanced scenarios until I reached the end. I was transformed into the Seer and I traveled in time chasing a voice I didn't know. It was the voice of Miss Christine, the recently changed daughter of the major. A major who I would now face
in order to get a job and pay what I owed Carmen. Finally, I come to the bungalow and the maid of the house comes to greet me in the garden.
—How may I help you, sir?
—My name is Aldivan and I'm a journalist. I want to talk to the major. Is he home?
—Yes. Come in, he's in the living room.
With my heart racing, I enter the beautiful bungalow. My anxiety and nervousness were killing me. I go into the room and greet the major.
—What brings you here, Mr. Seer?
—Well, as your Excellency knows, I'm a journalist. So I thought that your Excellency might need my services and I decided to come here to review my contract.
—Look, I don't know you well and I'm still not sure if you're a spy or if you belong to the opposition. I don't think I can help you.
—I guarantee I'm trustworthy and a major like you needs journalistic support to be approved by society. It is as the saying goes, the media is who creates a man.
—Looking at it that way, I think it might be a good idea. Let's do an experiment to see if it works. However, if you harm my image you will be treated as an enemy and you may have heard that this is not by any means a comfortable thing to have happen. As for salary, it will be good money. You need not worry.
—Thank You. I promise not to disappoint you. When do I begin?
—Get to work as soon as possible. I want to see my name circulated throughout Pernambuco. I want to be legendary and remembered by many generations.
—It will be so, Major. I promise you.
I bid farewell and leave. With the mission accomplished, I feel more relaxed and confident. Convincing the major had not been so difficult because he was thirsty for power and fame. I had played into his weakness and so I came out a winner.
The Job
The major gave me my first instructions and I started working to advance his name. Basically, my job was to strengthen him by disseminating his acts and favors to the local population and contribute to his campaign when he would run for mayor of the municipality. These assignments did not put me in a comfortable position because I was totally contrary to the ideals of the Colonel System and the attitude of the major. However, I knew this was the only chance to get close to Christine as she was completely reserved after the tragedy. My motto was: It is the end that justifies the means. One of the first articles of news that I had to disclose was as follows: the major helping needy families. I specified the date, spoke of the goodness of the major and his actions, and I mentioned the thanks of the people and the catastrophic situation that they were in. However, the most important thing was not disclosed. I didn't mention that the money used to buy the food baskets came from taxes and that in return the major required the families to vote for him for mayor. The act of "kindness" was nothing but a game of interest which was very popular during the rule of the Colonel System. I now became an accomplice of this system even against my own will. I try not thinking about it anymore and keep working. My strategy now was to find a way to communicate with Christine and let her find her own destiny.