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To Save a Lady

Page 4

by Lindsay Downs

  “Yes, on that you are correct. Do you believe the Met officer will wish to compare notes with you?”

  “Of that, I’m not sure. If anything, he might want to speak with the client, and no not Vikki. Before I allow that to happen, I’d like to speak with her while continuing to search out the true murderer.”

  “I am in agreement with you on both points. Shall we return to the ball as I do believe my first waltz of the evening is about to be played?”

  “With pleasure, and remember to behave or you won’t get the second one.”

  With her hand on Brendon’s forearm, she let him lead her back in with her brother trailing. She wanted to giggle when no sooner were they inside than Eustace headed directly for the young lady of his current attraction. After the dance, which much to her pleasure the marquis did behave, he returned her to the countess. Unlike previous times, instead of heading off to find another lady to dance with, Jolene was surprised whenhe tookup station behind her, next to her father.

  “How did it go?” her mother asked.

  “Quite well, much to my amazement. Brendon had the thought to contact a certain individual we’ve used in the past to investigate the printer and his funds. Even Eustace behaved.”

  “I’m happy to learn that, as he is aware of what could happen if he didn’t.”

  As much as she would have loved to learn what her brother’s punishment might be she held her tongue which was anexcellent idea since he and Lady Sarah were approaching.

  After her mother accepted a curtsey from the lady, Jolene smiled up to her but frowned at Eustace for she suspected he was going to ask a favor.

  “Dearest sister, might I impose on you to chaperone Lady Sarah and I in the park tomorrow afternoon? I’ve the earl and countess’permission but only if you join us.”

  “Certainly.” Then to Lady Sarah, “We will pick you up at two of the clock. Is that agreeable?”

  “Yes, m’ lady, it is, and thank you.”

  “Wonderful. Let’s hope the weather is beautiful.”

  From the corner of her eye, Jolene saw Brendon step around and up.

  “Lady Hampshire, do I have you consent to join Lady Jolene on the coach ride, that is if she’s agreeable to having me along?”

  “You may, and from the bright smile my daughter has I do believe she is in agreement.”

  “Thank you, m’ ladies. I’ll come over in my landau.”

  Jolene was about to reply when she noticed the Stuart butler, carrying a salver, step up directly in front of her but stayed outside the small group. This action told her he had something to present.

  “Yes,” she directed to the man.

  “Please pardon this interruption, but this letter was just delivered directly for you, Lady Jolene.”

  She lifted the folded piece of paper off the tray andturned it over in her hands, noting the wax seal didn’t have an impression.

  “Do you know who brought this?”

  “Unfortunately no, m’ lady. The footman it was given to said the man was wearing livery but didn’t recognize it. Also, he spoke with a foreign accent, but what the staff member didn’t know either.”

  “Thank you, you’re dismissed.”

  Once the man was gone, Jolene glanced around. She was happy that her brother and Lady Sarah had disappeared. Breaking the seal, she unfolded the sheet. That was when she saw the way it had been addressed to her. The Lady Jolene Markson.

  My Lady,

  I would strongly advise you stop looking into things which don’t concern you.

  If you fail to heed this warning, then I won’t be responsible for what happens to you.

  A chill rushedup Jolene’s spine, making her shiver. She passed it to Brendon after she’dsomewhat collected herself. After he read it, she saw him give the sheet over to her father, followed by her mother.

  Now, she was curious as to who would speak first as she already had her plan set. Continue at the ball and the hunt for who and why someone killed Jack Cooper.

  “Lady Jolene, if I know you as I believe I do then tomorrow I’ll have a few extra grooms and footmen along. Also, several in the park for added protection,” Brendon said.

  “Marquis, I do appreciate the extra care you will be taking with our daughter. Now, as your second waltz is beginning, the two of you enjoy it,” Robert told him.

  Accepting Brendon’s hand, Jolene let him guide her to the dance floor. As with other waltzes, she was pleased he held her properly, not earning a scowl from the matrons. When the music ended, she was returned to her mother who then suggested they enjoy the buffet. While the gentlemen collected plates, she enjoyed a few pleasant minutes with her mother.

  “My dear, every time you dance with Brendon were you aware of the fact that you smile the entire time. Not to mention, you are lighter on your feet.”

  “No, I didn’t.”

  “If I’m not mistaken, even your father has noticed it. What I’m about to suggest will cause a stir, but being Markson’s we’re used to that.”

  “All too well, Mother. Father pushing the carriage around the park with one of my brothers or sisters in it while carrying another. Don’t forget having the children’s ball years ago. So, what are you suggesting now which will get tongues wagging?”

  “Quickly, as they are returning, ask Brendon for a third waltz. Not only will it be in the broadsheets on the morrow but show the person who threatened you that you fear no one.”

  Jolene loved her mother’s suggestion as it was something she wished to do but, being new wasn’t sure how others would take her slightly rebellious nature. She didn’t have time to answer as her father and Brendon walked up carrying plates of morsels with a footman following with a tray of glasses of lemonade.

  Over their pleasant meal, Jolene, with her mother’s able assistance, guided the discussion to the excursion the next day.

  When they returned to the ballroom she was happy to hear the musicians starting a waltz. Now, she knew was her chance.

  “M’ lord, I do believe this is our waltz?”

  “Except for the fact we have danced the requisite two we shouldn’t. What would the grand dames say?”

  She leaned closer in to him. “We chase the worst of the worst through the stews and streets of London and you’re afraid of a few ladies?”

  “When you put it that way then shall we learn what they have to say. I’m sure the duke and duchess will applaud me.”

  As she let him twirl her around the floor, Jolene noticed many of the matrons and grand dames frowning. To them she smiled, while to the few who approved she nodded. When the music ended, she curtsied to his bow then set her hand on his forearm and returned to her mother.

  No sooner had she settled on the settee then several young ladies rushed up. All with the same question. How did you have the courage to dance thrice with the same gentleman? What surprised them was her reply. Simple and to the point.

  “Ladies, to succeed in life and find that perfect gentleman who will make you happy for the rest of your life, you need to take chances as I did. The gossips will only talk about you for a short time until another scandal comes along.”

  While she was talking, Jolene felt a hand gently settle on hers. That was her mother. What was even more astounding was the firm, yet soft hand on her shoulder. She strongly suspected it belonged to Brendon.

  Not that she would admit the fact, maybe even to herself, to Brendon or her mother, but she did have affections for him. Her only question considering he continued, until this eve, to spend time with other young ladies. This had her wondering if he did it to learn if she became jealous of his attentions to others. But, that couldn’t be it as here he was standing behind and guarding her from unwanted, unwarranted advances. She did appreciate that fact.

  Right now, though, for her the problem at hand was to keep him at arm’s length. After all, didn’t they, or at least she, have a case to solve. That she would have to think about later as her mother suggested they retire home.
r />   At the Markson town carriage she allowed him to hand her in after reassuring her he’d be at their townhouse at half one.

  Chapter Seven

  After the Markson carriage vanished into the night Brendon called for his coach. Even though it was after midnight he wasdeterminedto avoid visiting his club. Having been permitted a third dance with Jolene, he knew his ways needed to change. When the coach arrived, he directed the coachman to return him tohis townhouse, conveniently located across the square from his parents. Much to his surprise, the driver didn’t even give him a curious glance about returning home early.

  When he entered this townhouse, he was met by a grinning Waters.

  “Don’t say a word or you’ll find yourself a footman at my highland estate.”

  “All I was going to say, m’ lord, was welcome home, and there’s a letter from Her Grace on your desk,” the butler said.

  “Thank you. When did it arrive?”

  “About two hours ago.”

  With a nod, Brendon made for his office. Marching in, he went up to the desk and peered down at the folded sheet of paper. Curious as to why she’d written him so late, he took a seat, broke the seal, and read the missive.


  Please join your father and I tomorrow for luncheon at noon. There is something I wish to discuss with you.


  He reread the note to make sure he understood her request. To the best of his knowledge this was the first time in several years his presence had been requested. At least he wasn’t in trouble. Of that he was sure because the duchess had invited him. If he hadbeen, the duke would have done the inviting and in very stern wording of the note.

  Setting it aside, he took up the only other post. He found it interesting Waters hadn’t made mention of it. Then again, considering there wasn’t a return direction, Brendon believed it from his other man of business. The one he’d told Jolene about at the ball. Tryingto stifle a yawn, which he failed, he chose not to review it, considering the thickness of the packet. Taking a key from his vest pocket, he secured the package in the center drawer of the desk. With that done, he retired to his suite there to be met by his valet. He threatened the man with the same promise told to Waters.

  “For tomorrow, the dark blue jacket, gold vest, and black trousers. I haven’t any idea what to wear for the evening,” he directed to Connor.

  “Certainly, m’ lord.”

  Helped out of his coat, Brendon chose to have a sandwich and glass of wine then read. He placed his order with the valet, and while the man collected to refreshments removed his vest and cravat.

  He took a seat by the fireplace, enjoying the warmth, picked up a book, and started in. No sooner had he gotten reinterested in the mystery than Connor returned with the light meal. A short while later, food consumed, Brendon tired and retired for the night.


  Waking and wishing he hadn’t but insteadhad kept dreaming of Jolene, naked in his arms and dancing with her at a ball, Brendon took care of his needs. Stepping back in to the room, he saw Connor waiting for him.

  “Considering how late in the morning it is, have a light breakfast tray brought to the office. That is, after you tie my cravat.”

  “Yes, m’ lord.

  Partially attired, save his jacket as he had chosen not to bother with it until departing for his parents’. If anything, he preferred comfort over formality, especially considering he wasn’t expecting any visitors.

  Strolling into his office, Brendon noticed the tray already set on his desk. Beside it a small stack ofposts. He suspected the majority were invitations, which he would ignore as he would only attend the ones that Jolene did. Setting those aside, he opened the desk drawer, retrieving the one from last night.

  Brendon spread it out on his desk and read it while eating. He then reviewed the several other sheets of paper. Some made sense to him, but most didn’t. All he was able to learn wasthe bookshop owner was making more money than he should have. This, he would have to pass along to Jolene this afternoon if given a chance.

  With his meal finished, he rang for Waters to remove the tray. Regrettably, the man brought several more posts with him. He accepted them, glancing at the return direction on each one. The only one worth reading was from his regular man of business. That he read carefully and smiled.

  “Waters, have the landau out front in ten minutes.”

  “Yes, m’ lord.”

  Upon returning to his suite, Connor help him into the ordered jacket.Then Brendon went back to the office. There, from a safe hidden behind several books, he took out a deep-green velvet box. Opening it,he peered down at the piece of jewelry, closed the lid, then put it in his jacket pocket.

  He marched down and out the opened front door, waving off the hat and gloves as he never did like either, except the gloves for riding. Giving direction to where he needed to go, he climbed in and enjoyed the ride to Burton Street and the family jeweler.

  At the shop, he was met by the owner,and hehanded the man the box.

  “I need it cleaned and the stones reset. How long will that take?”

  “I will have it ready for you in a week, unless there’s a rush to have me return it sooner?”

  “No, that will be fine. Now, do you have a necklace in topaz with matching earrings?”

  “Yes, I finished one this morning. Please let me show it to you.”

  Following the jeweler to a table, Brendon took a seat while the man laid out a white satin cloth then the necklace and earrings. He carefully studied the pieces and knew they would be perfect for a certain young lady, if she’d accept them from him.

  “Have it delivered to my townhouse this afternoon,” he directed the man.

  “Yes, m’ lord.”

  With that business taken care of, he strolled out of the shop to be met by the Earl and Countess of Hampshire.

  “M’ lord and lady, this is a pleasant surprise,” Brendon uttered after giving a slight bow.

  “Doing a little shopping?” Kristina teased.

  Now he had a dilemma, tell the truth or lie. The first would tip his hand, and he wasn’t ready for them to learn while the other slightly safer.

  “Just having a few items cleaned. Might I inquire as to what brings you out so early?”

  “Lady Jolene is having a fitting on a new ball gown she wishes to wear this eve, and I’m in need of ribbons,” the countess replied.

  Brendon glanced past her to notice Robert rolling his eyes. This had him curious as to their real reason for being out. Whatever their purpose, hopefully he’d find out later. If not, then he’d just have to believe them.

  “Thank you, m’ lord. If you’ll excuse me, my presence has been requested by Her Grace for luncheon.”

  “Will you still to be able to collect our daughter as promised?” Robert said.

  “Most definitely.”

  With that, Brendon bowed then waited for the earl and countess to walk off before heclimbed into his landau. As it was getting onto the time to meet his parents, he directed the coachman to take him to the ducal palace.

  He wasn’t surprised the solid oak door swung open has he got to it and was met by the butler.

  “His and Her Grace are expecting me.”

  “Yes, m’ lord. They await you in Her Grace’s parlor.”

  Making his way up the grand staircase, Brendon considered what they, in particular the duchess wished to talk to him about. Just before the door to her sitting room, he took in a breath, let it out, then stepped into the doorway.

  “Your Graces.”

  “M’ lord, please come in and have a seat. What I wish to discuss with you, His Grace is aware and chooses to remain to learn your reply first hand.”

  “Certainly. What would you like to learn?”

  “Forgetting the fact it was reported in The Times and The Tattler that you partnered with Lady Jolene three times last night, what are your thoughts for the young lady. Before you reply, remember that she is our goddaughter,
” the duchess directed.

  Her question came as a bit of a surprise. He’d lied, well sort of, to Jolene’s parents, but that would be impossible with his mother.

  “To be honest, the third waltz request came from Lady Jolene, but I suspect Lady Hampshire might have been behind it. As for any affections I have for the lady, yes I do. I’ve had them for quite a while, even though sometimes my actions didn’t appear so.”

  “What are your plans in regards to the two of you? Have you thought that far ahead?”

  “Simply put, I would like to offer for her. But, before I do that I’msure it will be necessary that I prove to her I will and have changed my ways.”

  “Might I ask, how do you plan to do that? Trust me, it won’t be easy as you’ve led a fairly wild life since coming to town,” his father said.

  “Hopefully, that started last night when I agreed to the extra dance. Then, after I left, instead of going to one of my clubs, I returned home. This afternoon, I’m escorting her to the park along with Lord Eustace and Lady Sarah. I am aware this isn’t much, but I suggested I accompany them.”

  “Well, that is a start. Might I suggest you present her with a gift, and soon. If anything, that will help to endear her to you,” the duchess directed.

  This made him happy to learn as he’d made the purchase before coming to visit his parents. His next question waswhen to present the necklace to her.

  “If I did have something, when would be the best time to give it to her?”

  “So, you do, I’d hazard to guess. Then, at the first opportunity you should. This afternoon on returning her to the Markson townhouse, in the presence of her parents, ask if you might collect them for the ball tonight. This should garner an invitation to dine with them. Beforehand,in the parlor present it to her,” the duke explained.

  “Thank you for these suggestions. Now, as the butler has arrived, shall we dine?” Brendon uttered.

  Chapter Eight

  At her desk, she glanced at the notes. On the left was the one from last night. Confusing and cryptic. Beside it was one of several she’d received this morning after returning to her suite from breakfast. That one made a bit of sense but still had her curious as to the change in his behavior. The last note had been given to her a short while ago by Emmy. It had come from a reliable informant who never asked for anything in return. All Jolene cared about was the single word carefully printed in the middle of the sheet.


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