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To Save a Lady

Page 14

by Lindsay Downs

“No, you are not comingwith us. I will be meeting with someone you know. If they spot you, they might run off. Be gone, please, and don’t try following,” she ordered.

  “As you wish, but instead of luncheon expect me in the morning.”

  Not choosing to reply, she waited for him to disappear into the darkness then snapped her finger to gain Samson’s attention. With him at her side, she followed the mews to the side street then onto the main road. From there it was a short walk to the corner where her contact would be, or so she hoped. As she got closer to her destination, Jolene glanced over her shoulder and smiled to herself. Reaching down, she gave Samson a pat on the head.

  “Keep an ear out for danger. Our friend should be just ahead,” she whispered.

  When she stepped up to the lamppost, Jolene tried to peer through the darkness for the person she was meeting. Hopefully. After a few heartbeats, she watched as the individual slipped from the shadows.

  “Evening, Jolene.”

  “And to you, Vikki. What do you have for me?”

  “The viscount, as you are aware, will be arriving sometime tomorrow, or actually today. I’ve learned that no sooner than he does then he’ll demand the return of his daughter. I encourage you not to let him, for I fear for Julie’s safety if he takes her away.”

  “Of that you don’t have to worry. Father, not to mention Thomas, won’t allow that to happen. I should point out he and Julie have accompanied me for protection.”

  “And who’s watching them to make sure they behave since you have that adorable Samson with you?”

  “My brother. Now, you need, as do I, to return home, for the next few days will be very interesting.”

  Jolene saw Vikki slip back into the shadows then her footsteps faded to nothing,and she turned and retraced her steps back to the townhouse.

  Slipping in through the kitchen door, she made sure everyone was inside then set the latch before followingthem up. At her suite door, she waited while Thomas, respectfully, said his goodnight and marched down the corridor to the one his room was on.

  Stepping into hers, Jolene saw Samson head straight, for a change, to his pallet, lie down, and fall asleep. Unbuttoning the dress, which was why she’d chosen it, since Emmy was sleeping, Jolene climbed into a laid-out night rail then crawled between the sheets. With a final glance to the brat, she snuggled down. As she drifted off to sleep, she wondered what Brendon’s reaction would be on hearing what she’d learned.

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  Settled on a comfortably padded chair in the garden parlor, she glanced out the window. At her feet lay Samson, being a brat by lying on his back. Across from her sat Julie with a sketch pad resting on her lap and a pencil in her hand attempting a rendering of her. The other day, having done a beautiful drawing of her collie, now Jolene wished to find out if her friend could do people, something she never could do.

  “How is it coming?”

  “Jolene, that has to be the third time in fifteen minutes you’ve asked me. When I’m ready to show it to you, I will.”

  Accepting Julie’s answer, Jolene tried to relax without shifting which could cause Julie to restart the work. If nothing else though, being the willing model she was able to review events of last night. Not the ball which had been fantastic but afterward, the meeting with Vikki and refusing to allow Brendon to join the party.

  In the past, as with this case, he had accompanied her to one of Vikki’s private meeting houses, and that was where both drew the line. As Vikki had once said, “I trust the marquis, but I don’t wish him to learn the secret side of me, skulking around late at night”. Thus, the reason Jolene had sent him away.

  Now she was waiting for him to arrive. Then she, with Julie, would inform him and her parents of what they had learned. Footsteps in the hall told her someone was coming. From the softness of the footfalls,she suspected it was her mother. In seconds, the countess stepped into the parlor.

  “Ladies, I thought you might be here.”

  Jolene saw Julie hide the drawing by turning it over on her lap.

  “Yes, as Julie did such an excellent sketch of Samson,” she peered down, noticing the brat didn’t move. “I thought we would try doing one of me.”

  “How is it coming?”

  “You should direct your question to her as she won’t let me view it,” Jolene suggested.

  “M’ lady, I will save you from asking as it is complete,” Julie replied holding up the picture.

  Standing, Jolene stepped over and gasped.

  “It’s beautiful. Julie, you really have a talent. As I said we must next proceed to trying oils. Mayhap on the morrow?”

  “Yes, it is lovely. I even love how you were able to catch Samson and the way he was lying. But, on to a more important topic. The marquis has arrived and is waiting for us in the office,” Kristina told them.

  With the countess leading, Jolene followed her upstairs. Sweeping in, she gave Brendon a smile then settled on the settee she used but instead of him joining her, Jolene waved Julie to the seat beside her. She enjoyed, to herself, the confusion on his face. Mayhap now and in the future Brendon wouldn’t take her for granted.

  “Daughter, you have some important information for us that you learned last night from your special contact.”

  “Yes. What I was told, and I trust the source explicitly,isthat Julie is in greater danger than before. The viscount, when he arrives, will be coming here and demanding the return of his daughter,” Jolene paused and settled a hand on her friend’s shoulder. “What next I’m going to tell you might be upsetting, but you need to be strong as we will protect you. The person I spoke with said if that happened, the chances of you living much longer isn’t guaranteed.”

  Jolene wasn’t surprised when the color drained from Julie’s face and she start to wobble. A hand holding a glass appeared. Jolenetook it and held it up to her friend’s lips.

  “Take a sip. It might make you feel better,” Jolene whispered.

  After a few minutes, Jolene was happy Julie’s complexion had slightly improved. She then glanced to her father.

  “Other than keeping her a prisoner here, do you have a suggestion on how we may keep her safe?”

  “I’m sorry, but at this present time I don’t.”

  “Then we are just in time with the perfect solution to keep Lady Julie protected,” Thomas announced as he led the Duchess of Clarion into the office.

  Jolene wasn’t surprised when Julie jumped up and rushed over to him, gavehim a hug, then curtsied to their godmother.

  “I apologize for my behavior, but I wasn’t expecting you until much later. So, how do you plan on keeping me safe, Thomas?”

  “You have nothing to apologize for. To protect you simply put with this, a special license.”

  “Excuse me, but I don’t understand. How will being married to you, something I anticipate greatly, protect me from the viscount?”

  “Mr. Spencer, if you will allow me to explain,” the duchess said.

  “Currently, living here with the earl, you are under his protection to a degree. The viscount can demand he relinquish that to him. As Mr. Spencer’s wife, he would havecomplete control over your safety. That way, he can’t require Mr. Spencer to hand you over. As you both wish to marry, by doing it this way we are just moving it up. Do you understand, dear?”

  “Yes, but where would we live? Thomas only has a very small apartment.”

  “You should stay here as our guests. That way, when he goes off to work you will still be safe,” Robert uttered.

  “Then, m’ lord, you may send for the minister.We will marry, thus Thomas maybetter protect me,” Julie said.

  “My dear goddaughter, that won’t be necessary as I brought one with me. He’s waiting in the kitchen. Robert, if you’ll send for him,” the duchess declared.

  “Your Grace, if you will give me about ten minutes I wish to take Lady Julie back to her suite so Suzy may neaten her hair,” Kristina requested.

  For Jolene
, that didn’t make any sense as her friend’s tresses were perfect.


  With that, Jolene started to stand, but was waved back down by her mother. That was when she knew what was about to happen and kept those thoughts to herself.

  Once her mother and Julie departed, Jolene turned to her godmother who had taken the chair opposite.

  “Thomas, considering your soon to be changed status, that is going from a single gentleman to a married one, you and your new bride are still welcome for dinner this eve.”

  “Thank you, Your Grace. I will risk Julie’s wrath by accepting the invitation.”

  “I’m sure she won’t be upset.”

  Jolene glanced over to Brendon standing by the fireplace. She couldn’t understand why he suddenly became so nervous. He then stepped over to her father and whispered. Whatever it was, Jolene suspected it involved her as he came over.

  “Lady Jolene, not to diminish the upcoming wedding, but would you consider accepting my offer of marriage thus becoming my marchioness?”

  “Marquis of Lange, it would be my great honor to become the Marchioness of Lange.”

  She then settled her hand in his as he slipped the Lange marchioness ring over her finger.

  “It is truly beautiful, but why now and not tonight as you originally had planned?” Jolene said.

  “As you are constantly keeping me guessing what you will do I thought to turn the tables on you. Now, we will never take each other for granted but wonder what the other will or might do.”

  She wanted to reply that he was correct, but the minister entered behind Bing. In minutes, Thomas and Julie were married and what needed signing had been taken care of.

  A short while later, over luncheon, Jolene suggested that the plans for the afternoon remain in place. Mainly it consisted of a large party visiting Hyde Park. She also decided that for tonight Emmy would have to do something even more dramatic with her hair than originally planned. Jolene and Brendon led everyone upstairs with the ladies continuing up to their suites. She found it highly interesting thatJulie already was aware of the one she would now share with Thomas. She didn’t ask unless her mother had taken her there earlier.

  After an enjoyable time at the park, politely showing off the ring while Thomas and Julie were congratulated, Jolene was glad to be back at the townhouse. From the top step, she watched as Brendon and his mother, in his landau, returned to their respective homes. Stepping in, she started for her suite but was called into her father’s office. Where Julie and Thomas went and why she didn’t inquire but had an idea.

  “While the four of you were strolling about, it was decided that I will be sending the announcements to the broadsheets. Remind the marquis to be here no later than nine tomorrow morning,” Robert directed.

  “I will,Father,as it will definitely be an interesting morning if the viscount is in town, which I strongly suspect he is.”

  “I agree. Now off you go to rest,” her mother directed.

  Not having to be told again, Jolene curtsied then swept up to her suite. Walking in, she had Emmy help her from the walking dress and into a bathrobe. Settled under the covers, she glanced around for the brat to sense him jump up on the bed. Not in the mood, being tired, she let him remain then closed her eyes.

  She woke as Emmy stepped into the room with the gold and silver ball gown carefully draped over her arm. With a smile, she tossed the covers off, slipped from the bed, took care of her needs, then returned.

  “Do you know where the silver silk ribbon is?” she asked her maid.

  “It’s right here, m’ lady. Earlier, when you said you wished to have me do something different with your hair, I also ironed the wrinkles out.”

  Dressed and with her hair done with not only the ribbon but white roses for added effect, she swept down to meet her parents along with Mr. and Mrs. Spencer in the foyer.

  At the ducal palace, she let everyone go ahead so she would enter the duchesses parlor alone. This she’d talked over with her parents on the ride over and they, considering what Brendon had done earlier, offered for her not tonight as planned would cause him to worry. Again, as she had said “so he won’t take me for granted”.

  Just before the door, she stopped while the others were announced then stepped up, a smile on her lips.

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  Before the hour he had been directed to arrive, the Marquis of Lange was surprised at the number of coaches lined up outside the Hampshire townhouse. He wasn’t surprised the ducal carriage was also present,tucked in the corner of the courtyard. His only question was whetherhis father had joined the duchess or not, as the man wasn’t one to attend social engagements if they could be avoided.

  Climbing out of his, Brendon marched up the stairs, arriving at the door just as it was opened by the butler.

  “Good morning, Bing. Where has everyone gathered?”

  “Welcome, m’ lord. They are in the front formal parlor awaiting your arrival.”

  He turned on his heel, crossed the foyer, and marched into the sitting room. On several occasions he had been in it so he was aware of the layout of the settees and chairs. What he found unusual was most had been removed with about half he guessed still present.

  Sweeping up to his betrothed who was wearing a light-green day dress, which matched her eyes, he bowed then to his mother sitting beside her. He found it interesting neither Robert nor Kristina had arrived. Not to mention Thomas and his bride.

  “Your Grace, m’ lady, forgive my tardiness, but the crowd outside is much bigger than expected.”

  “Somehow, I’m not surprised considering the reception you two along with Mr. and Mrs. Spencer received last night at the ball,” his mother told him.

  “And if you are curious as to where my parents are, Julie was having trouble selecting the right dress so mother is helping. Father and Thomas are locked away in the office with the duke. What they are discussing, they would not say,” Jolene added.

  A commotion outside in the hall caused Brendon to turn in time to see the missing members arriving, all wearing smiles. Even his father, who rarely ever did. He bowed when they stepped up.

  “Your Grace, m’ lord, ladies and Mr. Thomas, I was beginning to worry if you were going to comeor hideaway?”

  “We had a few details to workout. After all The Right Honorable Lord and Lady Spencer would not miss their first public appearance,” the duke announced.

  “Congratulations, Lord and Lady Spencer,” Brendon said.

  “Thank you, m’ lord,” Thomas uttered.

  Glancing past him, Brendon saw Bing ready to announce the first visitors, so he waved Julie forward to sit beside his mother with Jolene on the other side. He then stepped around with his father and Thomas. Eachtook station behind their respective lady.

  As the morning progressed, Brendon was happy that so many guests focused equally on the newest baron and baroness and Jolene. The crowd started to thin as it was getting close to time for everyone to retire to their respective houses for luncheon. At the far end of the room he noticed the butler appeared nervous, then he saw the reason. If he wasn’t mistaken, the viscount and his wife were demanding to be announced. Brendon leaned over to the duke.

  “Your Grace, it would seem we are about to have a major problem,” he said in a low voice.

  “Yes, I see what you mean but fear not, for everything is under control. Robert has instructed Bing to have several footmen follow them in. If they cause any trouble they will be physically removed.”

  “And if they threaten any of us I will have them arrested,” Thomas added.

  With everyone’s safety, especially Julie’s secured, Brendon watched as Robert nodded to have the viscount and viscountess announced. He chuckled as theyentered, not gracefully, but stormed up with neither smiling. To make matters, for them, even worse, neither bowed to his or Jolene’s parents.

  “Julie, you are to come with us this instant. We are your parents and have been searching yo
u out for years. Now, come along and stop this foolishness,” the viscount ordered.

  “Sir, you will not speak in that tone to Lady Spencer not to mention failing to properly address the Duke and Duchess of Clarion,” Thomas pronounced.

  Brendon again had to stifle a chuckle when he saw them bow then sputter out an apology to his parents and Jolene’s. What was even more interesting from the side of the parlor, Samson walked up and sat directly in front of Julie, his teeth bared.

  “Get that filthy cur away from here or he’ll end up in a lake,” the viscountess tried to order.

  “Like you did with me ten years ago?” Julie yelled at them all the while remaining seated.

  “Yes. I mean no. We never knew what happened. One minute she was rowing a small boat, the next minute gone,” the viscount tried to counter his wife’s words.

  The man’s words wereall Brendon needed to help close part of the case of what had happened to Julie.From what he had learned, there were not boats in the river where she’d been found. He cocked his head to learn what Thomas would do as he was aware of this information as well.

  “Lord Hampshire, with your permission and as an Inspector for the Metropolitan Police, I am taking them into custody for the attempted murder of Lady Julie Patrice now Lady Spencerten years ago.”

  “What, no. We’ve done nothing wrong,” the viscount pleaded.

  “Bing, have them removed and taken to Lord Spencer’s office. There to be turned over to the jailor,” Robert directed as the staff were his.

  Wearing a relaxed grin and settling a comforting hand on Jolene’s tense shoulder, he smiled as they were dragged, yelling at the top of their voices from the room. Once the viscount and viscountess were gone the few remaining guests approached. They gave their support to Thomas and Julie which made Brendon very happy. He believed the next few days were going to be very difficult for both and possibly dangerous for her.

  Assisting Jolene up and with her bejeweled hand on his forearm, he followed her parents. His were leading with Thomas and Julie in train, to the dining room.


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