Book Read Free


Page 21

by Stephen Drake


  As darkness was falling, Ben Palmer had gone outside the shadow of the pod and headed for the stream. Shortly after he left the pod, Nels Osterlund exited the pod and seemed to be following him. Palmer stopped by a tree that grew next to the stream. He could see no one around.

  “Nice evening isn’t it?” Palmer asked as Osterlund came up behind him.

  Osterlund grabbed Palmer and banged his back against the tree.

  “What the hell were you doing?” Osterlund asked tensely, but quietly. “You almost got me killed!”

  “You didn’t get killed, did you?” Palmer asked rhetorically. He had put his hands on top of Osterlund’s where they held him. “You need to calm down. If someone else hears, you will be killed!”

  “At least you’ll be dead with me, you sick bastard,” Osterlund raged while shaking his captive.

  “I’m sick?” Palmer asked with feigned innocence. “You’re the one that beat that poor woman half to death. I wonder what Murdock would do, should he find out,” Palmer chuckled sadistically. “I’m sure he wouldn’t be too pleased with you!”

  “You’re the one that raped her,” Osterlund retorted. “I’m sure Murdock would be interested in that little tidbit!”

  “So, there you have it,” Palmer said conspiratorially, “our fates are locked together.”

  “But Murdock was going to kill me for raping Harris,” Osterlund raged through clenched teeth. “For something I didn’t do!”

  “You were part of it, like it or not. What do they call it — accessory after the fact?” Palmer grinned wickedly.

  “I should kill you myself!” Osterlund raged.

  “You could, but who would say you had no part in the rape?” Palmer questioned. “You would be hunted mercilessly for the rape and my murder! If you want that, then go ahead.” Palmer grinned.

  Several seconds passed without anyone moving as Osterlund was lost in thought about his options and their repercussions. Finally, Osterlund released Palmer.

  “That’s better,” Palmer said conspiratorially. “We have little to fear, as long as we keep our stories straight. Since Freeman had his ass handed to him again, not to mention Jax Hornsby. Who shot him, by the way?”

  “Murdock’s wife,” Osterlund said with disgust. “She’s a damn good shot. She managed to shoot Hornsby as he was moving to grab Murdock.”

  “Fascinating, at what distance?” Palmer asked.

  “Maybe thirty yards,” Osterlund responded.

  “As I was saying, with Freeman doubting himself and Hornsby out of commission for a while, there are few to oppose us,” Palmer suggested.

  “There is Ted Wagner,” Osterlund reminded.

  “He’s insignificant,” Palmer said with derision. “He’ll join us, or he’ll die!”

  “Why not banish him?” Osterlund asked.

  “And let him tell everyone else what happened?” Palmer asked incredulously. “There is one thing I have managed to learn in my life. You have to control the information to control the people. Those outside will have no information about anything here that isn’t under our control!”

  “What about the women?” Osterlund asked.

  “They will be, shall we say, well appreciated,” Palmer let out a restrained chuckle.


  As Murdock and Mei Lee entered their cabin, they saw Annie sitting at the table with her head on her arms, sleeping. Mei Lee gently woke her as Murdock got something to eat for Mei Lee and himself. While the meat was cooking, Murdock took several swallows of water before handing the water skin to Mei Lee.

  “What happened?” Annie asked as she stretched and yawned.

  “Doctor Harris was beaten and raped,” Mei Lee said quietly. “She doesn’t know who did it, though.”

  “That’s awful,” Annie said, shaken by the news. “Is she here?” she asked as she got up to look outside.

  “No, we left her with the small group I’ve been helping,” Murdock said, taking another drink.

  “She’s fine, but she was asking for you,” Mei Lee said as she took the water skin from Murdock and drank.

  “When do we leave?” Annie asked stoically.

  “How is Declan? Is he mending enough that he doesn’t need to be tended?” Murdock asked.

  “He’s better off than Harris,” Annie responded. “He has some psychological issues, but that is something he’ll have to work through on his own. Physically, he should take it easy for a while yet, but he should be okay. Now, when do we leave?”

  “Who’s going where?” Declan asked sleepily as he staggered into the main room.

  “You aren’t going anywhere,” Murdock said adamantly as he tended the cooking meat.

  “Harris was raped,” Annie told Declan.

  Declan acted like he was physically struck and staggered to sit. “When? Who?” he asked taken aback.

  Murdock and Mei Lee seeing Declan’s reaction were surprised and were at a loss to explain it. “Why are you so concerned?” Murdock finally asked Declan.

  “She was nice to me after I was beaten and did what she could to protect me when I was unable to protect myself,” Declan responded.

  “Doctor Harris has requested Annie to tend her and Kevin is going to take her after he rests,” Mei Lee explained.

  “I’m going, too,” Declan said adamantly.

  “And what can you do for her?” Annie asked incredulously.

  “I can fetch water or food that both of you are going to need,” Declan said to Annie. “I can be handy if you need help with anything!”

  Declan’s attitude raised eyebrows of the other three adults.

  “I don’t think so,” Annie said stubbornly. “I appreciate the offer, but no.”

  “I agree with Annie,” Mei Lee said quietly. “Doctor Harris is very fragile, psychologically, and is sensitive to a male’s presence.”

  “She doesn’t need to see me,” Declan countered. “I must help. I don’t need your permission to go!”

  “That’s true,” Murdock said, “you don’t. But you will need the permission of the leader of those that are caring for her now. To get that, I’m going to have to vouch for you.”

  Murdock’s statement seemed to take the wind out of Declan’s sails. He sat heavily at the table and looked sideways at Murdock.

  “I owe her,” Declan said to Murdock. “I owe as much to her as I do to you!”

  Murdock handed some of the meat to Mei Lee and took a few bites. “Okay, he goes,” he said after swallowing what he was chewing, “but if you give anyone grief, I’ll deal with you. And you won’t enjoy it!”


  As night was falling, Emily Brooks had finally found a soft place to lie down. She was wishing for something to cover herself as the mornings were a little damp and cold. As she was getting comfortable, Keith Rogers came over to her.

  “Are you okay?” he asked hunkering down.

  “Why wouldn’t I be?” Emily asked him.

  “Well, you are out here by yourself,” Keith explained. “Why don’t you sleep under the tarp covering the supplies? It would be warmer and drier, if it rains again.”

  “I like the fresh air,” she said as she turned over, her back to Keith. “Let someone else sleep under the tarp.”

  “You have no fire and nothing to cover yourself,” Keith argued. “I don’t want you to get sick. That just wouldn’t do!”

  “I don’t need a fire,” Emily shrugged. “Why should you care if I get sick? Wouldn’t that put you closer to being in charge?”

  “Probably, if that was my goal,” Keith said softly. “It isn’t. I’m concerned because I care about you. I have before you were in charge.”

  “That’s true, you have,” Emily said softly.

  “Besides, being out away from the fire, you are a perfect target for any beasties that may be about,” Keith explained.

  Emily slapped the ground in frustration and turned to face him. “If you’re so concerned, why don’t you protect me?” she ask

  Keith’s mouth was agape. He was not expecting her to suggest that. “I have no weapon and no skill with one if I had it,” he said, shocked.

  “Well, then, I’ll rely on my bones to choke anything that eats me,” Emily said as she rolled away from Keith. “Where are you sleeping?” she asked after a brief pause.

  “I haven’t located a spot yet,” Keith answered. “I was waiting to see where you were going to sleep.”

  “Well, pull up some turf,” Emily said patting the ground behind her. “With two of us, it would increase the chances of beasties choking on our bones.” She chuckled a little.

  Keith gingerly lay next to her and rolled over so his back was against hers. After lying that way a few minutes, Emily rolled over to face his back.

  “I’m no beauty queen, or some skinny wench, but I’m warm to cuddle with,” she said, good-naturedly, as she snuggled closer; her arm across his hip.


  It was about an hour before dawn when Murdock awakened Declan and Annie. Mei Lee had some meat cooking and Murdock had filled three water skins. The children were still asleep as the pair entered the main room. Both were sluggish, in their movements, from the fore-shortened night.

  “Eat up,” Murdock said as Mei Lee gave them each a chunk of venison. “We need to hit the road soon. I would like to be there before the first snowfall.”

  Annie looked at him through heavy eyelids. Declan chewed on a piece of meat as he looked sideways at Murdock with a scowl.

  “Annie needs to go, but you, Declan can go back to bed,” Murdock stated.

  In short order, Murdock had the cart loaded and was kissing his wife good-bye as Annie and Declan went out to the cart. They both got on the cart and sat patiently.

  “I think I should ride and you two pull me,” he said stoically as he walked up to the cart.

  “Seriously?” Declan asked incredulous. “It’s too early for jokes, Murdock!”

  “Who’s joking?” Murdock asked. “You felt you needed to go. How bad did you want to go? Was it bad enough to pull the cart?”

  “Fine,” Declan said with some anger as he got down from the cart and picked up on the handles.

  Murdock didn’t climb aboard the cart, but he did stop Annie from dismounting. As they walked away from the cabin, Murdock was walking along side.

  “You really need to get a horse,” Declan said after they had gone a short distance.

  “When you see one, let me know. I’ve been here five years and have yet to see one.” Murdock responded. “How long can you pull the cart?” he asked after a short pause.

  “I have no idea,” Declan snapped. “I don’t see why I have to pull the cart!”

  “You felt you had to go,” Murdock stated. “Can you hunt or fish? Are your eyes better than mine to spot problems or threats before we get to them?”

  “No,” Declan said with a touch of surliness.

  “Then your best contribution is to pull the cart,” Murdock explained. “Everyone has to contribute something, even if it is just a strong back. When you acquire some useful skills, then you may be spared the more brutish tasks.”

  “How can I acquire skills doing things like this?” Declan asked.

  “If you want something, you have to ask someone, who has the skill you want to learn. You have to show that you really want to learn,” Murdock explained.

  “Did my sister have to pull the cart?” Declan asked with a surly tone.

  “No, she didn’t. We didn’t have the cart back then,” Murdock stated. “Your sister did help me harvest and drag quite a few deer to our shelter. Whenever we went anywhere, she listened and watched. She asked questions if she didn’t understand.”

  “So, what do you want from me?” Declan asked with a surly tone. “You want me to beg you to teach me?”

  “Honestly, you’re like a horse that was injured and unable to care for itself. I fed you and saw to your needs while you were recovering and now I require you to work. Do you think that’s wrong?”

  “I am not a horse,” Declan shouted.

  “Really? Looks to me like maybe you are,” Murdock retorted. “If you want to quit working like a horse, show me you want more. Do as I ask, cheerfully, and you may find that you’ve learned more than you think!”


  Annie had been laying on the cart listening to Declan and Murdock’s conversation. He’s giving you good advice, she thought. Listen and learn. She had found Declan to be moody, brooding, and argumentative most of the time. He seemed to be angry about everything as well.

  “It reminds me of something my martial arts master told me once,” Murdock continued, not caring if Declan was listening.

  “There was a young boy who had sought out monks to teach him to fight. They had him slap a table all day, every day. After three years, the boy went home. ‘What have you learned?’ his mother asked. The boy, being ashamed, hung his head. ‘They just have me slap a table.’ ‘Show me,’ his father said. The boy promptly slapped the table and reduced it to splinters.”

  “Is that supposed to mean something?” Declan asked angrily.

  “Nope, just passing the time,” Murdock said.

  Annie groaned to herself in exasperation.


  Emily Brooks woke up before first light. Sometime during the night, she had rolled to face away from Keith. She awakened to find that he was still asleep with his arm around her, holding her tight. His body was curved to match hers and was as close as he could possibly get. The two together had managed to keep warm most of the night and Emily slept more soundly than she had since coming to this planet. She shifted her position so she was on her back. She wasn’t trying to disturb Keith, she was, however, enjoying the moment of closeness. She didn’t think she loved Keith Rogers, but there was much to be said for two people being close, in a non-sexual way, when they needed it. She needed it last night and was thankful her offer wasn’t rejected. She had been tired of sleeping alone ever since she’d gotten to know Keith.


  Shortly after Emily woke, Keith was aware of her. He wasn’t awake, but he wasn’t sound asleep either. He was aware of her softness and the heat of her body and it felt wonderful. When she rolled over onto her back, he was aware that he didn’t want her to move away. He was comfortable and wasn’t ready to wake up. As he became more aware, he noticed that he was caressing a female belly. It wasn’t a hard, ab defined belly like so many females strive for, but it was a soft, rounded belly that made him feel good in the caressing. As he was caressing, he felt himself snuggle closer.

  It took Keith until first light to wake up. As he did, he stretched his legs and arched his back where he lay, not wanting to move his arm. It was then that he became aware of someone lightly caressing his forehead.

  “I’m sorry, Emily,” Keith said quietly. “I didn’t mean to do anything you didn’t like.”

  “You didn’t,” Emily said with a soft smile. “I haven’t slept that well since we got here and I was enjoying your caresses. It felt . . . nice!”

  “I just didn’t want you to think I was taking advantage of you,” Keith explained, embarrassed.

  “You didn’t do anything untoward,” Emily said as she got to her feet. “Not that I was aware of, anyway.” She smiled softly at him.

  “I mean, I did enjoy sleeping with you and would like to do so again,” Keith said awkwardly. “I’ll go see if there is anything to eat, yet.” Keith left, but haltingly.


  Emily watched him walk toward the tarp and the fire that was maintained all night long. That was very nice, she thought. I wish he were a few inches taller, though. Thinking about his height made her chuckle a little. Being the tallest woman on the planet was not going to be an easy thing to over-come. There were some men taller than Keith, but she found his personality very attractive. He had managed to put her at ease from the first time they talked. She was very self-conscious of her height and her weight. She didn’t think she was fat, but she was
n’t one of those petite gym-bunnies either.

  As she got to her feet and walked around a little to loosen her muscles, Emily remembered when she first put her arm over his hip, the previous night. Her hand had absentmindedly gone to his stomach and had lingered there. She remembered feeling his stomach and leg muscles. To look at him, Keith didn’t seem to be very massive, but from what she felt, he was well-muscled. Maybe not a body builder, but that type turned her off anyway. For all of his faults or shortcomings, Keith makes me feel . . . comfortable.


  “There was some fish,” Keith said, handing her some from behind her. He had noticed that her hair was mussed.

  “Thanks,” Emily said as she took the fish from him. “Have the scouts returned, yet?”

  “Not yet,” Keith said, slowly regaining his composure. “I’m hoping for a favorable report, though.” He noticed it was taking him a while to get back to his comfort zone; his all business attitude. One night and you fall to pieces, he chastised himself mentally.

  “Can you do me a favor?” Emily asked quietly.

  “I can try,” Keith said. “What favor?”

  “I need to take a bath in the river,” Emily started quickly lest she lose her nerve, “since it is the only water around. Would you keep the others away while I bathe?”


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