Where We Belong

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Where We Belong Page 11

by J. Daniels

  She moans into my mouth. Her tongue sweeps inside, flicking against mine and coaxing me to kiss her harder, to take her mouth like I’m taking her body.


  I guide her head to deepen the kiss. My pace grows more desperate, the rough slapping of our bodies coming together urgently now as I bring her down at the same time as bucking my hips.

  I grunt with each thrust.

  “Touch yourself,” I murmur.

  Mia trembles as she slides a hand between us and strokes her clit, obeying me without pause. Her fingers brush against my shaft.

  “Fuck,” I growl, breaking away from her mouth to look between us, keeping her impaled on the head of my cock.

  “Fuck, that feels so good. Don’t stop.” I kiss her cheek and her jaw, my lips staying pressed to her skin. My breathing ragged. “Goddamn, Angel.”

  She wraps her hand around my base and jerks me off into her pussy.

  My spine tingles. “Mia, fuck.”

  “I’m close,” she says, her voice shaking and her head rolling to the side.

  I keep one arm wrapped around her and bring my other hand between us to rub her swollen clit. The second I touch her she goes off, her cunt squeezing the tip of my cock and bringing on my own orgasm.

  “Ben, oh, God,” she pants, twitching in my arms. “Come. Come in me.”

  I groan as she milks my cock with her skilled little hand, emptying every drop inside her.

  Draining me dry.

  When I finish we collapse together on the bed, our bodies still joined and our hands still roaming with that hunger we can’t ever seem to satisfy.

  I’m not sure I ever want to.

  She bites my neck and squeezes my ass. I kiss and lick her tits.

  Mia gasps, kicking her feet out when I scoop her up into my arms and lift her from the bed.

  “Bath time?” she asks excitedly, pressing kisses to my cheek as I carry her across the room. “I totally touched your junk,” she whispers.

  I throw my head back with a laugh. I kiss her sweet smile, murmuring against her mouth.

  “Fuck yeah, you did.”


  CLOSING MY EYES, I DROP my head back against the lip of the tub and stretch out in the water.

  My toes curl around the jets built into the side. My hands splay across my stomach, though I think if I were to let my arms go weightless they’d float up to the surface and stay there, bobbing lifelessly.

  I feel so light and pliable. My limbs slack. Every muscle in my body loose and wonderfully stretched.

  Courtesy of vacation sex with Ben. It’s been a real fuck-fest in this villa.

  Tables have been turned over. Pictures now hang crookedly on the walls.

  You’d think we were trying to set some sort of world record. We’ve been on each other like our plane is going down.

  Sighing, I smile as the bubbles fizzle and pop against my chest. The scent of lavender clutches at the air. It’s soothing, and reminds me of the lotion I slather onto Chase’s skin after his bath every night.

  God, I miss the boys. I wonder what Tessa has them doing right now?

  Heavy footsteps smack against the tile.

  I peek my eyes open to see Ben standing over me, his phone in one hand and an ice bucket in the other. The neck of a wine bottle sticks out of the top.

  “You trying to get me day drunk?” I ask, eyeing up the bottle after he sets the bucket on the ledge of the tub.

  Moscato. Yum.

  He grins, those beautiful dimples caving in his cheeks. “Maybe a little tipsy. You’re hot as fuck when you get like that.”

  “I am?”

  I search my memory for the times I’ve been ‘a little tipsy’ around Ben. I can probably count those occasions on one hand. I’m not much of a drinker.

  Hmm. Maybe I should start if he gets that much pleasure from it.

  “Yep.” His eyes lower to the bath water. “You’re hot as fuck like that too. Just saying.”

  I splash him. He takes a step back, amused, then sets his phone on the counter next to the sink.

  “Who did you call?” I ask, drawing my knees closer to my body.

  Ben reaches over his shoulder and grips his shirt, peeling it off. He tosses it onto the floor. “Reed. Asked him how much it would cost me to give you one of these tubs at home. Wanted to know if he could help me install it.”

  I gape at him. “What? You did?” I sit up as he looms closer.

  Water sloshes against the sides of the tub.


  He lifts the wine from the bucket, pulling a corkscrew out of his back pocket and jamming it into the top of the bottle, twisting it. “Why?” he asks, looking down at me. “My wife has been spending our entire vacation doing two things, riding my dick and soaking her beautiful body in here. You can’t tell me you wouldn’t want one of these at home. This is your fourth bath since we got here, Mia.”

  I blush instantly. “Actually, it’s my fifth.”

  His eyebrows shoot up.

  “I drew one last night after you fell asleep. I’m not proud of it.”

  “You took a bath in the middle of the night?”

  Nodding, I sink back against the tub. My eyes lower. “Yep. I think I might be somewhat addicted at this point. It just feels so nice in here.”

  Ben chuckles, low and deep in his throat. He pops the cork and holds the bottle out for me to take.

  “You being addicted to taking baths works for me. Just means I’ll get to see you naked more.”

  “So, it’s doable? I can feed my addiction at home?”

  He nods, standing taller, looking all too proud of himself and the reaction he’s getting from me.

  This is fantastic!

  My excitement is barely containable. I do a little dance in the water, shimmying my hips along the sleek porcelain and bopping my shoulders, the wet ends of my hair sticking to my neck.

  I hold the bottle with both hands and lift it to my mouth for a taste.

  It’s fruity and sweet. Just my style. And strong. Wow. My head feels a little foggy after one generous swallow.

  Smiling, Ben watches me lick the wine from my lips. “Good?” he asks.

  I reach for him. “Yep. Get in and let me do inappropriate things to you with my mouth. I’m feeling frisky.”

  Lust swells in his eyes. He quickly drops his shorts. No boxers.

  Boom. Like a mic, I’m surprised that gorgeous appendage doesn’t hit the floor.

  Neither of us have been wearing much of anything besides each other since we got here. It’s no surprise to me Ben went commando to run to the ice machine.

  It’s also no surprise how wet I’m getting, even under water.


  He climbs into the tub and settles across from me, leaning back, his knees poking out from the water as he keeps his long legs bent and parted, allowing me to move mine between his.

  I rub my feet against his strong thighs, taking another several sips of the wine and smacking my lips after it goes down smooth.

  “I want to talk to you about something before you get too drunk to remember it.”

  Giggling, I tilt my head. “Better hurry up then. I’m already starting to feel a little bold. Like, I want you to fuck me on the balcony kind of bold.”

  Ben stares at me, clearly not on board with that idea. His gaze hard and unrelenting. “Not happening,” he grunts.

  “Or, fuck me in the ocean kind of bold.”

  A devious smile stretches across his mouth.

  “Really? You’re okay with that?” I ask skeptically, taking one last sip of the wine before dropping the bottle back in the bucket.

  The ice cracks and crunches against the weight of the glass.

  Since when did Benjamin Kelly become an advocate for public sex? First the dressing room, now he’s eager to slide into me while we float around in the water with everyone else at the resort?


  What’s next? A live peep show for the w
edding guests? One starring me and Mister Nine Inches himself?

  Who is this man?

  Ben shrugs his shoulders. “Ocean is too murky for anyone to see anything they shouldn’t be fucking seeing. Not very deep, but I could make it work.”

  Ah, okay. That makes sense. Still an element of privacy there.

  “Balcony?” He snorts, shaking his head. “No fucking way. We’re not secluded, Mia. Anyone could walk by and get an eyeful of you.”

  “Not if I keep my clothes on.”


  “No . . . to clothes?”

  He cocks his head.


  “Who do you think I am?”

  Laughing, I slouch further into the tub, the haze of alcohol working its magic and loosening my tongue.

  “Benjamin fucking Kelly. My entire world.”

  He grins.

  “And the sexiest cop ever. Making women want to commit felonies and shit.”

  His shoulders jerk with silent laughter.

  I narrow my eyes, digging my toes into his legs. “Something funny?”

  “That mouth.” His gazes lowers, hovering on the subject in question. “You’re getting tipsy.”

  I blink at him, my eyelids fluttering slowly.

  He’s right. I am already buzzing a little off the wine. Five, six sips, was it? That didn’t take long at all.

  He thinks this version of me is hot? Interesting.

  I feel Ben’s hands wrap around my ankles under the water. His grip adjusts, fingers rolling, and soon his thumbs are gliding over my skin, a gentle pressure he runs down the tops of my feet and back up, fluidly repeating the motion.

  My toes curl.

  Sweet mercy. His hands are magical.

  It feels so good my head flops back. I allow my eyes to slip closed, listening to the sound of my slow, steady breathing. I’m so relaxed I could fall asleep.

  “Do you not want more kids with me?”

  On second thought . . .

  My next gulp of air gets caught in my throat. I open my eyes and see Ben staring at me, his expression gentled. Those bright eyes clouded by some worrying thought.

  He looks despaired.

  I’ve seen this look on Ben before. One other time I’ve seen it.

  Last summer, when I had the cancer scare. When we spent hours and hours waiting for results, the anticipation eating at us both but ripping Ben apart, slowly consuming him from the inside out. Stripping him of his strength.

  He was struggling to hold onto even the tiniest shred of hope, and every time I looked at him, it was like we had already received our answer and the nightmare was real.

  These were the eyes staring back at me all those months ago. When I walked outside and overheard him saying he couldn’t live without me, that he wouldn’t, and he glanced up, pinning me to the ground where I stood ready to collapse.

  It broke my heart then. It’s breaking it now.

  I slowly sit up. Tears bead on my lashes. A jarring pain pits in the center of my chest. A pain so agonizing I begin to feel it everywhere.

  In my bones. Spreading in my veins. I feel sick and blistering angry with myself.

  God, Mia. Look what you did.

  My reaction is justified. Earned. This is on me. I’ve been the one evading, making Ben come to his own conclusions because I’ve been too chicken shit to talk about things. Because I wasn’t ready.

  Because I was afraid.

  “No, I do,” I whisper my answer, gripping the sides of the tub and pulling my weight, sliding along the bottom to get closer.

  I need him closer.

  “I do want more kids. I want so many kids with you. That’s not it.”

  “Then what is it?” He guides me into his lap, stroking my cheek with his knuckles as his eyes search my face. “What, Mia?”

  “I just don’t want you to go crazy.”

  Ben leans back a bit. He looks baffled. “What? Why would I go crazy?”

  “Because we’ll never be able to have sex!”

  His eyes go round, hold my gaze for several anxious seconds, then close completely as he drops his head back, a deep, rumbling laugh erupting in his chest. One so thick and rich it tickles my belly as I stay pinned against him.

  Why is his sanity amusing? I’m completely lost here.

  “Jesus Christ, baby.” Ben grabs my face with both hands and kisses me.


  Maybe it’s the alcohol. Maybe it’s his stellar mouth, but I actually sway a little when he pulls back.


  “I really thought you had some terrible shit to tell me. Like health related. It was stressing me the fuck out. I knew you were avoiding me. Figured it had to be something awful keeping you quiet. Fuck.” He kisses me again. “I should bend you over right here and spank the shit out of you for that.”

  Now my eyes are the ones going round.

  I squirm in his arms, flattening my hands against his chest and pushing when he tries to position me over the side of the tub.

  “Wait a second!”

  “What?” he growls, leaning in and licking my neck.

  A shiver crawls up my spine. My legs fall open.

  Shit. Stupid body betraying me.

  Focus, Mia!

  Locking my arms, I grip Ben’s shoulders and force him to look at me.

  He must see the seriousness in my eyes, the plea there for conversation, because he leans back, surrendering to this, to me, lifting his elbows out of the water and resting them on the edge of the tub.

  He looks approachable. Ready to talk.

  I dive right in. I can’t afford to waste any time. He isn’t the only one looking forward to that spanking.

  “You will go crazy, Ben. You will. We’re already struggling to find alone time together, and it’s just Nolan and Chase. Do you really think adding more kids to the equation will work in our favor? You know how demanding babies can be. We’ll never see each other. Our sex life will consist of both of us getting off on our own time. And knowing our luck, you’ll probably get switched back to night shift again. I mean, don’t get me wrong, phone sex with you is amazing and everything, but you can’t live off that. No fucking way. Not unless you’re ready to start jacking off at work.”

  He smiles roguishly.

  I sit up a little straighter, letting my hands drop into the water. “Oh, my God. Are you already doing that?”

  Seriously? And I’m not getting video messages? Not cool.

  The compliant Ben, the one yielding to me slips away, evaporating into the air around us. Possessive, demanding Ben reaches out, wrapping his thick arms around my waist and turning me in his lap, pinning my back to his front, his legs sealing mine together as he encases himself around me.

  I go without a fight. Truth is, I’m just happy he isn’t looking hopeless anymore. I never want to see Ben look like that again.

  “What did I say to you at Luke’s before we left?” he asks, his mouth moving close to my ear as his chin rests on my shoulder.

  I shake my head, pulling my knees in. “I don’t know.”

  “I told you I would do anything, Mia. Anything. That will never change no matter how many kids we have. If I have to work extra shifts so I can sneak you away once a month just so we can have some time together, I’ll fucking do it. Or if you want to start meeting me at that spot and letting me take you in the back of my squad car, baby, just say the fucking words. I’ll set it up and make sure no one comes within twenty miles of us. We won’t be getting interrupted again.”

  “But, night shift? Ben, it nearly killed us.”

  “Nearly killed us?” He grabs my chin and turns my head, forcing me to look at him. “Christ, did I bitch that much about it? I mean, yeah, it was a hard two months, with unbelievable timing on account of the boys, but it could’ve been two years, Mia. I’ll put up with anything if it keeps me coming home to you. Big fucking picture, Angel. You know? You’re what I’m living for. Our family. Let them put me on night shift aga
in. I don’t care. I told you, I don’t need sleep. If we have a second to be together, I’m fucking taking it. You get the boys down and you want me? You come wake my ass up. Ain’t nothing killing us, baby. Ever. Don’t ever think that.”

  He brushes a tear from my cheek, sweetly cradling my face in his hand. “I know I’m crazy when it comes to you. I know how I get when I’ve gone days, or shit, fucking hours without feeling you against me. I can’t help it. You’re in my blood, Mia. You always were . . . even before.”

  I gasp, sending more tears down my face.

  Even before.

  “Sharing Nolan with you means everything to me. And you giving me Chase, seeing a little piece of you in this life we created together, there is nothing like that, baby. Yeah, kids are demanding, and it’ll probably be hectic as shit with more of them running around the house, but we’ll figure it out. And if you need help or a break, if you need me, you’ll get it. Anything, Mia.”

  “You really want more diapers and middle of the night feedings? You’re okay with that?”

  Ben smiles, pushing my wet hair off my forehead. “Yeah. I’m okay with that. This might sound really fucking corny, but I kind of feel like I’m making the world better by giving it more of you.” He shrugs, looking down. “I know it makes me better.”

  Oh, my God. This man. My heart will never hold all of my love for him.

  I turn my body so fast water sloshes out of the tub and onto the floor.

  My hands wrap around Ben’s neck, his snake around my waist and move lower, cupping my ass and pinning me against his rapidly growing erection, which he so sweetly grinds against my clit.

  Such a gentleman. He’s going to get laid so hard.

  We both groan the second our mouths collide, teeth crashing together and tongues desperate for dominance. It’s sloppy and chaotic and real. Our passion. Our fire. How we seem to be clutching and clutching at each other as if we’re both too afraid to let go.

  I know I’ll never forget this moment for as long as I live. That when I’m missing Ben when he’s gone, day or night, this will be a memory I go to.

  “Angel,” he moans, kissing a line from my jaw to my ear, his hands roaming hungrily over my body. “We really doing this? You stopping those pills?”

  “Yeah. We’re doing this.”


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