Where We Belong

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Where We Belong Page 12

by J. Daniels


  Ben’s voice, the longing in it, the desire, stirs something wild inside me.

  I become frantic, mad with lust and love and want, clinging to and climbing all over his body like some sex-crazed spider monkey, taking my pleasure from him in any way I can and giving it how I know he needs.

  I straddle his thigh and rock my hips, grinding on his leg as he licks and sucks on my neck, his hands exploring my ass, my breasts, and mine exploring him, with leisurely pulls under the water.

  “I want everything you want,” I whisper in his ear. “I always will, Ben.”

  “Angel,” he moans again, repeating his nickname to me as he moves his mouth to my breasts, burying his face there and dipping his tongue between my cleavage. He trembles when I cup his balls. His breath hitches. “Angel.”

  Angel . . .

  I go perfectly still.

  Oh, my God. How did I forget?


  Pushing to my feet, I stand in the tub in front of Ben, the lavender-scented suds dripping down my body and into the water. I wipe some excess foam off my breasts, my stomach, and lower, where I want Ben’s attention.

  On the skin just above my hip.

  His eyes flicker wider when he notices it, and he leans in, grabbing onto my waist with one hand while his other swipes the bubbles from my flesh.

  I watch him study the scripted black word marking my skin.

  Temporarily, of course.

  “Holy shit,” Ben mutters softly, running the calloused pad of his thumb over the tattoo and staring at it intently. He lifts his head, gazing up at me. “Where did you get this?”

  “Tessa. She found it at some store and bought it for me. I stuck it on when you went out to get ice. Hey, careful.”

  I grab his wrist to stop him from rubbing over my flesh anymore.

  It’s like he’s in some sort of a trance, his fingers moving at their own volition as he stares into my eyes.

  “I don’t want it to come off yet. I only have the one.”

  I bite my lip when he doesn’t say anything back, just continues looking between the tattoo and my face. His eyes unreadable.

  “Do you like it?” I ask nervously. “It matches yours. Well, not the word, obviously, but it’s in the same spot.”

  The same spot as my name above Ben’s hip.

  I love that spot. Love pressing against it with the tips of my fingers when he’s thrusting in and out of me, or laying kisses on it when I’m teasing him with my hands. I love the way my name stands out against his skin, the three letters heavily out-lined in harsh black ink.

  It’s beautiful and intimate. Best anniversary gift ever.

  Ben glances up at me once more, then leans closer, so close I can feel his lashes on my skin. “This.” He kisses the word, his nickname for me. Angel. “This is so fucking sexy, baby. Jesus, you have no idea. My balls feel ready to explode just staring at you.”

  My head drops back with a moan when he flicks his tongue against my flesh.

  “Don’t just stare then,” I whisper urgently, sliding my fingers through his short hair and tugging on what I can. “Take me.”

  He growls, standing from the water at the same time as lifting me, guiding my legs around his lean waist and cupping my ass.

  Our mouths come together in a harsh, brutal kiss. The kind of kiss that leaves you dizzy and breathless, but still yearning for something else, just a little more, another taste.

  An addict is born. Or in my case, an addiction is fed.

  Heat, slow moving and scorching, burns under my skin and through my veins as I’m carried out into the room and lowered onto the middle of the bed.

  Ben settles over me, kneeling between my legs, gathering my hands together and securing them over my head with one of his wrists. His grip is firm.

  I gasp, but I don’t struggle. I know this game.

  I fucking love this game.

  His other hand ghosts over my body before disappearing between us. After searing my mouth with another rough kiss, Ben ducks his head and sucks on my neck, moving lower over my slippery skin until his warm breath tickles my breast.

  A loud, guttural moan tears through my body when two fingers enter me, pumping in and out of my slick heat in practiced rhythm while his thumb shuffles over the smooth rise of my clit, only relenting when I tighten and swell.

  It’s exquisite torture. The build, then the pull away. That beautiful battle between anticipation and fulfillment.

  And Ben Kelly is a master at it.

  I become delirious, thrashing about on the bed, begging for use of my hands so I can touch and stroke, so I can reach out and feel the wild pace of my lover’s heart.

  “Please . . . let me. Fuck! I wanna make you come. Let me hold it. Please.”

  He doesn’t release my hands, but he does remove his.

  I whimper when Ben’s touch leaves me, drawing my eyes down the line of my body.

  He catches my gaze, giving me the sexiest smirk I’ve ever seen him wear. Equal parts stunning and calculating. Then, holding my eyes captive, making sure I’m watching his every move, he takes the two fingers he had inside my pussy and uses them to rub my own arousal onto my left nipple. Then my right.

  My skin glistens.


  I arch off the bed when he sucks on my breasts, tasting the skin there before moving lower.

  My hands are freed.

  He trails kisses over my ribs and my stomach, my hips and the tattoo, where he lingers, whispering his love for me. His hands push my legs higher as he spreads his beautiful body between them, dropping my knees over his thick shoulders and leaning in.

  “You want this?” he asks, dragging his tongue sluggishly over my clit.

  I answer with a moan, closing my eyes and guiding his hands to my breasts again.

  The pleasure is unbelievable, the way he makes love to me with his mouth, going from slow and soft to a man unrestrained, fingers digging into flesh and pace hurried.


  One orgasm isn’t enough. Over and over I cry out as my muscles tighten in ecstasy, as the skin between my legs grows tender from his perfected assault.

  I claw at his arms, his shoulders, tugging him up my body when I need my next release to happen with his.

  Reaching between us, I position him at my entrance and latch onto his mouth.

  He drives forward, swallowing my moans and the quiet pleas from my lips, the ones I always say when he’s moving inside me.

  More and please and harder and don’t stop.

  “Never,” he tells me, flexing his arms on either side of my head as he bottoms out again and again, as he gives me all of his love and his life.

  Sweat replaces water, beads of perspiration building on our skin as we taste and touch and take, giving it up again and again. On my knees, in his arms, up against the wall beside the bed. Ben pounds into me or I grind against him, pushing back, always matching his desire with equal desperation.

  Heart for heart. Soul for soul. I am his, and he is mine, in this life and the next.

  We crawl to the edge together one last time, my body breaking apart through another surge of pleasure as Ben moans my name with each thrust of his hips, his cock swelling inside of me and his body trembling.

  “Baby,” he rasps, filling me and letting go. Giving me all of him. “Again.”

  I smile against the wild flutter of his pulse, feeling so small in his arms, so loved and adored.

  Feeling it all.


  Laughing with my head on Ben’s shoulder and Chase in my arms, I watch Nolan spin around in the middle of the dance floor at the resort tiki bar, shaking his little hips in tune with Fireball by Pitbull, as it plays through the speakers surrounding us.

  “Fireball!” he yells, gaining smiles from the people around him as he shimmies and jumps up and down.

  Tessa and Luke walk hand-in-hand through the crowd toward the table we’re al
l occupying.

  The two of them disappeared immediately after the rehearsal, which Ben totally called. He said they’ve been looking ready to pounce on each other since they dropped the boys off in our room hours ago.

  I saw some silent exchange between them while Reed and Beth were going over their vows, but in all honesty, I was too consumed in my own obsession to dissect it.

  God, my husband is sexy standing barefoot in the sand. Who knew?

  “Hey. Everything all right?” I ask, looking up at Tessa as Luke motions that he’s headed to the bar.

  “Grab me one!” Ben yells, craning his neck.

  Tessa sits down beside me, her fingers drumming excitedly on her skirt. “Mm mmm,” she answers.

  “Mm mmm? That’s it? That’s all you’re giving me?”

  Evasive Tessa? Never met her before. She doesn’t exist.

  “I don’t think so, missy,” I murmur, leaning closer. “Spill it. You look ready to burst.”

  She turns her head. Her eyes glitter with contentment as they fall on Chase.

  My spine straightens.

  Oh, my God.

  Suddenly, it all becomes clear, and my need to pry this information out of my best friend evaporates, giving way to the joy I feel in seeing her happiness.

  I nudge her shoulder. “Never mind.”

  We exchange knowing looks as Luke returns to the table, carrying some beers for the men.

  After dividing them up, Luke claims the chair next to Tessa and leans forward, elbows resting on his knees, his head turned and smiling at the little boy in my arms. He reaches out and tugs on Chase’s foot, grinning even more when Chase starts kicking his legs out and giggling.

  I look from Luke, to Tessa, to Ben.

  His brow furrows. “Why are you crying?”

  Shaking my head, I quickly wipe the tears away, mumbling about how happy I am and grimacing when my obvious emotions contradict my words.

  Lord, you’d think I was pregnant already.

  Ben pulls me closer against his body and kisses my temple, laughing.

  A few minutes later, CJ breaks through the crowd, pointing behind him before reaching across the table for his beer.

  “Hey, man. Your kid has some moves. Can you ask him to tone it down a little? He’s actually stealing some of the attention away from me.”

  “Jealous of my boy?” Ben asks, leaning away when CJ gets a little too close for Ben’s liking. “What are you doing?”

  “You smell like lavender.”

  Ben’s eyes go round. He turns, shaking his head as Tessa wails in laughter beside me.

  “Taking a lot of baths, Ben?” she asks, falling against Luke and cackling.

  Reed perks up, finally removing his head from Beth’s neck enough to engage the rest of us in conversation.

  “I thought you smelled different when we were at the rehearsal,” he says, looking serious. “Not that I leaned in and inhaled or anything.” He arches his brow at CJ.

  “Man, whatever. I’m confident enough in my heterosexuality to notice another man’s scent.” He turns to Ben. “It’s nice. Kind of feminine, though. If you’re okay with that.”

  Ben exhales noisily, his arms tightening over his chest. “You said you couldn’t smell it,” he growls, smirking at me. “Liar.”

  I shrug. “You smell like Chasey. It is nice. CJ’s right.”

  “He also said it’s feminine,” Luke adds, laughing. “Don’t forget that. Cool for a baby. Not a grown-ass man.”

  Ben flips Luke off with the same hand lifting his beer. He takes a few swigs, then gestures at the crowd with his bottle.

  “Hey, Reed. Isn’t that your sister?”

  I look up and spot Riley marching across the dance floor, pushing her way through the crowd and not looking all too pleased to be here.

  She’s tiny, maybe a little smaller than Tessa, with that white blonde hair her and Reed share and eyes as blue as sapphires, striking even from a distance. She’s a beautiful girl, but right now she looks angry.

  Angry enough to toss someone twice her size into the ocean.

  Uh oh.

  “Finally,” Reed exclaims, sounding exhausted, shifting Beth off his lap and both of them standing.

  No one seemed to know why Reed’s sister skipped the rehearsal earlier. Even Beth, who is really close with Riley, appeared ignorant to the reason.

  The only thing she kept saying was that Riley was dealing with stuff and would be here when she could.

  I guess now is better than tomorrow, the day of the actual wedding.

  “Where have you been?” Reed asks aggressively, moving closer to his sister when she reaches us. “I’ve been calling you for hours. You know you missed the rehearsal?”

  Riley glares at Reed, then softens her gaze and sweeps it over the group, addressing all of us at once.

  “Sorry I was late, but I don’t really see what the big deal is. It doesn’t take a genius to know how to carry a thing of flowers and walk twenty feet.”

  Her head tilts up as her eyes land on CJ, who is straight-up staring at her like he’s possessed or something.

  His body tense, yet perfectly still. Air ceasing to move in and out of his lungs.

  What’s his deal? And who can go this long without blinking?

  Ben kicks his leg out, connecting with CJ’s calf.

  It startles him.

  “Hey,” CJ mumbles, finally snapping out of it, clearing his throat and offering his hand to Riley. “Sorry. I don’t think we’ve met yet. I’m CJ. I’ll be your partner in crime at this shindig tomorrow.” He makes a weird face, looking down and murmuring, “did I really just use a cop reference?”

  “Yep,” Luke chuckles, leaning back and throwing his arm around Tessa. “Real smooth too.”

  Riley looks from Luke to CJ, then finally takes the hand being held out for her and shakes it quickly.

  “Hi,” she says softly, blinking up at him. “Sorry, but I’m probably going to be a raging bitch at this thing tomorrow. Don’t take it personal.”

  He smiles, then steps back, shoving his hands into his pockets. “Sure thing, darlin’.”

  “What?” Reed cuts CJ a look, then decides on addressing Riley’s cryptic admission. “Why are you going to be a raging bitch? What’s wrong with you?”

  “You know exactly what’s wrong with me. Don’t play dumb, Reed.”

  “He’s not,” Ben says through a grin, attempting to lighten the mood.

  It doesn’t work.

  He stands, looking around the group. “I’m going to take Nolan to the restroom. He’s doing a different kind of dance now.”

  Luke gets up from his seat. “I’ll join you.”

  I’m expecting CJ to realize how private this discussion is and step away too, even if he doesn’t have to use the bathroom, but he remains where he is, keeping all of his attention fixated on Riley.

  I watch Ben cross the floor and scoop up Nolan, carrying him through the crowd with Luke at his side. Once they disappear, I turn back to the drama unfolding in front of me.

  I’m sticking around for moral support.

  Realization dawns on Reed’s face. He pulls his shoulders back. “Is this because of Dick? Are you really going to be pissed at me because I fired him? Come on, Riley. I did you a solid.”

  Beth tugs on Reed’s arm, looking a little anxious all of a sudden.

  “His name is Richard,” Riley hisses. Hands clenched at her hips. Her bottom lip trembling. “And yes, I’m going to be pissed at you for firing him. And for not letting him come as my date. That was a really crappy move.”

  Reed sighs, throwing his hands into the air. “So sorry I didn’t want to pay for some ex-employee of mine to eat salmon and drink tequila shots.”

  “He doesn’t even drink tequila! But you know who does? Me! And guess what’s going on your tab, big brother?”

  Riley spins on her heels, knocking into CJ before storming off in the direction of the bar.

  “Whoa,” Tessa murmu

  I nod, looking from her to CJ, who grabs his beer off the table and steps away, mumbling something about needing a refill.

  Reed shakes his head. “Are you kidding me? She’s acting like such a child.”

  Beth wraps her arms around his waist from behind. “She’s just upset because now things are rough between them. Give her some time. She’s here. She chose sharing our day with us over sitting at home with him. That means something.”

  Dropping his head, looking half ready to pass out and half ready to sweep Beth into his arms and pin her against something, Reed turns and gathers his soon-to-be wife against his chest, pressing his mouth to her hair and whispering.

  After a moment, he looks over at the two of us. “We’re going to go take a walk on the beach.”

  “Cool. We’ll probably turn in soon,” Tessa replies, both of us waving when Beth raises her hand.

  “That was crazy,” I murmur, shifting Chase in my arms after they move away. “And did you see CJ staring at Riley? I thought he was going to grab her by the hair and drag her off to his villa for a quick bang. Is he out of his mind? Reed will kill him.”

  “Weddings,” Tessa snickers, turning her head and smiling at me. “Tomorrow should be interesting.”

  Nodding, I lean against her, the two of us falling into a fit of quiet giggles and no doubt picturing the same scenario in our minds, involving Reed tackling one of his groomsmen to the ground while his sister pummels him in the back with her bouquet.

  Thank God we brought headphones for Nolan’s iPad. He might just be wearing those during the ceremony.

  After Ben and Luke return to the table with Nolan, we all order some food and hang out a bit longer, laughing as Luke recalls some of the things Nolan was trying to pull over on him while staying at their house.

  Telling Luke he was allowed to buy whatever apps he wanted because he’s such a good kid. Flipping through On Demand and acting like he watches Game of Thrones regularly.

  By the time our meals are finished, Chase is asleep in Ben’s arms and Nolan is showing the first signs of being tired, little yawns he tries to conceal because he wants to stay up and dance some more.

  Tessa and Luke head for the bar, not ready to call it a night yet. Ben takes Chase back to the room while I let Nolan hear one final song.


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