Second Age of Darkness

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Second Age of Darkness Page 21

by Diane Lindmark

  She stood there frozen for a long minute, then she started crying. "Please, no."

  Malachi forced himself to say harshly, "I did not ask, I commanded you to tell me. Start with how old were you."

  When she began speaking, her words were a bit unsteady, but they became more sure as the emotion drained from her voice. "Thirteen. I had been in the field helping my family. My younger brother knocked me into a mud puddle. Father told me to go home, wash up, and start dinner. I was in the process of this when there was a knock at the door. I opened it. It was the King. He said he would wait in the dining room. We didn't have a sitting room. The kitchen and dining room were attached, so he could see me. After few minutes, he told me to get him a glass of water. When I came over, he stuck his hand under my skirt. My father always made me wear a skirt for dinner. I just put it on out of habit. I slapped his hand away. Jeffrey grabbed me and was about to hit me when the King halted him. He beckoned me back to him." She gave a little shudder as she remembered his hands on her body. "He stuck his hand between my legs and told me that if I didn't want my whole family to be homeless, I would make him very happy. That he could throw my father and brothers in prison and give my mother to his men. If I wanted to avoid that I would make him happy and then he would leave and everything would be fine. He asked me if that was what I wanted, everything to be fine. I nodded. He told me to take off my knickers. I did, and then he began to touch me again. It only took him a moment to find what he was looking for. When he did, I winced. It hurt; he laughed and told his men that this should prove to be interesting. It had been a long time since he'd ruptured a maidenhead …" Tears started down her cheeks one after another. Malachi's chest felt so tight he could scarcely draw a breath. "He stood up then and told me to undo his pants; then he commanded me to pull off my shirt, sit on the edge of the table. While I was laying there, he told me to start pulling up my skirt. It only went to my knees but I guess he wanted to watch it slide up. My brother came in then. I just remember screaming. My brother actually hit Edmund. It all happened so quickly. The next thing I knew, Jeffrey had him pinned to the wall with a knife to Peter's throat. I was standing there for just a moment when my brother told me to run away. I hesitated. Edmund told me if I ran away, he would make sure it took days for my brother to die. If I wanted to save my brother's life to get back on the table, so I did. When he started … hav … having … sex with me, he gripped the side of my face and forced me to watch my brother. My brother never took his eyes off me. He just kept saying he was sorry. When Edmund neared his time, he withdrew, stepped back from the table and pointed to the floor. He told me to get on my knees, then he instructed me what to do. He told me to suck his cock dry and if I pleased him without puking, he and his men would leave. I … I tried so hard. But when he spilled his seed he told me to swallow it and I tried but … I threw up. He waited till I was finished being sick, then he grabbed me by the hair. I begged him. I told him I would do anything if he would leave my brother alive. He forced me to watch while Jeffrey cut my brother's throat. I tried to get to my brother but he held me. It wasn't until my brother was dead that Jeffrey dropped him and Edmund let me go to him. I cradled him in my arms, crying. While I was holding my brother, Jeffrey asked the King if they could take me and add me to the whorehouse. That I would be a pleasant new distraction. Edmund said he would consider it, then he looked at me and told me I had a choice. I could be his good, obedient concubine, and do whatever he told me to do without arguments or question, or he would burn my house to the ground, kill my entire family, and then give me to his men." She doubled over crying hysterically, hugging herself, trying to cover her nakedness.

  Malachi crossed quickly to her, pulling her into his arms. Pulling the blanket off the bed, he wrapped her in it. He tried to comfort her, but she would have none of it. After a minute ,she pulled free, grabbed her clothes, and ran out of his bedroom, pulling on her skirt as she went.

  Malachi cursed himself. You handled that badly. You should have handled it differently, though I don't know how you would have handled it differently. He groaned, picked up the bedspread, and threw it on the bed. He was thinking in circles, never a good sign. He crossed to his bedroom door, opened it and looked out. No sign of her anywhere, and he had no idea where she slept. He cursed himself again and slammed the door. Crossing to the bed, he picked up his drink and downed it.


  Malachi awoke with a start. He'd slept badly, but something had definitely awoken him. He climbed out of bed and quickly pulled on his kilt. Lighting the lamp, he listened, then he heard it again, a scream. It came from the other side of the communicating door. Picking up the lamp in his left hand, he grabbed his knife and headed for the door. Opening the communicating door with his right hand, he entered what he thought was the Queen's room, but it was actually a large closet. He looked around. It was very large and very empty. Then he heard a whimper. He looked to his left, not so empty. Setting down the lamp and his knife, he crossed to where the lass was asleep on the floor. She was wrapped in a pathetic excuse for a blanket, lying on a thin pad in what was clearly her bedroom. The room was freezing. She screamed and squirmed and struggled again. Dropping down on one knee, he pulled the covers off of her and picked her up in his arms. She awoke and screamed again. Malachi shushed her. "It's all right. Please don't be afraid. It's just me. I'm taking you to my bed." He carried her to his bed, tucked her in, then retrieved his knife and the lamp.

  Malachi decided he should rekindle the fire. He crossed to the fireplace. He was just kneeling down, when he heard a tapping noise. Looking at the bed, she was tapping on the nightstand. She beckoned him to her. "Don't you think I should start a fire?" To his surprise, she smiled, nodded, and beckoned him again. Tossing the logs he was holding in his hand back in the wood box, he got to his feet and strode towards her, saying as he did so, "Far be it for me to argue with a lady." She scooted towards the middle of the bed, then lifted the covers. Malachi stripped off his kilt, climbed in, and pulled her into his arms. "Are you still mad at me?" She smiled, nodded, and snuggled tighter against him. "Lord God, woman, how do you sleep in that room? It is like an icebox. Your skin is frozen to the touch." She shrugged and pressed her body even tighter into his, then she slid a bare thigh on his hip, and after that, Malachi was a lost man.

  Chapter 29

  Stargazer Castle, Scottish Highlands

  October 30, 2231

  The slave smiled. She hadn't celebrated Halloween since she came to the castle, and the last thing she remembered them celebrating was King Edmund and Queen Roberta's wedding, but here she was making Halloween decorations. Listening to Roberta, Sylvie, Abby, Holly, Gertrude, and Cassandra, she sighed, and unfortunately, Wendy, all talk, sharing stories and laughing. Everything was going on quite nicely.

  Sylvie smiled at Holly. "You know, I still just can't get over Richter. Whatever you did to him certainly made a difference. He's not even the same person."

  "I'm not sure that's true. I didn't really do anything to him," replied Holly.

  Wendy hesitated only a moment, making sure to time her statement perfectly, then she said, "Well, just remember, if you don't like to share, make sure you never leave him alone with the slave. I've heard they're old friends." All conversation stopped as everyone turned to stare at Wendy. "Don't look at me like that. You all know it's true. King Edmund, Prince Christian, and Richter all passed her back and forth. We all know this." Wendy paused for effect, then added, "Though of course, if there are any demeaning wee sexual tasks that you dislike performing, you could always send your husband to her. She'll do anything, and according to my late husband, she's particularly talented with her mouth."

  Holly's eyes widened. She had never heard a woman so openly discuss her intimate affairs, let alone her husband's infidelity. She said a little uncertainly, "I'm not sure this is an appropriate conversation to be having; perhaps we should discuss the decorations."

  "What, does it make you uncomfortable knowing y
ou're decorating with the castle whore? Or didn't Richter tell you that you'd be running into a few of his lovers?" Wendy laughed as Holly looked more uncomfortable. "Oh, there's no need for you to be embarrassed, she's the one who should be embarrassed. After all, she'll flop on her back for anyone, or perhaps I should say, puts anyone's …"

  Wendy was not given the opportunity to finish what she was going to say because Sylvie turned and slapped her hard across the face. "Leave her alone! How dare you pick on her! You know she won't say a word in her defense!"

  Wendy laughed again. "That's because there's nothing she can say, because everything I said is true and you know it. You're probably just jealous because she's probably even had sex with your husband by now." Sylvie slapped her again. Wendy slapped Sylvie back. The two women started fighting.

  Roberta yelled at the top of her voice. "Stop it, right now, both of you! If you cannot behave yourselves, I will have you both removed! Is that understood?" The two women stopped fighting and glared at each other.

  While Roberta tried to get the other two to stop fighting, Gertrude moved to stand next to the slave. She wrapped her arm around her and placed her hand over the slave's, saying as she did so, "It's all right. We all know she's just pissed off." Gertrude squeezed the slave's hand tightly, then she gasped and blurted out, "Oh my God, you're pregnant."

  The slave's eyes widened as everyone turned to stare at her. She stared at Gertrude then began emphatically shaking her head no. Gertrude squeezed her hand tighter. "But you are. I am sure of it."

  Wendy narrowed her eyes and glared at the slave, and when she spoke, it was in a venomous tone. "You see, that is exactly what I said. She's a dirty wee grubbing whore. She's probably so horrified because she can't even tell you who the father is. There are too many possibilities." The slave had gone from looking frightened to terrified, and now she fled the room.

  Sylvie grabbed a handful of Wendy's hair and yanked her head back, then slapped her again. "Have I ever told you, Wendy, you have to be the most evil bitch that ever walked the face of the earth?"

  The two women started fighting again. Holly and Gertrude both charged in to pull them apart. Holly, at least, had the good sense to yell for help. After a minute, Angus and two of his men came in and dragged the two women apart. Angus, who had grabbed Wendy, said, "Be careful with Captain McNally's wife, she's carrying a bairn."

  Sylvie looked down at the arm that held her, then she looked up at the man's face. "I will behave myself. You may take your hand off of me." The soldier looked up at Angus, who nodded. He removed his arm.

  Sylvie began straightening her hair and skirt. "Roberta, I strongly suggest you have a word with Malachi about keeping this … this harpy out of his castle." After a moment, Sylvia looked around. "Where's Roberta?"

  "Never mind about that. You two explain what the bloody hell is going on here." Gertrude, Sylvie, Abby, and Wendy all started speaking at once. Angus whistled loudly. They all closed their mouths and glared at him. "Correction. Holly, explain what the bloody hell is going on."

  Wendy said quickly, "No! This wretched woman attacked me! I demand to see the King! I will not explain myself to a common soldier! I am a council member's daughter!" She stuck her chin out and looked annoyed.

  Angus hesitated a moment, considering turning the snotty bitch over his knee and paddling her backside; then he decided he didn't want to listen to her wail. He took her by the arm and said, "She wants Malachi, we'll let Malachi deal with her. She won't like it. It will teach her to deal with me instead. Bring the others."

  With the exception of Holly, the women all looked confused. Holly, however, like the guards, was laughing.

  Malachi was sitting in the Council Chamber discussing the necessary repairs to the castle as well as the possibility of restoring running water, something he considered essential; when he heard the door open and a moment later something hit him in the shoulder. "Ow, dammit! What the hell was that for?" He looked around and saw a garlic lying next to his foot. He looked back up to see a furious Roberta. He sighed, picked up the garlic, and set it on the table. "Queen Roberta, what have I done now?"

  "You, Your Majesty, are unbelievable! You are no better than Edmund despite all your claims of being so sweet and so nice …"

  Malachi cut her off. "I never said I was sweet or nice, but what I said I am not like that evil bastard. There is a very big difference, and you, woman, are pushing your luck and trying my patience. One of these days, I'm going to forget that you are a woman and I'm gonna slap you silly."

  "Go ahead! I don't care! Then everyone will know you are exactly what we thought you were, just another tyrant!"

  Malachi got to his feet, opened his mouth, but it was his father's voice that came out. "Queen Roberta, perhaps you will explain exactly what prompted you to hurl a garlic – is that really garlic? You threw garlic at my son? Really? Garlic? Why garlic?" demanded Septis.

  "Because it was the only weapon that was readily available to me when I stormed out of the Hall! We were making Halloween decorations. You have to have garlic when you make Halloween decorations. I mean, really, what's Halloween without garlic?" she spoke in such a calm, matter of fact tone, he almost felt an idiot for having asked.

  Malachi sighed, pinched his nose and shook his head. He took a deep breath and let it out slowly, then started to ask; but again he was interrupted, this time by a whole herd of people entering, talking, complaining, and yelling. He dropped back into his chair, rubbed his face and said, "Broderick."

  Broderick let out an ear piercing whistle. When the room fell silent, he said in a firm voice, "Silence unless you're spoken to."

  "Thank you, Broderick. Queen Roberta, why are you mad at me now?"

  Roberta snapped angrily, "Because you assured me you were going to keep your hands off the slave."

  Malachi sighed and murmured, "Back to that again." Then he spoke louder. "Not that it's any of your damn business, but I never said I was going to keep my hands off of her. I said, 'I had come to the same conclusion myself', not the same, not even close, especially given what you had said previously."

  Roberta made a face trying to remember what she had said, then she remembered. She hated to admit it, but he was right. Still glaring at him, she said, "So in other words, she's just a slave to you and unimportant and it's all right for you to dash her feelings into the ground."

  Malachi threw his hands up in the air. "Oh, for the love of God, woman, I will deal with you in a minute." Malachi turned to Angus. "Please tell me what ever problem you have is easier than Roberta?"

  Angus had to cough and clear his throat not to laugh. "I'm not sure it is, Your Majesty. It was a catfight between this one here, Wendy, and that one there, Sylvie."

  Malachi turned his attention on Lady Sylvie. "Lady Sylvie, I am shocked and appalled. A catfight, really?"

  Sylvie crossed her arms over her chest and looked belligerent. "She deserved it after what she said."

  Malachi asked, looking amused, "And what did Wendy say that deserved you to start fighting with her?"

  Sylvie blushed and shook her head. "Oh no, I couldn't repeat what she said. No lady would ever say such things." Sylvie cast a meaningful glance in Wendy's direction, clearly implying she didn't think Wendy was a lady.

  Malachi glanced at Abby, who was already shaking her head. He raised an eyebrow and looked at Gertrude, who looked down at the ground. "Well, we're not going to get very far if somebody won't tell me what was said."

  "Well, we all know I'm definitely not a lady, I'll tell you," then Holly hesitated and glanced at Richter. "Unless, of course, Richter doesn't want me to."

  Richter got to his feet and moved to stand next to Holly. "Apparently, whatever Wendy said, I would not like you saying under normal circumstances; however, your King is questioning you. I, of course, wish you to answer him."

  Holly quickly relayed everything that had been said. She had addressed her remarks to the floor, now she looked up at Malachi. She sucked i
n a breath. She stared at Malachi's enraged face. She couldn't remember the last time she had seen, or even heard of him being this furious. Malachi scanned the room. The lass was nowhere in sight. He wanted to leave them all to their own devices. He wanted to go and find her. Richter cleared his throat. Malachi turned to look at him and said in the calmest voice he could manage, "Aye?"

  "I know I was not present, Your Majesty, but I would like to set the record straight." Malachi nodded for him to continue. "I know for a fact that the slave had only ever been with my uncle before his death. My uncle would never have permitted any man so much as to lay a finger on her; and no man would've gone behind my uncle's back, not because he gave a damn about the lass, but because he would've been too afraid of what my uncle would do to him. Wendy is clearly lying through her teeth, and I can guess the reason, but only guess, of course."

  Alec snorted. "Anyone present who can't guess the reason is a halfwit. She clearly dislikes the lass, probably because she's prettier and nicer. And we all like her better, not to mention the fact that she sees the lass as a threat because Malachi likes her and she wants to be Malachi's Queen, which as long as I have a say in the matter, that will never happen."

  Wendy turned and glared at Alec. "Fortunately, old fool, you don't have a say in the matter."

  Broderick laughed. "You're definitely right, Alec, halfwit. Though a conniving, scheming one at that, because you stupid woman, if you had bothered to pay attention; you would know Alec is like a second father to many of the men who grew up around our castle. And if Alec told Malachi not to marry a woman, Malachi wouldn't, nor would I. We respect his judgment and his opinion." Malachi, Angus, and Duff all nodded in agreement.

  Wendy took several deep breaths seething with rage, then she snapped, "Are you telling me you would prefer our King to marry Edmund's wee whore who's had fucked …"


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