Second Age of Darkness

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Second Age of Darkness Page 22

by Diane Lindmark

  Whatever stream of spite was about to come out of her mouth was cut short when Alec walked up to her and slapped her across the face hard enough she staggered back and started crying. "I warned you not to cross me."

  Wendy turned to her father. "Are you just going to stand there while he assaults me?"

  "Right now, I think you are safer with Alec and a table between you and me. I told you to leave Malachi alone. I told you he would not care for your tricks. Your husband might have liked your scheming, sly ways for what they got him; but you are your mother's daughter and I don't care for the way you behave. I never have."

  Malachi interrupted. "Angus, will you please escort her to the castle doors and make sure the guards know she's not permitted on the castle grounds again." Angus nodded and took her by the arm.

  The rest of the ladies excused themselves, with the exception of Roberta, who was still standing there glaring at Malachi. Malachi sighed. "I think I made a mistake in not having McTavish marry you on the spot and remove you from the castle. Roberta, can you just get to the point?"

  "No need to worry, Your Majesty, I am much calmer now. I'm just going to ask you what you're going to do with her now. Are you going to send her away, drown her, cut her throat, or do you have other punishments for women who have the indecency to share your bed and get pregnant?"

  Malachi demanded, "Where is she?"

  "I don't know. After Gertrude informed her she was pregnant, she ran away in terror. She could be anywhere now. She might have even fled the castle in her terror." Roberta hesitated a moment and then added, "Then again, you could, of course, always go with the old tried-and-true 'It's not mine'."

  "Malachi, do you care to explain what the hell is going on here?" questioned Septis.

  "Personally, I think that all of this is none of our affair," added Lucius.

  Malachi ran his hands through his hair and snapped, "Will all of you shut up for just a minute so I can think!"

  "Oh, aye, you have to think about how to solve your problem, after all, you must, of course, preserve your reputation," casually remarked Roberta.

  Richter said firmly, "Queen Roberta, give it a rest. Malachi is not my uncle. I am certain Malachi intends the lass no harm. Stop comparing him to my uncle." Roberta huffed, unconvinced.

  Malachi was trying desperately to ignore the chatter. He was pacing up and down the Council room, muttering to himself, "Think, think, where would a frightened child go?"

  Septis approached Alec, who was casually leaning against the counsel table with his arms crossed over his chest, watching his King pace back and forth. Malachi muttered to himself again, "Come on, damn it, think! Where would a frightened child run?"

  "Is it just me, or is Malachi talking like a lunatic?" questioned Septis. "After all, this is a grown woman we're talking about."

  Alec reached up and patted Septis on the back. "It's just you, the lad's making sense."

  Septis shrugged his shoulders. All right, I'll bite, he thought to himself. Then he said aloud, "They run and hide under the bed."

  Malachi momentarily paused and pointed at his father. "Aye, good, but nay, she doesn't have a bed to hide under. And right now she's a scared child." He went back to pacing and murmuring to himself.

  "A place where they feel safe, a place where no one bothers them, a hidden place," supplied Alec.

  Malachi stopped and pointed at Alec. "Aye, that's it! Brilliant! If I'm not back in twenty minutes, I found her and you can all be about your business." Malachi turned and headed for her infirmary.

  Malachi entered the infirmary and looked around. He started looking under tables and inside of cabinets, nothing. "Dammit! I thought for sure she'd be here." He turned slowly, looking around the room and making sure he hadn't missed anything, then he could've kicked himself. How did he miss the bars set into the wall creating a ladder up? He looked up and saw a trapdoor. As he moved towards the ladder, he grabbed a slate off the table. He climbed up, pushed it open, and pulled himself up into the room above the infirmary.

  Malachi's nostrils were immediately assaulted with the smell of dried flowers and herbs. "Brr, it's cold in here," he said as he looked around. Bunches of flowers, herbs, and other plants hung from hooks that covered the entire ceiling. There was a two-step ladder, a long workbench with a fabric wrapped suspicious looking lump under it that suddenly sniffled, and an old cast iron wood burning stove. Malachi sighed and thought to himself, This is going to take a while. He moved to the stove and started a fire, then deciding he didn't want to be disturbed, he crossed over to the trap door and closed it. There was no way to lock it. He sighed and plopped down on it. Not even Broderick would be able to move him off of it. He stretched his legs out in front of him, crossed them at the ankles, leaned back against the wall, and remarked casually, "Do you always keep this room cold enough to hang meat in?" No response. "You do realize we're going to be up here for a very long time if you're going to persist in not speaking to me."

  Realizing he left the slate next to the stove, he got up and retrieved it, sat back down, then slid it across the floor to her. It bumped into her. He saw her tremble, then heard her sniff again. "There, if you don't want to talk to me, will you at least write to me? We can talk about anything you want to talk about."

  Malachi was sure that they must've sat there for over a half an hour in silence. He momentarily contemplated a change in tactics, then he dismissed it. Dragging her ass out from underneath there would only make the situation worse. "You know, I have a lot of patience. I can sit here all night if that's what it takes, but that means no food, no water, and not very much firewood. It's barely past midday and it's nearly freezing outside. It's going to get down to below freezing tonight, so don't you think this conversation would be much, much more comfortable in my quarters, or perhaps the Dining Hall? I would take either one right now." They sat in silence for at least another quarter of an hour before he saw her little fingers reach out and pick up the slate and pull it under the blanket. After a minute he heard scratching, then the slate reappeared lying on the ground and she slid it towards him, but it stopped about four feet away from him. Malachi sighed, leaned forward and stretched, grabbing the slate. He picked it up and read it. 'What are you going to do to me???' Malachi sighed and shook his head. Some of the words overlapped, though he thought the three question marks were quite amusing. "Well, I have never had any intention other than to marry you, and that was before Roberta informed me that you were carrying my child; which of course, I would've preferred to hear from you. Though ultimately I'm not that surprised, after all, I have definitely been putting in efforts in that department." He hesitated, then added, "Quite frankly, I would have been disappointed if you didn't end up pregnant sooner rather than later. I understand that right now you're frightened, but I would like to remind you I've never made any secret of the fact that I want a family. I hope when you get over being frightened, you will be as thrilled about this bairn as I am. So would you please come out and talk to me?" The bundle shook. Malachi sighed. "Very well, would you like to discuss bairn names?" Malachi hesitated a moment and tried to think of the most dreadful lass' name he could. "If we have a daughter, we could always name her Bertha, and we could name a son Miriam." He tried not to smile when he saw her peek out from behind the blanket. He beckoned her with a finger; she shook her head and covered it.

  Malachi sighed. "Okay, that's it. If you're not coming out, then I guess I have to go in." Malachi got to his feet, crossed over to the worktable, dropped down on his knees, and wiggled his way under the table with her. It was a long table, but he was still a big man. After a minute of wiggling and squirming, he heard her start giggling. "Oh, you think it's funny that I'm under here now too?"

  She pulled the blanket down and nodded her head shyly. He said, "Well if you want to be serious, we could always name our daughter after her mother, Phryne."

  Her jaw dropped and she stared at him. "Where did you learn that?"

  "I told you I talke
d to your father. I didn't tell him you were alive. He thinks you are dead. I feel kind of guilty about that, and we are going to have to tell him. It is not fair that he thinks you are dead. And I was only joking about naming our daughter after you." He smiled at her. "I prefer just to call you that, but I mean it, Miss Phryne Anderson, will you marry me?"

  "I can't marry you. Your queen should be a lady, not a slave." She sniffled and a tear slid down her cheek.

  "My Queen will be a lady. You are my lady. And I am very much attached to the one who's been sharing my bed. I don't want another, and I think you've enjoyed sharing my bed." She blushed and nodded. "Then as far as I see, nothing else matters." Malachi sighed and looked annoyed. "But you do realize since I wouldn't let Broderick have a nice quiet wedding, he is not gonna let us have one either."

  Chapter 30

  Malachi quietly closed the door behind him. He turned to the guard. "See that no one disturbs her. She's had a very rough morning and I want her to get some rest."

  The guard gave a small bow. "You can count on me, Your Majesty."

  By the time Malachi reached his office, he had made up his mind. He paused momentarily by the guard. "Go and inform Colonel Mackall, General Mackall, and my Huntsman that I wish to see them all immediately." The guard hesitated momentarily. "Despite my father's belief, I do not need a bodyguard. Do as you're commanded to do." The guard bowed and went to carry out his orders. Malachi entered and decided to sit at the small table instead of his desk. His father and Broderick were the first to arrive. Broderick entered behind his father, raised both eyebrows and jerked his head in his father's direction twice and then grimaced. Though he appreciated his brother's warning that Father was in a very bad mood, it was unnecessary. He could tell from the look on his father's face he was about to get another ear blistering. This was not surprising.

  His father moved to the table, but did not sit down. He crossed his arms over his chest and glared at him. "You know, lad, I believe I raised you better than this." Malachi momentarily contemplated arguing with his father, but ultimately he agreed with him. He had behaved rather badly, so he decided to keep his mouth shut and give his father opportunity to continue. After a moment, his father went on. "Despite what you and your brother may believe, I do remember what it was like to be young and to find a lass appealing; though I had the good sense to, pardon the expression, keep it in my pants until I was married. This entire situation today could have been avoided had you behaved like a gentleman and not like a horny teenager. And now, unfortunately, I have to find myself in agreeance with Queen Roberta, who brings up a good question: What do you intend to do now?"

  Malachi forced his face to remain neutral as he took a moment to calm his raging temper. When he spoke, it was in a deceptively calm tone. "As my general and my father, what would you advise me to do?" Broderick, who was still standing behind their father, raised an eyebrow, shrugged his shoulders, and lifted his hands in question, then mouthed to Malachi, 'What the hell are you doing?' Malachi's eyes momentarily alighted on his younger brother causing their father's head to whip around to look at Broderick standing there looking calm, hands at his side.

  Septis narrowed his eyes at both of them. He hated when the lads communicated silently and he missed it. Clearly he'd missed something. Now he turned his full attention back on Malachi, but before he had a chance to speak, Alec entered. Alec, quickly taking in the situation asked, "What did I miss?"

  Septis opened his mouth to speak, but Malachi cut him off, quickly repeating their conversation to date. Alec raised an eyebrow. "I see. Should I come back?"

  "No, of course not, please sit down. I'm sure you'll find whatever Father has to say enlightening," Malachi replied, his irritation beginning to show. Then he turned back to his father. Alec seated himself. After a minute, Malachi added, "I'm waiting."

  Septis felt like strangling Malachi. There was no good answer to that question, and ultimately, he felt he couldn't answer the question. He didn't have enough information and he knew whatever he was going to say was going to piss Malachi off. That was obvious from his son's demeanor. Finally, he decided someone had to say it even if Malachi got angry. "As much as I dislike that Wendy, she makes a strong point. It is very possible that the child is not yours." To Septis' surprise, Malachi laughed.

  Malachi spoke in a voice of cold steel. "General, I can't remember ever telling you that something was going to be a certain way and that you just had to accept it, but I am now. Don't ever call into question the parentage of my child again. The child growing inside her belly is mine, and that is not up for discussion. Do I make myself clear, General?"

  Septis took a deep breath and let it out slowly, then commended his soul to God and said, "Malachi, I know that you are very fond of the lass. I like her too. She's very sweet. She also has no will of her own. She would do whatever any man commanded her to do. So you can kill me for saying this, but unfortunately, I feel the only thing that we can be certain of is that it is her child."

  Malachi shot to his feet and was about to start yelling when Alec remarked casually from his seat, "I'm afraid, Septis my old friend, you and I are going to have to agree to disagree on this; but then again, I am in the possession of knowledge that you lack." All three men turned to face him.

  "And what the bloody hell are you on about, Alec?" demanded Septis. Malachi crossed his arms over his chest and nodded in agreement with his father. Broderick merely raised an eyebrow and looked amused.

  "Malachi, would you be so kind as to send for Ian McNally?"

  Malachi turned to the door. "Guard?" The guard opened the door, but before he had a chance to speak, Malachi said, "Go and inform Ian McNally, he's one of the hunters, that I wish to see him immediately."

  "As my King commands." The guard turned and left. They all remained exactly as they were until young Ian McNally entered.

  "You sent for me, Your Majesty?" In response, Malachi gestured to Alec.

  "Ian, would you be so kind as to inform these gentlemen what I asked you to do two days after we took over the castle?"

  Ian felt a bit uncomfortable. He never before had his King's, his General's, the senior Colonel's, and of course, his own commanding officer's undivided attention. The young man cleared his throat and tried to calm his nerves. "You pulled me aside and asked me if I would consider it an unpleasant task to attract the attention of a particular young lady. You indicated the young lady who was serving in the Dining Hall. I said that I would consider it a pleasure."

  General Mackall interrupted and asked, "Which young lady, describe her?"

  Ian replied, "She's the one everyone calls slave." Malachi bit his tongue. He was sure he tasted blood.

  "How successful were you in your attempt?" questioned Broderick.

  "Well, at first I was just flirting with her casually, and though she smiled at me and was nice, she was not warming to me. After a few days, I reported back to the Huntsman." The young man hesitated and looked a bit uncomfortable.

  Alec spoke. "I ordered him to be a wee bit more aggressive in his flirtation." Malachi turned and glared at Alec.

  "When I asked you to check on Malachi, you already knew about him and the slave, didn't you?" demanded Septis.

  Alec held up his hands and shrugged his shoulders. "As the King's Huntsman, it is my job to protect him and his people from hostile and wild animals, and as we're all aware, sometimes women have the most vicious teeth and claws." He gestured to Ian.

  "The next time I made sure when I found her we were alone. In accordance with my orders, I was a wee bit more aggressive. And I do not like to admit it, but when I found she was alone, I wrapped my arms around her and started …" he cleared his throat, looking distinctly uncomfortable, "being overly friendly. She pushed my hands away and struggled free …" Catching sight of the murderous look on Malachi's face, he added quickly, "Not that I was holding her that tightly, she turned and gave me quite the slap. I will also add that up to this point she'd been very timid and sw
eet. She did not look frightened. She looked angry and she brought her hand up to slap me again. I held up my hands, apologized and assured her it would never happen again, and excused myself."

  "So, Septis, you see that is why I have absolutely no doubt that the child she is caring is Malachi's. I don't think she would permit any other man to touch her, and before you say it could be King Edmund's, I have it on excellent authority that he was practically impotent the last eight to ten months of his life …" he hesitated, "which does beg the question, who is the father of Queen Roberta's child?"

  "Her soon-to-be husband, and all four of you will be sure never to repeat that again, though of course, you will always say that he is the father. It's complicated, but Roberta, McTavish, and myself have an understanding. Officially I have ordered him to raise Edmund's child as his own, unofficially, he's going to raise his child and hopefully most everyone will forget that it ever was Edmund's child, though of course, there are those are never going to forget and I'm pretty sure there are those who are going to guess the whole truth." All four men nodded.

  Alec smiled at Ian, whose discomfort had grown since hearing that the slave was carrying Malachi's child. "You may flee now Ian. I'm sure you can find things you had much rather be doing than standing here suffering." Ian did not hesitate. He turned and left the room quickly.

  Malachi took a deep breath and let it out slowly, then indicated the table. His father and brother both seated themselves, then he sat down. "Let's be clear. I did not ask you here to ask for your permission to marry Phryne. I asked you here to inform you that two weeks after Broderick and Abby's wedding, I will be marrying Phryne and anyone who does not approve can adjourn themselves to a safe distance from me. But as my fathers and brother, I did feel you all deserve an explanation, because I fully expected one of you to have strong objections to me marrying Edmund's slave; which is why I intend to tell you the whole story, which of course none of you will ever repeat." Malachi took a deep breath and let it out slowly, then he related the whole of the story of how Phryne became Edmund's slave and why Roberta did what she did. He decided to spare them no detail. He told them everything. When his story finally came to an end, Broderick looked like he was going to be sick. Alec and Septis looked weary.


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