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Hot as Heller [The McAlisters of McKenna Downs 3] (Siren Publishing LoveXtreme Forever)

Page 24

by Zoey Marcel

  “What happened?” She cut him short with a dismissive wave. “Tell me later. Cole is chasing Siegfried across the lawn!”

  She opened the front door to watch.

  Brighton remained where he was, but he might as well have been gawking, given the play-by-play account she gave him.

  “Siegfried is getting away! Wait. Cole is gaining on him! The police just arrived.” Trudy clutched her bosom. “My God, Cole just tackled Siegfried! Have you ever heard of such a thing? Oh, wait until I tell Greta.”

  Brighton had to smile. His eyes stung in relief. He didn’t care if Cole was reserved and not a very demonstrative kind of guy. He was so getting the biggest hug of his life after this.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Heller walked into Heath’s veterinary clinic where both his partners were. The place looked great and the cowboy had already finished the hiring process.

  “First day tomorrow. We’ll start taking calls and scheduling appointments.” Heath grinned. “I’m excited.”

  “You should be,” Heller said. “I’ve been working my ass off next door on my motorcycle shop and here you’ve taken this long to finally open.”

  Danielle brushed Heath’s arm. “It looks great. I’m proud of you.”

  “Thanks, guys.”

  She gave Heller a sweet smile and studied him a minute. “No biker devil bison necklace today?”

  “Only members can wear them,” Heller told her.

  Her lips parted.

  Heath looked over at him. “You left the motorcycle gang?”

  “Rumor has it. I’ll still ride with them and attend some of the social events, us being friends and all, but since I’m not a patched member anymore I won’t be in on the voting or business dealings.” Heller cocked a little smile. “And yeah, babe, I’ll be home every night. No orgies, except for the kind the six of us initiate with you.”

  Danielle’s eyes welled and she flew into his arms, weeping like dames often did when you do something special for them. “Thank you so much. I can’t tell you how much that means.”

  Heath frowned. “Six?”

  Heller smirked. “Have you seen the way that fancy bastard looks at her?”

  Heath rolled his eyes with a tiny half smile.

  “You’re riding my bike again, sweet cheeks,” Heller told her, pulling back a little.

  “Your bicycle?” she asked hopefully.

  “That’s cute, babe. I mean my Harley and you know it.”

  “Okay. It was fun, just really fast.”

  Heath came over and hugged him. “Thank you.”

  “You bet.”

  “What made you change your mind?” he asked.

  Heller shrugged. “That one was brave enough to get naked in the club and finally realize I was right all along about her beauty, and you came out of your locked, nailed-shut closet with fifty fucking deadbolts.”

  Heath crossed his arms, adjusting his stance. “It wasn’t so much coming out as it was being outed.”

  “I meant you told your father that you love me. What you guys did took guts and yeah, it touched me,” Heller said gently, then with a smile he added, “not unlike that song in Frozen.”

  Heath tittered. “What is it with you and that movie?”

  Heller chuckled. “I babysit.”

  The three of them hugged for a long moment.

  “I wanted to do something for both of you,” he said, crushing the shit out of them with his arms.

  “You won’t resent us?” she asked.

  “Not at all. I’ll still get to see everybody. I just won’t vote or be at the club business meetings.” Heller squeezed them tighter, eyes closing. “Besides, the two of you are worth leaving the club for. I’d rather have my old lady and my cowboy than wear the club colors.”

  They squeezed him snugly and thanked him.

  “I really thought you were gonna call me your bitch,” Heath half joked.

  Heller snickered. “Not this time, cowboy.”

  Heath broke up the embrace to check his cell phone. His expression became vulnerable.

  “What’s wrong?” Danielle asked.

  “My dad invited me over. He wants to talk to me.”

  * * * *

  Malachi Brodie was glad to see his son even if he wasn’t thrilled about having this conversation with him. Heath seemed uncomfortable and at a loss for words, so Malachi went first.

  “Finding that out about you the other day with Heller and Danielle, it wasn’t easy for me.”

  “I know,” Heath said quietly.

  “I’ve had some time to think it over and I want you to know that I don’t condone what you’re doing. You understand?”

  “Yes, sir.”

  Malachi breathed out in resignation. “But you’re my son and I want you in my life.”

  Heath lifted his head suddenly.

  “Someone pointed out to me that Carsten and I were never the same again after his struggle with perversions and my refusal to support him. I didn’t want to see it, but if I don’t learn from the past, my future will mirror it.” Malachi’s regret subsided when he looked Heath in the eye again. “You’re as wayward as Carsten was, but the decisions you make in life are between you and God. I’m not responsible for them, only for showing you the way and loving you, even when you don’t follow it.”

  “I love you, too. Thank you.”

  They hugged for a moment in silence.

  “Peggy and I made dinner arrangements at that Italian restaurant tonight. You and your partners are welcome to join us.”

  “We’d love to.”

  After a few more minutes of talking and another hug, Heath left.

  Malachi walked through the kitchen in silence. It felt good to be on speaking terms with Heath again. He decided to call Carsten later and see how he was doing. It had been a while since they’d last spoken.

  His mind went back to that night in the church with Sean Friel when the young Scot had confessed to loving him. He’d never heard more beautiful words in all his life.

  But seeing the tears in Sean’s eyes had made his chest hurt. His sobbing plea ran back through Malachi’s head. “I’m gay. Please don’t hate me.”


  How could he ever possibly hate his other half? It killed him to know he would never be with Sean.

  The young man had left his jacket here when he moved in with his uncle. Malachi wondered if he would come back for it. He really hoped Sean did, but he knew it was probably for the best that he didn’t.

  Sean would leave for New York the day after tomorrow. Malachi was happy for him, but that deep ache in his chest, he’d never felt pain that bad before.

  * * * *

  Siegfried had no doubt that his situation would improve drastically after speaking with his attorney. They sat alone in a room together with a guard outside the door.

  The suited lawyer laid his hand on the table and sat back in his chair. “Attempted assault of a young man. Really, sir, words cannot convey how such news makes me feel.”

  Siegfried smirked when he saw the way the man’s lips twitched and the amusement in his eyes. They were kindred spirits, albeit the attorney was significantly more twisted than he was. Law was just a facade for the lawyer’s other occupation, one he used an alias for. For all he knew, the attorney might very well use one even while practicing law.

  “What did you dream about last night?”

  Siegfried scrutinized him. “Why?”

  “I dreamed I was sitting on a log, watching an orchid mantis eating its prey.”


  The lawyer smiled. “Don’t tell me you’ve never heard of an orchid mantis. I shouldn’t be surprised. Not many people have. It’s a type of mantis in Southeast Asia that resembles a flower. It’s remarkable. They attract their prey that way and possibly use the natural disguise to avoid predators. It’s extraordinary.”

  Siegfried wondered if there was some kind of message in there, or if the bloke was simply makin
g small talk.

  “What did you dream?”

  “I don’t remember.”

  “Pity. As I said, I will be representing you in court, so there’s nothing more to say on the subject,” the lawyer said, “unless of course, there was someone you wanted me to give a message to.”

  Siegfried almost smiled. “That person we talked about recently.”


  The other man’s eyes got that bloodthirsty gleam. “I remember.”

  “I was supposed to meet up with him, but I’m obviously being detained.”

  “Well, then, I’ll be sure to give him a message for you.” The lawyer stood and shook his hand, pausing while they said their goodbyes. He slipped a note into Siegfried’s sleeve as they were talking. “You have nothing to fear, Siegfried. They can’t hold an innocent man in here forever.”

  Siegfried suppressed a smile. They both knew he wasn’t.

  “I’ve heard you are good at what you do.”

  The attorney grinned. “You have no idea.”

  They parted and the guard took Siegfried back to his cell. Later in his bunk he read the note. It had a drawing of what looked like a flower, but was possibly a mantis. There were but two words written on the note. They were in code, but it was a language he knew well.

  Be ready.

  Siegfried ripped the note up and then flushed it down the toilet, restraining an evil smile. He was getting out of here soon. He didn’t know when or how, but the message and analogy seemed to suggest that someone would come to him in disguise and fool everyone else around them. He didn’t know if the person would have a disguise for him as well or if they would come as someone of authority and simply walk out with him. Possibly his rescuer would be dressed as a prison guard. He might even be employed here as one and on Hessian’s payroll.

  When he got out of here, one of young Brighton’s partners needed to die. It didn’t matter whether it was Kale or Danielle. Brighton had to be punished. Then he needed to be taken away from his family forever, some place far away where no one would find them. Siegfried would punish him for the brat he was, all the aggravation Brighton had caused him. Then he would keep him indefinitely, fuck him for all the years of self-restraint he’d exerted around Brighton and for the irresistibly fit little thing he was.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Danielle was grateful to Heller for leaving the motorcycle gang for her and she felt even more loved when Kale also left the Princes of Hell MC for her as well. They were good men.

  Alan McAlister had been especially kind to Brighton since learning that his son had been telling the truth about Siegfried. He apologized and Brighton was gracious enough to accept it.

  She was still astonished that the butler had been capable of such things. The McAlisters had known him for about ten years and trusted him. At least he was in custody now and Brighton was safe. She felt horrible for not having known. She and Kale had been extra doting on him lately and Brighton seemed like he was coming around to getting back to normal.

  Today was one of the best she’d had in a long time since she got to spend it with all five of her men. What had started as an innocent conversation in the Great Room had become her five fiancés sprawling her out on a king-sized bed in one of the large bedrooms. She’d never had this many at once and wasn’t entirely sure what their plan was. Heath and Brighton could be utilized, so that would help settle the issue of her having only three holes to penetrate.

  The men remained clothed, but they had her naked. Being nude and surrounded by studly men who were still clothed made her feel vulnerable and lewd at the same time. She loved it.

  They took turns kissing her mouth and she smiled into David’s kiss when she heard Kale order Brighton to take his clothes off.

  “You both need to be spanked,” Kale decided. “Pup, lie down on my lap. Which one of you is spanking Danielle?”

  Heller stepped forward, raising his hand. “That would be me. Hop on, sweet cheeks.”

  Kale and Heller sat near each other on the edge of the bed with some space between them. Brighton lay down across Kale’s lap and she was draped over Heller’s. Both she and Brighton exchanged fond smiles since they were lying facing each other.

  They cringed and mewled, trying to be still as they were spanked until their bottoms glowed rosy pink with warmth.

  “How about we have them roll onto their sides and make out while we get them off?” Heller suggested.

  “Yes!” Brighton hissed happily.

  Danielle grinned and then nodded up at Heller, who winked at her.

  “No talking.” Kale swatted Brighton’s ass, smiling when he yipped.

  She and Brighton rolled over onto their sides and slowly kissed.

  “Nuh-uh, no hands.” Heller pulled hers back while Kale restrained Brighton’s reaching hand. “Just suck each other’s faces.”

  “Such class,” she said with a giggle.

  Heller smirked and slapped her butt, making it jiggle. “Shut your cute face and suck his.”

  She laughed, receiving another splat of his hand on her bum.

  Brighton kissed her tenderly before jolting and losing his breath. She figured Kale must be groping him. She sighed against Brighton’s lips as Heller stimulated her clit.

  She heard the occasional comment from Heath and David and guessed that they were watching the raunchy action.

  “Pup, I don’t want a mess on my clothes,” Kale said. “You will come in her cunt while I pump your semen into her by hand.”

  “God, that sounds so hot,” Brighton said in a breathy tone.

  He yelped, wincing at the hard slap on his butt.

  “What was that for?” Kale tested him.

  “I spoke when I wasn’t supposed to, Sir.”

  “Will you do it again?”

  “Not unless you want me to, Sir.”

  Kale eyed him with a suspicious smile. “I can’t decide if that was sarcasm or not.”

  Brighton grinned and then blew him a kiss.

  “Let’s have them stand,” Heller said.

  Danielle and Brighton got up with Heller standing next to her and Kale beside Brighton. Heat and chills swarmed through her when she saw Kale’s hand fist Brighton’s shaft by the root as he guided Brighton’s stiff penis to her slippery hole. She shivered with anticipation.

  “Impale yourself on him, babe,” Heller whispered into her ear, making her arch over the hot rush.

  She spread her legs slightly and pressed down on Brighton’s glans. Both groaned as she sank down on his meat, slowly skewering herself on him.

  “Just the tip,” Kale instructed. “I’m going to jack your little cock to orgasm and make you shoot off inside her.”

  “God,” Brighton moaned.

  “That sounds amazing,” she said.

  Heller snorted. “Who said you could talk, woman?”

  She glared at him playfully. He smacked her ass for that.

  Brighton eased out a bit so just his cockhead was inside her. They both made sensual noises when Kale slowly worked Brighton’s flesh over in his hand.

  Heller rubbed her clit gently, grinning when she gasped lightly at his touch.

  “I’m gonna come,” Brighton warned pleadingly.

  “No, you’re not,” Kale argued in a mildly threatening tone.

  Brighton’s muffled sounds of delight damn near made her come.

  “Don’t you be jacking off over there, Heathy boy,” Heller scolded.

  “I had an itch,” Heath said.

  Heller laughed. “Sure, you did. You’re coming in her pussy while I hump you from inside her ass.”

  Kale stroked Brighton’s erection faster. The tip jabbed rapidly into her channel, barely in with Kale’s manic tempo.

  “Don’t come,” Kale warned.

  Brighton’s face distorted with erotic frustration. He choked on tiny sobs without tears.

  “I need to come,” he begged.

  “No, Brighton.” Kale traced teasing circles on his tain

  “Sir, please! It feels too good.”

  “Then I’m doing it right.”

  Brighton breathed out through a grin before his features contorted. “Danielle, baby, you feel so good. You’re so wet for me.”

  “You feel really good, too, sweetie,” she said.

  “You’re talking to Kitten without my permission,” Kale pointed out. “That’s bad, Brighton. You’re a very bad boy.”

  A vicious slap on his ass sent Brighton plunging forward into her and made him yell out in climax. Heller rubbed her clit to orgasm and she cried out softly as her pussy shuddered around Brighton’s exploding cock. She loved the way Kale murmured threats to Brighton for coming without permission, yet he jacked Brighton rapidly and smiled at the way the younger man erupted inside of her.

  Apparently Brighton wasn’t the only very bad boy in the room.

  “Hot as fuck,” Heller said. He threw Heath a mock-dirty look. “Hey! What’s going on over there?”

  “I couldn’t get the itch through my pants, so I undid the fly,” Heath joked.

  Heller grinned. “I’ve got my eye on you.”

  “Now you must be punished,” Kale told Brighton.

  “You already spanked me, Sir,” Brighton said sweetly while batting his eyes. “No punishment needed.”

  “You’re being very naughty today. Since you like coming so much, even without permission, you’re going to be forced to come again right now.”

  “Now? But it’s too soon. Things are too sensitive.”

  Kale pushed him toward the bed. “You should have thought of that before you defied me. Kitten, lie down. Both of you suck each other off and entertain us.”

  “Yes, Sir.” She eagerly hopped onto the bed, lying down on her side.

  Brighton made a crab face before gulping at Kale’s disapproving look. “Yes, Sir.”

  After lying on his side, she and Brighton licked each other’s privates. She tried to take it easy on him since he was overly sensitized from just having come.

  Kale wasn’t having any of that. “Take him in your mouth, Danielle.”

  Brighton whined in protest, arching against her face as she swallowed down on his sated flesh. “Oh no! Not yet. It’s too soon.”


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