Captive Hearts
Page 19
Jake pushed back from the table. “As much as I’d like to stay and work on this more, I’ve got to go deal with the ball and chain.” He leaned down and kissed the top of my head, and a part of me wondered if he did it to deliberately taunt the other man. “Thanks for coming for me today.”
That, I knew, was deliberate. I reached up and squeezed his hand. “Be good to you, okay?”
I watched as he strode across the room and left the apartment before I turned to Caleb, not quite sure what kind of mood he was in. I fiddled. I closed the notebook. Slid the pen over the cover. Pushed it to the side of the table. Then, only then, did I reach across the table to take his hand. “Thank you. Tonight wasn’t easy.”
He didn’t look at me, but instead he nodded toward the notebook. “It was inevitable. I suppose we should have started this list a while ago.”
He stood and went to the kitchen counter, avoiding me. So unlike him, the man who likes to face things head on, the man who has forced me to talk about my issues immediately.
With a heavy heart, I stood to follow him. “Are you mad at me?”
I moved up behind him and wrapped my arms around his waist, leaning my head on his back. I felt his sigh, more than I heard it. “Talk to me, Caleb. If the tables were turned, you would make me spill the beans.”
He gave a resigned sigh. “I was surprised to see Jake here, that’s all.”
“Really? I mean, considering the letters?” I moved to stand in front of him, my arms still around his waist, and looked up to see his hooded stare. “Oh my God. You’re jealous.”
“No. Of course not.” He denied but I saw the flash of something more in his eyes. “I just thought maybe we had something together, but you turned to him first.”
He was jealous. Holy shit. I couldn’t help but grin and his eyes narrowed when he saw it. “What’s so funny?”
“You are jealous.” I nudged his shoulders with my fist before lunging in to hug him again. “Jeez, Caleb, after the last couple weeks together, I would think you’d know I don’t take what we have lightly.” I felt his arms tighten around me, and I hoped it meant he was coming around. “I thought about calling you to let you know I was awake, to thank you for the sandwich and checking on me, but I figured you had your hands full with Elena. Then I thought if I had reacted like I did about the letter, I should go check on Jake. He was in a bad way and needed a friend.”
Caleb ran a stroking hand down my hair and I knew we would be fine again. At least I hoped we would. Except for the fact I was actively looking for a way to escape Wellington, which meant leaving him, too. Writing the list with Jake, I was on point and hadn’t wavered. Once he came home and started to help, I’d felt a stab of pain in my chest. I knew what it meant, but I pushed it aside.
Scarlet O’Hara was becoming my muse. Think about it tomorrow. But tomorrow was coming. Time to change the subject.
“Should we go to your mom’s and check on Elena? I could make chicken soup. Your mom’s pantry is better stocked than ours, anyway.”
“Probably not a bad idea.” His sad eyes looked down at me. “Are you up for it?”
Yes, we definitely needed a distraction. I was almost grateful Elena was sick. “I like your children, and I’m not afraid of a little stomach bug.”
With Rebecca and Randy keeping the younger two for the night, Elena got a lot of attention, and she loved it. When we finally went to leave, Elena gave me a hug.
It tugged at my heart. She was finally warming up to me, and I was planning on leaving. This was not going to be fair to the kids.
I noticed Caleb standing outside the kitchen door and went to join him, but realized Randy was with him. Their low tones implied a private conversation. I honestly was going to leave them alone, but once I caught a few words through the screen, I took a step closer.
“You’re the one who brought me here,” Randy argued. “You’re the one who insisted there was no place safer than Wellington to raise your children. Now, being here, I couldn’t agree more.”
“I’m not asking for me. I’m asking for Grace.”
“Right,” Randy’s voice was tight. “Like you’re going to let her walk away when it’s obvious the two of you are thick as thieves. And what about your kids? They adore her.”
“I know.” Caleb sounded tired. “They’ve really come around to having her as part of the family, but don’t you see, Grace didn’t want to be married. She has a family of her own to go home to. She’s not a runaway needing a place to fit in.”
Randy grabbed Caleb’s arm, giving it a shake. “After what you’ve been through, losing Jill, the way she died, you’d really let another wife go back out where there is danger everywhere? Rip another mother away from those kids?” He released Caleb and threw his hands up, frustration evident in his hushed tones. “Plus, you said Roger will ban you from town if you help her escape. Are you really willing to take that chance of never seeing your kids again? No, I won’t help. I can’t be a part of that.”
I moved away. Caleb was still trying to find a way to help me leave. Despite the fact we were settling in as a couple. If I had met him under different circumstance—Who the hell am I kidding? There were no other circumstances where we would have met. No other circumstances where we would have been forced together as quickly as we had. No other circumstances where I would be wearing a gold band matching his. Sure, the sex was great. Sure, we got along most of the time now. Randy had a point, though. If Caleb helped me, the consequences of his actions were losing his children. Was I that selfish that I would force him to choose? But what choice did I have? Wellington was not where I belonged.
On Tuesday the sun shone bright in the sky and it was in complete opposition to my mood. Tom was the officer on duty, and he was never as fun to have around as Brent. Besides, once I’d discovered Tom was Roger’s nephew, I always felt he watched and reported back to his uncle and the council.
Randy breezed through the station on his way to his computer room, but he refused to look at either me or Caleb. Neither of them knew I’d heard their conversation, but I had a feeling the rift between the two men was only going to get bigger, and I would be the catalyst.
Then there was Caleb. As usual, he kept things strictly professional while at work, but it was last night that bothered me. The sex had been different. Maybe it was all on me, but I don’t think so. There was almost a sad desperation in the way he touched me. I couldn’t blame him, though. It was time for me to go home. Our day-by-day had to eventually come to an end.
Despite that, I needed him. I didn’t want what we had to end badly. I wanted to take every opportunity I had to be with him and to enjoy that time.
Caleb got called back to work while we had dinner, and he didn’t get home until after I’d fallen asleep. I vowed the next day I would make it a night to remember.
It was almost four on Wednesday when I went into his office. He’d spent most of the day patrolling through town, and he’d come back to the station only an hour before.
He looked up as I entered, but I went around to the back of his chair and put my hands on his shoulders to give a massage. “Your muscles are tight.”
At first, I thought he was going to tell me to stop because we were at work, but he didn’t. Instead he let his head roll forward as I worked the traps on his shoulders. “That feels great.”
“I was thinking I would skip dinner at your mom’s tonight.” I kept my voice casual as I felt the muscles tighten at my words. “Before you say anything,” I leaned down to whisper in his ear, “it’s because I want to prepare a dessert just for you.”
Caleb tried to spin his chair around, but I stood firm, blocking it. “Come home early, and I’ll be waiting.”
“Grace?” There was a question in his voice, but he couldn’t hide the huskiness as he tilted his head back to look up at me. “What are you up to?”
I leaned over to kiss his forehead. “I do believe my work day ends at four, so I’m going to
go shopping now. See you later, husband.”
The word was out before I realized it. Not once in the four weeks we’d been married had I acknowledged our marital status. Caleb had. He’d referred to me as his wife more than once.
He was out of his chair and standing before I knew what was happening and, despite being at work, his hand cupped my head back as he pressed his lips to mine in a fierce possession.
“Go,” he mumbled. “Do whatever you have planned.” He captured my lip between his teeth, the raw hunger evident. “And I’ll be home early.”
I’d set out to seduce Caleb and instead I walked away hot and aching. It’s a good thing the people in Wellington couldn’t read my mind, because with how that man made me feel, my thoughts were far from pure.
I wanted to rush through my shopping, but it seemed like everyone I’d met and made friends with had all decided to hit the store at the same time. And damn, they all liked to chit-chat.
It took me a full hour before I walked back to the apartment, my hands loaded with bags. First things first, I headed to the shower, shaving and rubbing the new honeysuckle lotion over my body. I dried my hair and twisted it up in a messy bun. A hint of blush and lip gloss for make-up. I added earrings, just a little something sparkly to dangle from my lobes. Then I donned the barely-there red lace bra and panty set I’d found. While this town appeared modest on the surface with the clothing they provided, they were all about spicing things up in the bedroom.
I looked at myself in the bathroom mirror. There was no doubt my intention for the evening. Caleb said he’d be home early. There was one more item in the bag. I grabbed the apron that had a huge grilling fork and spatula on the front, slipped it over my head, tied the strings behind my back and headed to the kitchen.
I’d never cooked nearly nude before. I was getting turned on with the mere thought of what Caleb would think or do when he came home to find me this way.
I made cheesecake filled cupcakes. I’d discovered the recipe several years ago when Sarah was having a particularly challenging time. She loved cheesecakes, I loved chocolate, and this recipe combined the two. It became one of our favorites.
Caleb did come home early, but everything was ready. I’d set the table. Tablecloth. Cloth napkins. Lit candles. But I don’t know if he saw them. His eyes went straight to me as he closed the door.
“What are you wearing under that apron?” His voice was thick.
I looked down. The apron was wide enough to cover where it needed, leaving only the red straps of the bra as the only evidence there was anything more than skin beneath.
I stayed behind the counter as he sauntered across the room. “Have a seat. Dessert will be ready in a moment.”
He hesitated, glancing at the table then back at me. I knew what he was thinking. “No.” I insisted. “You need to sit.”
He did, but his heated eyes never left me as I worked on the finishing touches. “How was dinner?” I asked, trying to maintain a casual tone, but failing miserably. Between my near nudity and Caleb looking like he wanted to leap over the counter, I was far from unaffected.
“Is this how we’re playing it tonight?” his voice drawled. I had to use everything in my power to continue with what I was doing. I dabbed on a spoonful of whipped cream frosting to the top of each cupcake. It was the best I’d ever made.
I untied the apron and slipped the top over my head, dropping it to the floor as I took the plates from the counter sauntered to the table in my barely-there panty set. Caleb’s eyes were hooded as I came toward him, but I saw how his fingers twitched as he fought to maintain control.
Playing seductress was new for me, but I was enjoying toying with him. I gently placed the plates on the table before sitting across from him. “Eat your dessert,” I ordered though my voice cracked, betraying my own emotions.
“Which one?” He raked his eyes down my scantily clad body, and I couldn’t take my eyes off him. Who was seducing who?
“First one, then…” I left the rest hanging as he slowly lifted his fork. I don’t know what he thought of the dessert. He didn’t speak. I have no idea if it was even edible, as I only took a couple bites.
‘To hell with this.” He pushed his plate away. “Come here.”
I was a moth to a flame. I was standing in front of him before I knew I could move. His hands grasped my hips so he could lift me up. I wrapped my legs around his waist as I sat on his lap. “Kiss me,” he ordered.
When I came up for air, he moved his lips downward to suck on a nipple under the red lace. “This is so incredibly hot,” he mumbled. “If the condoms weren’t in the other room, I would do you right here on the table.”
His mouth moved to my other breast as I struggled with the buttons on his shirt. “Then what are we waiting for?” I asked.
He grasped my ass, holding me against him as he stood. “Dear, God, woman, what you do to me.” His lips captured mine as he strode across the room toward the bedroom. There was a noise, but it didn’t register with me until he halted and his mouth moved from mine. “Go away,” he growled. But the noise came again and I realized someone was at the door.
“Caleb, it’s me. Brent.”
Chapter Nineteen
Closing his eyes in defeat, Caleb slowly let me down to the floor. “Go. I’ll be there in a moment.”
I nodded and closed the bedroom door before I heard him open the door to the entry hall.
“I need to talk with you,” Brent’s serious tone had me pressing my ear closer. “Is Grace here?
I was thankful the apartment was so small as I could hear the response easily. “In the other room. Do we need to go to the station?”
“No, this concerns her. Is she available?”
I looked down at what I wore and scrambled to the bureau. I quickly put on shorts and a shirt sporting my college logo and opened the door as Caleb motioned the unexpected visitor toward the chair in the living room. He was more of a host than I’d have been. Hell, with the way my body was zinging, I’d have told Brent to zip it and I’d call back later, but my husband—Yikes, I still can’t take that in—continued the niceties. “Have a seat. Would you like something to drink?”
“No. I’m not staying long.” He didn’t sit, instead he turned his gaze at me. “Monday, when Roger came to the station, as well as the scene at our fellowship meal the week before, got me thinking. This whole summer program thing, it isn’t what it was proposed to be, is it?”
He looked at his chief for confirmation. With Caleb’s shirt half un-buttoned and my hair falling from its bun, I’m sure Brent was aware of what he’d interrupted, but he didn’t say anything. Caleb wrapped an arm around my waist, pulling me closer.
“No. Bringing in runaways from off the street wasn’t good enough for Roger’s children, and as he refused to allow the twins to attend college off-site, the only way he could bring in eligible candidates was to come up with a plan to bring in college-aged suitors who might be malleable to the town’s ideology.”
“I see.” Brent nodded. “For the most part, though, it worked. Nine of the eleven don’t appear in any hurry to leave at the end of the summer.”
Caleb shrugged. “Eight, at least. After spending a night in the hospital, Penny might be looking to leave. The others all have broken families. For them, Wellington is pretty much Nirvana. Grace and Jake, however, both have loving families at home expecting them to return.”
“So after all is said and done,” Brent summarized, “Roger’s kids happened to choose the two who had no intention of staying, and he retaliated by fabricating a cause for a forced marriage?”
I nodded, remaining silent, which is unusual for me, but I was still reeling from what had been interrupted to this sudden topic of conversation.
“That’s what I gathered,” Brent stated. “Okay. I will help you leave, if it’s what you want.”
A flash of hope filled me while at the same time pain pierced my heart. “You will?”
He looked at me
with a determined expression. “I’m a police officer. I took an oath, and holding people against their will is against the law.” He looked back and forth between me and Caleb. “I’ve never questioned how Wellington has been run, with all its advanced security, but the last couple days I’ve tried to look at this town as an outsider. Even making an outside call from this town is nearly impossible. I noticed that you’re not even taking a phone home with you at night.”
Caleb nodded. “Roger had security upgraded on both me and Grace once we were married. My cell phone at work will only allow incoming calls, and any attempt to go through the switchboard for an outside line will automatically be shut down and the members of the council will be notified.”
I bit my lip. I hadn’t even known the extent of what had been ordered.
Brent nodded, as though he’d already figured it out. “I spoke with my wife about this, and while the ramifications scare her, she agrees it’s the right thing to do. So, if you want me to get an outside agency to come into Wellington, I’ll do it. Working outside the town gives me more freedom to make those calls.”
Caleb looked at me. “What do you want to do?”
“Seriously? You want me to decide?” I wiped away a tear that had escaped as I tried to reason out the question. “So what happens if you do something like that? Do they arrest an entire town because they were blindly led to believe this is all normal? Do they arrest Roger and the rest of the town council, for what? Kidnapping?” I looked up at the man I’d been forced to marry. “Would they arrest you because you followed orders and brought us here and provided the upgraded security?”
Oh, dear God that was a strong possibility, and his stone-wall face meant he knew it. I gulped. “What’s going to happen to the two of you,” I nodded to him and Brent, “for helping us leave? What is Roger going to do? He’s already threatened to ban you from town and from seeing your kids? He might do the same to Brent if he helps.”
Caleb tilted my chin up. “Listen to me, this is about you. About getting you home where you belong. You’re right. I did help get you here and keep you inside these gates, but I won’t be a part of it any longer.”