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Savage Interlude

Page 6

by Carole Mortimer

  Kate sat up with a start, searching frantically about in the cooling water for the keys. ‘What did you do that for? Where on earth are they?’ she muttered worriedly.

  Damien kicked off his shoes, sitting down on the bath’s edge before slowly sliding into the water. ‘I’ll help you look for them.’

  She gasped, her eyes opening wide with shock. ‘Get out of here! I’ll find the keys when I let out the water. You’ll ruin your trousers,’ she added desperately when he didn’t seem to be listening to her.

  He shrugged. ‘So I’ll borrow a pair of James’. I’m sure he must leave some here.’

  Kate shrank back against the side of the bath, covering her bare breasts with her hands, jumping nervously as his searching hand came into contact with her leg. ‘Will you get out of here!’ she demanded hysterically.

  ‘No.’ His green eyes rested on her red face. ‘Stop panicking, honey. I’ve seen you naked once this morning already.’ He bent down and scooped her up in his arms, wading out of the water and into the bedroom, dripping water everywhere. He threw her down on to the bed, pinning her there with his arms. ‘Now,’ he said, his face only inches away from her own, ‘would you mind telling me why you felt it necessary to run out on me this morning?’

  ‘Your—your clothes!’ She looked down at the wet outline her body had made on his black shirt. ‘You’re all wet!’

  His hand tightened about her wrist. ‘Answer the question, Kate.’

  ‘Wh-what was it?’ She couldn’t think, his closeness unnerved her. Why had he followed her here? What was he hoping to achieve? Surely he wasn’t hoping to continue where they had left off in his bedroom this morning, surely even he couldn’t expect that?

  ‘Why did you run out on me?’ he repeated.

  She looked away. ‘You must know why.’

  ‘Must I?’

  ‘Yes!’ she answered shortly, well aware of the dangerousness of her position lying here beneath him. ‘You—you seduced me with your closeness this morning, and you’re doing the same thing now. You’re taking advantage of my weakness.’

  His warm breath fanned her cheeks as he released her hair from the restricting ribbon with one strong hand. ‘Do I make you weak?’

  She pushed his hand away. ‘You know you do,’ she said crossly.

  ‘I know, do I?’ he mused. ‘And how would I know that?’

  Kate glared at him, resenting his taunting tone and the way he had complete control over her. ‘You know because you’re well aware of the effect you have on all women. You emit a sensuous arrogance that sends out a challenge to every woman who looks at you.’

  ‘And you accepted that challenge, did you?’ he mocked softly, his eyes passing tantalisingly over her face and body.

  ‘No, I didn’t! Look, I don’t have the experience to fight men like you. I’m a complete pushover when it comes to your sophisticated type of seduction, I admit that.’ She stopped fighting him. ‘So if you want me you might as well get on with it—I don’t have any defences left where you’re concerned.’

  To her surprise he started to laugh, a deep throaty sound that was very attractive. He rolled away from her. ‘What a turn-off that is! I like my women willing, yes, but I don’t like them uninterested.’ He stood up, throwing the damp coverlet over her naked body. ‘I can wait until you’re ready to come to me willingly.’

  ‘That will probably be never.’ She clutched the coverlet to her.

  ‘We’ll see.’ He looked down ruefully at his clinging clothing. ‘Does St Just have any clothes here I can change into?’

  ‘In his bedroom,’ she told him shortly. ‘The second door on the right out of here.’

  ‘His bedroom?’ he taunted. ‘Surely he doesn’t bother to have separate rooms? You won’t be allowed that luxury when you live with me. I intend to have all your nights.’

  ‘Why did you follow me?’ she quavered.

  He turned briefly to look at her. ‘You’re mine, Kate, and I don’t let go easily of what’s mine.’

  ‘I’m not yours, I don’t belong to anyone!’

  ‘Not even St Just?’ he asked gratingly. ‘I would have thought two years was long enough for him to think he has a lot of rights where you’re concerned. And I don’t like it. I’ll take you back to his house when you’re dressed and call back for you later this evening. You can pack your clothes and be ready to leave at eight o’clock. Don’t keep me waiting, I’m not going to fight St Just over you.’

  ‘I’m not moving in with you,’ she said stubbornly. ‘You attract me physically, I can’t deny that. There wouldn’t be much point, you know it every time you touch me. But that doesn’t mean we should live together.’

  ‘You mean because I may have habits that will annoy you?’ He smiled. ‘Like squeezing the toothpaste from the middle of the tube, things like that?’ He shrugged. ‘I’ve had no complaints in the past.’

  ‘How many people have you had living with you?’

  ‘None,’ he laughingly closed the door.

  Within half an hour they were on their way to James’ country house, Damien wearing a pair of James’ white trousers. He was a more muscular man than James and the trousers fitted snugly about his hips, emphasising the length of his thighs.

  He turned to her when they reached the house, his leg curiously close to her in the confines of the car. ‘Be ready to leave with me this evening, angel. I’d hate to have to make you leave. And I’ve been thinking about your clothes and I’ve decided I don’t want you to bring any of them with you.’

  Kate’s eyes opened wide. ‘You can’t mean to keep me at your apartment without any clothes?’ She had forgotten for the moment that she wasn’t actually moving in with him, feeling only shock at his words.

  ‘No, we’ll get you some new ones before we leave for the States tomorrow, the rest can be made up for you for when we return. I don’t want you to bring anything with you that St Just gave you.’

  ‘Jealousy, Damien?’

  ‘Jealousy,’ he confirmed surprisingly, moving forward to kiss her lightly on the lips. ‘I won’t feel sure of you until I’ve made you mine. Now in you go, and tell James that I’ll be by tonight to discuss the movie with him. It will only take a couple of minutes, honey, just a short conversation about shooting time and location.’ His lips travelled slowly over her cheek and back to her mouth. ‘Mmm,’ he breathed deeply against her. ‘I’ll be looking forward to tonight. And this time you won’t have had doctored drinks!’

  Kate scrambled inelegantly out of the car, far away from the seduction in his voice and the closeness of his body. ‘Goodbye, Damien,’ she said hurriedly.

  He put up a hand in farewell. ‘See you later, angel.’

  She watched him as he accelerated the car out of the driveway. He had almost had her believing that she was moving in with him. But she wasn’t—James wouldn’t allow it for one thing. At least, she hoped he wouldn’t; she knew she wasn’t strong enough to say no to him herself. He could be much too persuasive for an innocent like her.


  ONLY Sheri and James remained of the house-party of yesterday, both of them in the lounge drinking coffee as Kate let herself quietly into the room.

  ‘Kate!’ James jumped up on her arrival. ‘Where have you been?’

  She evaded his searching eyes. ‘You know where I’ve been.’ She moved out of his arms. ‘Hello, Sheri.’ She smiled at the butler as he bought her in a coffee cup. ‘Thank you, Jennings.’ She watched as Sheri filled the cup for her.

  James waited until the butler had left before carrying on with their conversation. ‘You weren’t at the apartment, Kate,’ he remarked quietly behind her. ‘I called you several times, once last night and twice this morning.’

  She tried to cover her shock at being found at so easily, smiling brightly at her brother as she accepted the coffee Sheri handed to her. ‘I probably wasn’t back from the party last night when you called and I was in the bath when you called this morning.’

/>   ‘This morning’s calls were made two hours apart,’ James persisted.

  ‘Okay, so I was still asleep when you made the first one.’ She was starting to get agitated now.

  ‘Stop cross-questioning the girl, James,’ Sheri chided him gently. ‘I know what I would have been doing after spending the evening with Damien Savage, and it wouldn’t have had anything to do with sleeping.’

  ‘Sheri!’ He looked scandalised. ‘This is my sister you’re talking to.’

  Now it was Kate’s turn to look surprised. That James, who had always maintained the secrecy of their family link, should brazenly announce that they were brother and sister! ‘James?’ She looked at him searchingly.

  He put out his arm to pull Sheri against his side, looking rather bashful for the usually self-confident James. ‘Er—Sheri and I are going to be married, Kate.’

  She looked from one to the other of them, seeing their happiness in each other mirrored in their faces, hugging them each in turn. ‘I’m so pleased for you!’ she glowed at them. ‘It’s wonderful news. When’s the wedding?’

  Sheri laughed at her enthusiasm. ‘Hey, give us chance to get used to the idea that there’s going to be a wedding at all! I must admit to feeling apprehensive about you in the past, not knowing the connection between the two of you. Everyone thinks—’

  ‘Everyone thinks that we’re lovers,’ Kate finished with a grimace. ‘Damien Savage seems to be under the same misapprehension—and treats me accordingly.’

  Her brother’s face darkened with anger. ‘What’s he been saying to you?’

  ‘Only what a lot of other people have undoubtedly been thinking,’ she sighed. ‘I only wish I could tell them the truth, but it’s impossible. There’s your mother. And we mustn’t forget our father’s reputation.’

  James gave her a sympathetic look. ‘Don’t be bitter, Kate. If I thought it would do any good to announce to the world that you’re my sister, then I’d do it. I know that things like illegitimacy are accepted nowadays, but if people realised that Richard St Just had fathered such a child eighteen years ago there would be a terrible scandal. Besides, as you said, there’s my mother to think of. You must realise what it would do to her if it became public knowledge. It was a shock for her to learn of your existence at all, without that.’

  ‘No more of a shock to her than it was to me.’ Kate smiled wanly at Sheri. ‘I’m sorry you have had to witness this, but James and I can never agree on the subject.’

  ‘That’s because he isn’t the one that’s illegitimate. He’d probably feel differently if it were him. Now don’t scowl at me, James,’ she teased him. ‘I can see this from both sides. You obviously feel for your mother, but Kate is the one who has to put up with the innuendoes about the two of you. Perhaps it will stop once we’re married.’

  ‘I wouldn’t count on it,’ James said dryly. ‘I should think it will make matters worse.’

  ‘Not if I move out it won’t,’ Kate said quietly.

  ‘Oh, but you aren’t—’

  ‘I couldn’t allow—’

  ‘Neither of you will stop me,’ she interrupted. ‘I realise now that it’s been the mistake we’ve made all along. I should never have come to live with you, James, but had my own apartment. And that’s exactly what I intend doing.’

  ‘You will not!’ James looked furious. ‘How can I keep an eye on you if you don’t live with me?’

  ‘I’m over eighteen. I don’t need your permission to move out.’

  ‘That’s because you aren’t going to. You’re staying right here. Let the gossips say what they like, I don’t give a damn.’

  ‘Sheri?’ she looked at her future sister-in-law.

  ‘I agree with James. This is your home, you don’t have to be forced out by gossip.’

  ‘And if I want to move out? If I want to be free to choose my own friends, live my own life?’

  James snorted his disgust. ‘Like that insipid Nigel Humphries, I suppose?’

  Kate looked uncomfortable. ‘Maybe not like Nigel—I think you were right about him. He only wanted to be friends with me because he thought I might get you to help with his career.’

  ‘I won’t say I told you so,’ he said, instantly contradicting himself. ‘And you aren’t moving out. I forbid it.’

  ‘James!’ Now it was Sheri’s turn to look shocked. ‘I agree with you about Kate not moving out, but you have no right to order her about. You must consider her feelings in all this.’

  ‘Thank you, Sheri,’ Kate smiled at her before turning back to James. ‘I do want to move out. I think it would be for the best. It has nothing to do with your marriage, in fact I want to move out in the next few days.’

  James’ grey eyes narrowed suspiciously. ‘Does this have anything to do with Damien Savage, with the fact that you went out with him yesterday evening and I wasn’t able to reach you either then or this morning?’

  Kate looked away, her face fiery red. ‘I don’t know what you mean.’

  His stance was challenging. ‘I mean has your decision to leave anything to do with Damien Savage.’

  ‘Certainly not,’ she replied truthfully.

  ‘Where were you last night?’ he asked softly.

  ‘I was at the apartment, I already told you that.’ Her temper threatened to overflow at her guilt in lying to him. ‘Don’t keep questioning me, James!’

  ‘I keep questioning you because I think you’re lying to me,’ he sighed. ‘If I thought my persuading you to go out with Damien had led you to—to—’

  ‘It didn’t.’ But it nearly had! How near the truth he was. Damien Savage had a magnetism that was positively lethal, drugging to the senses.

  Sheri reached up to kiss James fleetingly on the lips. ‘I’m not running out on you, honey, but I do have that plane to catch. I’ll go and get my things together. Be gentle with her, hmm?’

  ‘She’s my sister, Sheri. My kid sister.’

  Sheri smiled encouragingly at her before turning back to her fiancé. ‘She looks quite grown up to me, James. Quite old enough to make her own decisions.’

  ‘Thank you once again, Sheri,’ Kate said gratefully.

  ‘That’s enough of that,’ her brother interrupted gruffly. ‘I won’t have the two of you ganging up on me already.’

  Sheri laughed, flicking back her shoulder-length hair. ‘I’ll just go and get my things.’

  ‘All right,’ he kissed her lingeringly on the lips. ‘Don’t be long. We only have an hour and a half to get you to the airport, although why you can’t break that damned modelling contract and stay here with me I don’t know. We could get married almost immediately.’

  ‘My, you’re impulsive when you want to be! I have to honour that contract because I’m a professional model, I have my reputation to think of. Besides, you have three more months’ run in that play to go yet. I intend for us to have a proper honeymoon, not a few days snatched together between working.’

  James grimaced. ‘You see how she’s beginning to nag me already.’

  ‘Shame!’ His fiancée laughingly left the room.

  Kate smiled. ‘I am pleased for you, James. Sheri is exactly right for you.’

  He looked at her closely. ‘You’re sure you don’t mind? I did intend talking to you about it before I did anything as serious as proposing to her, but I just seemed to go ahead before I could talk to you.’

  She grinned. ‘She just swept you off your feet,’ she teased.

  He looked sheepish. ‘More or less,’ he admitted. ‘I just found myself asking her to marry me.’

  She hugged him, realising just how easy it was to be swept away by your own emotions. But as far as she was concerned it had been a case of physical attraction, nothing as dramatic as love. In a way she wished it had been, at least then she could have excused her reaction to Damien, could have accepted it even. As it was she was utterly confused.

  ‘You’d better get yourself ready if you’re going to the airport,’ she suggested easily. �
�I’m just going to my room to change.’

  ‘Okay. But, Kate …’ he paused, ‘you didn’t mean it about moving out, did you?’

  She felt almost guilty at the hurt she could see in his eyes. ‘I did mean it, James. It isn’t that I don’t love you, I just feel I should live my own life, stand on my own two feet.’

  ‘Who’s been putting these ideas into your head?’ he asked shrewdly.

  ‘No one,’ she denied. ‘It was just something someone said to me.’

  ‘What did they say to you?’

  She moved uncomfortably. ‘What does it matter what was actually said, they were right.’

  ‘They?’ he prompted.

  Kate ignored the question. ‘I’m just vegetating here. I don’t work, I have nothing to occupy me at all. I could—well, I could become a model like Sheri,’ she said excitedly. ‘Or I could try acting, like you. Damien said—’ she broke off guiltily.

  ‘Yes?’ James queried mildly. ‘Just what did Damien say? I take it he’s the one who’s been handing out unwelcome advice?’

  Her brown eyes flashed. ‘You take it right. And it wasn’t exactly advice.’

  ‘I can imagine,’ he said dryly.

  ‘But he is right, you have to admit that.

  ‘Maybe. And what were you about to say he said?’

  ‘He thinks I may be very photogenic,’ she admitted. ‘He asked me to go for a screen test tomorrow.’

  ‘Oh yes?’ He looked sceptical.

  Kate grinned at the look on his face. ‘I reacted the same way you are, but he really was serious. He thinks I could be a big star.’

  James frowned worriedly. ‘I don’t want that for you, Kate. It isn’t as easy for women in this business as it is for men. I don’t think our father would appreciate my allowing you to enter this disreputable profession either—his words not mine. Did you agree to go?’

  She shook her head, her long hair swinging about her shoulders. ‘No, I’m of the same opinion as you. That sort of life isn’t for me, one actor in the family is enough. Actually, he seemed quite pleased that I had refused.’


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