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Holding You

Page 14

by Kelly Elliott

  My father smiled at my mother and kissed her gently, yet quickly on the lips. “I taught the boy everything he knows.”

  Laughing, I shook my head. “Whatever, Dad. Hey I have to go. I have reservations for dinner.”

  Turning to leave my mother called out. “Where in the world do you need to make reservations in Mason for dinner?”

  Turning around and walking backward to the door I said, “When you pay to have Lauren’s favorite restaurant in Fredericksburg come to set up dinner for you and you’re told to be there by a certain time . . . you have reservations.”

  My mother’s mouth dropped open and father’s chest puffed out as if I had just scored the winning touchdown in a championship game. “Oh, darling. You’re going to sweep her off her feet. Be careful!”

  “That right there is my son. Yep, I taught him everything he knows.”

  Laughing, I quickly headed out the door to my truck. I couldn’t wait to see Lauren’s face when we pulled up to where I had planned for dinner to be. Turning my truck on, I put it in drive and headed to Lauren’s.

  WALKING TO LAUREN’S front door, I rang the doorbell. As the front door opened, I was greeted by Jessie, Lauren’s mom. “Hey, Jessie!”

  Giving me a warm smile, Jessie motioned for me to come in. “Hey there, Colt. Come on into the kitchen.”

  Following Jessie into the kitchen I looked around. Cupcakes were everywhere. “Um . . . what’s with all the cupcakes?”

  Rolling her eyes, Jessie let out a frustrated moan. “Jenny, Aaron’s wife. Her baker told her at the last minute they couldn’t make the cupcakes for a wedding she is planning tomorrow. So I’m helping her bake and decorate them.”

  Glancing around the kitchen there were at least a hundred cupcakes. “Wow, Jessie. You’ve done an amazing job.” Each cupcake either had a dove on it, or an initial of what I was guessing was the last name of the married couple. “I may have to hire you for a certain surprise birthday party.”

  Jessie’s eyes lit up. “Oh Colt, don’t be silly. I would never charge you but I would love to do that. I think it would be fun. I actually kind of enjoy doing this.”

  Licking my lips, I eyed a chocolate cupcake as my stomach rumbled. “They look good.”

  Placing her hands on her hips, Jessie lifted her finger. “Don’t even think about it Mathews.”

  Holding both hands up, I chuckled. “I wouldn’t think of it.”

  Jessie winked and then whispered, “Scott’s been down in the barn, supervising.”

  “Does she suspect anything?”

  Jessie chuckled. “She’s been so busy packing for their trip, I’ve only seen her twice all day today.”

  “Good. I figured she would be.”

  The hairs on the back of my neck stood before I even knew Lauren was in the room. Turning, I saw the most beautiful woman in the world standing before me. Lauren was wearing a light blue T-shirt that brought out the blue in her eyes even more. Her jeans shorts were just short enough to cause me to moan internally as my eyes traveled down to her baby-blue Nike sneakers. Her wrist was adorned in her vast collection of Alex and Ani bracelets and I couldn’t help but smile.

  Walking up to me she reached up on her tippy toes and kissed me sweetly on the lips. “Hey there.”

  My heart began to beat rapidly as I looked into her eyes. “Hey.”

  Peeking over to her mom, her face blushed. “Mom, these cupcakes are killing me.”

  Jessie laughed. “Why?”

  “They smell like heaven and I want to eat them all!”

  Jessie laughed as she tossed a dishtowel over her shoulder. “I’ve got two dozen more to decorate so if y’all will excuse me, I’ve got some birds and some initials to make.”

  Lauren giggled as she looked at me. “I’m so hungry I could eat my horse.”

  “Guess I better get you some food then huh?” I said as I wrapped my arm around her waist and led her to the back door.

  “I thought you parked out front.”

  Grinning from ear to ear, I replied. “I did, but we are going to the barn.”

  Lauren attempted to stop walking but I guided her on with my arm. “No seriously, Colt. I’m really hungry and I’m not in the mood to go to the barn.”

  Opening the back door, I motioned for Lauren to head outside. Rolling her eyes and letting out a frustrated breath, she marched down the steps and to the barn. She was walking ahead of me so I couldn’t see the adorable pout I was positive she was wearing.

  “Hey, Lauren, before you go in will you wait for me please?”

  Lauren instantly stopped walking and turned to me. Yep. There was that cute little pout of hers. God I loved her.

  Stomping her foot, Lauren whined. “Colt! I’m really, really, really hungry!”

  Taking her hand, I walked us into the barn. The first person I saw was Scott. Smiling from ear to ear he gave me a thumbs-up as Lauren placed her hand over her mouth. “Oh, Colt.”

  Every single horse had their heads leaning out of the stall doors. Scott had set up a small round table in the middle of the barn. We didn’t want to use real candles so he had LED candles sitting in the middle of the table. There were two place settings and the salad had already been placed onto the table. Turning to me, Lauren slowly shook her head. “Did you plan this?”

  Grinning, I nodded my head. “I did.”

  Wearing a dazed look on her face, Lauren whispered in a disbelieving voice, “Why?”

  Cupping the sides of her face with my hands, my thumb wiped away a lone tear making its way down Lauren’s beautiful face. “Because I love you, sweetheart. And I’m going to miss you fiercely while you’re on your girls’ trip.”

  Lauren placed her hands over mine as she closed her eyes. “Colt, I love you so much. You make me feel as if I’m living in a fantasy.”

  Clearing his throat, Scott walked to us. Taking a step back, I broke the contact between Lauren and I. Placing his hand on my shoulder; Scott gave it a slight squeeze. “You did good, son. Now don’t keep her out too late. They’re leaving early in the morning.”

  Nodding my head, I said, “No, sir, I won’t keep her out late.”

  Glancing back to Lauren, Scott leaned down and kissed her on the cheek. “Enjoy your evening, baby girl.”

  Sniffling, Lauren whispered, “Thank you, Daddy.”

  Reaching for Lauren’s hand I led her over to the table. Pulling out her chair, I waited for her to sit down and then pushed her chair in. Making my way over to my chair I couldn’t help but notice Lauren’s face. She wore the most amazing smile. “Tell me what you’re thinking this very moment.”

  Pressing her lips together, she took her napkin and placed it onto her lap. “That Grace would call you an overly romantic bastard . . . or something along those lines . . . if she saw this.”

  Laughing, I nodded in agreement. “Yeah she probably would.”

  “Colt, I love this so much. I was starting to feel a little down about leaving you and—” Wiping a tear away she continued. “Well, you just do something like this and make me fall more in love with you if that’s even possible. I’m going to miss you so much.”

  Reaching for her hand, I moved my thumb across her delicate skin. My heart felt as if it was about to burst. “I’m going to miss you too, but you’re going to have so much fun, it will fly by.”

  Looking down, she whispered, “I hope so, cause right now, I don’t want to leave you.”

  Squeezing her hand, Lauren looked at me. “I have a fun night planned for us. I promise, tomorrow the excitement to go on your trip will be there.” Nodding, Lauren gave me a weak smile. “Eat up, sweetheart, the night is young and I promised your daddy I wouldn’t keep you out late!”

  Giggling, Lauren picked up her salad fork and went to town. It didn’t take Lauren long to figure out that I had the food catered from her favorite restaurant in Fredericksburg, Pasta Bella. The second they placed the manicotti with garlic mushroom and alfredo sauce down in front of her she snapped her he
ad up at me with her mouth gaped open in surprise. “Pasta Bella?”

  Winking, I motioned for her to eat. “I know how much you love that place.”

  Taking a bite, Lauren rolled her eyes and let out a moan. “Oh my glitter. This is so good. It gets better every single time. How did you do this?”

  “I have my ways.”

  Tittering, Lauren shoved a hefty bite into her mouth. We spent the rest of dinner talking about the girl’s trip. I was scared shitless and I know Luke and Will were also, but we couldn’t treat them like little girls. They were grown women and I had to just let go of the fear.

  Leaning back in her chair, Lauren looked full and happy. “You feel like going on an surprise adventure?”

  Watching her eyes light up, she leaned forward and rested her chin on her hand and asked, “What kind of adventure?”

  “It wouldn’t really be a surprise if I told you what kind of adventure it was, now would it.”

  “Mmm . . . that’s true but I’d be willing to forego the surprise part of it.”

  Laughing, I stood and held out my hand. “Come on, let’s get the second part of the evening started.”

  Taking my hand, Lauren and I walked to the truck. “Oh wait, Colt what about all that stuff in the barn. Don’t we need to help them clean it all up?”

  Shaking my head I kept walking. “Nope, I’ve got it all taken care of.” I’d worked the two weekends we’d been back home by hauling hay for one of my father’s friends. He paid me handsomely, even though I busted my ass working for him for four days. The money I made hauling and loading the hay I used to pay for this evening’s meal.

  Opening my truck door, I helped Lauren in. Reaching across I pulled the seat belt around and buckled her in. “If I didn’t think your daddy might be watching I’d totally slip my hand up those shorts of yours.”

  Licking her lips, Lauren squirmed in her seat. “Baby, are you horny?” I asked as I winked.

  Glancing up at her house, Lauren looked back at me. Her eyes pierced mine and I could see just how much she wanted me when her blue eyes turned dark. “Just tell me we’ll be together tonight, Colt. I miss being with you.”

  We’d only managed to make love twice since we had been home from college, mostly because I was splitting up my time between my father’s cattle ranch, and Scott’s breeding business. I wouldn’t change any of it though. I loved the work. It just kept me away from Lauren. Which really sucked. Tonight I planned on being with Lauren come hell or high water.

  We drove along in silence for a bit before Lauren spoke. “We’re heading into town?”


  “Where to?”

  Grinning, I kept looking ahead. I knew what she was doing. “You’ll see when we get there.”

  Letting out a frustrated breath, she asked, “Have I been there before?”

  Turning to her, I didn’t know the answer. It had never occurred to me that another guy might have thought of the same thing and taken her up there. I had almost taken Rachel once, but decided against it. I knew it was because I had always wanted to take Lauren. “I’m ah . . . I’m not sure. If you have, it wasn’t with me.”

  Lauren’s eyebrows pinched together, as if the idea of being somewhere without me bothered her.

  “Oh,” she said as she turned and stared out the front window. I could almost feel the anxiety practically pouring off of her.

  “Have you been to this place with anyone else?”


  Peeking over to her, she was smiling.

  We remained silent until I parked near the cities main water tower. Putting the truck into park, I reached into the backseat and grabbed the bag that contained everything I needed to complete this evening.

  Glancing out the window, Lauren turned back to me. “W-what are we doing here? I thought we were going on an adventure.”

  Giving her my best panty-melting smile, I nodded my head. “We are. There is a reason I told you to dress in sneakers, sweetheart.”

  Jumping out of my truck, I jogged around it and stopped when I saw Lauren looking straight up. I wasn’t sure if it had clicked yet or not.

  “Wow, look at the stars tonight. Even with the lights from town, you can still see the stars so good.”

  Nope. She had no clue. Taking her hand, I walked over to the ladder. Pulling on my arm, Lauren attempted to get me to stop walking. “Colt. Oh my gosh no! We’ll get in trouble if we climb the water tower!”

  Giving her a slight pull, I laughed. “No we won’t. Blake is working tonight and I gave him a heads up my truck would be parked here and that I was taking my girl on an adventure.” Blake was one of Luke’s best friends from high school. He was one of the sheriffs working for Mason County. And he owed me a favor. I saved his ass one night when his truck broke down and he wanted to take Colleen Mitchell out on a date. He begged to borrow my truck and I let him.

  Stopping at the ladder, I held my hand out. “Ladies first.” I could see the excitement dancing in her eyes. Lauren started up the ladder as I followed. Once we got to the top, Lauren let out a gasp. “Wow, look at the stars from up here! It’s beautiful.”

  Smiling, I dropped my head back. The light breeze blowing kept it cool, but not too cool. “Thank goodness you’re not afraid of heights,” I said with a chuckle.

  Lauren nodded her head and said, “Yeah, you lucked out on that one.”

  Reaching into the bag, I pulled out the quilt and spread it down. The lower deck of the tower was wide enough for us to practically lie down up here. Once I got it spread out, Lauren sat down and looked all around. “Colt, this is perfect. I feel like it’s just the two of us.”

  Reaching down, I lifted her hand and placed the back of it softly against my lips. Using my tongue I drew a pattern onto the back of her hand. Lauren’s lips parted open as her tongue darted out to lick her lips.

  Keeping my eyes on her, I kept up the motion. Lauren clearly enjoyed it. The moon was casting light onto her beautiful face as her eyes watched my tongue move across her skin. “Colt,” she whispered.

  Slowly and gently, I placed soft kisses up her arm. Pulling her closer to me, Lauren straddled me as she wrapped her legs around me. “Don’t . . . let me . . . fall,” she said as her eyes met mine.

  Smiling softly, I whispered, “Never.”

  Lauren leaned in and took my lower lip between her teeth and gently bit down on it. Letting out a moan, my dick pressed between her legs. Lauren’s hand moved gently up and down my back as she rocked against me.

  “Fucking hell, Lauren. I want you.” Slipping my fingers in her shorts, Lauren let out a whimper.

  Moving faster, Lauren pressed her lips to mine again as our kiss turned hungry. I had no idea if anyone was walking by and if there was, could they tell what we were doing? Lauren began whimpering softly into my mouth.

  “Oh, Colt. Colt, I’m going to come.”

  Pulling her in closer, Lauren fell apart as I swallowed her moans. My dick was throbbing in my pants I wanted her so damn bad. This was about Lauren, not me. Pulling her lips from mine, Lauren dropped her head into the crook of my neck as she attempted to gain control of her breathing.

  “I love you, Colt Mathews.”

  Shutting my eyes tightly, I pulled my hand out of her shorts and I wrapped my arms around her tighter. “I love you too, Lauren.”

  Sitting like that for about five minutes longer, neither one of us spoke. Lauren finally moved off of me and sat back down next to me. Her face flushed from her orgasm still. Letting out a nervous laugh she looked away. “I’m sorry. You just do things to me, Colt. Sometimes it feels like I can’t even control my own desire for you.”

  Placing my hand on the side of her face, she nuzzled into my palm. “I feel the same way, sweetheart. You’re my life, Lauren. You always have been, and you always will be.”

  Sliding onto my side, I wrapped my arm around her as we dropped back onto the quilt and looked up at the stars. “Colt?”

br />   “I still can’t push away the fear I have about Daddy’s business.”

  Closing my eyes I sucked in a breath before slowly blowing it out. “Lauren, I can tell Scott I’m going to be helping out my father this summer if—”

  Lauren quickly sat up. “No! No, I don’t want you to do that. I want you working for daddy. It’s just, I know him and I know he’s gonna be pushing me away and telling me I’m not ready and I don’t want to take that out on you. I’m so scared I’m going to pull away again.”

  Pulling her back down next to me, Lauren rested her head on my chest. “I won’t let you, Lauren.”

  “Promise me, Colt. Promise me you won’t let me push you away again.”

  Holding her tightly, I whispered, “I swear to you, Lauren. I’m never letting you go. Ever.” Reaching into the bag I pulled out the bracelet and took Lauren’s hand in mine.

  “Because I hold the key to your heart, and you hold the key to mine.” Slipping the bracelet over Lauren’s hand she let a sob escape between her lips.

  Holding it up, Lauren smiled. “Colt, this is perfect. So perfect.”

  Smiling, I pulled her to me and held her.

  “Are you excited about Colorado?” I asked.

  Nodding her head, Lauren said, “Yes. At the same time I feel sad though. I mean I really want to spend time with the girls, but I also want to spend time with you.”

  Kissing the top of her head, I smiled to myself. “I know what you mean. But y’all are going to have fun, sweetheart.”

  “I know. I’m so glad Taylor is going. She needs to cut loose in a big-time way.”

  Chuckling I held her tighter as we lay under the stars and talked about everything and anything. I’d never felt so whole in my life as when I was holding Lauren in my arms.

  “Colt?” Lauren whispered.

  Taking in a deep breath, I smelled sweet flowers from Lauren’s shampoo. Smiling, I kissed her head. “Mmm?”

  “Are you going to make love to me?”

  My heart dropped to my stomach and my dick instantly hardened. “I take it you’ve had enough of the stars.”


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