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Holding You

Page 25

by Kelly Elliott

  With her chin trembling, my mother pulled me to her and cried as my father wrapped both of us up in his arms. “Lauren, I don’t know what we would have done if we had lost you.”

  With my father holding us tightly, we cried softly together. I’d never felt so loved before in my life. It was as if I could feel my parents’ love pouring into me. I had to smile because I knew the moment they found out Colt and I were leaving to get married, they were not going to be so loving.

  Hearing Colt clear his throat, my father dropped his hold on my mother and me. Kissing me gently on the cheek. “You ready to head home, sweetheart?”

  Nodding my head, I turned to kiss my father, then my mother. “See you at home?”

  Giving me that smile that has made me feel safe since I could remember, my mother said, “Be careful driving, Colt.”

  Reaching out, Colt shook my father’s hand, then kissed my mother on the cheek. “Yes, ma’am.”

  Opening the door to his truck, Colt helped me up and buckled me in. Giving me that melt-my-panties smile, he placed his hand on the side of my face and whispered, “You’re forever mine, Lauren Ashley Reynolds.”

  Becoming acutely aware of my own heartbeat, my fingers ached with the need to touch Colt. “Care to make that Lauren Ashley Mathews?” Colt’s eyes turned dark as his mouth opened slightly. A shiver ran across my entire body.

  “When?” Colt asked in a whispered kiss against my lips.

  Slightly parting my legs, I internally begged for him to touch me. “As soon as we can,” I stuttered.

  Holding in his breath, Colt smiled as he pulled back and shut the door. Watching him jog around the front of his truck, I wiped my sweaty hands on my shorts. I wasn’t sure how I was going to be able to make it without being with him. It felt as if our connection had grown stronger since I had gotten sick.

  Jumping in, Colt reached over and hit play on this stereo. When his iPod started playing, I couldn’t help but smile when I heard “Say You Do” by Dierks Bentley begin playing. Colt had played it the night we shared our first real kiss. Ever since then, I must have listened to it at least twice a day.

  “I love this song,” I said as I turned to Colt. Smiling, he nodded his head and looked back at me.

  “I know.”

  Leaning my head back, I felt my body warm. Just being with Colt and knowing he was going to wrap me up in his arms when we got home had my heart fluttering. Closing my eyes, I slowly drifted off to sleep.

  MY FATHER AND I rode along the fence line in silence. I’d been waiting for him to have this talk with me since Lauren came home from the hospital almost two weeks ago.

  Clearing his throat, I turned slowly and looked at him. His posture was rigid and I knew he had a lot on his mind. “Dad, I need to talk to you.”

  Nodding his head, he stared straight ahead. “I figured as much, son.”

  Letting out a long exhale, I decided the best thing to do was to just come out with it. “I’m not going back to A&M.”

  I held my breath while I waited for him to lay into me about how irresponsible I was being. Nodding his head, he kept riding as he stared straight ahead.

  Clearing his throat, my father began to speak. “This morning I was thinking about when Alex left for college a few years back. The mistake I made by pushing my plans on her and what happened in the end.”

  Stopping my horse, my father turned to face me. “Dad, what happened to Alex was not your fault or Alex’s fault.”

  Giving me a weak smile, my father let out a deep breath. “I know, Colt. But I vowed I would never step in and interfere with my kids’ lives again. I’m not going to lie, I’m disappointed you’re not going back, but at the same time I’ve never been more proud of you.”

  Pulling my head back in shock, my mouth dropped open. “Why?”

  Letting out a gruff laugh, he continued to talk. “Why? Well for one, you knew what meant the most to you and that was Lauren. When your coach told you to either be at the game or lose your starting spot, and you picked staying with Lauren . . . well . . .” Shaking his head and smiling slightly, he said, “It showed how much you love Lauren and would do anything for her. Don’t think Scott and Jessie don’t know that, Colt. They know what you walked away from and they couldn’t be more proud of you as well.”

  “I love her, Dad. The thought of losing her did something to me. It . . . I don’t know . . . it changed the way I think about everything, not just football and college. Lauren getting sick and almost dying showed me that each day is a gift and I don’t want to take it for granted. I don’t want to miss a minute of anything.”

  Giving me a smile, he looked away as if he was thinking about what he was going to say next. Before looking back at me he asked, “Your plans?”

  This was it. I’d already had this conversation with Scott and Jessie this morning with Lauren. Now it was time for my father. “This morning I spoke with Scott and Jessie.” He nodded as if he knew this bit of information. “Lauren had already decided she was not returning to school. Scott and Jessie didn’t argue with her at all. I think they’re just happy she’s here, ya know?”

  “I can’t even begin to imagine what that was like for them, so yes, I totally understand their thinking.”

  Fidgeting in the saddle, I ran my hand over my head and let out a sigh. Holy hell. I was going to tell my father I wanted to quit school and work for Scott full time. What would he do? Laugh? Shout? Tell me I was out of my damn mind? Taking in a deep breath, I slowly blew it out. “I’m going to work for Scott full time, Dad. I’m not going back to A&M. I’ve asked Lauren to marry me, and I honestly don’t want to waste anymore time. I know what you’re going to say, and well, I just hope that you and Mom will be able to—”

  Holding up his hands to get me to stop talking, he laughed. “Colt, my gosh, will you give me a chance to respond before you go into full-blown defensive mode.”

  Shaking my head, I looked down to clear the thoughts running rampant in my head. “Right, of course. Sorry, Dad.”

  “May I talk now?”

  Giving him a weak smile, I motioned for him to talk. “Your mother and I already saw this coming, Colt. Neither one of us can fault you for wanting to embrace each day as it comes. Would we like to see you finish school? Of course we would, but this is your life. The path you choose to go down is your own. I want you to know, your mother and I support Lauren and yours decision one hundred percent.”

  My eyes widened and I was at a loss for words. I’d never in a million years expected my father to be so understanding. “W-what about football, Dad?”

  Tilting his head and looking at me like I’d grown another head he whispered, “Football?”

  “Yeah, I know it was always your dream to have me play, and if I don’t go back to A&M, that dream is over.”

  My father’s eyes filled with tears as he quickly looked away and shook his head. “Colt, it’s not about my dreams; this is about your life.” Turning back to look at me, I saw the love in his eyes. My heart felt as if it would burst knowing just how supportive my mother and father were. “No matter if you go back and play football for A&M or stay on and work full time with Scott, I need you to know I’m so proud of the young man you’ve become. You inspire me each and every day, son.”

  Feeling my jaw tremble, I turned away to get my wits about me. I wasn’t about to breakdown and cry in front of my father. Closing my eyes and getting a hold of my feelings, I glanced back at the man who I admired more than any other person on this planet. “Thank you, Dad. You’ll never know how much your words mean to me.”

  Giving me a smile and a wink, he leaned closer and said, “So I’m going to safely guess that you and Lauren have planned a trip . . . Vegas maybe?”

  Tipping my head to the side, I whispered, “How’d you know?”

  Throwing his head back and laughing, he shook his head. “You don’t think I was your age once? The idea of marrying your mother was so overwhelming, I can’t even begin to tell you how many t
imes I wanted to whisk her away and marry her. You’re smart doing it this way. Plus it will save your mother and me the stress of another wedding.”

  Letting out a laugh, I followed my father as he kicked his horse to start walking. “Just do me one favor, Colt.”

  “Anything, sir.”

  Peeking over at me from under the brim of his hat, his blue eyes pierced mine. “Let the idea of Alex having a baby fully settle in before you and Lauren think of having any kids.”

  Letting out a chuckle, I nodded my head and said, “Yes, sir. We’re in no hurry for kids right now. Lauren’s gotten pretty much all of her strength back and is feeling normal again. I think our goal is to focus on each other.”

  Letting his shoulders drop into a relaxed position he laid his head back and sighed in relief. “Thank you, God.”

  LYING IN BED, I stared up at the ceiling. As much as I had been dying to make love to Lauren, I wanted to make sure she was feeling one hundred percent better. Being near her was beginning to take its toll on me. Lauren had come over to my parents’ house for dinner tonight and every time she laughed, my dick jumped. The smell of her perfume caused my stomach to dip in that crazy way it does when you’re on a roller coaster. The way she kept smiling at me with that adorable smile of hers was enough to keep me forcing myself to keep my hands at my side. Being with Lauren was more than a physical thing; she made me feel whole when we were together.

  Closing my eyes, I could still taste her on my lips. It was almost as if they were still tingling from the kiss good-bye she gave me.

  Reaching over to the side table, I grabbed my phone. Lauren should be back home by now.

  Me: Marry me.

  Lauren: I’m pretty sure I already said yes.

  Me: Marry me now. I don’t want to wait any longer.

  Lauren: If we left now, we could be married in twenty-four hours.

  My heart felt as if it leapt from my chest. Smiling, I hit Lauren’s number.

  “Hello there, handsome.”

  Grinning, I sat up. “Pack a bag, Ms. Reynolds. I’m taking you to Vegas.”

  “Mmm . . . I’m not sure. I mean, we aren’t even twenty-one, what are we going to do there?”

  Holding back my laughter, I said, “We can play strip poker in our hotel room after I make you Mrs. Colt Mathews.”

  I heard a noise and Lauren yelled out. “Shit! I stubbed my little toe!”

  Laughing, I got up and walked to my closet as I grabbed a duffle bag. “Well?”

  “Ouch. That really hurt, Colt!” Lauren whined.

  “How about I kiss it for you?”

  Lauren sucked in a breath of air, then let out a soft moan. “I’m packing right now. I’ll be ready in a couple of hours.”

  The phone line went dead as I pulled it away from my ear and looked at it. Laughing, I shook my head and quickly packed a bag, then headed down to talk to my parents.

  Holy shit. I’m going to marry Lauren.

  RUNNING DOWN THE stairs I called out for my mother. “Mom! Mom!”

  Stepping out of my father’s office, my mother hummed as she made her way into the living room. “What’s up?”

  Skidding to a stop in front of her, I stared at her. What’s up? She wants to know what’s up? Oh, just the man of my dreams is taking me to Vegas to get married and play strip poker! That’s all! Okay, so maybe I won’t mention the strip poker.

  Attempting to keep the panic out of my voice, I said, “I need a dress! Mom, I need a white dress stat!”

  Well, so much for keeping the panic out of my voice.

  A smile slowly played across her face. “Why white?”

  Sucking my lower lip into my mouth, I felt my face flush. “Colt’s taking me on a little road trip to Vegas.”

  Her face was blank. I couldn’t read it at all and I wasn’t sure if that was a good thing or a bad thing. “Lauren, I know you got the all clear from Dr. Cunningham, but are you up for a road trip, darling?”

  My eyes widened as my father walked up and stood next to my mother. “Mom! Colt wants to marry me. Of course I’m up for a road trip.”

  Wrapping his arm around my mother’s waist, my father chuckled. “Jessie, she’s been home for two weeks, I’m sure she’ll be fine. Where are you going, Lauren?”

  Glancing over to the clock, I blew out a breath of air. Colt would be here soon. “Vegas, and I really need a white dress, Mom.”

  My mother’s eyes began to water. I was slightly stunned they didn’t seem more shocked. “You’re eloping,” my mother whispered as she placed her hand on the side of my face.

  “Yes!” my father said with a fist pump as my mother turned and gave him a horrified look.

  “Scott! Our baby girl is wanting to run off to Vegas and get married.”

  Looking at my mother and then me, my father shrugged his shoulders. “What? We knew they were going to be getting married soon, they both said so, and why can’t they elope?”

  Placing her hands on her hips, my mother gave my father an angry look. “Scott Reynolds, you just don’t want to plan a wedding.”

  Laughing, he looked at me and winked. “Nonsense. I’ll throw them the biggest reception ever thrown in Mason County.”

  Throwing myself at my father, I whispered, “Thank you, Daddy. Thank you for being so understanding.” Pulling back, he kissed me on the forehead.

  “You’ll always be my little girl though.”

  Nodding, I whispered, “Always.”

  “Wait. Wait just a second. I can’t . . . I mean . . . well—” Closing her eyes, my mother turned from me. When I heard her sniffle, I placed my hand on her arm.


  Turning to me, she wiped her tears away. “It’s just I always dreamed you’d be walking down the stairs on your father’s arm and getting married here, surrounded by your family and friends.”

  My eyes burned with the threat of tears. “Mom,” I whispered, “that’s your dream, not mine. The only thing I want is to start my life with Colt, and this is what we both want.”

  Nodding her head, she wiped her tears away. “I know, Lauren. Will you at least let us throw y’all a reception?”

  Quickly wiping my tears away, I smiled. “I’d love that. But what I’d love even more is if we could raid your closet for a white dress!”

  Smiling, she took me by my arm and led me to her bedroom. Glancing over my shoulder I said, “Daddy, when Colt gets here, will you keep him entertained?”

  Giving me a wicked smile, he chuckled. “Oh for sure. I have a few things I want to talk to my future son-in-law about.”

  Getting ready to protest, my mother pulled me into her room and headed to her closet.

  Pushing some dresses out of the way, my mother smiled as she said, “I have the perfect dress!”

  My stomach began flipping and dipping in every possible way imaginable as I thought about marrying Colt. My mother pulled out a white strapless lace dress and held it up in front of me. It was beautiful. The length and style of the dress was perfect. “Oh, Mom this dress is perfect.”

  Tears began to build in my eyes as I attempted to hold them back but couldn’t. Turning to my mother, I lost it when I saw the tears rolling down her face. Pulling me into her arms, we both cried. “Lauren, I can’t believe you’re getting married.”

  Squeezing my eyes shut tightly, I mumbled, “I know.”

  Taking a step back, I held the dress up and shook my head. There was something about it. It was so simple, yet elegant. Colt is going to love me in it and I bet my boobs are going to look amazing!

  “You know, when you were little, you used to put this dress on and line up all your dolls and teddy bear. Your father used to have to walk you down the aisle and then pretend to marry you to your Prince Charming.”

  Looking down at the dress, I smiled. “Oh my glitter! I remember that. Mr. Snuggles used to always be my Prince Charming.”

  Letting out a giggle, I looked at my mother who had a stunned expression on her face. She slowly br
ought her hand up to her mouth and let out a small sob. “What’s wrong, Mom?”

  Laughing, she dropped her hand and gazed into my eyes. “Lauren, do you remember who gave you Mr. Snuggles?”

  Stopping to think about it, I looked away. My breath caught as the butterflies fluttered in my stomach when it hit me.

  “Colt,” I whispered.

  My mother placed her hands over her mouth in an attempt not to cry again. With a disbelieving voice I attempted to tell the story of when Colt gave me the bear. “It was in our place, the treehouse, for my seventh birthday.”

  My mother nodded her head. “You wanted a tea party and we set it all up under the tree. After everyone left, Colt took you by the hand and led you to the treehouse, then gave you his gift.”

  Placing my hand over my stomach, I let my tears fall freely. “Oh my . . . the man was romantic even back then! I just didn’t know it.”

  Letting out a chortle, my mother said, “You must have because you married that stupid bear over and over at least fifty times.”

  Looking into my mother’s loving eyes, I was lost in the moment. My skin felt as if tingles were moving up and down my body, my heart was beating quickly and I felt breathless. “Mom, it’s like everything has come full circle. Colt truly is my prince charming who saved me.”

  “Oh, sweetheart.”

  Walking into my mother’s arms, we stood there for a few minutes and cried. It was then I realized my mother wouldn’t be with me on the day I married my prince charming. My heart physically ached.

  When I finally came to my senses, I heard Colt and my father talking. Chewing on my bottom lip I said, “I better go finish packing.”

  Lacing her arm with mine she nodded her head. “I’ll help.”

  Racing through the living room, I yelled out over my shoulder, “I’ll be a few more minutes!”

  Colt and my father laughed as I heard my mother say, “We found the perfect dress.”


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