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Beneath Our Faults

Page 18

by Charity Ferrell

  A cherry red convertible was parked in front of his house and the driver's side door immediately opened as soon as Keegan put the car in park. A high-heeled boot popped out of the car before I saw the rest of the driver's body. Her slender body emerged and I rolled my eyes. Piper was clearly dressed to impress because it was raining outside and she was wearing a cocktail dress. She definitely didn't look the part of a teenage girl who just found out she was knocked up.

  My eyes moved to him as Piper got closer. "Call me later," I told him, leaning for my bag. I wasn't going to be a witness to their upcoming conversation.

  "Daisy," he breathed out, reaching for me. My eyes hit his. His hair was rustled from his hands being run through them and tiny droplets of water were still around his hairline. "Please stay," he asked, with sad eyes. "You need to stay. I don't want her to lie about whatever is about to happen in there. She will and then you will get mad at me again for something I didn't even fucking do. You need to stay," he finished with sadness in his voice.

  "Okay," I nodded, leaning forward to wipe away any rain left on his face. "I'll stay."

  He gave me a forced smile when Piper's overly-made up face popped up in front of his and her bony fingers knocked on the window softly to get his attention. The window squeaked as Keegan rolled it down and looked at her. "I'm not having his conversation in front of her," she insisted, with a dismissive wave of her hand towards me.

  I watched his face turn to granite and his deep green eyes turned dark. "A little too late for that. You already brought her into this bullshit by feeding her lies so shut it."

  "I haven't lied about anything!" Piper agued back, sounding sure of herself.

  "Right Piper," he snarled in a voice to chill the bone marrow. "Let's just get this over with. Move," he demanded and Piper scurried back away from the door. Keegan swore under his breath, throwing open his door and grabbing the bag he threw in the backseat from the store. I followed his lead, opening my door and walking to the front door with Piper hot on my trail. He didn't stop his rapid step until all three of us reached his kitchen.

  He tossed the bag on the counter and pulled out a small rectangular box. It made a small thump when he tossed it onto the counter where Piper was standing. Her face went blank as her eyes took in the pregnancy test lying in front of her.

  "You know where the bathroom is," he informed her, pointing down the hallway. "Go.”

  "I don't need to use the restroom," she answered, crossing her arms in front of her and the fifty bracelets around her wrists dangled together. His body twisted around and he took the few steps to the fridge. Grabbing a water, he shut the fridge harshly and slammed the bottle down in front of her.

  "Drink up," he ordered, unscrewing the cap for her.

  She scrunched her bright pink lips together. "Come on, Keegan. You can't be serious.”

  He leaned against the counter leveling his gaze on her. "Does it look like I am joking? Am I smiling?" He screamed, pointing to his lips. "Take the test or admit you are a lying bitch," he demanded and Piper's face dropped at the realization she wasn't going to be able to flaunt herself out of this one.

  "And while you're at it," he demanded, grabbing the test and holding it out to her. "Tell Daisy the truth about the Christmas party. Tell her I didn't lay a fucking hand on your body even when you practically begged to suck my cock," he seethed, the muscles ticking in his jaw.

  She gulped and both of our mouths flew open.

  "And I will never touch you ever again," Keegan continued, adding more force to his already painful punches.

  "Screw you," Piper said nervously, snatching the box from his hands and stomping out of the room and slamming the bathroom door shut.

  Keegan cleared his throat. "Baby," he whispered softly, stopping in front of my still body. Two fingers pressed under my chin forcing my eyes up to meet his. "I swear to you on everything I didn't do shit with her that night." His eyes searched mine for reassurance.

  I bit the inside of my cheek. "I honestly don't know what to believe anymore," I responded, keeping our eye contact. "What if she comes back and the test is positive?" My heart wretched at my words.

  His shoulders went tense. "If that test comes back positive, it's not mine," he insisted. "I just need you to trust me, baby. Please, just trust me."

  "Vomit," Piper's voice sneered and I backed away from him. Her high heels clicked across the hard floor and she stopped in front of the island and tossed the stick down in front of Keegan. "Here you go, we just need to wait until the sign shows up."

  My hands ached to throw the test in the trashcan and not see the results. Keegan leaned into the stick, glanced at it then looked back at me. "Look at that," he cursed, grabbing the stuck in his hand. Gross, didn't he know that her nasty urine was all over that thing. "Negative, how surprising."

  "It's just one test. It doesn't mean anything. Tests depend on how strong the hormones are in the urine and not all tests are accurate," Piper snarled, rubbing her hands over to eyes, trying to hide the redness forming.

  Keegan's hand snagged the bag, dumping out the rest of the contents in front of her. A pile of pregnancy tests spilled out over the counter top. "I will sit here with you all night and have you take every one of these tests until one comes up positive or you admit you're fucking lying.” The loud boom of his hand hitting the counter violently echoed through the room. "It's your call, Piper but the longer I have to wait, the more pissed I will be."

  Fresh tears began to surface when she moved her hands away from her eyes. "I'm in love with you," she sobbed, almost pleading with him. "You know we would be perfect together. Why her," her hands shot out indicating my way. "What could she possibly have that I don't?"

  Keegan snarled. "For starters, she has me which is something you will never fucking have! Daisy is mine and I am hers. You belong nowhere in our lives."

  Piper took a step back, staring at her feet at the verbal smack down he just delivered. Tears of defeated blinded her eyes and she picked up the pregnancy test before launching it at him. I shuddered, wishing they both would just leave the damn urine stick alone. Keegan moved to the side dodging the pee stick and it fell on the floor in front of my feet.

  "Stupid bitch," Piper screeched at me, running her hand down the counter, scraping the rest of the tests on the floor before stomping out of the room and dismantling everything in her path.

  "DO YOU believe me now," I asked Daisy, propping my face up with my elbows. When the words "you're going to be a daddy" left her mouth in the car, a million emotions started scrambling through my mind. I knew if I ever became a father, I wouldn’t be like mine. My kid would never be a bastard. I wasn’t certain I would be a great dad if that time ever came but I wouldn’t run away.

  "It wasn't that I didn't believe you-" she started explaining herself, but I rudely cut her off.

  "Yeah, thought we weren't going to lie to each other.”

  "We aren't," she said.

  "You just lied," We both twisted around, looking down at the floor at the jingling noise coming through the hallway. My eyes caught Theo strolling into the kitchen, his furry paws stopping at Daisy's feet before jumping up. His scrawny little legs only hit her ankles. Bending down at the waist, she picked him up in her arms, giving him a kiss on the top of his head.

  "I was just uncertain on what to believe," she explained. “Here I was, taking my clothes off for gym and Piper starts saying she’s pregnant with your baby.”

  "Are you always going to think the worst about me?" I exhaled, laying my head down on the counter between my arms before raising it back up promptly. "Wait, what did you just say you were doing when Piper approached you?"

  Theo squirmed in her arms. "Changing my clothes?" She asked, looking unsure of what exactly I was asking.

  "You said you were taking your clothes off," I corrected her, sliding off the stool and moving towards her.

  I was inches away from reaching her when her phone started ringing and she grabbed it out of
her pocket. "Shit, I gotta go," she informed me, sitting Theo back down on the floor, resulting in a whine grumbling from him.

  "Nu uh," I muttered, taking the few steps and wrapping my arms around her waist. "You're not going anywhere," My lips brushed her neck softly as I ran my arms over her stomach stopping just under her chest, tracing the edges of her bra.

  She stopped me, holding me back by the shoulders. "I have to babysit Sophia, remember?"

  I groaned, kicking my feet against the floor. "Just great. A guy finds out he's not having a baby by a woman he despises then has to go babysit five minutes later. Fuck my life."

  "You love Sophia, plus you promised dinner,” she reminded me, leading me out the front door.

  "If the little monster tries to make me wear a tutu again at one of her tea parties again, I'm leaving." I muttered behind her.

  "Yeah right, she has you wrapped around her tiny finger,” she laughed, whirling her finger around and cutting through my yard.

  I WAS an idiot. I cursed myself for what I was about to do. "We can't do this." The words struggled to make their way out of my throat. Pressing my hands into the curve of her hips, I stopped her. "If Sophia comes in here, she'll start acting like her Barbies are us in a very compromising situation."

  Daisy giggled, ignoring my protest and swinging her legs over to straddle my lap. "Lucky for us, Sophia is a heavy sleeper," she whispered, leaning forward and kissing me behind my ear. Dropping my head back against her headboard, I groaned at the friction of her body grinding slowly against my wakening cock. My hands crept forward, sliding them down her back before inching under the hem of her shirt. Her skin felt like silk under my fingertips. Her teeth sunk into her bottom lip when I flipped open the clasp at the front of her bra. She moved into me harder as I skimmed the soft curve of her boobs then inched my way back down her silky skin.

  "Why do you love to torture me," she rasped, trying to grab my hands to put them where she wanted but I wasn't allowing it. In spite, she grinded against me again, this time rotating her hips.

  "No baby," I answered, groaning again at her grinding. "I'm pretty sure you're the one doing the torture here." My finger curved around the edge of her shirt, pulling it up over her stomach. Daisy's hands immediately flew up, allowing me to pull it over her head and toss it on the floor. Now, the only thing blocking me from having my mouth on her delicious nipples was a lacey, red bra hanging loosely down her shoulders, one side giving me a fascinating peek of what I wanted.

  "Uh yea, this shit has got to go," I grumbled, dragging the thin straps down her arms and throwing it on the floor to join her shirt. Leaning forward, my tongue swiped down the middle of her cleavage, feeling her body lightly shudder against it. Shit, my girl might be embarrassed about talking about sex but she sure as hell had no problem enjoying it. She fucking loved it.

  "Your skin is so soft," I muttered, moving my tongue from her cleavage over one nipple while my palm worked the other one.

  Her body continued bucking against mine, moving her hips over and over. I couldn't remember the last time I had dry sex with someone. I was usually a 'get their panties off and get to it' kinda guy. Clasping my hands around her hips, I didn't stop her this time, only flipped us over so I hovered over her on my elbows. She fell against the mattress, one hand draped across her breasts with the other one covering her stomach.

  I paused, cocking my head to the side in confusion. My mouth and hands had been everywhere on her body but now she was trying to hide? "Baby, what's the deal?"

  "I know what I'm not your usual type," she answered, looking at the ceiling instead of me.

  "Daisy, look at me," I demanded, pushing her soft hair from her face and running my hands over her cheeks. She blinked a few times before her eyes met mine. "You're fucking beautiful, do you hear me? You have the most amazing body I have ever laid eyes on." She shivered as I ran my hands down her legs. "Your skin is the softest I have ever touched. You’re perfect to me and that's all that matters. Piper wouldn't be giving you shit if she didn't feel threatened. She knows, everyone knows, you’re all that I want." I watched her mouth part and I ran my thumb along the opening between her luscious lips.

  "Okay," she whispered, biting down on my thumb. I looked down at her in question and she nodded, pulling her hands away from the perfection I wanted to feast my eye upon. Tugging at the drawstring of her sweatpants, I dragged them down, revealing a pair of red, sparkly panties. My index fingers hooked in the sides of her underwear, gently running them down her perfectly sculpted legs. Throwing her panties, along with her pants, on the floor, I leaned back on my knees devouring her body with my eyes.

  I traced every curve of her body with my fingertips, showing her my appreciation of her giving me the pleasure of having her body. My hands turned into my tongue, tasting every inch of her, taking ownership of her body. I groaned against the sweet scent of her skin, relishing a mixture of coconut and chocolate. Pleasing this girl pleased me.

  "Why am I the only one who seems to ever have their clothes off?" Daisy said suddenly, grabbing me by my ears to lift my head up from between her legs. "I'm beginning to be at an unfair advantage." My eyes shot up, giving her a mischievous smile.

  "That can be an easy fix, baby," I grinned, moving back to give her room as she pushed forward. Grabbing the hem of my shirt in her knuckles, she pulled it over my head frantically. My breathing heightened, closing my eyes halfway when she began inching her fingers below the jeans I swallowed, unsure of where she was going with this, but hoping to go she was going to do something quick before I exploded. I needed her to touch me.

  Unbuckling my jeans with both hands, she slid them halfway down my legs and palmed me through my boxers. I groaned at the anxiousness of wanting to feel us skin to skin. Every muscle in my body locked up when she slid her hand into the waistband of my boxers and began to stroke me slowly. It was torturous but fucking nirvana at the same time.

  My head fell back as I pushed forward in sync with her stroking and fought the urge to pull her hand away from my cock, lay her down and plunge deep inside of her.

  "Hold on," I rasped out, grabbing her wrist. "If you don't stop, I'm going to burst."

  "Isn't that how it's suppose to happen?" She asked, questionably, stroking me once more.

  "Yes," I groaned, sinking my teeth into my lower lip, "but ladies first." I wasn't about to get off without her. Every man who’s not a dumbass knows to make sure the girls gets theirs before we get ours.

  She stopped stroking and looked up at me from her dark eyes that reminded me of staring at the dark night. Sliding to the top of her bed, she laid down and did a "come hither" gesture with her finger. Sliding on top of her, I kissed her before sliding down her stomach and in between her legs.

  "No," she argued, stopping my hand right before it went inside of her wetness. I pulled back, looking up at her confused.

  "I want you," her tiny voice clarified, swaying her hips against the bed.

  "Are-are you sure?" I gulped. Was this really about to fucking happen? I wanted to pinch myself but my hands were to selfish to move away from her body.

  Leaning forward, she grabbed my neck and pulled me down to her mouth. "I'm positive. Are you going to make me beg, Mr. Montgomery?"

  "Fuck no," I answered, smashing my mouth into hers. Our tongues slid easily against each other’s. The quiet space became filled with our quick breathing and heavy moans. Her nails raked down my back, stopping at my waist to pull my boxers down. Helping her, I kicked them off until they fall to the floor.

  "Do you have protection?" She breathed out, our lips still attached.

  "Yeah," I groaned, cursing myself for not getting that shit before. Pulling away from her, I leaned down to give her a small peck before grabbing my pants and opening up my wallet. I always had a condom. Always. Without fail. If there was any advice I ever listened to from my mom, it was to always wrap it up.

  Grabbing the wrapper, I tossed my pants back on the floor and opened it w
ith my teeth. "You sure you're okay with this?" I asked, again and held my cock at her entrance. I looked down at the girl below me. Her dark eyes were half closed and her front teeth were sinking into her luscious lips, still moist with my saliva.

  She threw her palms against the bed. "Do you freaking do this to every girl you have sex with? Jesus! Yes, I am sure. I want you to have sex with me, Keegan! Do you believe me now!" Before I could answer, she grabbed my ass and pulled me into her. I slid into her warmness slowly, easing myself in. My head flew back and I groaned when I filled her. There was only one word to describe what it felt like inside of Daisy: perfection.

  I could feel how tight her walls were around me so I thrusted slowly. Her hips began to move underneath me, falling in sync with mine. I tried to manage my thrusting, but the louder her moans grew, the more frantic my thrusts grew.

  Goddamn, she felt so good and my dick was still angry at me from the vagina hiatus I had taken waiting for this moment. I was ready to explode and didn't give two shits if I lived this high for the rest of my life.

  My hands fell down against the bed and I interlaced our hands. "Please tell me you're close," I muttered, looking down at her and rotating my hips. She groaned in confirmation. I unattached one hand, moving it down between us and massaged her clit. I grinned like a fucking Cheshire cat when she found her release then shuddered as I found mine. Collapsing on top of her, I moved her hair away from her sweaty forehead.

  "That was fucking amazing," I choked out, into her ear, running my hands through her hair.

  She snuggled into me. "It was. Thank you."

  I looked at her incredulously. "You're thanking me?"

  "Yes," she answered, looking up at me. "You were gentle with me. It was just, well, nice." I got up, walking to the bathroom and tossing my condom into the toilet. She was covered up with the blanket when I walked back in.

  "Don't get shy on me now," I laughed, jumping back onto her bed. I ran my hand down her leg and felt my cock twitch. Shit, he was already rising for round two when her phone started ringing. "Ignore it," I insisted, climbing under the blanket.


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