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The Naughty Angel Returns (Naughty Angels In Love)

Page 7

by Honey Jans

  “She won't hear it from me,” Crispin said.

  Jaden nodded and reached into his jacket to pull out a snub-nosed revolver.

  Crispin let out a whistle. “Small but deadly.”

  “Got it out of my dad's gun safe. He's an old James Bond fan,” he said with a rueful grin, adding, “but it'll do the job, and I'm checked out on it.”

  Crispin heard the determination in the other man’s voice, saw the confident way he handled the piece, and relaxed a little. “I figured so.”

  “So we understand each other,” Jaden said with a grim smile. “The armed guards have orders that no one gets through who I don't know.”

  Crispin nodded as they came to an understanding. They wouldn't let anyone threaten their women. “So I can place her here if anything happens.” Like the killer taking him out, although he didn't say it.

  “You know it,” Jaden said. “Kiera feels like she's found another sister. I won't let anything jeopardize that. Besides, I owe you.”

  “So that's what's between them,” Crispin said thoughtfully. “They do act like sisters, and they only just met.”

  “I know, it must be a chick thing,” Jaden said with a shrug. “When you're together for a year like Kiera and I have been, you learn to just go with the flow. I don't question things at this point. I just try to keep my woman safe.”

  Crispin felt the same way. It wasn't for him to question the instant bond that Haley and Kiera had formed. It'd grown out of loss, and he could understand that. “I'm with you. Whatever keeps the ladies happy works for me.”

  * * * * *

  Haley watched the last of Kiera's happy party guests leave the shower. It had been fun and wonderful seeing how much her sister was loved. Seeing her parents again had been exhilarating, even though they hadn't known who she was. But it had felt good to see them on the road to recovery from her death. They'd looked tanned and healthy, just back from a cruise.

  For her part, Kiera was glowing after being the center of attention and so many well wishes. It was about damned time, Haley decided. Over the years Haley had gotten all the attention, and now she was mature enough to know that wasn't fair. It was good to know that her sister had come into her own.

  The guys were still downstairs, which gave them both some breathing room. When Kiera turned to look at her after the last guest left, Haley smiled. They'd have a few moments of girl talk before Crispin whisked her away. Maybe they could even bond as strangers; it would have to be enough. She'd caught her sister stealing peeks at her throughout the party, as if trying to figure her out all night long. Now her stare was downright penetrating, making Haley feel like a specimen on a microscope. “The party was fun. Thank you so much for inviting me,” she said, avoiding her sister's probing gaze.

  Kiera walked right up to her, caught Haley's chin in a gentle grasp, and forced Haley to look at her.

  Haley gave in to her sister's insistent but gentle touch, gazed into Kiera's silver-gray eyes, and let out a sigh. This wasn't going to be pretty.

  Kiera cocked her head. “You're Haley, aren't you?”

  Stunned, Haley couldn't speak for a moment as she gaped at her sister. This couldn't be happening. It was what she wanted, craved, but not this way. “Of course I'm Haley.”

  Kiera shook her head. “No. I mean my sister Haley.”

  Kiera's warm fingers tickled her under her chin in her secret ticklish spot, and Haley couldn't help giggling as tears ran down her cheeks. Her sister's eyes widened as she saw the telltale sign, and a jolt of awareness ran between them that lit up the room. Suddenly she could see her sister's aura glow pink and gold with joy, and she knew her own aura was doing the same happy dance.

  “Wow, it's like a rainbow in here,” Kiera said, looking at the glowing walls. “How are you making this light show happen, Sis?”

  “I don't know. I can't do any magic in human form.” Haley sighed. “Max. I didn't even blab it, and it's all going wrong.”

  “So Max is behind this,” Kiera said with a nod.

  “How do you know about Max?” Haley blurted out and then bit her lip in chagrin. Some secret agent she was turning out to be. Max would vaporize her any minute now.

  “You told me all about your guardian angel,” Kiera said gently. “You always did have the world's worst memory.”

  She saw the knowing look on her sister's face and knew there was no use denying it. Deep down, a part of her rejoiced in the reconciliation. She smiled. “The glow in the room is our auras blending,” she said, basking in the warm, reflective glow.

  “Awesome,” Kiera said, awed. “And the rest… It is you, isn't it?”

  Haley nodded, swallowing the lump of unshed tears in her throat. “Yes,” she said after a moment.

  “But how did you come back… Why?” Kiera asked with a sob. Then she threw her arms around Haley. “Oh hell, I don't care. You're here, and that's what counts.”

  Haley warmed as her sister hugged her tighter, hanging on for dear life. She hugged Kiera back, feeling like she'd really come home now. She had Crispin and her family. It couldn't get any better. Of course she still had a mission to complete. “The how is Max. The why is to fix things and stop the killer before he hits again.”

  Kiera let out a shocked gasp and let go of her to pull away and look deep into her eyes. “Tell me that jerk didn't send you here just to kill you off and leave me again. If I get my hands on that funky angel, I'll kick his stupid ass.”

  “Not so fast, Sis,” Haley said, wincing, knowing what they said counted. Heck, she'd already said too much, but she couldn't let her sister suffer for her sins. “And watch your mouth. You never know who's listening,” she said, looking furtively around her, relieved when no lightning bolt came out to strike her. She turned back to frown at her sister. “I volunteered for this mission.”

  Kiera's brow arched doubtfully. “I doubt that very much. It was more like the jerk drafted you for hazardous duty.”

  Haley couldn't help being stung by her sister's scorn. “You don't believe I'd make a sacrifice for others?” she said sadly. The old her probably wouldn't have, but she'd grown.

  “I didn't exactly say that,” Kiera said, biting her lip.

  Haley saw her sister's guilty flush and sighed. “I didn't mean anything by that, Sis. I just need you to look at me, really look at me, and see that I've grown up. I'm not the same silly, immature bitch I used to be. I've evolved, changed.”

  Kiera's eyes widened with knowledge as she looked at her. “And you've got a soul mate to protect.”

  Haley sucked in a shocked breath at the sure statement. “How did you know that?”

  Kiera shook her head. “I don't know. Maybe I guessed it after the way Crispin acts around you. And the way you look at him just like I look at Jaden. He's the one, isn't he?”

  Haley nodded as another secret came out.

  “So let me get this straight,” Kiera said. “You've got to protect your soul mate and apprehend the killer.”

  “All without breaking the rules,” Haley said with a shudder.

  “So who is he?” Kiera demanded.

  Haley shook her head. “That's the strictest rule. I can't name names or affect fate. Don't worry. He's slipping up, and I'll see that he gets caught.”

  “Well, hell,” Kiera said, slumping down on the couch. “I thought he was caught.”

  “No, that poor man was some nutcase who really thought he killed the girls, but it wasn't him. He's in spirit rehab right now, recovering.” Haley gazed at her sister. She wanted to shout Trevor's name from the rooftops. At that moment a warm glow filled the room, and there was a rude snort in the air.

  “When the jerk recalled you after you helped me save Jaden, and Trevor and Patsy were hauled away, I thought I'd never see you again.”

  “Me neither. Max deliberately drew a veil over your life. He said you and Jaden needed privacy to come together and grow as a couple.” She looked at her sister's baby bulge and smiled. “And I can see that he was rig

  Kiera smiled and gently stroked her belly. “At least he got that part right.”

  Haley looked at her sister with tenderness, her thoughts in a whirl. Would telling Kiera Trevor's identity protect her or just bring her danger? It was just on the tip of her tongue to spill everything, but she first needed to know a few things. “So how did things work out with Trevor? Is he still bothering you and Jaden?”

  “That's the best part. After he got out of the nuthouse and came back to work at the paper, he seemed like a changed man. Anyway, Trevor didn't care because he'd inherited a pile of cash from an aunt's estate. There's a restraining order against him at the paper. Jaden and I haven't seen him since. There are rumors that he's building a huge estate out of town and will be moving soon.”

  “That's good,” Haley said, “but please still watch out.”

  “Is he the one Max sent you to kill?” Kiera looked puzzled. “I mean…is he…? Could he be…?” She gasped. Haley looked at her, stricken; then she felt a ripple in the atmosphere.

  “It's not nice to talk about a spirit when he isn't around. Did I hear my name?” a mellow male voice said. “I've been busy on the other side, but I did drop by tonight to see how my protégé is doing.”

  “Oh my!” Kiera's jaw dropped open. “You have to be Max… Um, no human could be standing three feet off the ground!”

  Haley gasped and quickly turned to frown at her guardian angel. He was dressed in ragged cutoffs and a loud Hawaiian shirt. As usual, Max had lousy timing as well as rotten taste in clothes. Dang it. He was going to recall her, and she wasn't ready to go yet. “I couldn't help it if she recognized me, her own sister.”

  “Yeah, right,” he said, casting an amused glance at the auras that were still dancing on the walls. Then he threw his into the mix, silver and red, and created a dazzling tie-dye effect before letting the colors fade.

  Haley winced as the lights went out, and knew he had her dead to rights. She'd been willing her sister to see the real her, and it had happened. She'd even almost spilled the beans about Trevor. So why was she still here and not floating on a cloud or something? Kiera rushed to her, throwing her arms around her, then plopped down on the sofa.

  “What do you mean sending my sister back on a suicide mission?” Kiera asked angrily. “Are you completely without scruples? I thought angels were supposed to be good.”

  “Who says I'm that kind of angel?” Max said, gazing down at her. His amused expression softened when he saw her outrage. “Easy, little mama.”

  “Don't you 'little mama' me,” Kiera sputtered as she tried to hurl her very pregnant body off the sofa, and Haley and Max both moved to help her.

  Max got there first, steadying her on her feet.

  She elbowed him in the stomach, but Haley knew he could feel no pain. Still, Kiera stepped away from him, grumbling, “Take your hands off me, you bad angel. I'm mad at you.”

  “Settle down, you two,” Haley said, stepping closer. She turned to eye Kiera sternly. “You are not supposed to get excited in your condition.”

  “Tough noogies,” Kiera said, placing herself between Haley and Max. She glared up at the angel. “If you want my sister, you're going to have to go through me to get to her.”

  Haley let out a sigh. Yikes! First, she hadn't known a pregnant woman could move that fast. Second, she wondered what the penalty was for sucker punching an angel. She gazed up at Max and saw him grinning and relaxed. “Be nice and stop scaring my sister,” she said, placing her hands on Kiera's shoulders and gently easing her aside. “Please don't send me back, Max. I haven't finished my mission yet.”

  “You're not telling me anything I don't know,” he said grimly. “Earth time's ticking, tick tock, and yours is almost up.”

  “Please, I'll do anything to stay,” she said, laying it all on the line for him.

  “You mean that?” he asked, gazing at her solemnly.

  She nodded. “Every word… Just give me time to work and keep my loved ones safe.”

  “There's a penalty to be paid for indiscretion,” he said.

  She nodded, gulping back anger. “I'll pay it.”

  He nodded. “Fine. I'll hold you to your bargain,” he said, dissolving into glitter.

  Haley watched him twinkle away, wondering if she'd made a deal with an angel or a devil.

  Chapter Eight

  Haley sat quietly in the passenger seat as Crispin drove them home from the shower, still trying to absorb all that had happened. Her sister knew her! It made her feel like laughing and crying at the same time, but she didn't dare tell anyone. Still, it felt good to know that she had another ally, at least temporarily. When Max recalled her later, she knew he'd wipe Kiera and Jaden's memories of her even being there. It would be a comfort to her family and a pain to her, but she'd worry about that tomorrow. Tonight, with Crispin and Kiera on her side, how could she lose?

  She glanced at Crispin in the moonlight, from his chiseled profile to his sexy body, and felt herself drool as strong stirrings of heat and love went through her. What she wanted to do was jump his sexy bones. Taste him until he begged for mercy, and then make him beg some more. If only they didn't have FBI minders watching their every move, she'd have leaned over and taken him in hand. “Think we can lose our tail?” she asked, a rueful smile curving her lips. He seemed to freeze up before her eyes as if her question threw him. Then she noticed his watchful gaze scan the area around them for danger and groaned. Something was wrong. Shoot, what other monkey wrenches was fate going to throw their way?

  “Later, sugar,” he said in a distracted tone, adding playfully, “you're an impatient little minx tonight.”

  At the sexy signal, her fears abated. He was just being his macho self. Feeling playful, she reached over to give in to temptation and lightly stroke the rigid length of his cock in his pants, saying, “I'd like to show you just how impatient I can be.” He went rock hard, pulsing under her hand in an instant, while the rest of him tightened, and she knew she'd read him right the first time. The sultry glint in his eyes said his body was hers, but there was something stopping him. Crap! She looked back for the agents' nondescript dark sedan and saw only damp, empty streets. A shiver went through her as she realized they were gone, and she hadn't even noticed. Some crime fighter she was turning out to be. As a matter of fact, now that she thought about it, when they'd left the party she hadn't noticed them either. She'd been so sidetracked, it hadn't registered. They'd lost their protection detail. No wonder Crispin was suddenly all business. “What happened? Where did our minders go?”

  Crispin let out a sigh. “They caught him.”

  She let out a whoop of delight and spun to look at Crispin. It was the answer to a prayer. They caught Trevor! So why was Crispin looking so grim? “Tell me the rest.”

  “I was going to tell you when we got home.”

  She could tell by his tone that he thought she was going to be upset. “Tell me now. What's wrong?”

  “The FBI tracked Chad down at the airport. He had a lot of your cash on him and your account information. From what I hear, he was talking pretty crazy.”

  “Chad!” His name was so unexpected, she could only gape at Crispin for a moment. The troubled look he gave her in return spoke volumes. He thought she was still hung up on the aging surfer. The sexy reporter was actually jealous. She hid her smile. It was a good sign that he was actually starting to care for her, but she didn't want him to worry. “What does that loser have to do with any of this?” she asked, confused.

  He frowned. “In addition to the stolen cash, they caught him with some incriminating evidence at the airport.”

  She frowned up at him. Clearly she was missing something. “So?”

  He frowned. “He'd been driving a rented black SUV. One that had body damage.”

  Her eyes widened as she caught on. “He's the one who tried to run me down.”

  Crispin nodded. “Looks that way. As far as the FBI is concerned, the case is closed. The de
tail was pulled off the case earlier this evening.”

  “Right after we separated,” she added, seeing his eyes widen in surprise.

  “I'd ask how you knew, but you're psychic, right,” he said with a tender smile.

  “Something like that.” She smiled back at him, absorbing his words. Could Chad have been behind the attack at Indiscretions? “Max, help me out here,” she cried out mentally, but he gave her no reply. She let out a sigh.

  “What are you thinking about?” Crispin slanted a curious glance her way.

  “That the Feds are barking up the wrong tree.” She noticed a nerve pulse in his tight jaw and knew he was afraid of the same thing. “You don't believe it either, do you?”

  He frowned and reached out to touch her arm. “I'm just being paranoid as usual. But you've got to face facts. He robbed you, or at least tried to, and he had been driving a black SUV.”

  She saw him looking at her quizzically. The other Haley would probably have been outraged to have been robbed by an ex-lover. But she had more important things to worry about. “I don't care about the cash.”

  “Do you mean that?” he slanted a curious glance her way.

  It seemed to be her night to be asked that question, she decided, hiding a smile that he'd misinterpret. “Yes. I've found other things are much more important. And as for losing our FBI handlers, I'm glad. I trust you a heck of a lot more than them.”

  He smiled and turned onto a side road. “Do you mean that, sugar?”

  “Every word.” Haley held her breath as she became aware of the lane they were traveling down. She guessed exactly where they were going—Lover's Lane. She hadn't been out here since she watched the submarine races in high school. It tickled her; she had to give him an A for action. She couldn't help inching closer as she murmured, “I really trust you.”

  She heard him say something soft and sweet under his breath. Haley couldn't take her eyes off Crispin as he drove them along the lake. Then he pulled into a secluded area, and she quivered. The city lights twinkled below.


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