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Page 4

by Chris Adonn

  “How could I forget? You didn’t talk to me for ages.” It caught her off guard to note the tinge of resentment in her voice, but thankfully Michael didn’t seem to pick up on it. He seemed to be lost in his own recollections of that long ago time. He looked a little sad.

  As if a switch had flipped he was all smiles again. “What can I say, I was in a very dark place. Sadie Landry broke up with me ’cause I lost some of my ‘cool factor’ when my mother started dropping me off at school.”

  “You say that like it’s a bad thing. Sadie was a slut.” Yep, more of that resentment. She really should cut it out, but hell, Sadie had been a slut. A big skanky one.

  Michael grinned salaciously. “That’s why it was a bad thing. That girl gave terrific–”

  Not willing to hear more she got to her feet and glared down at him. “Oh shut up. I know exactly what she gave. I also know that she gave it to every guy on the basketball team when they made it to state finals.”

  “Every guy but me.”

  Julia smiled her first real smile of the night. Actually it was more of a smirk. “Yeah, and lucky for you, that was the reason you didn’t get suspended along with the rest of the team. In fact it was the reason your dad gave you your licence back. Your folks thought you were so mature and moral after that.”

  “Yes they did. And you and Kirst threatened to tell them the truth unless I tutored you both in advanced trig.”

  “I had nothing to do with that. It was all your sister.”

  Michael’s smile faded as he too got to his feet. “Is that why you ended up here tonight, Kirsten threatened you with something?”

  “No.” She fought down the urge to snigger. Maybe even giggle. “Kirst would never do that. I’ve got too much dirt on her. She bribed me. Told me you had great tickets to the game. I’d been too busy to buy any and by the time I tried to all the good ones had sold out.”

  Tapping his breast pocket Michael wiggled his eyebrows playfully. “Lucky for you I have a couple of very great tickets right here. Front row seats right behind the dugout and just the perfect distance from home plate. It doesn’t get much better than that when you want to be part of the action.”

  Trying to keep her expression serious she said, “I don’t know, Mike. It would mean having to sit next to you.”

  Playfully jabbing her in the ribs he grumbled, “You are still the cheekiest brat I know. So what do you say, Jules, you wanna go to the game with me?”

  Did she? In those fantastic seats? With Mike? Did she even have to think about it? “Hell yes!”

  “I thought you’d say that.” He unleashed a killer smile and made it even deadlier when he added a panty-soaking wink.

  Whoa! She had to shut him down before he charmed her right out of those soaking panties. “We’re going as friends, Michael. Just friends. It’s not a date.”

  “Of course it’s not a date. Just two old friends going to watch the game and shoot the breeze.” With that he reached out his hand and ripped the sticker off her chest.

  “Ouch, you jackass! Why’d you do that?”

  “Friends don’t let friends draw attention to their tits with suggestive stickers no matter how perfect those tits are.” To his credit he kept his eyes focussed on hers even as her hand rubbed the discomfort out of her breasts and their achingly peddled nipples.

  “Come.” He held out his hand. “I have a big screen TV and a popcorn maker in my office. Let’s see what’s on ESPN. Kirsten will probably come looking for us any minute now.”


  Chapter 4

  Michael couldn’t remember the last time he’d had so much fun with a woman. He and Julia had stayed in his office all through the dating intermission and the second round of dates. They’d watched highlights from past MLB games and discussed some of their favourites. As the dating wound down in the VIP lounge they got into his Wii games and played golf and tennis. Jules was a natural at both and she’d given him a run for his money. Yes, he could have won, but seeing her do her silly victory dances had been reason enough to throw the games.

  It was well past 2 am when they both collapsed on beanbags and decided to call the Wii marathon to a close.

  “Jules,” he said, studying her gorgeous, flushed face as she sipped on her sparkling water. “Why did you make that remark earlier? What were you playing at?”

  She looked at him blankly. “I’ve made hundreds of remarks tonight. Which one are you referring to?”

  “The one about not being that pretty.”

  “You mean to tell me you still haven’t figured it out?”

  “I don’t get how you expect me to.”

  Placing her water on the coffee table she turned to him with a guarded and decidedly brittle smile. “Well then, think back to the last time we saw each other before tonight.”

  “You mean the night I kissed you and warned you off that asshole who was chasing your skirt.” Just thinking about that kiss had him wanting to kiss her again. It had been the best of his life till that point. A kiss that had changed the way he graded all kisses after for a long time.

  “Yeah, that night.”

  He wracked his brain to find what exactly could have sparked her ‘pretty’ remark but drew a blank. He’d been a jerk, yes. He hadn’t known how else to handle his attraction towards her or his overwhelming fear for her future, but never once had he done anything to make her feel undesired. She had to have felt how much he’d wanted her. She’d all but rubbed him to a hair’s breadth of cuming in his shorts before Roger had fortuitously started snapping away with the Polaroid Instamatic.

  Julia obviously sensed his confusion, but she was showing no mercy. “Mike, the significance of that statement will probably never occur to you, and that’s fine. It was a long time ago. Anyway, it’s really late and I have a meeting tomorrow.” She got to her feet and let out a big yawn.

  Damn, the woman was so sexy she could even make a yawn look hot.

  “Night, Mike. It’s been fun hanging out.”

  He let out a dry laugh, and just as intended, Julia stopped in her tracks and gave him a quizzical look.

  “Jules, tomorrow is today and today is Saturday. I know for a fact that your firm is closed on weekends. If you need to make excuses to get away from me you might as well try to think up believable ones.”

  She rolled her eyes but showed no trace of having taken offence. “Actually I really do have a meeting tomorrow, or as you pointed out, today. My dad wants me to drop by and look over some of the new custom bikes that he’s just finished building. My weekdays are too hectic to take time out for the drive to Sylvan Beach and it’s best to see them in full daylight. I’m planning on spending the weekend there like I do most weekends.”

  “Ah yes, Kirst told me that he got pretty serious about building bikes after he retired, but she never mentioned that you had any interest in them.”

  “Why would she have?”

  “Because I like bikes.”

  “And that would be relevant to mentioning my interest in them how?”

  “I don’t know. I guess it would have been nice to know.” God, he was pathetic.

  What he really wanted to say was that he’d indirectly asked about her many times over the last ten years and now it was killing him to realise that his sister had withheld so much. Hell, she hadn’t even sent him a recent photo of Jules. Not that he’d asked for any photos after Julia turned eighteen. That was how old she was when she broke his heart without even trying to. After that he’d wanted to put her behind him. But even so, every time he spoke to Kirst he asked how the Kincaid’s were doing and there was no reason why she couldn’t have motioned that Jules still liked bikes. Especially considering that he was the guy who’d taught her to ride in the first place.

  Okay, enough. He really was being pathetic now.

  “Well, —” Julia settled on the beanbag beside his and gave him an indulgent smile. “— if you really want to know, I took an interest at the end of my senior year. Dad took m
e along to pick up a Super Glide Harley that was a gift from one of his former patients. It was a total beast and I fell in love with the look of it. Whenever he let me ride with him it was magic. We’d often take it on the open road and let it fly. Hearing the roar of its engine and feeling the way it surged with every gear change was utter nirvana.” Seeming to realise that she was maybe sharing more than she’d intended to, she coloured noticeably and looked away. “Anyway, that’s when I took a real interest in the things. I’ve really got to get going now. My dad’s expecting me at lunchtime and I need to get some sleep in for the long drive over.”

  He didn’t want to let her go but he also realised that keeping her from getting some sleep would be selfish. The drive out to her folks would take almost four hours. If she stuck to the speed limits. “Jules let me take you home. I know you took a taxi here and at this time of night there won’t be many around.”

  She didn’t argue and she didn’t say much on the ten-minute drive to her apartment. She didn’t even give him a goodnight kiss when he walked her to the lobby elevator. Not that he’d expected one. It was more than obvious that she was just not into him anymore. A real pity because he was totally into her. He was falling all over again. Maybe he’d never really stopped.


  Text Between Michael and Julia. Sunday evening, 5:15 pm.

  Michael: Hi Jules, Mike Winthrop here. Before you interrogate me, I got your number from your Rapid-Fire registration form. Reason I’m messaging because I forgot to give you your game ticket the other night. Not sure if you still want to go together so I’m happy to give them both to you. I’ll drop them off in your mailbox if you like.

  Julia: Hey Mike. Don’t be a tool. Of course I still want to go with you. Why wouldn’t I? Besides, I’ve got no one else to take.

  Michael: Gee, don’t make me feel too special now.

  Julia: Oh suck it up. I’m actually looking forward to going with you. It will be like old times when our dads used to take us.

  Michael: Yeah, I guess so. If you really want to walk down memory lane I’ll take you for ice-cream after.

  Julia: Nah, I’ve got Italian gelato at home, but thanks.

  Michael: So how do you want to do this? You happy to let me pick you up Tuesday evening, say seven?

  Julia: Sure. That’s great. By the way, meant to tell you, I love your car. I know it’s not real patriotic of me, but nothing comes close to a vintage Aston Martin that’s been refitted to have the steering on the left side.

  Michael: Thanks. Was a gift from my dad when I sold my first club at a profit. He figured that since the club was in the UK he’d buy me a fitting present.

  Julia: Damn! Just imagine if the club had been in France! You could have had a Bugatti.

  Michael: You like those, do you?

  Julia: Who doesn’t! Anyway, got another early start tomorrow and need to get on the road.

  Michael: Drive safe and please send a message when you get in.

  Julia: Aww, are you worried about me, Mike?

  Michael: Yes brat. It’s a long drive.

  Julia: Then I’ll be sure to let you know when I’m home. Thanks for worrying. Very paternal of you.

  Michael: And very juvenile of you to say that.

  Julia: Before I go, what are your plans for tonight? Don’t read anything into it. I’m just curious.

  Michael: Way to crush a man’s dreams. I reckon I’ll go over the results from the speed dating and have the compatible emails sent out. Before I forget, you never handed in your assessments from the eight dates you did take part in.

  Julia: I know. I wasn’t interested in any of them. But don’t take it as a sign of failure. I think the format and the way you present it is perfect. I’m just not into that kind of thing.

  Michael: Ah yes, you did mention your dislike of the practice after your colostomy bag eruption all over poor Stan– I mean Steve.

  Julia: Ha-ha. You are such a comedian.

  Michael: And you are a great storyteller, Belladonna. Now hit the road. See you Tuesday.

  Julia: Looking forward to it, Mike. Cheers.

  Michael smiled as he reread the messages then tried to turn his attention back to his work, but it was futile. Julia was making him feel things he hadn’t felt in what felt like forever. For the first time in about seven years work was not his primary interest and it felt strangely liberating. His father had told him many times that he needed to find a balance, but he hadn’t understood what that meant. Not until right now.

  What was he doing working on a Sunday evening anyway? He really needed to get a life.

  Shutting down his computer he grabbed his gym bag and headed out. One of the downsides of the lifestyle he’d created for himself was that he had been too busy working to make time for his old friends outside of carefully scheduled appointments and social events. Now he felt uncomfortable about calling any of them out of the blue. He’d even put his sister and parents into the same box and could not bring himself to break the habit. At least he had the gym at his dad’s New York office to go to. It was open 24/7 to anyone who had a key card.

  While bench-pressing he thought back to the first time he’d realised that he was attracted to Julia. It was the day she hopped on the back of his bike and demanded that he take her to the derelict parking complex that Winthrop International had just acquired and would eventually turn into one of New York’s most exclusive apartment buildings.

  Julia had wanted him to teach her to ride and, as usual, he’d been unable to say no.

  As they rode around the lot and he explained gear shifting she had pressed up against him, breathing against his neck as she craned her neck in order to study his hand movements over the clutch, brakes and gas. He had gotten so turned-on that he’d needed to stop the bike.

  Unwilling to let on that he felt that way about her he had tried to dissuade her from learning to ride till she was older, but she had been adamant that she would master riding motorbikes before her fifteenth birthday. With or without his help. She’d threatened to use her father’s bike. And she would have too. Her parents often worked the same shifts at the hospital and Julia would no doubt get on her dad’s heavy motorcycle and end up hurting herself.

  In the end he had given in and started teaching her. It had been two weeks of torture.

  Watching her gain confidence on his scrambler had been a turn-on of epic proportions. Her lithe body had moved as one with the bike and her natural grace had made not salivating over her every move damn near impossible.

  On the last day of training, after she had successfully handled the bike in wet conditions, and even the fire hose downpour that he’d created, she threw herself in his arms and told him, as she often did, “I love you, Mike! You are the best.”

  Normally he’d simply reply, “I love you too, kiddo.” Except that day, as her sopping wet cloths melded to her body and her body melded to his, he’d wanted to say, “I love you, Julia. I’m crazy about you.” He’d wanted to kiss the daylights out of her and never stop. Instead he’d ruffled her hair as though she was still just a cute little tomboy and said, “Right back at ya, kiddo. Now let’s go, I’ve got a ton of homework to get through.”


  Text Between Michael and Julia. Sunday night, 11:30 pm.

  Julia: Hey Mike. Just got in. Traffic was heavy but made it home safe and sound, so if you’re lying awake worrying about me you can stop.

  Michael: I was actually a little worried. If you’d kept me waiting any longer I would have sent out a search party. Might even have filed a Missing Persons report.

  Julia: Yeah right. You’re probably in bed with a long-legged bimbo. Tell me, have you guys just had sex, or are you about to?

  Michael: You’re half right. I am in bed, but I’m not with a long-legged bimbo. I’m all on my lonesome and snuggled up with a thrilling book.

  Julia: About long-legged bimbos?

  Michael: About long-dead pharaohs. It’s basically a history of all the known dynastie

  Julia: Must be a long book.

  Michael: Very. It spans from 3000 BC till 30 BC.

  Julia: Damn! Good thing you don’t have company. You’d have put the poor bimbo to sleep.

  Michael: What’s with all the bimbo talk? It’s getting irritating.

  Julia: Nothing much. Just saw a picture of you with a long-legged, blond bimbo in the society section of today’s paper when I stopped for gas on my way home. So sorry my curiosity irritates you.

  Michael: Ah, you must be referring to the story about Lush’s meteoric rise to fame as the latest New York, celebrity hotspot. The blonde’s name is Karolenka Alexandrova and she’s dating the reporter who wrote that article. By the way, in case you missed it when you were jumping to assumptions based on that photo, the reporter’s name Sadie Rivers. For some weird reason lesbians don’t find me attractive enough to sleep with. So there you have it. No reason for you to be snippy or jealous.


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