Fading Memories

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Fading Memories Page 19

by A. M. Willard

  “We might need to consolidate houses soon,” he says, causing me to stop dead in my tracks and look at him for a moment before I respond.

  “Not ready for that one, slow down, city boy,” I say, earning a laugh from him.

  Once back at the cottage, I explain my conversation with Mrs. Jacobs from this morning. I even offer for him to read the letter, but he tells me that it is mine and for me only. I appreciate how he’s okay with allowing me this moment just between me and my father. Maybe one day he’ll want to read it, and hopefully I’ll be ready to share it. Until then, it’s mine.

  “Dinner will be here soon. I ordered your favorite, but I think you might have a problem.”

  “Why is that?”

  “Actually, two problems. I ordered extra so don’t worry, but the gang just pulled up. And why is it the delivery guys know exactly where you live?”

  “I ate a lot of pizzas last year, and did you know they were coming?”

  “I did, I called them and thought it would be nice to hang out with your friends after today.”

  “Thank you, but you would have sufficed.”

  “Noted, but you need them just as much as they need to witness that you are okay.”


  “HAVE YOU TWO finally got over it and accepted that you’re meant for each other?” Leah says as she plops down on the wicker chair.

  “Maybe. Are you and Joseph ready to admit everything about the two of you?” I say, and notice them looking a little weird at each other.

  “We might have some news.” She holds up her ring finger in my direction, causing me to jump up and scream at her.

  “OH … MY … GOD … You said yes! Finally!”

  “I did and now calm yourself down before I take it all back.”

  “Oh, you can’t take it back. I can’t believe it.” I engulf her up in a bear hug and give Joseph a thumbs-up behind her back. It only earns me a shit-eating grin from him, and that makes me a little curious what else is going on. I pull back and look at her, narrowing my eyes at both of them. “What else? You two are hiding something, I just know it.”

  “We have no idea what you’re talking about,” Leah says, rubbing a hand on her flat belly.

  I look down and back up to her. It’s the shit-eating grin all over her face that clues me in on everything. “You’re pregnant?”

  “We are, but you can’t say anything yet. Only you guys and his family know. I still have to tell mine and I hope they don’t freak out.”

  “Congrats, you two sneaky people.”

  “Remind me of that in nine months when I can’t walk.”

  “Noted, so when’s the date?”

  “We’re just going to do the courthouse thing now and then have a party. Nothing significant … Plus I will be huge soon, and I don’t want to do the whole traditional wedding.”

  “Well, okay, if you say so, but I figured you’d want to rent a blimp and announce it to the world.”

  “No, that would be this one over here, not me. I just want small and simple.”

  “Let’s do it at the pier. We can plan something for Labor Day weekend. It’s only two weeks away. It will be small and intimate. You know your mom will flip if you don’t do something.”

  Joseph stands up. “You know, that is a great idea. You can get a cute dress and we’ll make it work. You will finally have to declare your love for me in front of all our friends and family.”

  “I think letting you knock me up and agreeing to marry you is enough to say I love you, but you’re right. Izzie, can we hi-jack your barbecue and turn it into a reception?”

  “Of course you can, it will be perfect, I promise.”

  “I know it will. Now we just have to tell the folks,” Leah says, but I notice a hint of sadness in her eyes when she says this.

  “Come help me in the kitchen. We need to find my party planning notebook.”

  As the three of us gather in the kitchen, I make sure that Dakota and Joseph are still out back and out of earshot.

  “Spill it.”

  “Spill what?”

  “What was with the look, are you not happy? You don’t have to marry him because you’re having a baby. You know that, right?”

  “I know, it’s just things are moving so fast and I don’t know what my parents will say.”

  “They aren’t moving fast, we’ve seen it coming for years. Plus, they love him and will be excited for you two. Just give them a chance.”

  “Okay, I’m scared. What if I suck at being a mother?” Leah pouts, and both Kelsey and I come in for a group hug.

  “You will be great, look at how well you take care of us.”

  “True, you’d both be starving if it weren't for me introducing you to the pizza joint down the road,” she says, causing us all to erupt in laughter. But she’s right; it’s her fault that we are all addicted to the place.

  “Come on, let’s eat and plan us a wedding,” I say, grabbing my pen and notebook.

  Sitting here in my sunroom observing all my friends, I finally realize how great my life is. I might not have my parents here, but my friends fill the void in my life. Let’s not even forget about the man sitting next to me, rubbing small circles on my leg as I curl into him. The wedding is planned, and will be small and intimate, just the way they want it. It stirs up emotions inside me, thinking about Dakota and the possibility of him asking me to marry him. We haven’t talked about it, since we have been consumed with our past. How could there be a future until the dirty laundry was aired?

  “Kelsey, you’re next you know,” I state, breaking myself from my thoughts.

  “Honey, you have to be dating for that to happen. I think it’s your time, not mine,” she says just as I take a sip of my drink and choke on it.

  Dakota reaches up and pats my back. “You okay? Can’t have you choking to death on me.”

  “I’m fine, just went down the wrong pipe.”

  “Good, because I thought she scared you with that statement.”

  “No, I’m not scared, are you?”

  “Never, and it’s duly noted that you aren’t scared.” Just as Dakota finishes that little statement, I watch him. He’s got something up his sleeve, but I don’t know what.

  A little while later, we have finished off the pizza, planned out the wedding details, and said our goodbyes to each other. Then Dakota and I are left to ourselves and I wonder what we will do. We haven’t taken our relationship up to being sexual with each other, just the usual kissing and getting so worked up that I’m ready to kill the man.

  Dakota is addicted to his bed and hates mine, so we spend most of our nights at his place. “You ready to head home?” I ask, wondering if he will ask me to join him this evening.

  “You ready for bed?”

  “I am,” I respond with a sly smile, trying to get my point across to him.

  “Woman, are you flirting with me?”

  “Call me woman again, I will show you flirt without your balls.”

  “But I love to work you up, makes it fun to watch your nose twitch.”

  “My nose does not twitch, you make me mad and that drives me crazy.”

  “Close up the house and get your stuff. Meet me at my house.”

  “Is that an order?”

  “It’s an order and if you aren’t in my living room within ten minutes, I’ll be back to throw you over my shoulder and carry you over.”

  “I like it when you’re all bossy with me, it’s kind of hot.”

  “I know you do, see you in a few. Need any help with this stuff?”

  “No, I got it. See you soon.” I watch him leave and head off to his cottage. I jump up from the love seat and head inside. I race around, throwing things into the sink for later, and rush to the bedroom to freshen up. After I change and glance in the mirror, I know he will understand everything when I open his back door.

  My hair’s hanging down in a loose wave, the simple white sundress that he loves is hugging my body in all
the right places. I don’t bother to put shoes on since they’ll just get left outside to avoid getting sand inside the house.

  I’m ready to give not just my heart, but my whole body over to this man. It’s time to seal the deal and allow him to put out the fire that he lit all those months ago.


  WHEN I ENTER Dakota’s house, it’s dark, lighted only by an ember glow around the whole room. He has candles sitting all over the place, almost to the point that I worry we will set the smoke detector off.

  “Dakota,” I call out, and just as I turn to look at the other side, the music comes through the surround sound speakers. It’s level, with a steady beat of the snare drum bouncing through the room. I’ve never heard this song and I’m glad for that as I watch the man before me toss the remote on the sofa. He doesn’t take his eyes off me as he moves toward me. My body feels jittery from his intense stare; he’s never looked at me like this. He’s been intense before, but now it’s on a different level. One of desire, it’s like if he doesn’t actually get to have me tonight, he won’t be able to survive. Mine feels the same way.

  Chest to chest, his hand reaches up to lift my chin. “Glad you made it in time,” he says, making me swallow hard before I can speak.

  “Me too.” A shiver runs across my body as his fingertips graze my skin. The hem of my dress is wrapped in his hands as he slowly brings it up my body, over my head, and tosses it to the floor. Before him stands a woman in need of acceptance, not like before where I would have cowered down in this position. Circling my body, he comes up from behind, wrapping his arms around my waist, and jerks me back toward him. Intense is the only way Dakota knows. “You’re beautiful, like an angel that I’ve waited for years to have. You, Isabel Nichols, will forever be mine. Your heart, your soul, your body. When I touch you, no matter how light or rough, I feel the way your body reacts to me.”

  My heart rate increases, pounding against my chest as he whispers in my ear. Unconsciously my lips part just as I finish licking them. It’s been way too long since a man has touched me or worshiped my body the way Dakota is doing now. A part of me wants to tell him to hurry, the other half wants to savor every touch, every kiss he’s placing on my body, every hiss of his breath that runs up my skin. I know no matter what I ask for, he will do it all at his pace. He’s warned me before that once he gets his hands on me, he’ll worship me for hours, driving me to a breaking point. I can vouch for that right now, I’m ready to tip over the cliff and never look back.

  He hooks his arm under my knees, lifting me up, and carries me down the hall toward his bedroom. When we enter, I notice it’s cast by the same amber glow as the rest of the house. In a gentle motion, my back hits the cool fabric of the silk sheets. My body is so overheated that it’s a welcome feeling.

  I admire the ridges and valleys of his tanned body as he hovers over me. My hand runs up and down his chest, memorizing the feel of his skin on my fingertips. A leg shifts mine out of the way to allow him space to settle and position himself where he wants to be. A hand runs up the length of my leg, stopping just as it reaches my hip, hovering, before it slides back down and up my inner thigh. It’s a slow, tortured death having his hands on me, one that I am ready to end.

  “Dakota,” I manage to say.

  “Yes, angel.”

  “I’d like for you to move a little faster.”

  “I told you I’d take my time.”

  “Can you do that later? Right now I need you. I need to lose control, I can’t take it anymore.”

  “What do you say?”

  “Please … Please own my body, heart, and soul.”

  “Your wish is my command.” He crawls up my body and allows us to be eye to eye. I need to witness his expression when he finally enters me; I need to feel all of him no matter what.

  Just as he slowly begins, I jerk from the pressure.

  “Did I hurt you?”

  “No, just … okay maybe a little, but I’m okay.”

  “You sure?”

  “I’m sure,” I say, and with an understanding look, he slowly feeds me the rest of him.

  The sensation of him completely filling me to no end … it’s more than I imagines. It’s intoxicating; the energy that’s passing through us would cause a seismometer to go off the charts. My legs are curled around his hips allowing the heels of my feet to push him deeper. Arms wrapped around his neck, nails digging into his skin with each thrust. The more I dig, the harder he pushes, the more I’m overcome with the need to lose control. I lean into him, placing a bite on his shoulder and watch as he rears his head back with a moan. His breath is picking up pace, just as mine is. I notice beads of sweat forming above his brows as I throw my head back from the sensation.

  My back hits the mattress, and Dakota grabs one of my legs and loops it into his arm. Holding it up as he continues to pump into my sex. With a quickening pace, my fingers grip the sheets underneath my naked body. One long hard push and my back arches up, and I cry out his name in ecstasy. Just as I finish, he’s the one calling my name in the heat of passion.

  Both of us are panting like we just ran a marathon, his chest rising up and down in sync with mine.

  “I didn’t hurt you, did I? Sorry I got carried away,” he says as he tries to catch his breath.

  “You can get carried away any time you like,” I pant out, as I’m sure someone took my lungs.

  “Will it always be like that?”

  “God, I sure hope so. If not I might need to trade you in,” I say with a smile on my face.

  “Come, let me clean you up and take you to bed.”

  “Didn’t you just take me to bed?”

  “Let me rephrase, I’ll tuck you in tight and let you sleep.”

  “Sleep? Come on, city boy, is that all you got?” I ask with a wink.


  THE TIME HAS FLOWN BY as we all prepared for the wedding. Leah is pacing back and forth in my bedroom about to panic as she realizes the step she’s about to take. Kelsey and I, on the other hand, find it hilarious and are enjoying this moment.

  “Come on, Leah, it’s not that bad. You could be marrying someone worse,” Kelsey says, only to get the death glare of a hormonal pregnant lady.

  “You about ready? Dakota has the car cooled for us,” I say, trying to distract her from killing us all.

  “Fine, I’m ready, but keep her away from me. You are no longer a bridesmaid.” She points at Kelsey, which only causes her to laugh.

  Yes, I admit we have had a little too much fun stressing her out. Now, don’t get me wrong, ’cause she would do the same to either one of us. It’s payback for all the torture she’s inflicted on us. What’s even funnier is that Kelsey has no idea what Mrs. Jacobs has planned for her. This is my revenge to them for all the setups and telling me to get back in that saddle. When we walk out the front door and I spot the love of my life, I’m thankful that I did get back and saddled up. It was the best decision I have ever made.

  Not only does he listen and love me with all his heart, he’s a trooper. Dakota has helped me set up my classroom, helped prepare the house for the reception aka Labor Day barbecue, and moved my stuff to his house. It’s baby steps for now, and living together is the first one to take. We aren’t planning anything more than a day at a time, but I know the future has already been written for us.

  Dakota helps us all out of the vehicle and escorts us down, half-way to the pavilion on the pier. He’s the best man and duty calls. With a quick kiss on my cheek, he’s gone.

  “Ready to become Mrs. Thomas?” I ask as I lower Leah’s veil.

  “I am. Can you let my dad know I’m ready?”

  “You got it. I’ll see you up at the altar,” I say as Kelsey and I turn and wait for the music to start.

  The ceremony is short and sweet, just as she instructed. I couldn’t keep my eyes off Dakota long enough to realize anything that was happening. Leah had to snap her fingers to get me to hold her flowers, and
everyone laughed at my expense. It’s okay though, because nothing was better than having eye sex with the handsome man across the way in a suit.

  Just as the preacher announces them husband and wife and they go to walk away, Dakota steps down and grabs my hands to stop me.

  “Izzie, you have a moment?”

  “Okay, what’s wrong?”

  “Nothing, I just need to do something first.”

  “What are you doing?” I ask as I watch him kneel down in front of me.

  “Isabel Marie Nichols, you told me once that this used to be one of your favorite places and then it turned sour. Today I plan to make it even better than what it was before. Here in front of all your friends, and the one place that you adore, I ask that you become my wife. You are my everything, and I can’t wait another day to make you mine. Let me be the one who protects you from the past, and the one who will hold the key to our future. Will you do me the honor of marrying me, being my wife, the mother of my children, and most of all, being my world?”

  Tears are streaming down my face, ruining all my makeup before we get a chance to take pictures. Right now I don’t care because he just asked me to marry him and I can’t speak to answer. All I can do is shake my head yes. I sit on his knee as I wrap my arms around his neck and place the happiest kiss I have ever given on his lips. Applause erupts from around us, and looking out into the crowd I swear I witnessed a silhouette of my father and mother holding hands in the back of the space. The light is shining down, casting rays of sunshine through the cracks in the roof. I’m not sure if they are here to witness the proposal, but I know they are watching from above. They will always be a witness to the good things in my life, even the bad ones.


  Five years later

  IT’S OUR ANNUAL Fourth of July party, and our four-year anniversary today. Yes, we married on the holiday where it all started over for us. The wedding was small, since we only wanted our immediate family and friends. Dakota and his brother, David, built an altar to place on the beach at the end of our path. It’s where we would always meet as children, so it was perfect for the first time we would become Mr. and Mrs. Dakota Jackson. We went back and forth before deciding that would be the spot. It was either a church ceremony or the beach. One night Leah finally voiced her opinion and said that since I was able to walk, I’ve spent my time on this beach. She listened to me when we were teenagers describe a beach theme, and told me to man up and do it the way I wanted. So yes, I agreed, and Dakota made it happen.


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