Fading Memories

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Fading Memories Page 20

by A. M. Willard

  Leah is running around chasing after her two children as she yells at Joseph, who’s just shaking his head at her. They haven’t changed a bit, well, other than becoming the cutest couple I’ve ever seen. Wait, I take that back. Kelsey and Steven, who started dating a few weeks after Leah’s wedding, finally got engaged six months ago and are the cutest thing ever. Or it could be Dakota and me, with this big round belly I’m sporting. We’re expecting our first child in less than a week, and I’ve been restricted to my chair as my husband mans the grill. I also have to admire Peter and Stacey’s relationship as I watch them mingle with the guests. They finally married two years ago and over the years I’ve learned to forgive him for the past and accept the new friendship that has formed. If it wasn’t for the past, Dakota and I wouldn’t have what we have today. The first year was awkward, but now they’re like family and this is where they belong, celebrating right along with us.

  I sold my cottage to Kelsey and moved in with Dakota, then Leah and Joseph bought Mrs. Jacobs’s house last year. Mrs. Jacobs managed to hang around long enough to watch me marry Dakota and hand me my final letter. Well, that’s what she says is the last letter. Something tells me I have more, since I watched Dakota pack a white envelope in the diaper bag last night.

  I can’t wait before I read it.

  I still walk down at night to the shore and talk to my parents when I miss them. Sometimes Dakota will accompany me, while other times the girls just show up or I do it alone. We sit and watch as the waves crash against the shore, well, mostly I’m listening to them, as they always tell me a secret; something that I need to hear or feel, or just to let me know that I made the right decision. Leah asked me once how I know what they are saying, and my response was simple. “I just do, it’s in the motion of the waters. I’ve watched it go from flat to a rough surf in a matter of one simple question.” They all just go with it and allow me this sanctuary to be with the ones I miss.

  Not a day goes by that I don’t miss them; it’s just a little easier now that I have Dakota. He’s become my world, and I know once we welcome our son into the family, he will be both of our worlds. Dakota has timed and mapped out the quickest way to the hospital because he’s scared to death that I’ll give birth in his car. We still have his baby, but I finally gave in and traded the bug for an SUV. It was time to grow up and accept the fact that I couldn’t slide the car seat into the back seat. Who says people can’t change?

  Sitting here watching everyone, I realize that I’m the luckiest person alive. I’ve witnessed pain in the past, but nothing warms your heart like the future. This is our story, it’s about how memories fade away, and new beginnings start. It’s about a love so strong that it will always find a way back to you.

  We are where we’re meant to be, here as a big family on this local island together. This is where our children will build sand castles, fly kites, and throw seaweed at each other. If they are extremely lucky, this is where they will fall in love, just as we have.

  My Dearest Isabel,

  Today you became a mother to your son or daughter. I have to admit that I’m hoping for a son, as I can envision you with a little boy. The picture I hold in my thoughts is of you teaching him all the things that I’ve taught you over the years. You were always the nurturing type of person, one who would feel with all your heart, and those make the best mothers of all.

  I pray that today is just the first of many more happy moments to come for you and your family.

  You’re probably sad that I’m not able to hold my firstborn grandchild, but have faith that I’ll watch over it as it grows to be just like its mother and father. It will always have a guardian angel, as you’ve had with your mother.

  When you get a chance, make sure you thank Mrs. Jacobs for holding on to these for you. As before, I’ll not mention how many you have waiting; just know that when the time comes you’ll receive another. Just think, you never could figure out what I was doing at treatments while you were teaching; now you know.

  I couldn’t allow you to celebrate this achievement without some words of advice from your old man. I pride myself in the fact that I was a good father to you, and hope that I always made sure you knew right from wrong. That’s the thing you have to remember as you watch your children grow into young adults. You have to let them make mistakes; without them, they can’t grow into the people they are meant to be.

  You would always ask for my advice, and as I listened, I knew in the end you already knew the answers, you just needed to be reassured that it was the right choice. Remember that when they come to you about the smallest of things, listen and be the ear that they need. Don’t make all the decisions for them, because with mistakes comes growth. Let them spread their wings to learn to fly, and remember when to clip them so their feet will stay solid on the ground.

  Congratulations, my dear sweet Isabel, you’ve made me very proud, and until next time, stay strong and remember to love with your all. Tell your husband that I say to take care of my daughter and grandchild as if his life depends on it.




  The End


  This book has been a long time in the making and finally I finished it with tons of support. A few years ago I started writing this story, and deleted it only to start again. The very first person to read this was my PIC – Megan Fields. Our friendship blossomed from that point on, and I hope once she finishes this version that I made her proud of what has become Fading Memories.

  My beta readers: Kelly Vaughn Morin, A.M. Guilliams, and Jess Haney, thank you for the feedback, and for loving this story. Tissues are on the way …

  To all the bloggers that help support me with sales, tours, and promo post: Thank you for the continued love and support.

  My A.M.’s Sparkling Divas: You all amaze me every day with your support, sharing of my teasers, and my work. Thank you, and always remember to sparkle, even when the sun isn’t shining.

  My PA, Jess Haney: Where do I start with you? You have jumped in and made me more organized than ever. Heart you to the moon and back, and thank you again for not only the support but friendship.

  Readers! You all amaze me daily with the emails, messages, reviews, and support. Thank you for following and believing in my work. If it wasn’t for you guys, it wouldn’t be worth it.

  To my publishing company and team: Thank you, Booktrope, for believing in me and taking a chance with my books. My editor, Lisa Gilliam, I don’t even have the words for the work you did on this story. You took what I wrote and made it beautiful. Since two pairs of eyes are always better than one, thank you for being that second pair, Leticia Sidon. Carmen Paez, my Book Manager, and Tessa Miller, my project manager, you make it all happen. Last but not least, the amazing person behind the cover, Robin Harper with Wicked by Design, thank you for designing an amazing cover and giving this story a face. This has been truly a great experience and I love my Booktrope family and friends.

  Now the fun part as I thank my husband and family. Some of you might know that this is a very special story to my heart, as I have taken bits and pieces of real life and incorporated it into a romance story. This started as therapy years ago and has turned out to be something that I love to do more than anything. Without the continued love and support from the hubs, my son, friends, and family, this would not happen. I love you all to the moon and back. It means the world to me that you see this as more than a hobby, as it’s my new career. Each of you have jumped on my magic carpet and are holding on for the ride. Thank you. If I missed someone, I promise I just forgot and you all know how much you mean to me. Heart you all.


  A.M. Willard is a true believer of soul mates, and happy ever afters. She enjoys reading, sailing, and of course writing contemporary romance with some saucy scenes. Releasing her first novella of the One Night Series on April 12, 2014 has sent her on a new journey in life. A.M.’s passion for writing started at
a young age, but with the love and support from her husband of eighteen years pushed her to follow her dreams. Once she hit that first publish button, she hasn’t looked back.

  Publications available from A.M. Willard include the Chances Series, Love on the Screen, and everyone’s favorite, the One Night Series. She’s also had an article published in the Writer’s Monthly Review Magazine and was just accepted into the Romance Writers of America organization in May of 2015.

  A.M. Willard was born and raised in the Panhandle of Florida, but resides in Savannah GA with her husband, son, two cats, one rotten dog, and her six chickens. Yes, we said chickens…

  You can connect with A.M. Willard on her website at amwillard.com or subscribe to her newsletter for the latest releases, teasers, and sale alerts: eepurl.com/bb-Cd1


  Author A.M. Willard

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  Facebook Author Page: goo.gl/buOMkq

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  Twitter: @AMWillard1


  Frost Sweets

  Book One of A Taste of Love series

  Unexpected Choices

  Book Three of The Chances Series; Seth’s story

  Unexpected Crushes

  Book Four of The Chances Series; Cory’s story


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