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Sinful Distraction: An Opposites Attract Romance (Temperance Falls: Selling Sin Book 3)

Page 7

by London Hale

  Kate frowned, and my stomach hardened into lead. “I’m…not sure.”

  “About what?”

  “About being seen together.”

  Nothing could soften those words. “Excuse me?”

  “On the island, I mean.” She sighed and planted her forehead against my chest. “I know this sounds horrible, but I really want to focus on getting this mall deal through the council. I don’t want any one of those bastards being distracted by the fact that the mayor got herself a boyfriend.”

  I lifted her chin with my finger, torn between grinning and growling. “A boyfriend, huh?”

  Oh, hell. That flush was intense.

  “Well,” she said, pulling away. “I mean… That’s what people will think.”

  “What about you?” I pinned her with my gaze, moving close enough for our noses to touch. “What do you call me?”

  “What do you want me to call you?”

  “You’re not ready to hear that yet, but boyfriend would work for now.”

  She sighed, her lips turning up into a cautious smile. “But you get it, right? My job? It wouldn’t be forever—”

  “I get it,” I said, hating it, but understanding. “You need to push this deal through. I can be patient. I waited a fucking year for you—I can wait a few more days.”


  I rolled her under me, sliding my cock through her wetness. “Don’t push it, Kitten.”

  “Fuck.” She sighed as I teased her clit. “You can’t be ready again.”

  “Why not?”

  “Because we just…finished.”

  “Oh, Kitten. I may not have that teenager stamina everyone seems to talk about, but I’m still in my prime.” I slid into her bare, knowing I’d need to stop and grab a condom, wanting to tease her with just the tip for a few strokes first. “I’ve had to jack off three times in a row to thoughts of you when I only had your voice. Having your body under mine? Feeling your heat around me?” I pushed a little deeper, fighting every instinct I had and pulling out before I really screwed things up. “Being able to actually slide inside you and know what it’s like to have your pussy all around my cock? I’ll never get enough.”

  I reached for a condom, hoping I’d brought enough to sate my need for her tonight. I had a feeling things would be a little harder in the light of day, but that was okay. I had no trouble working for her attention. Days, maybe a couple of weeks, and we could act like any other couple. I could last that long.

  I had to.

  It’d been two long weeks since that night in the lighthouse…since Riley put every man I’d ever slept with to shame. What had been a once-weekly, thirty-minute talk had turned into hour-plus chats on the evenings Riley had off. On the days he was working, he’d text me the filthiest things… How he missed feeling me around him, missed the taste of me, was desperate to watch my pussy stretch around his cock.

  The worst part was, I tended to be working when he’d text. I’d check my phone while I was meeting with councilpeople, thinking it was Lola updating me on the decided votes we were waiting on for the Huntley Group project. Instead, Riley’s name would pop up, his dirty words on my screen, and I’d flush fifteen shades of red.

  Like now.

  You should wear the pink heels tonight. I know you hate walking in them, but I want them pressing into my shoulders while I suck on your clit, Kitten.

  I glanced at my screen, a wave of heat washing over my body as I read his words.

  “I’ll be honest, Kate,” Colin Huntley said, “you’ve got me very interested in whatever is on your phone.”

  I jumped, forgetting myself and the fact that I was supposed to be a professional, not the needy, sexual being I tended to revert to whenever Riley was around. “Sorry, Colin, I’m waiting for a message from Lola on Nicholson’s vote.”

  “I take it that wasn’t your assistant?”

  With a laugh, I shook my head. “Definitely not.” Before he could ask any more questions, I guided him through the abandoned mall and to the front doors. “If next week works for your schedule, we can set up a time, and I’ll show you around Temperance Falls. Give you a peek into the town you’re investing in.”

  He nodded, escorting me to my car. “I’ll have Emery check my schedule and get back to you. Until then, keep working on Nicholson and see if you can bring him around. I’m not worried about him in a vote. What I am worried about is him swinging those on our side back to his.”

  “I’m working on it, Colin.”

  “I’m counting on you.” He opened my car door for me, waiting for me to slide inside. “I hope you have a good evening with whoever is on the other end of that text.” With a smile, he shut my door and strolled over to the car his driver had idling at the curb.

  Jesus, that’d been close. I needed to be more careful while I was working. It wouldn’t matter how often Riley and I ventured off the island for our dates if everything came to light because of some dirty texts.

  My phone buzzed in my hand with an incoming call. Riley.


  “Don’t tell me after everything I’ve said, that text was too far.”

  I laughed into the phone. “No. I was with Colin doing a walk-through at the old mall.”

  He grunted. “I don’t like that guy.”

  “You don’t have to like him. He’s going to bring the island a shit-ton of money if—when—this deal goes through.”

  “Still don’t like him,” he grumbled.

  I shook my head, rolling my eyes. “How’s it at the firehouse?”

  “It’s been quiet today, though that means the time’s been dragging. I think we washed the rig twice already. If the next few hours don’t speed up, I’m going to go insane. I’d rather be with you than sitting here with all these guys.”

  I glanced at the time on my dashboard. “Well, you’ve only got three hours. We’re meeting at Solstice in the city at seven, right?”

  “Absolutely. Don’t be late, now. I’ve been without you for two whole days.”

  “Poor baby. I’ll be on time. I’ve got a few things to finish up at the office, then I’ll head home to get ready. Traffic on the bridge shouldn’t be too bad that time of night.”

  “You know, you could always let me be a gentleman and actually pick you up at your door.”

  I blew out a breath, knowing this had been coming. We’d gone out several times, always to the mainland, and before each date, he’d asked to come pick me up. And each time I’d told him the same thing. “I’m just not sure it’s a good idea.”

  He sighed, an exhale so long, I could practically feel it through the phone. “Right. The mall deal. What’s Nicholson’s issue on this, anyway? Why can’t he just vote for it and move on? We all know it’s going through.”

  “Because he’s a bastard who loves throwing roadblocks in my way. If I were lewd, I’d mention something about his resistance being a direct correlation to him compensating for what’s lacking in his pants, but since I’m a professional, I’ll keep my mouth shut.”

  “Aw, Kitten,” Riley said, dropping his voice to the octave that never failed to make me wet. “You know I prefer you lewd. C’mon, give me a little something. What are you wearing over there all the way across the island?”

  I shifted in the driver’s seat, glancing down at myself. “My red suit. The one I wear the lacy black cami under.”

  “Hmmm. You’ve got the red heels on, too, don’t you?”

  “I do…” I bit my lip, remembering the last time I’d had them on. “When I wore them for our date, you made me keep them on for you.”

  He groaned, and I imagined him gripping his cock through his work pants. “Trust me, I remember. Did you read my text?”


  “You’re gonna be a good girl and wear them for me, aren’t you? I want to be the one to strip them off you. After they’ve left a few marks on my back.”

  “Such a bossy thing. Anything else I can wear…or not wear…for you?”
  “I’ll leave that up to you, Kitten. Though if you happened to forget to put on your panties, you might get a treat at the table. You know I can’t resist you when I know you’re bare under your little skirts.”

  At five to seven, I pulled into the darkened parking lot, sliding into the spot a couple down from Riley. Before I could do anything but turn off the car, he opened my door and helped me out, pulling me straight into his arms. He didn’t wait a second before his mouth covered mine, his tongue sliding between my lips. I ran my hands over his shoulders, down his solid muscles, loving how huge he felt under my fingers. Loving how protected and safe he made me feel in his arms. Loving that I could let myself go enough around him even to appreciate such a thing. With his hands gripping my ass, he pressed me up against the side of my car, letting me feel exactly how much he wanted me.

  God, two days without him was too long.

  I panted when he pulled away, staring at his lips as I tried to catch my breath. “Well, that was quite a greeting.”

  “Missed you,” he said as he nuzzled my neck. “Besides, how could I not greet you like that?” He pulled back, holding me out at arm’s length as he looked me over from head to toe. “Damn, woman. You look good enough to eat.”

  “Maybe later.” I grabbed his hand and pulled him along behind me, tossing him a smile over my shoulder.

  “Definitely later.”

  Once inside Solstice, the host settled us at our table, a small round booth toward the back. Riley held out his arm for me to slide in first, then scooted around until he was next to me.

  “Your waiter will be right with you,” the host said before turning to leave.

  “I’ve never been here.” I glanced around, picking up my menu. “What made you choose this place?”

  “They have amazing paella.”

  “Mmm…I love paella.”

  “I remember.”

  I jerked my head to him, my brows drawn together as I stared at him. “You do?”

  “Of course. It was the first time you told me about your hatred of the pink shoes. You had that conference in Chicago and had been expecting boring, dry chicken, but they served paella instead. I’ve never heard someone so unhappy with their shoes but happy with their dinner at the same time.”

  I remembered that conference, remembered the pleasant surprise at having something delicious instead of the standard conference food. Remembered my talk with Riley that evening. I never imagined he would, too. “I can’t believe you remember that. That was months ago.”

  He smiled, giving me a quick wink. “I remember everything. Like the fact that you love to pick your dessert first. They’ve got a chocolate fondue here I’ve heard is amazing. We can split it if you’d like.”

  I pressed a hand on his cheek, turning his head to mine so I could kiss him. Just because he was mine and he was amazing. “Since you remember everything, then you know chocolate fondue is one of my absolute favorites. So obviously, yes, we’re going to share that.”

  “If there’s any left over, we can take it home with us.” He leaned over, his shoulder pressing into mine as he settled his lips against my ear. “I wouldn’t mind licking chocolate off your nipples at some point. Could be fun.”

  God, the way this man spoke and then turned away as if he hadn’t just suggested the filthiest things… He drove me crazy with want.

  “Good evening,” the waiter said, interrupting my thoughts. “Welcome to Solstice. May I offer you two something to drink? We have an excellent selection of wine.”

  Riley glanced over at me, his eyebrows raised. “Red?”

  “Yes, please.”

  “A bottle of Pinot Noir, please.”

  “Of course, I’ll bring that right out for you and let you take a look at the menu.”

  After the waiter had come back with our wine, pouring us each a glass, and taken our orders, he’d disappeared with a promise that the entrees would be out soon.

  Riley placed his arm along the back of the booth, curving his body around mine as he scooted closer to me. “So, you wore one of your little skirts.” With the arm resting along the back of the booth, he played with my hair, momentarily distracting me while his other hand reached for the hem of my skirt. “Did you forget something for me?”

  I leaned my head back into his touch at the same time I settled my hand on top of his roaming one, stilling it on my upper thigh. “Maybe…”

  He slid even closer, pressing his body right against mine and turning it toward me, nearly blocking out the restaurant behind him. And then he slipped his hand between my thighs, sliding it up under the hem of my skirt. “Maybe sounds promising.”

  “Riley,” I hissed, darting my eyes around to the nearly full restaurant. “We can’t do this out here.”

  Leaning in, he nuzzled my cheek and whispered, “Remember when I said your career would be safe with me by your side?” He waited for my nod before he continued with that hand—the one sent to drive me absolutely mad—sliding it straight up under my skirt. “I meant it. I’m watching out. I’ll stop if we need to, but I can’t wait another hour or more to get my hands on you. I’ve been dreaming about touching you for two damn days. But if you really want me to stop, I will. So what do you say…are you going to let me play with your pussy, baby?”

  My heart nearly beat out of my chest, my nipples tightening at the idea that I was considering allowing him to do exactly what he wanted…in public where anyone could see. No, not considering. I was doing it. As much as he was craving touching me, I craved his touch in turn. I’d gone the year before with nothing but my hand, my fingers, my toys, and then suddenly two weeks with Riley, and I was desperate for him every minute of the day.

  I spread my legs a little, enough to let him know I wanted to play his game. Enough so he could slip his hand higher until his fingers brushed against my bare pussy.

  He hummed deep in his throat, his lips curving against my cheek. “You naughty girl, you. No panties tonight? I’m downright shocked.” The sarcasm in his voice was heavy, but I didn’t care. Not when he spread me wide with his thick fingers and pressed a fingertip to my clit.

  I swallowed my moan, bit my lip to keep from screaming something wholly inappropriate. “You told me to leave them at home.”

  “I know, but you sometimes don’t like to follow directions. You’re my stubborn Kitten. Spread your legs a little more. Let me slip inside so I can get you good and wet.”

  “Riley…people are going to see,” I hissed.

  He pulled his hand out from between my legs, then plucked the cloth napkin off the table before dropping it in my lap. “They can’t see past the tablecloth, but just in case, lay this over your lap for me.”

  He didn’t wait for me to do as he’d said before he slid his hand between my legs, immediately seeking my pussy. Trailing his fingertips down one side and up the other, ghosting touches across my clit, he worked me up until I was desperate for more. No longer caring that we were in public, no longer panicked over the fact that we could be caught, I allowed my legs to fall open, allowed him better access.

  And he took full advantage. With a soft hum in his throat, he worked a finger inside me, flicking my clit with his thumb, and I moaned under my breath.

  “You gotta keep it down, Kitten. I can’t make you come if I think you’ll give us away. And I really want to make you come. I want to feel you come all over my hand.”

  “Oh my God, you can’t say things like that and—” I broke off as he slid another finger inside me and pressed deep, biting my lip to stifle another moan. “I don’t think I can be quiet.”

  “Then I guess I have to stop.” He paused his movements, his fingers still filling me but not doing anything.

  I gripped his wrist, shifting my hips forward, forcing his fingers deeper. “Please don’t stop,” I whispered.

  “Naughty girl.” He nuzzled my neck before pressing a kiss there. “Just don’t scream.”

  With that, he added another finger, filling and s
tretching me. Making me buck my hips against him. Making me crave what he had in his pants instead of his fingers. Because as large as his hands were, as thick as those fingers he pumped inside me, they still paled in comparison to his cock.

  “There it is. I feel you quivering. You’re going to come on my fingers, aren’t you? So naughty, here in a restaurant filled with people, and you’re going to let me make you come right on my hand.” He continued the soft strokes of my hair with his other hand, such a filthy contradiction to the lewd things he was doing under the tablecloth. “Hurry up, baby, the waiter’s coming.”

  Oh God. The thought that I had seconds before someone was upon us sent me over the edge, Riley’s fingers deep inside me as I tightened around him while his thumb circled my clit.

  “Fuck, I feel you coming on me. Kiss me, Kate. Give me your lips, too.”

  I did as he asked, turning my head toward him and letting my eyes fall closed as he took my mouth in a kiss. So soft and sweet, just the barest brush of his tongue against mine even as he had three fingers thrust deep in my pussy.

  “Ah, yes, here we are,” the waiter said, placing our plates in front of us. “The paella for the lady, and the braised short ribs for the gentleman. Anything else right away?”

  “A glass of water for my girlfriend, please,” Riley said, still curving his body around mine. “She’s feeling a little flushed.”

  “Of course, I’ll be right back with that.”

  As soon as the waiter was out of hearing range, I slapped Riley on the shoulder. “Oh my God. I can’t believe you just said that.”

  He grinned before leaning in to brush his lips against my cheek. “I’m sorry, but your chest is bright pink. You might’ve masked the sounds of you coming, but you can’t hide the way you flush.”

  Slipping his fingers from inside me, he grabbed the napkin in my lap and wiped his hand, then settled it across his thighs.

  “You don’t want to go wash up?” I asked as I took my first bite, not able to help myself.

  He shrugged as he topped off my glass of wine. “I don’t really see the point. In an hour or so, my mouth is gonna be where my fingers just were.” He only smirked at my gasp. “How’s your paella?”


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