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The Willfully Wedded Virgin (Beyond Fairytales)

Page 10

by D. L. Jackson

  He stepped away, shucking his shorts and underpants.

  “For the love of all that is holy!” Elizabeth couldn’t stop staring at his cock. The thick, fleshy member jutted out from a nest of dark hair, standing up toward his belly, and though he’d said he wasn’t large, she had her doubts. Licking her lips, she said, “Are all men that big?”

  He laughed. “You will bloat my ego if you keep talking like that.”

  Elizabeth swallowed. “Well, it’s certainly impressive.”

  He returned to their bed. Lying on his side, he propped himself up on his elbow. “Go ahead. Touch me. It won’t bite you.”

  She knew that but held her tongue. She didn’t want to do anything to stop this. With a shaky hand, she reached out, grazing her fingertips down the length of his shaft, and Will sucked in a breath. Elizabeth rested her palm on his penis, curling her fingers around the fleshy member, grasping it gently and giving a light squeeze. A bead of moisture formed at the tip. She brushed it away with her thumb, stroking down. She closed her eyes, imagining what it might feel like inside her.

  Will growled deep in his throat. He grabbed her wrist, stopping any further exploration.

  “On second thought, let’s save that for later. Too much more, and I’ll come.”

  “And that’s a bad thing? I rather enjoyed it.”

  “I’d rather come inside you.”

  “Oh.” Her face heated. Of course, he didn’t want to spill his seed in her hand. “You want a baby.”

  “Not for a while. I have a condom to prevent that, so we have time to get to know one another before we start a family. I like the way it feels when I come inside a woman.” He held a small packet up before tearing it open and rolling it down his cock.

  “You must think me ignorant, but I’ve never seen a condom.” She had so many questions. Some, she decided to hold for another day.

  “No, I think you’re innocent, which is perfectly okay. Actually, it kind of turns me on, knowing I’ll be your first.” He rolled on top of her, nudging her thighs apart with his knee. “Time to get down to business.” Will nibbled along her neck and chin, finally claiming her lips.

  She stiffened, unable to stop her muscles from locking tight.

  He broke the kiss, whispering against the corner of her mouth. “Try to relax. Just close your eyes and enjoy what I do.”

  She nodded, doing what he asked, letting her lids drop shut. He moved down her body to her breasts, his mouth brushing along her flesh. “Will?” She fisted the blanket. Oh.

  “You’re doing good. Relax.” His teeth grazed her nipple, sending little bolts of miniature lightening through her.

  Elizabeth’s eyes snapped open in response. A gasp whooshed from her lungs, and her stomach knotted. A whole troop of Irish step dancers took the stage in her belly, putting on the performance of their lives. It wasn’t supposed to be like this.

  Oh, her aunt had given her the talk since her mother hadn’t been around to do it. She’d said men would take their pleasure while she lay there. Messy business and rather unpleasant, but it was over fairly quickly. Time would make it tolerable, and once she gave him a baby or two, he’d leave her alone. This—what Will was doing to her—was neither quick nor unpleasant. What did that say about her?

  He slid his hand along her ribs and cupped her breast.

  “Will.” She pushed her heels into the mattress. I’m a whore.

  “Close your eyes.” He didn’t lift his head to confirm she watched, but somehow seemed to know.

  As soon as she did, he took a nipple in his mouth and jolts shot from her pelvis to her fingers and toes, rendering her a quivering lump of jelly in his arms. She kept her lids closed as he’d instructed, absorbing every touch, nip, and brush of breath against her skin. Heat balled in her belly, rolling through her in a tidal wave of tension. Climbing. Climbing. Her muscles tightened in response. Nothing to be ashamed of.

  When he moved down her ribs and softly bit her hip, Elizabeth squealed. He grabbed her waist, keeping her anchored to the bedding, and proceeded with the delicious torture.

  Across her belly.

  Whiskers tickled.



  My, God! No! No, no, no, noooo! You can’t do that.

  He licked the little nub that had sent her into oblivion the last time, making her prior trip seem like afternoon tea with granny.

  “Eeee.” She thumped her heel against his ass. Wanting more and overwhelmed all at once. A tug-of-war of pleasure and fear took root as he licked her between the folds, thrusting a finger inside. Her pussy convulsed against his mouth, tongue, and finger. Unable to stop, Elizabeth screamed and came. “Fuuuuck!” Auntie didn’t tell me about this part. The woman lied.

  Will crawled up her body and cupped her face. “Look at me.”

  She lifted her lids and stared into his gaze.

  “I’m going to enter you now. Try to relax and, this time, stay focused on me until the pain eases. I need to see that you’re all right. Ready?”

  “Yes.” As she’d ever be. From this point on, she’d sealed her fate.

  In one swift thrust, he slid inside her slick channel, bursting through her maiden’s barrier. Will stopped, holding his position, braced on his elbows, drawing ragged breaths.

  “Ouch,” Elizabeth gasped, afraid to move, terrified he’d tear her in two. “Don’t…don’t move.”

  Will remained still. “That was the bad part. It’s over. Are you okay?”

  No. It hurt. “I think. Um.”

  “We can stop, if it’s too much.”

  “Are you insane?”

  “You mean off my chump, right?” He smiled. “I’m not going to move until you tell me to.”

  Again, not what she’d expected. He cared. The pain and fullness that had felt like it would rend her into shreds began to fade. Instead, she could feel that wonderful tension from earlier growing again.

  She didn’t want him to move; she needed him to move. “Yes. Please continue.” Elizabeth dug her nails into his back. “Now would be a good time.”

  “This is the fun part. You ready?”

  “I am.”

  He slid in and out, taking his time, watching her face as he’d said he would. Never would she have imagined such a tender lover for a husband. She’d rarely heard anything good about marital relations from her friends, and the way her aunt had explained it had terrified her. But this? Nobody had talked about how good the act could feel. Each time he pushed in, the muscles inside her drew tighter.

  Drawing from their earlier activities, she knew what would follow. Or she thought she knew what would follow. Pleasure rippled through her, growing stronger. Her inner walls throbbed around his shaft, each squeeze exquisite torture. As she contracted around him, a ball of heat in her belly exploded, her muscles seized from head to toe, and if he hadn’t been on top of her, she’d surely have levitated off the bed.

  “Oh, my God, Will!” She grabbed his backside and hung on for dear life.

  “I’m going to come.” Will groaned and moved a little faster until he buried his cock deep, and the shaft pulsed inside her. He held her gaze.

  “Do it again.” She panted as the last tremor made its way through her, not caring if it made her wanton or easy. It—the act—could not be further from what she’d been led to believe.

  “Easy there, sweetheart.” He remained on his elbows, lowering his mouth and giving her a tender kiss. “You might be a bit sore tomorrow. We should grab something to eat and get the fire going before it’s dark. But, first, the stream isn’t far. Care to take a quick dip?”

  “I never expected it to be so…wonderful.”

  “What did you expect?” He eyed her.

  Elizabeth proceeded to give him her aunt’s play-by-play details. When she reached the part about lying there while the man took his pleasure, Will leaned down and kissed her, stopping her story. Desire blossomed in her belly, but, just as she thought he’d give her a round two, he lifted
his head and smiled.

  “Let’s go take that dip. We have the rest of our lives to enjoy each other.”

  Will watched Elizabeth as she dried her hair by the fire, finger-combing the tresses. It had only been an hour since they’d been together, yet he already wanted her again. Her soft skin glowed in the firelight while shadows from the flickering flames danced across the curves on her face. Could love happen so fast, take hold of a heart in an instant and make a man want to do anything to preserve it?

  The more he watched her, the more it became clear—he’d fallen in love with his wife.

  She turned to look at him. “What?”

  “You are so beautiful.”

  Even in the dim light, he caught the blush coloring her cheeks. “Thank you.”

  Refreshing to have a woman just accept a compliment. Elizabeth did it with such grace, one of her many endearing qualities. Of course, his family and friends were going to go off the deep end when he came home with a bride they’d never met, but she’d certainly win them over as quickly as she had him.

  For him, she’d given up everything; her family, her life in the past. A sense of guilt settled into his gut, twisting his innards. “What if we can travel between times? Spend some of the year with your family and some with mine?”

  Elizabeth perked up. “Do you think it’s possible?”

  “I don’t know. Maybe. I think it deserves exploration, don’t you?”

  “As long as I never have to wear another corset.” She gave him a devious smile.

  “You can go naked, if you want.” He couldn’t help but grin.

  She cocked a brow.

  “Actually, I think I’d prefer that. But wear your boots. And do you have any of those thigh-high stockings?”

  “No proper lady would get caught without her stockings and garters.”

  “Well, then it’s settled. You never have to wear a corset again—unless it goes with the rest of your ensemble.”

  “Oh, Mr. Davidson. You are very naughty.” She waggled her finger at him.

  “Come over here, sit beside me, and I’ll show you naughty.” His dick pushed against his fly, demanding he follow through on his proposition. No, he wouldn’t. He didn’t want to hurt her.

  Elizabeth rose and came over to stand before him where he sat on a downed tree. He let his gaze slide up her fabulous legs and body to her lovely face. In nothing but his button-up shirt and her panties, she made quite the visual. It would be a mental snapshot he’d take with him to his grave. “You gonna sit?”

  A quick study, she straddled him, sinking onto his lap. The three buttons on the shirt left undone gave him a good view of her cleavage. “Like this?”

  She cupped his face in her hands and kissed him. Good Lord. Will grasped her ass, pulling her hips into his.

  “Yeah, that’s perfect.” He gave one of her cheeks a squeeze. “Man, you tempt me. But I don’t want you to be in pain when we’re searching through the ruins tomorrow, and what we’ve already done will make you tender.”

  “Then should I return the favor from earlier and put my mouth on your shaft?”

  Will choked on his own saliva, coughing and sputtering. His recently deflowered virgin bride hadn’t just asked him if he wanted a blow job, had she?

  “Did I say something wrong?” She leaned away and studied his face with just a touch too much mischievousness. And the things it did to him. Visions of those plump lips wrapped around his cock, swam through his head like Christmas morning.

  “Do you not like it? Is it improper?”

  “No! I mean, no, it’s not improper, and, yes, I like it. I just didn’t think you’d like it, being as you’re used to bathing in your clothes.”

  “I’m a married woman now. It would bring me great pleasure to give you release as you did me. You need only tell me what feels good and if I’m doing it right.” The way she said it, the innocence that still filled her expression, made him feel guilty for wanting it.

  “You would really do that?”

  She wiggled on his lap. “I’d do anything you want.” She reached down and grabbed his fly.

  That was the problem. Did she play the role of “dutiful wife,” or did she really desire to go down on him? From the instructions she’d received from her aunt on sex, she’d been taught to just take it. That would not be their relationship.

  Grasping her wrists, Will lifted her palms to his lips, kissing one hand and then the other. Then he said something he never expected to hear come from his mouth. “Let’s take this slow. We have all the time in the world to explore different ways to bring each other pleasure. Tonight, I only want to hold you.” In his heart, he really did.

  “Are you real?” Elizabeth wrapped her arms around him and rested her cheek against his chest. “Tell me I’m not dreaming. And if I am, don’t wake me up.”

  “You’re not dreaming, sweetheart.”

  Chapter Eleven

  The monkeys’ chattering in the trees woke Elizabeth from her deep slumber. She stretched and rolled over to face Will, who was watching her. Her heart skipped as she thought about the intimacies that had passed between them the night before. “Good morning, husband.”

  “Good morning, wife.” He smiled then sat up. “The monkeys just started making a racket. My previous guide told me they only do that when a predator is around, so I’m going to go check out the situation.” He pulled on his shorts, boots, and slipped on a vest before adding his T-shirt over it. An odd order, but she knew little of men’s fashions in this day and age. Next, he grabbed his pistol, which he’d called a .45 the night before, and loaded a round. “Stay here.”

  He placed his gun in her palm and closed her fingers around the grip. “Bullet is chambered. Keep your finger off the trigger unless you need to shoot.” He kissed her cheek and headed for the exit.

  “You think something dangerous is out there?”

  “You never know. Just like to be prepared.”

  “What are you going to use if there is?” Her stomach knotted. Could it be a big cat like the one that had tried to eat her? “You can’t go out there without your iron. I’ll be fine in here.” She held the weapon out for him to take.

  He shook his head. “Keep it.” Reaching down into his pack, he grabbed a second gun like the one she held. “I always keep a second. Be right back.” He returned to her and kissed her on the forehead this time. “I’m sure it’s nothing.”

  His words triggered the hair on her nape to rise. Her instincts screamed it wasn’t nothing. She opened her mouth to tell him to stay, but he’d left their tent before she could get a word out.

  Elizabeth jumped to her feet and fumbled with her clothing, forgoing the undergarments. She wouldn’t let him face the danger alone. A woman of this time didn’t require a man to keep her safe. She wanted to show him she could adapt, be like the other women from 2015, the equal partner he’d told her he wanted. She wouldn’t cower in a tent like a Victorian lady.


  A shot echoed through the rainforest. Elizabeth shoved her feet into her boots and ran outside the tent. Will stood to the side, pointing the barrel of his gun at the ground, the end smoking.

  “What was it?” She slammed her hand over her heart to steady the drumroll.

  He turned around and smiled. “Wild dog. Probably a stray from a local village.”

  “Just a—”

  Alexander Davidson stepped out from behind a tree and raised a pistol, pointing it at Will.

  “Will,” she screamed. “Watch out!”

  Her husband spun around at her warning, gun raised, but Alexander fired first. Will dropped.

  “When I kill you, you need to stay dead.” Alexander looked up from Will’s body and smiled at her. “Hello, Elizabeth. Did you miss me?”

  “No!” she screamed and rushed for Will, but Alexander charged and intercepted, hooking her around the waist with one arm while he twisted the .45 from her grip. “What did you think you were going to do with that, Elizabeth? Shoot
me?” He tossed it across the clearing.

  “Give it to me, and I’ll show you.” She kicked with her heel, catching him in the shin.

  “That will be enough of that.” He dragged her away from her husband. “We’re going home, dear, and then we’ll pay Daddy a visit. I can’t think of more perfect bait to get his men to lay their weapons down, can you? We’ll say a tribe of headhunters captured you, and I narrowly escaped, the only one who survived. How does that sound?”

  “You’re an evil, lying, murdering bastard.”

  “Yes. But soon I’ll be a wealthy, evil, lying, murdering bastard.” He tightened his grip on her. “When I’m done killing your father and his men, I’m going to have you. Then I’ll send you into the hereafter. Don’t worry, my dear. You can join my brother soon enough after I’m done with you.”

  His pistol connected with her temple, and stars exploded across her field of vision before she sank into oblivion.

  Well, that was unexpected. He should have known better. In his line of work, when a man let his guard down, he ended up dead. Thank God for die-hard habits and bullet-proof vests.

  Will groaned and rolled to his side. Sharp pains across his chest told him he’d likely fractured a rib, and if not, he’d bruised the hell out of it. He’d also hit his head when he landed on the ground, knocking himself out and didn’t see who’d shot him.

  When he reached up to check the damage, a lump the size of a golf ball throbbed under his fingertips, and a haze blanketed his vision. Ouch. Whatever rock he smacked his skull against had more than likely, saved his life. His attacker might have thought him dead. An advantage.

  But so would his wife. Elizabeth! He staggered to his feet, turning around. “Honey?”

  He took in the tent, the same as when he’d left it with her in it—except she hadn’t stayed where he’d told her to. The last seconds before he was shot flashed through his mind. Elizabeth had screamed a warning. He’d spun around and faced off with his great-granduncle.

  Then nothing.

  The canvas flap moved in the breeze. Shit! He ran to it and threw the door open. Gone. If Alexander wanted her dead, this place would have been as good as any to finish her off. He should see a body, and he didn’t, which was good news in a kidnapping kind of way. He could’ve shot her here—and hadn’t—which meant Will still had time to find her before she ended up dead.


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