Book Read Free

Flower Readings

Page 1

by Lilliana Rose

  Table of Contents



  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20


  Flower Readings Book One



  New York




  Cover Design by Melody Pond

  This book is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places, and incidents are the products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, business establishments, locales, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

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  Published in the United States of America by

  Soul Mate Publishing

  P.O. Box 24

  Macedon, New York, 14502

  ISBN: 978-1-68291-375-8

  The publisher does not have any control over and does not assume any responsibility for author or third-party websites or their content.

  To Maggie Mundy,

  Tough diamonds shine stronger together.


  From one tough diamond to another, your enthusiasm and determination is inspiring, and the chats over coffee and bubbles has inspired me to keep writing, and to start that next book when the I’m thinking more about giving up. Thank you Maggie, Leesa and Carla.

  Thanks to my crit partners, Natalie and Samantha, your words of suggestion have been well based. You both have helped my writing to grow and expand, thank you.

  Thanks to my sisters for their continuous support as their crazy older sister tries to be an author.

  Chapter 1

  Triena looked down at the tea in her mug. She hadn’t meant to slip into the Energy Field. Instinctively she had and looked for his energy print. A decade of not even a hint and now his energy was clear and close. Braklen. Her pulse raced as she sat on the metal stool in the kitchen and forced herself to breathe deeply. She unfolded her legs, put down the mug, and walked down the narrow dark hallway into the prep room. Her bare feet hit something soft, but firm and she stumbled.


  They flickered on. The room illuminated in an electric glow. On the far wall, stood a cupboard with deep maroon curtains instead of doors, behind a sturdy rectangular wooden workbench. She looked over her shoulder. The black rabbit sat innocently in the doorway. He fluffed his fur and rubbed his paws across his nose. Metal ears, the only non-animal part of him, clicked together.

  “Fuck the queens, I should skin you,” said Triena.

  The rabbit moved its metal ears in defiance, a cheeky glint in his eyes, which suggested he’d enjoy himself with the Queens if given a chance. As big as a small cat, he was full of attitude to match his oversized body. You’ll be reprimanded for swearing about the rulers, you know.

  Stop your thoughts from getting into my head.

  Triena twisted her dark blonde hair into a long plait as she walked to the shelves and parted the curtains. From waist-height to ceiling, she saw shelves full of dried flowers, stored carefully in lidded glass jars. Trust my luck. I get a rabbit who can actually use the energy to speak to me. They had a love-hate relationship, but they stuck together because of their bond with the Energy Field.

  I’m one of a kind. You should treat me better.

  “You’re just lucky I can’t work with animal parts.”

  She brushed her hands down her corseted dress of layered crimson lace and waited. All the other Energy Readers had to use animal parts to read the energy in order to predict the future. Triena didn’t have the stomach for blood and organs. Instead, her skill was with flowers. It was one of the reasons the Queens cast her out, that and she failed her initiation because she didn’t sacrifice Braklen. As custom decreed, she’d been ordered to kill the man she loved, a test to see if she’d follow the Queens’ rules, and also if she’d push her own emotions aside to read the psychic patterns correctly. But, Triena hadn’t been able to follow through on the order.

  The rabbit lifted one ear before disappearing around the corner. There wasn’t enough time for Triena to chase the creature and inflict any sort of punishment. He was more important. Braklen. Her skin prickled at the thought of him. For ten years, she’d locked away his name. Now, it fluttered around with new wings causing chaos in her mind. She wasn’t ready to meet him again. The old feelings were still there, despite her attempts to repress them. The real reason why she couldn’t murder him back then.

  But, this time she’d be ready – and succeed. This time I will kill him. Then the Queens will take me back and I can be trained as a real Energy Reader. Triena paid the price of failure by living a basic life on an outback moon in the middle of nowhere, far from Earth where the twelve Queens resided.

  The energy of change and confrontation flowed around the room, disrupting the normal balance of her world. She stood at the center, in the eye of the swirling energy. The bells on her front door rang. The sound ripped her back to the room. He is here.

  Triena ran her hands down the dress again and went to greet him. His masculine energy radiated out, mixed with confidence, strength and intelligence. She walked along the dark corridor, draping the edge of her shawl over her face, the lace-work distorted her features, a precaution to ensure he didn’t recognise her. Out here she was known as the Tea Lady. Very few knew her real name, and she hoped he was coming here for tea and not a flower reading or worse – for her.

  Natural light, from a distant burning star, brightened the front room allowing Triena to see him before he saw her. She held her breath. Braklen had changed. He looked even more attractive with broad shoulders and developed muscles. He stood patiently in casual grey pants, tight from training with the Peacekeepers. His white shirt unbuttoned at the top allowed her a glance of the strength in his smooth chest. He looked like a typical outback space guy ready for adventure.

  “Hello?” Braklen’s deep voice vibrated between the walls.

  “Welcome.” Triena walked out from the cover of the dull light. She smiled and saw him pause, and hold his breath as he looked at her, blue eyes penetrating her body searching for her essence, the real part of her.

  Would he remember me? She’d changed too. Living here, struggling without the luxuries the Energy Readers were given because of their unique skills, she looked more like a trader’s daughter.

  “Salene recommended this place,” he hesitated. “For guidance.”

  “Please sit.” Gesturing to one of the empty tables, Triena did
n’t know whether to be grateful to Salene or not. The woman sent many of her lodgers here for flower readings since she had a knack for knowing those who sought out guidance.

  He walked past and Triena inhaled sharply. His scent was strong and sent a nervous but pleasurable shiver through her body, clouding her mind. She held her breath as if keeping a part of his energy inside her. Then she exhaled slowly, savoring his male spiciness. This isn’t going to be easy.

  She felt the rabbit’s presence from the backroom, reminding her of the love she once had for Braklen and how those feelings stopped her from killing him as part of her initiation into the Queen’s faith. She ignored the creature.

  Braklen’s large framed body looked awkward as he sat at the table. The wooden chair creaked when he moved his weight. He bumped his knee on the table leg and the table rattled.

  “Sorry.” His face flushed red, barely noticeable under the few days’ growth of facial hair.

  She hadn’t killed before. Could I even go back to the Queens? Fresh doubt began to find its way to her thoughts and mixed with the cloud of bliss that intensified each time she looked at him. This was the only way to return to the caste of Queens, her caste. She had to do this now. She had to destroy him.

  “Relax, I was expecting you.”

  “Really?” He folded his arms on the table and watched her prepare. “Why?”

  “Part of the business.” She kept her head down out of his intense stare and wiped the wooden table. Her cheeks reddened and she cursed herself for responding to him. Satisfied the table was clean, Triena seated herself, ready to begin the session. “Tell me, Braklen, what would you like to know?”

  “How do you know my name?” His eyes narrowed and she felt uncomfortable under his stare.

  Fuck the Queens. She had to be more careful.

  “I’m good at what I do. Besides Salene told me you were coming,” Triena lied. Her heart pounded out her anxiety as she held his gaze through the lace material. The strict resolve she had as a wall of protection melted like a worn out glacier from the warmth in his energy.

  “Let’s begin.” She couldn’t hold his gaze any longer. Her breath already came quicker and all she wanted to do was to reach out and touch his face, feel the softness of his lips on her, and lose herself with him. To meet him with the intimacy that she’d missed claiming when they were in falling in love all those years ago. This wasn’t how to kill a man.

  “Please.” His smile melted the last of her coolness, but she fought hard and managed to stay in control.

  “Would you like to tell me about the guidance you seek?” Triena felt his gaze slide over her body. The room heated up too much. Things were going to ignite between them. Then, she wouldn’t be able to hold back. He looked at her, his eyes scanned her body. Triena knew he was undressing her, and heat flushed from deep within her erupting on her face.

  “Braklen, concentrate.” Her hand moved subconsciously to her neck and played with the rainbow moonstone droplet. “Braklen.”

  He snapped out of his dream and his eyes cleared. “Everything. I need to know everything.”

  “Can you be more specific?” She regained some composure and switched to auto mode. “Love, money, success?” She could always read the energy, but there was no point ranting on about money when the customer really wanted to hear about love. She’d learned to tell customers what they wanted to hear – at least some of them. It was risky business telling a client about something they weren’t ready to hear.

  “Yes, all of that sort of thing.”

  “The more you give me, the more it will help the reading.”

  Which wasn’t really the truth. Triena couldn’t control the energy, she could only read it. She needed to know more about him and to buy herself time because she was losing her nerve. Since she’d sat at the table, all she managed was to think of tearing away his clothes rather than killing him.

  “The Queens’ war.” He sighed, causing the energy around him to vibrate slow and heavy. Tiredness crept around him like a black snake, ready to constrict him. “Have they conquered the Priests? Will I live?” He looked at his hands. “Are the Queens right?”

  Her eyes widened at the hint of doubt he showed about the Queens’ rule. Twelve women, and only women, ruled using the Energy as their guide. They’d defended their rule against usurpers, the Priests, before she was born and now the Priests were rising. They wanted the knowledge and the power that came with being able to enter the Energy Field and to read the patterns. There was power in being able to predict the future. Some people said the Queens were no better with their misuse of power. Is this what he means? She felt the strength of his words reach her lips and for a second she hesitated. Is he baiting me?

  The Queens will never forgive you. The rabbit hopped into the room. You can never go back. Keep him alive.

  No one dared to speak out against the Queens. They read the energy regularly and spotted any ripples of anarchy. Everyone knew how the Queens dealt with upsurges – would-be rebels were sent to the planet Amertii to mine black rock.

  The Queens wouldn’t reject me. I’m a talented Energy Reader, answered Triena. Even if I do use flowers and not animals.

  “I will go and get the flowers. Wait here.” She rested her hand on his arm. His skin warm and inviting, she struggled to remove herself. To kill, nothing else, she reminded herself as she walked into the prep room.

  Triena began to tune into the Energy Field with a series of slow, deep breaths and started to call in the energy. Skill flooded into her mind, causing neurons to spark in unique patterns. In front of her, the rows of shelves blurred. Each jar contained dried flowers. How they unfolded revealed the future of clients. Triena used her skill with a raw grace. Untrained, she’d learned to follow her intuition. Even so the people here on the trading moon, Oberon, paid her well for the flower readings and they always returned.

  Focus. The flutter of Braklen’s name surfacing in her mind caused her concentration to falter. She forced herself to continue, closed her eyes and dug deeper into the trance. There were three choices to make. Slowly her pale hand passed over the dusty jars. Energy clouds like small universes formed in her third eye guiding the selection process. A tickle of energy around her hand stopped her from moving. Triena picked up the jar, turned and placed it on the table behind her without opening her eyes.

  The next jar spoke to her by warming her hand. She felt the love in the ball of dried petals. Will he remember me? Will he want to remember me?

  Triena knew she wasn’t concentrating enough. She remembered the last time, when she failed at killing him. They were both sixteen. The Queens ordered her to, but instead Triena found she loved him, at least she thought she had. The dusty years here on Oberon created doubt in her mind. I will kill him this time.

  The rabbit’s metal ears entered her mind before unfolding and blending into the clouds of energy. The animal always reminded her of what she wanted to forget. Guilt still clenched her stomach at what she’d done the last time when she tried sacrificing part of a living creature. Afterwards, she’d purchased metal ears from Rangit, and paid extra for him to attach them permanently to the rabbit. An expensive apology, but the least she could do after removing his real ears.

  She forced the thoughts away and refocused. Once more her essence became a tuning fork as her hand moved over the containers. She stretched upwards moving to the top shelf where the most potent flowers were stored. The energy guided her. Painful electric shocks crashed into her hand and she froze. The final jar.

  Small bolts of lightning continued to fire as she brought the jar down. The clouds of energy dissipated as her mind adjusted to the material world once more making her nauseous.

  Maybe you’re not ready to read for him. The rabbit returned to the room.

  Doubt crept into her mind like a black cloud, ready to consume the world below in a fierce storm. “You’re not helping,” said Triena. The rabbit’s fur tickled her bare feet. “I’m r
eady. I’ve made the right choice. This time I’m choosing with my head and not my heart.”

  The rabbit bit her toe. Triena gasped and kicked the animal away. “I am right.” She hated hearing his thoughts in her mind and worked at the energy walls to block him.

  She lined up three white bone china cups and saucers, representing the past, present and future. “Wing Leaf. Perfect for the past.” She rolled out the first dried flower, making sure she didn’t touch the delicate bud. A ball of mystery sat in the whiteness, waiting to be unlocked with boiling water. The sweet smell calmed her building nerves.

  She resisted the temptation to begin the reading without him. That was the mistake of a beginner. She knew Wing Leaf would send a person mad, if they were of weak mind. Is this what I really want? Does he have a weak mind?

  She moved to the next flower. “Gaia’s Tears.” The earthy smell reminded her of the Queens’ home. Gaia’s Tears made the skin itch and thicken in a mass of warts. The sensation would send someone crazy especially when they saw their skin begin to look more like the bark of a tree. She felt her confidence increase. Things were going to plan. She’d be returning to the Queens soon enough. The rabbit bit her toe again and bought her crashing back to reality.

  “Fuck off, will you?” She tried to kick him but missed. “This is the choice of the energy. Not me.”

  The rabbit hopped away, reassessing his attack.

  “Dragon’s Flower.” Triena’s head lightened and the room rocked back and forth. Maybe, the rabbit was right. She might have tainted this process with her own energy.

  “I will not start again.” Sheer determination helped her thus far, and allowed her to survive in this outback hellhole after her disgrace of failing to kill him. The energy didn’t lie.


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