Book Read Free

Flower Readings

Page 13

by Lilliana Rose

“She’s a strong woman. You’ve chosen well Braklen.”

  Triena felt a wave of heat begin to rise. I’m not with him. Instead of managing to speak, she coughed as the last of the spirit burned down her throat.

  Braklen laughed. “We’ve been rather close lately.”

  “Too close.” Triena glared at him as she held up her arm with the chip.

  “Should I be worried?” asked Marory.

  “No,” said Triena at the same time Braklen answered, “yes.”

  I need another shot. No damn, the whole bottle. The blood drained from her face, making her feel woozy. What is going on? It was like the liquor had taken away her resolve. Her thoughts swam chaotically in her mind. “They’ll know to look here.”

  “No, they won’t,” said Braklen. “Marory fostered me for a year or so before I joined the forces. I’ve never mentioned her to them.”

  “Don’t worry, dear. Braklen has never bought me any trouble.” Marory placed a cup of steaming tea in front of Triena. “Drink up, dear.”

  Triena wrapped her hands around the cup and bought the steaming liquid to her mouth. But, this time there could very well be trouble. The smell of mint calmed her. There were undertones of spices, cinnamon, cardamom and cloves covered the flavor of the bitterness of the tea, but Triena could taste the mixture of Quem and Fei.

  I’m going to sleep well tonight. She sipped the liquid, and her whole body welcomed the tea. The energy of the spices, and herbs radiated out into her body, slowly, and gently and began doing their work of helping her to rebalance. She preferred this process to the alcohol. It wasn’t so shocking to her metabolism.

  “I’ve got my work cut out then with you two here.” She placed a cup down for Braklen and then poured some tea on a saucer for the rabbit.

  “We can go if it’s too much trouble,” said Triena.

  “No dear, that’s fine. I don’t get to see him very often. I should thank you for giving him a reason to come to see me.”

  Triena drank her tea, trying to think of a polite way out of this situation. Was this one of Braklen’s plans?

  Who cares, we have food and this tea is delicious. She’s laced it with some Grentii.

  You’re fine with the fact she’s drugged us?

  And you’re not? This is top grade.

  Triena wanted to panic, but the two shots and now the tea caused her to accept her situation more than she wanted to. Hopeless, that’s how I feel.

  Braklen and Marory whispered to each other.

  I don’t like this. Triena tried to listen to them, but the combination of the liquid and the tea numbed her ability to use the Energy and she couldn’t reach into the Energy Field. Instead she felt like a bird lost in the vastness of the sky tumbling around, so she stopped trying and settled into her body, sipping the tea.

  “I hope you’re not planning without my input.” Triena stared at them both sitting next to each other at the table, hunched over so they could whisper quietly without her hearing.

  “Of course not.” Braklen sat up straight and stared back at her.

  God, those eyes see right through me. Triena felt a flutter in her heart and she took a deep breath.

  He kept looking at her, with his blue eyes. Comfortable warmth radiated from him to her as if he was hugging her from far away.

  She broke the contact by looking down into her cup of tea and then taking a long sip. Triena still felt him looking at her. Her hand trembled a little as she put the cup back down on the table.

  “You look familiar,” said the old woman.

  Triena panicked at the comment. This woman didn’t remind her of anyone. She moved in her seat knocking the table. Triena rushed to catch the cup, but fumbled and the cup tumbled to the floor smashing into pieces.

  Watch out. Are you trying to kill me now? The rabbit clicked his ears together, and shook his body trying to remove any pieces of china in his fur. Lucky I’ve got thick fur.

  “Relax, Triena. You’re safe here.” Braklen stood up and went over to pick up the pieces.

  “Don’t worry, dear, you’ve had an intense few days.” Marory stood and began over to mopping up the tea dripping over the side of the table.

  Triena sat in silence, trying to force her fogged mind to work. Are they really caring for me? Am I really safe here?

  “I’ll go and get the room ready and see if I can find some clean clothes that will fit you, Triena.” Marory bustled out of the room.

  “What was that about?” Triena’s words slurred.


  “I know I should trust you and all, but this … this … damn.” She couldn’t find the words. She felt the tension building up again. This time she was going to let it out, and he’d take the brunt of it. But, her thoughts slipped away.

  She looked at him. He smiled at her as he sat down on a stool next to her. His leg brushed against hers. She took a deep breath to tell him it was one of his plans to help them escape, then this was the worst he’d come up with. His smile somehow took away her anger.

  “I’m not happy about this.” She cringed at her words. This is the best I can come up with? She put her head down in her hands as if that would erase what was happening.

  He leaned forward and pushed a strand of her hair back, exposing her ear. A shiver, soft and slow, ran down her body, causing heat to form in her abdomen. She kept her hands over her face, not trusting herself to look at him. His breath hot on her ear caused another quiver in her body.

  “She can help us. She has contacts,” he said quietly in her ear.

  She jolted upwards nearly banging her head against his. “With Peacekeepers?”

  “Shhh,” he placed his finger to his lips.

  That’s it. I’m leaving. Her body didn’t obey her thoughts. She sat exhausted looking at him. “They will be here in Soneria, I’m sure. They’ll know everything about you.”

  He motioned her to come in closer to him.

  I suppose right now, I’ve got nothing to lose. She leaned towards him, resisting the urge to kiss him. It’s the drugs. I don’t have feelings for him.

  “They have ears everywhere. We need to be careful.”

  Triena let out a breath she hadn’t even realised she’d been holding. She moved back and looked at him. It was becoming easier to trust him.

  “I never mentioned Marory because she was against the Queens. If they knew then, I’d never have gotten into the Peacekeepers. For a homeless boy like myself, being in the force gave me security and it was better than living on the streets.”

  “And I’m meant to believe you?”


  Triena shook her head. Life was much simpler back on Oberon, take me back there.

  “We’ll get a decent sleep tonight. Tomorrow, we’ll look for a Priest.”

  “A Priest?”

  “If the Queens want us, then we need to align with the other side.”

  She gulped. His words were much closer to what her heart wanted than she was willing to admit. She ran her hands down the top of her thighs. She was finding it too hard to think when he was this close to her. His heat did more than just soothe her. She wanted him. But, then she didn’t.

  Marory came back into the room her presence breaking the tension between Braklen and Triena.

  “I’ve run you a bath. Go and take your time,” Marory said to Triena.

  “Thank you.” Triena got up. Her muscles ached in protest at having to move. She couldn’t wait to immerse herself into the comfort of warm water.

  “Third door on the left.”

  “Don’t use all the hot water,” said Braklen, giving her a wink.

  “There’s a bed made up for you at the end of the hall,” said the old woman.

  Triena nodded, too tired to answer.

  “Now, where’s that rabbit?” The old woman found it, bent down despite her age and picked him up. “You smell worse than them. I’m going to give you a bath.”

  The rabbit clicked his ears in pan
ic, and tried to scratch his way out of her arms, but she held him tight and walked to the kitchen sink.

  Triena heard the rabbit’s telepathic screams entering her mind. You need it. She sent back her reply as she smiled. I’ve been too gentle on you, not giving you baths. Get over it.

  She opened the door into the confined bathroom. The sight of a bath full of water was enough to sooth her. The old woman had taken care to prepare more than just a tub full of steaming water. There were candles lit and the room smelt of Quem tea.

  Triena stripped off her clothes, smelly and stained, and left them on the floor. She went to remove the green pendant but changed her mind. It had somehow become part of her now, and she felt more anchored to the physical world with it around her neck.

  She stepped into the oversized bath. It was of the old design and stood high on the ground. The heat of the water massaged her body. Tension seeped from her pores. The woman had put oil in the bath. The smell of lavender further helped to reduce the tension in her body. Her mind just wanted to drift into unconsciousness and sleep for a week.

  What is it that Braklen’s involved in? Do I know the old woman?

  Triena couldn’t think for long in the water. She just lay there, letting the thoughts come, then go. She didn’t want to think anymore, or run. She just wanted to rest. The cooling water brought her back to reality. She had no idea how long she had been in the tub, probably too long now the water was barely warm. She quickly washed her hair, got out of the tub and dried herself.

  She stepped out of the bathroom and walked with the towel around her into the room Marory pointed out to her earlier. She could barely move, as her eyes closed, her mind went numb, and exhaustion finally set in. She dropped the towel on the floor, climbed into the oversized bed, snuggling between the sheets and enjoying the clean crispness slipping over her skin. Her head rested on the pillow and she welcomed the blackness of sleep.

  She woke with a jolt, her mind screaming for more sleep. The bed rocked up and down. It was as if someone else was there with her. She opened her eyes and rolled over to see Braklen’s naked back.

  “Get out.” She pulled the sheet up to cover herself.

  “Triena, I’ve had to put up with you for one more minutes than I’d really like. I’ve lost count the number of fights I’ve had. I’m on the run. I’m going to sleep and I’d appreciate it if you’d shut up.”

  “Not in here you’re not.”

  “I’m not sleeping on the floor or the chair. I’ve earned the comfort of a mattress and pillow.”

  “I’m not going on the floor.”

  “So roll over and go to sleep.”

  “I will not. Not until you get out of my bed.”

  “Our bed, honey.”


  Braklen didn’t move. She tried to push him out the bed but he was too heavy.

  “I’ll tie you up if you keep that up.”

  “Yeah, you’ll enjoy that.” Triena laid back down, exhausted from trying to remove him from the bed. This isn’t going to work.

  “No funny business, or I’ll … I’ll …” She stopped talking as Braklen started snoring. “Great.” She rolled over so her back was facing his, pulled the sheet up over her shoulder and curled her knees to her chest. How am I going to sleep?


  The Energy gave her a few hours of deep sleep before intruding into her mind speaking to Triena with images in her dreams. A white gold crown formed in the darkness. The pink pearl glistened from the glow and tempted Triena’s dream mind to come forward to look closer.

  The image changed, the crown sat on a woman’s head.

  Another crown formed. It was larger, less intricate in design, more masculine in appearance. This crown glowed yellow, pure gold and had a rare sapphire, set in the center, shaped like a star, a green sapphire, a shining energy of change.

  The Energy played with the image as Triena’s dream mind watched. It joined the crowns together, so that they looked like two rings joined and unable to be removed. It was just beginning to tell the story it wanted Triena to see. The image unsettled her, shaking the images, causing them to fade and be forgotten.


  A comforting warmth travelled along her back, causing her to smile. She snuggled into the softness behind her. Heat caressed her, slipping over her waist, dripping down her belly and reaching upwards towards her breasts. She moved her hand to the extra warmth and hugged it into her body. She wanted more. She wanted to be immersed into this comfort. The heat increased. A spark had just been ignited within her, and there was no way of putting it out.

  She woke up.

  With a panic, she realised the source of the heat. She squirmed to get out of Braklen’s embrace, but he held her tighter, pressed his body against her back and pinched her nipple.

  She gasped, with pleasure. I so want this. But, she couldn’t do this, not with him. Too complicated, especially now.

  Her brain whirled into gear. “Braklen.”


  “Braklen, wake up.”

  “I am.” He placed his hand over her breast and she felt a flood of warm welcoming energy burn her skin with his touch. “I thought you enjoyed this?”

  “I am … I mean, no. I don’t think this is a good idea.”

  “Why not?” He traced his finger around her nipple.

  Damn. Her nipple tightened and she felt heat gather between her legs. She arched her body back instinctively giving him more room to touch her. He groaned softly and took full advantage of being able to run his hands over her body. He kissed her cheek.

  It had been so long since she’d allowed herself the pleasures of the skin. It was easier not too because it usually bought up images of Braklen, back just before she’d betrayed him. Now, it was happening for real. Her mind said no, her heart screamed yes.

  He moved his body partly onto hers and kissed her on the lips as he moved his hand down her waist along the side of her thigh. He tightened his embrace, lifting her up a little from the bed, making it easier for him to move his hand to caress down to her lower back. She didn’t resist and allowed him to explore her body as they kissed. Their energy slowly joined as she followed her heart.

  She moved her hands over his back, encouraging him, enjoying the softness of his skin.

  There was a knock on the door.

  They both ignored it.


  He kept kissing Triena.

  “Braklen, he’s here.”

  “Damn, talk about timing.” He looked at Triena, moving a finger over her face, her eyes afire with the passion he’d just awakened.

  “I’ll come in if you don’t answer.”

  “Coming,” yelled Braklen. “Shit, I don’t want to leave you.” He kissed her again.

  Triena responded and kissed him back, holding him close to her, pulling him down on her. “I don’t want you to leave either.”

  “Braklen, I’m coming in.” There was a click as the door opened.

  “No.” Braklen jumped out of bed, grabbing the extra blanket and managed to cover himself just in time as the door slid open. Triena pulled up the sheet over her body.

  “He doesn’t have much time.” Marory’s eyes widened as she looked in the room, then she turned away. “Hurry up.” She rushed away.

  Triena watched Braklen pull on some brown trousers. “The Priest?”

  “Someone who will get us to Inite.”

  “Really?” Her energy spiked with excitement.

  “Hopefully.” He buttoned up a clean black shirt.

  It disappointed her not to see his smooth chest any more. “You’d better get going then.”

  “You turn cold quick.” He walked over to the bed and leaned over her.

  “If you stay like that much longer, I’m going to have to rip your shirt off.”

  He smiled and kissed her. “We have lots to talk about.” He walked out of the room.

  Yes and apparently no time for it. She took
a deep breath and settled back on the bed, soaking up the last of the fading heat. Her body felt frustration at the lack of delivery. She willed herself to cool, to put out the fire Braklen had started. This will not do. I don’t have time for this.

  Bullshit. The rabbit hopped up on the bed. The two of you are matched.

  Oi, I’m not dressed, you pervert.

  Well, get dressed. He’s not coming back to finish what he started. The ship is ready.

  How do you know?

  At least one of us is using the Energy for guidance.

  Triena groaned. Maybe, the rabbit was right. Maybe, he was wrong. Either way, she felt wide awake and decided it was best to get up, get dressed and go and see this mystery Priest.

  The clothes Marory provided fit Triena well enough. Thick black leggings covered her legs, and a full skirt went down to her knees. She’d seen ladies wearing similar skirts yesterday. She had a short-sleeved tight fitting top and a tailored jacket. Pants would’ve been more practical. She didn’t complain since the clothes were clean and smelt fresh and the knee-high boots fitted perfectly. Triena felt like she could face the world again, at least the idea of getting this chip out of her arm. The rest of the problems she faced made her stomach knot up, and butterflies take flight within her.

  “The vial.” She panicked. She looked around the dim room. Furnishings were sparse, just the bed, a small table and chair. She looked under the bed. It was too dark to see if anything was there for sure. Triena reached in with her hand and moved it around, but all she could feel was the worn carpet.

  “Have a look under the bed.” She told the rabbit. He didn’t move. She stood, picked him up with two hands and put him on the floor. Please.

  There’s nothing there.

  “You haven’t even looked.” She pushed him under the bed.

  He disappeared for a few seconds then came back out from under the bed with dust on his whiskers. Nope, nothing.

  Triena looked quickly around the room. “You know where my pouch could be?” She turned to see the rabbit hopping out of the room. “Great help you are.”

  She scanned the room again. There weren’t many places to put things and there wasn’t much left behind. Braklen had already dressed, so his clothes weren’t lying around, just a towel he’d dumped on the table last night. She picked up the towel at the corner, holding it between two fingers, as it if contained the plague.


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