Book Read Free

Flower Readings

Page 17

by Lilliana Rose

  “There are fewer and fewer who are willing to stand up, or who know enough about the Energies to know the Queens are abusing their power.”

  “Wait, you said you can use the Energy? I thought only women could do that?”

  “Exactly. Once we all could use the Energy, thousands of years ago, then slowly people forgot, then somehow it became something only the women could do. But yes, men can read the Energy too, which is why we need to stand up to the Queens soon, to nurture the few who are left.”

  “What about the energy in the vials?” Triena stood in the doorway with a shawl wrapped around her shoulders. “How can Energy be put into a liquid?”

  “You should be resting, dear,” said Marory.

  “How is it done?” Triena stepped into the room and stood facing the Priest.

  Why should I tell you? He spoke through the Energy Field.

  I need confirmation.

  “Talking through the Energy is too dangerous. Stop it,” said Marory.

  “They are for manipulation. They have, or someone has, worked out how to program the Energy. The vibrations are then put into a liquid and given to people to make them think a certain way, one that enables the Queens absolute power,” said Priest Juniq.

  “Then, who is trying to stop them?”

  “Not many know. There’s a small network of people, but a few of our threads have taken hits recently and we have to rebuild.”

  “Where do the Priest fit into this? What do you want if you gain power? Your faith also has a history of misuse of power.” Triena didn’t trust him.

  “You’ve been too sheltered on Oberon,” said Marory. “There’s a whole war happening between the Queens and the new sect of Priests. The revolution has started again.”

  “But, no one can control the Energy,” said Triena.

  “No? You’ve seen otherwise. This war will be fought mainly in the Energy Field.”

  Triena pulled the shawl tight around her shoulders. “Is that why they want me?” The rabbit hopped to her feet.

  “Yes,” said Marory.

  “That’s why it’s important they don’t get you,” said Priest Junqi.

  “Yeah, well they had their chance with me.”

  “Why didn’t they keep her at the castle?” asked Braklen.

  “Lack of foresight,” said the Priest. “They can learn from you. Your unique skill would be a weapon, an advantage against the others. Triena picked up the rabbit and held him tight to her chest, rubbing the base of his ears.

  How’s your head? She asked the rabbit.

  Marory has this fabulous hangover tea. You should get the recipe from her, and you could make a fortune from it when we get to re-establish ourselves.

  Re-establish ourselves. That thought felt like a wish well out of her grasp, not even close enough to be a guiding light.

  “Exactly. Back then the Queens wanted to believe they stopped the change from coming. They don’t want a leader of the twelve and they most definitely don’t want her to be ruling with a man.” Marory took down a clean metal mug from the cupboards and poured tea for Triena.

  Triena shook her head. She didn’t want to be close to the Priest, or Braklen, and she was still trying to process what Marory had been telling her. She didn’t want any Fei or to risk drinking something other than plain tea. Marory had a reputation for sprinkling in a little extra. “Well, it sounds like they dealt with it. Besides everyone knows prophecies don’t always come true. The energy is fluid. The predictions change.”

  “So was I wasting my money by seeing you for a reading?” asked Braklen.

  Triena ignored his glare, instead caught Priest Junqi’s stare and shivered.

  “They thought they had dealt with it,” said Marory.

  “What I don’t understand is why they want her then? They let her go, and now they want her back,” said Braklen.

  “Energy is fluid. It changes. The prediction is only valid if certain points of reference play out. The prophecy is believed again,” said Marory.

  “Really? That sounds stupid.” Triena used the doorway to keep her balance. “The prediction is different I’m sure, probably completely different from what was originally foretold. Besides, you can’t trust the Priests.”

  “Don’t be so sure,” said Priest Junqi.

  “That’s what they are unsure of,” said Marory.

  “That’s what’s causing them to panic. They want you back,” said Priest Junqi.

  “And me?” asked Braklen.

  “You’re the idiot who put the prisoner’s chip in my arm. So if they want me, you’re just a bonus.”

  “It’s time that we all worked together. The fractions between Queens and Priests aren’t helping either side.” The Priest took a deep breath and let it out slowly. “There’s a story, about a thirteenth Queen who will rule the twelve and be the highest queen of all, and a man who will lead with her.”

  Triena felt her skin prickle. Can I really believe this? Besides it can’t work now. My mother is dead. The prophecy was simply wrong. She rubbed the rabbit’s nose.

  “That’s just a story,” said Triena. “Nothing more than a modern day fairy tale. No one can believe that crap, not now after so many years of war, not when people are too busy trying to survive.”

  “It’s what it represents. The chance of change, the chance of a rebalance of power we didn’t get right when the Queens took power.”

  “We’ll probably never get it right.”

  “That’s not for us to decide.”

  “And we have to at least try to make a difference,” said Marory.

  The rabbit wriggled and Triena let him down on the floor. “That can’t be it. What else does your kind want?” The rabbit sat at her feet cleaning himself.

  “We want to be taught in the ways of the Energy,” said Priest Junqi.

  “That’s not going to happen.”

  “Not easily, but we are going to try.” Priest Junqi stared at Triena. You know I have the skill, and I think you know other men do too. Why would you stop us from using it?

  His words sent a shiver down her spine. She didn’t respond.

  It’s not for you to decide who should and shouldn’t use the Energy. If you have the skill, you should have the chance to be trained, and to learn. Surely then it would be less likely for people to want to misuse the Energy?

  Triena answered by building up a solid wall around her aura, stopping the telepathic conversation.

  “Change is always hard,” said the Priest looking at her.

  “For both sides. You might not get what you want either.” Triena clenched her fists tight around the shawl, trying to keep control over her anger. How dare he suggest this, that men can use the energy after all the years of war?

  “You’ve seen the program, haven’t you? It’s already re-tuned your brain and you don’t have control over that. If people were trained, then such Energy programs wouldn’t work, people would have stronger minds.”

  “My mind is strong.”

  “Yes it is. But, it’s still not strong enough. You’re remembering history that was too long ago. You have to let some of the pain go, so you can move into the future.”

  Triena didn’t answer the priest. She knew deep down there was some truth in what he was saying, but she didn’t want to admit to it. She didn’t trust him.

  It’s time you toughened up some more. It will help us later on. The rabbit clicked his ears together and then hoped out of her reach before she had a chance to kick him.

  “This isn’t getting us anywhere,” said Braklen. “What do you need to finish the arrangements?”

  “We must go to Inite. We can’t stand up to the Queens with the chip in my arm,” said Triena.

  Braklen cringed at Triena’s words.

  “It’s costly,” said Priest Junqi.

  “We could trade the vial that made you so ill,” said Braklen.


  Don’t let him do that.

; “That would make things much easier,” said the Priest.

  You should be more careful. The Priest reads the Energy, remember?

  He’s not that good.

  “Well then, we will just have to stay here.” Braklen crossed his arms over his chest.

  “There was something else. We have another type of Energy,” said Triena.

  “Maybe. I’ll have to see it first.”

  “I’ll go get it.” She walked back to her room and felt the tension leave her aura, just a little. She hadn’t realised how charged the room had been.

  Triena opened the metal case on the table. There’s no need to let on how many we have. She hoped Marory hadn’t told him. Or Braklen. She took out one of the glass vials. This wasn’t like the vial she tasted, this one made her nervous. She wasn’t sure why now, especially after tasting the animal energy. The experience stopped her from trying out this liquid. It has to be programmed too. Would it work on me? Could I resist it?

  She went back to the room and handed the vial to the Priest. “One only, should get us what we want, plus some things to make our journey a little easier.”

  “Like what?” Priest Junqi took the vial and held it closer to his nose, trying to detect the type of energy inside.

  “Food, water, clothes, and I need some dried flowers,” said Triena.

  “You’re asking a lot.”

  Triena glared at him. “This is worth a lot. You wouldn’t have known how far the Queens progressed with their manipulation of the energy if you hadn’t met us. We are also giving you information.”

  “This isn’t as strong as the other liquid you took.” He looked at Triena. “I need something else. Or the other vial.”

  “I’ll go get it,” said Braklen and he got off the stool.

  “No.” Triena stood in the doorway. She had no way of stopping him from pushing past her, but she was going to do everything to stop him. She wanted the liquid. Besides, deep down, she knew what she had given him was something that would help him get the passage t they wanted, supplies, and information. He is being well paid. Is he being a little greedy? Or is it something else?

  “It’s not like you can use it, so why hang on to it?” Braklen stood in front of her.

  She held her ground blocking the doorway. “You’re not helping, Braklen. Who knows what we might need in the future, it’s too powerful to let go so easily.”

  “How about a reading?” asked Priest Junqi.

  Her breath caught in her throat. Bastard. That was the last thing Triena wanted to be doing. “I don’t have any dried flowers on me.”

  “Sure you do.”

  “No, I don’t.” Triena looked at him blankly.

  “Weren’t you giving me a reading, and then didn’t you put something in your belt pouch? You must have some flowers on you,” said Braklen.

  “Fuck the Queens. Braklen, why don’t we go and give ourselves up to the Queens now and save ourselves the trouble of running?” Triena couldn’t believe how stupid he was being.

  “I don’t really understand why you are so upset. I trust Priest Junqi.”

  Triena looked back at him, as if ready to take him on in a physical fight she had no way of ever winning. “Idiot.”

  “Right. Then you can use those flowers in a reading for me,” said the Priest.

  “Now, Braklen dear, you’re upsetting her, come and sit back down,” said Marory.

  Braklen glared at Triena. “If this fails, then it’s your fault, and you will just have to deal with living here. That is until they find you and take you away.”

  “Us, remember?” She held up her arm, the one with the chip in it.

  Braklen’s face turned red. He picked up the cup and smashed it on the floor. An uneasy energy filtered through the room.

  Triena watched him, biting the words back. It’s your fault for putting the chip in my arm. I would’ve been out of your way by now.

  Triena detected the different vibration with the thought and looked at the Priest. So, let’s get the negotiating done. I’m getting tired of this.

  His energy swept around her, coming closer with each turn. Triena stood firm, holding her own energy tight so as not to fray into his. I’ll take this vial, plus I get a reading from you. I want one of your famous readings.

  And you will organise our passage to Inite, plus resources, as soon as possible? And let me get flowers?


  Then we have a deal. She expected his energy to withdraw straight away, but he kept circling her causing pressure to increase. Triena struggled to hold onto her energy. The pressure built and she expected to burst open. Then suddenly, he withdrew. She swayed, dizzy from the rapid change. “We have come to an arrangement.”

  Marory looked at Triena, her eyes full of questions, as if she was saying don’t do this. Triena made up her mind. It was at Priest Junqi’s own risk to try and take the flowers selected for another. It was risky to use flowers picked for someone else. Too much unknown, anything could happen and that was usually when something went wrong.

  “She’s agreed to give me a reading.”

  “Not now,” said Triena.

  “Then we don’t have a deal.”

  “I need to rest and I need to prepare a room and get dried flowers.”

  “That won’t take long.”

  “Especially if you are out making the arrangements for us.”

  “The girl is right, Junqi. I assume you want a full reading,” said Marory.

  “I wouldn’t have thought it mattered. The witches have skill with the Energy.”

  “It matters a lot. They have false skill.”

  Priest Junqi stared at Triena, thinking, weighing up his options. “I’m willing to take the risk.”

  “Fine,” said Triena.

  “I trust the energy,” said Priest Junqi. “Even if you did kill a Queen, kill me and then you’ll have the Priests after you as well. Besides, I’m not so easily ticked or manipulated like Pernally.”

  “You sure?” asked Triena.

  “Oh, you don’t realise. You’ve started to manipulate the Energy already.” He smiled. “That being the case, I doubt you’d be able to harm me.”

  “I’m not planning on harming anyone,” said Triena. “And I can’t manipulate the Energy.”

  “Good,” said the Priest.

  Triena felt the rabbit’s energy when it trembled intensely. Her skin prickled, and her gut churned. She held her tongue, and breathed down the words. She wanted to get to Inite, and if the Priest wanted to take a stupid risk, if the risk helped her to get to Inite, then it was good. She wasn’t going to stop him. She had to give another reading sometime. Best to get it over with. And I can’t manipulate the Energy. What happened with the crows was just a trick.

  “It’s my choice. Are we clear? If not, I’ll leave now and you two can make your own way.”

  “Don’t you have to book tickets for us now?” asked Braklen.


  “So shouldn’t you get going? We don’t want to delay our trip because you’re concerned about your future. I can tell you now if that happened, you won’t have a future.” Braklen stared at Priest Junqi.

  “Fine. I’ll get started now on the preparations for you two. Then I’ll be back for the reading.” Priest Junqi stood up.

  “I’ll have the vial back, thanks,” said Triena holding out her hand. “Now.”

  “I need something to trade with.”

  “How will I know you will be back?”

  “Oh, I wouldn’t miss a reading with you,” said the Priest.

  Chapter 14

  Triena lay on the bed trying to rest. It was difficult with Braklen next to her. His snoring woke her and she’d been awake ever since, debating whether or not to get up. She had to get flowers for the reading. Both men annoyed her, but she didn’t want either of them dead.

  Braklen rolled over in his sleep and cuddled next to Triena.

  “That’s it.” She pushed off his arm
and stood up. He didn’t even wake up. “Must be Marory’s tea.”

  Triena went out into the kitchen.

  “You should be resting, dear.” Marory chopped vegetables at the small sink. She kept the place tidy and clean, even though it was old and run down.

  “I’m not used to sharing.” Triena sat down on a stool, and leaned on the table, the metal cool on her bare arms.

  “He’s not that bad.” The chopping sound echoed in the room as the metal blade hit the wooden board, over and over.

  “I didn’t choose this.” She leant her head in her arms and tried to block out the sound. She could hear the movement of the water from the fountain. There were no outside sounds, no signs of life and she longed to go out just to make sure there were people still there, walking around going about their everyday lives.

  “You might see differently in the future.”

  “Doubt it.” She sat up. She knew she had to look forward and to stop thinking about the past.

  She didn’t even know what to do to keep away from the Queens. The thought of having to keep running drained her energy. She took stock mentally of what problems needed to be dealt with and which one should she tackle first. The next problem was giving a reading to the Priest. He’s hardly going to help us out of here if he ends up dead from the drinking the tea during the reading.

  “What’s worrying you?” Marory kept her back to her and continued chopping up the potatoes and carrots. Triena felt hungry just looking at the fresh food, even though she had been well fed.

  “I need some dried flowers. Priest Junqi will end up dead if I use the ones I have.”

  Triena felt like she’d handed the woman her heart by revealing so much, but there was no choice. She had to try and get some dried flowers to use with the Priest, otherwise she’d risk being stuck here, and already she felt like she’d been here too long.

  “I thought so, but I don’t have any.”

  Triena’s body slumped at the news. “Is there any way I can get some?”

  “Yes. There’s not much time, and it’s risky, so much so it’s probably not worth it, because you’ll end up caught.”

  “The Priest will end up dead then. How will that leave me and Braklen?”


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