Book Read Free

Flower Readings

Page 25

by Lilliana Rose


  Triena picked up the kettle and poured just enough water to cover the first plant. The vision in the energy was strong. The pattern clear. “You’ve been squeezed. Hard. Taken advantage of. A little boy full of knots, no longer crying, silent tears forming knots.” She struggled to breath. “Nearly died.” She gasped for air, and then suddenly the constriction in her lungs disappeared. “But, you were strong.”

  “Drink to the past.” She knew she was moving through the reading too quickly. He drank the tea, despite its heat, slammed down the liquid and wiped his mouth with the back of his dirty hand. She knew he was capable of looking after his own interests, his past had clearly shown that. He would if the reading didn’t give a reason not to. Will this kill him?

  “Yeah, well our past shapes us. I’m no different. Hardly rocket science to know I’ve had it tough.”

  Triena pressed her lips together and poured the second tea. There were a few cracks in the cup and she waited for the water to leak through. But, it held. She didn’t have time to prepare. The energy came to her, and gripped her around her throat. It was as if it had teeth and they pinched into the softness of her flesh.

  “You didn’t have to react like that. She was only going to help you.”

  She put her hand up to her neck, in the physical plane there was nothing there. In the energy, it was different. She was the woman who was dying, confused at his reaction. “You missed your chance for another life, one more prosperous than this one. A safer life, family, love. You chose this life, death, crime and fear.” The gip loosened.

  “Drink to the Present.” Triena opened her eyes and expected to see him smiling smugly at her, his mouth ready to spurt out a wily comment. He looked sad, as if she’d just hit him with a metal pole. He sat with watery eyes looking down at the tea cup steaming. “Drink.” It seemed she wasn’t cursed after all and she wasn’t going to kill him. She still wasn’t confident. It’s not over yet.

  He slowly picked up the cup and with trembling hands bought it to his lips and drank.

  This time? She held her breath, but Kenti looked normal as he put the cup down. No, then maybe on the last one.

  Triena began to see the future, as she was pouring water out onto the last dried flower. The energy was working with her quickly, there was no resistance, and the patterns were easy to read. She felt like she was on a downhill ride and there was nothing to hold onto. The only thing she could do was to keep moving with the energy and not resist.

  “You’ve been given a second chance. You stand at the crossroads. A lost puppy, howling for its pack. Confused, even though the choice is easy and obvious.” She held her breath. Her instincts had been right. He was considering turning them in. “You don’t have to keep going on this path. Change and leave behind the darkness of your past and present.”

  She watched him sitting there in a trance-like state as he toyed with the two choices.

  “We don’t have enough time,” whispered Braklen.

  “Show your strength. Drink to the future,” said Triena.

  Kenti picked up the small mug and drank. He put the cup back down on the table and kept staring at it. Triena waited. Please take us, Kenti. She spoke into the energy.


  “What?” Braklen stepped closer.

  “I’ll take you.” He pressed the com button. “Pull up the ramp, we’re leaving. Now.”

  “Thank you,” said Triena.

  “She’s done her part, so I expect you and your crew to leave her alone for the entire trip and when we get to Inite,” Braklen stared at Kenti.

  “But, you’ll need to do some work. I’m not sure if the cook made it,” he looked at Triena.

  She noticed he didn’t have the cheeky glint in his eye like before. He’s not dead? I’m not cursed? Triena was relived but confused. Part of her wanted him dead. Then they could take his ship and get out. But now, there was the rabbit.

  “We can’t be too far from each other,” said Braklen.

  “Fine, as long as you both pull your weight. I’ll show you to your quarters. Braklen, you’ll need to help secure a few things, then it’s a few days on this ship, so you’d better make yourself comfortable.” He stood up.

  “Welcome aboard, my Queen. I hope you don’t get space-sick.’

  Triena stood up and her stomach lurched. She put her hand over her mouth.

  Kenti picked up a bucket and put it close to her. “Well, it’s going to be a long trip for you.”

  Chapter 19

  Triena sat with her legs up on the small table sipping her Quem tea. Rabbit lay, unmoving next to her, on some old blankets Braklen managed to find in the ship. With every sip, she took a deep breath. She knew he was dying. But, what can I do? Her eyes watered.

  They’d left Soneria hours ago. Braklen left her in the room throwing up. She couldn’t even make herself any tea. She was too sick. She’d laid on the bed, between the waves of nauseousness, wishing she was the one dying and not the rabbit.

  Not long after take-off, Kenti bought her a huge flask of Quem tea and a handful of dried biscuits. She was surprised he was still alive.

  He left the tea and biscuits on the table, forcing her to get out of bed and pour herself tea. This was her third cup and she was beginning to feel normal again. She still felt the gentle rocking of the ship as it moved through space. She tried to block out the feeling.

  Wake up. You’re safe. She told the rabbit as she sipped her tea. There was no reply. There was nothing in the Energy Field, just his imprint fading fast.

  She finished the cup of tea and filled it up again. The sweet smell of the Quem tea helped and her stomach stopped convulsing. She bent over and stroked the rabbit. His fur was soft to touch. She felt lost without his thoughts in her head. Could I keep using the Energy without him? She wasn’t so sure. She had just done a reading without killing someone. She hadn’t killed Kenti. Maybe I’m not so cursed after all.

  With the strength of the Quem tea anchoring her. She knelt down next to the rabbit and rubbed behind his metal ears. He didn’t move. She could just feel the soft, slow beat of his heart.

  Thank you. Triena knew the rabbit took most of the force from the particle gun. I wish you hadn’t though. I’m not a healer. Tears ran down her cheeks.

  She kept her hand on him, stroking his back. She could feel his pain as she touched him. In the Energy Field she saw the outline of his body, and the internal injuries killing him. Then she noticed something different in the Energy. A cloud of soft pink. Triena moved through the energy, towards the pink. Rabbit?

  As she got closer, the pink turned to green. Triena found herself standing in a field of lush grass. Food. You’re dying and you think of food? Typical. She stood and felt the peace of the grass, the soothing tickle of the plants on her feet and fresh air on her cheek. The longer she stood there, the stronger she felt. It wasn’t food and this image wasn’t from the rabbit.

  She had an idea. This would make the last stages of his life more bearable. Intent on easing the rabbit’s pain, she picked the greenest, longest, stalks, until she had a large bundle that was difficult to hold, and took it back to the energy imprint of the rabbit.

  His image faded. Triena could feel his pain. The internal injuries from the gun drained him slowly of his life. She placed the blades of grass, a handful at a time, over his wounds, singing an old song her mother once sang to her. The green absorbed into his body and she kept replenishing the etheric grass over and over until there was no more.

  Thank you.

  Rabbit? His image had strengthened.

  I just need some rest now.

  Triena stayed with him in the Energy Field for a little longer, before returning to her body. She stroked the rabbit a few more times, longing to pick him up and hold him, but she didn’t dare move him. His energy was stronger and she cried with relief. “I’m glad you didn’t leave me.”

  Triena’s muscles ached from sitting in the same po
sition for so long. Her foot went to sleep. When she moved, her vision swayed to the left, then the right, and she barely made it back to the bed.

  Great, there’s only one bed. Then she fell into a deep sleep.


  “Tri?” Braklen stood holding a fresh cup of Quem tea by the bed. “Tri.”

  Triena stirred, reluctantly. She had been dreaming of the crown again, and this time there had been more details, but the sound of someone calling her name woke her up too quickly and she lost the new information.

  “Triena, you need to drink this, or you’ll start throwing up again.”

  She mumbled trying to retrieve the image in her dream.

  “The longer you leave it, the worse it will be.” He shook her shoulder gently.

  She lost the image. Damn. She opened her eyes. He smiled at her. Damn. Her anger dissolved as she looked into his clear blue eyes.

  “Here, let me help you.” He put the cup down on the floor and helped her sit up. He handed her the cup. “How are you feeling Miss Space Traveller?”

  “Better.” She sipped the tea. It tumbled down to her stomach and settled the potential storm that was brewing there.

  “Got a surprise for you.”

  “What?” She wasn’t sure she wanted a surprise. The only thing she wanted was to get to Inite and get this chip dealt with. But, then I won’t be with Braklen anymore. The thought made her feel sick. She took another sip of her tea.

  “Look.” He moved out of the way and pointed to the end of the bed. The rabbit was sitting up on its makeshift bed by the small table. “It’s a miracle.”

  “It is indeed.” Triena smiled. Hey, you doing okay?

  He kissed me. Yuck. On the head.

  “Did you do that?” asked Braklen.

  “I’m not sure.”

  Triena wasn’t sure if she used her intuition or is she was really a healer or if someone helped her through the energy. “I think I had some help?” Who would help me? She thought back. Marory? But, she hadn’t felt the energy of the old woman.

  You did it yourself, idiot.

  “He’ll need some food,” said Triena.

  “Will this do?” He pulled out a carrot from his jacket. “They won’t miss it in the kitchen. You think you could step up and be the cook?”

  Have you tasted her cooking? Blah.

  “Might be best if I don’t.”

  Braklen went over and gave the rabbit the carrot. The rabbit began nibbling straight away.

  “Give him some of the old Quem leaves to eat. It will help give him some more energy,” said Triena.

  Braklen picked up the old flask of cold tea and tipped out the flowers from the bottom. “He’ll eat that?”


  I don’t think so.

  You will if you know what’s good for you. Triena smiled. It was good to be communicating with the rabbit again.

  “Do you think you could eat?”

  “A little.”

  “I’ll get you some soup.” He stood up to leave.

  “Thank you, Braklen.”

  He smiled, and left the room.

  You’re so in love.

  Shut up and eat. You need to rest.

  Triena rested back on the pillows. Tired. It was like her muscles had no strength. Could have I really healed him? She listened to the rabbit gnawing away at the carrot. The possibilities are endless now I know how pliable the energy is. The power through knowing more about the Energy sent shivers down her spine. What if the Queens found out?

  You know this because you won’t use it for bad. She heard the rabbit click its ears together as it bathed itself. Besides, they know.

  Triena knew how dangerous this knowledge would be in the hands of Queens, or even the Priests.

  Don’t worry. Most people don’t have your skill level.

  But, I have killed people. Would I use it for good? Triena wriggled her shoulders trying to find comfort.

  Of course. The energy wouldn’t have taught you otherwise.

  Triena closed her eyes. Her head ached. Sometimes it isn’t easy to tell. She thought of Braklen, and the task she’d tried to carry out. I don’t know. I’m not that good.

  Maybe you’re just not that bad. Lighten up.

  Braklen returned with a bowl of vegetable soup. “I have to go and help Kenti in the kitchen.” He handed her the bowl. “I’ll be back later.”

  “Don’t go too far. It hurts.”

  “I know.” He lent down and gave her a kiss on the cheek.

  The rush of heat from his face felt like a small furnace on Triena’s skin. She turned to look at him, expecting another kiss, but he stood up.

  “I … I …” He turned and left the room.

  “How am I meant to interpret that?” The soup was warm and the heat soothing, but it was bland. Triena made herself eat it.

  He loves you.

  “Yeah, well he could’ve shown it a little more convincingly.”

  Be kind to the poor man. How many times have you tried to kill him?

  “Drink your tea.” She spooned the last mouthful of liquid into her mouth. Triena stood up carefully, making sure she could keep her balance and she wasn’t going to throw up. She walked over to the chair.

  She poured herself another cup of Quem tea, it was helping. I think I could even travel more, as long as I had Quem tea.

  Don’t get over-confident.

  No, over-confident isn’t me. Triena looked through the pack and found the bottle of nutrient pills. She swallowed a few with her tea, and then put one down for the rabbit. Besides I have bigger issues to deal with.

  Which all involve travel. He sniffed around the pill, his nose twitching rapidly. Not my favorite.

  Eat it. You nearly died.

  Triena topped up her cup and leant back into the chair, the cushions were worn and they’d lost their softness, but felt like they were hugging her. She looked around. “Basic room.”

  It was rather rustic, a mismatch of found objects put together for necessity. It was also small, but considering the compartment the three of them squeezed themselves into on the other ship, this was large in comparison. It wasn’t what Triena was worried about. “I hope he stays true to us.”

  He will. And he’s not your problem.

  Triena bent down, picked up the rabbit and put him on her lap. She rubbed behind his ears.

  I liked my ears, before you cut them off. He sighed and snuggled close. But, you got paid a lot for my new ones and they work just fine.

  The reminder made Triena feel a little woozy. She took a big sip of her tea.

  You were always different. That’s why they didn’t like you. They saw your skill was better than theirs.


  And more, the prophecy by the priest. Not that it’s true, but people look for connections, and you just happened to fit.

  “Not destiny then?” She rubbed her temples. This was giving her a headache, but she didn’t want to stop talking to the rabbit because finally he was actually giving her information. She gave the rabbit a playful, gentle tug on his metal ears. “You were telling me about the Queens.”

  Your skill is good enough to change the balance of things.

  “But, I use plants.”

  And yet, your skill is strong and sound. Enough to change the order.

  “Are you talking about destiny now?”

  No, and yes. It’s who you are that determines your destiny. You get to choose. You know so much, and you want to use your skill and so the chance is greater you’ll go down this path.

  “What path?” Triena wasn’t sure she was really following what the rabbit was saying. “Can’t you speak plainer?”

  The path of making a difference, of changing the balance, of bringing in a balance between masculine and feminine energy.

  “Sounds out of my league.”

  Don’t underestimate yourself.

  “I really don’t think I am.”

  You’ll see my p

  “Are you telling me I should just rock up at the castle, knock on the door and say hey, I’m in charge now, fuck off.”

  No, but it might work. Better than going all the way to Inite. We are losing valuable time.

  “It doesn’t matter. I’m not a Queen and I never will be.”

  What about the crown you keep seeing?

  “How do you know about that?”

  The rabbit stretched out his back legs. Now, I’m going to have a nap, and you should do the same. He jumped off her lap and settled himself down on the bedding on the floor.

  “Great.” Triena stretched back into the chair. She didn’t feel like sleeping, even though her body was tired. Now, he’s in my head more than I would like. She tried to forget about the image of the crown, and also seeing Braklen wearing a crown too. That’s one impossible dream. She yawned, stretched and poured herself another cup of Quem tea.


  The sound of the door sliding open jolted Triena awake. Braklen came into the room quietly. She wasn’t sure what to say to him, not after the way he’d rushed out after giving her a kiss on the cheek. She wanted to ask him if he liked her or not. But, she didn’t.

  He walked up to and held out his closed hand. “For you.”


  “Because I’m sorry for putting the chip in your arm.” He took a deep breath. “Despite you trying to kill me I think I’ve got feelings for you, so I pinched this from the kitchen.” He opened his hand. It was a small square of chocolate.

  “How did you find that?”

  He shrugged his shoulders. “Hopefully they won’t know it was me that took it.”

  She took the piece of chocolate and smelled it. The rich sweet flavor fired old neurons in her mind. “It’s been a long time since I had something so luxurious.”

  “Me too.”

  She broke the piece and gave some back to him. “Because I’m sorry I tried to kill you.”

  He took the candy. “Truce then?”

  She nodded. You don’t even know the half of it.

  She slipped the chocolate into her mouth and closed her eyes as it melted on her tongue. She moaned softly with pleasure, but all too soon the piece had gone and she had to swallow the divine juice. She felt it ignite something more powerful in her body. Something fueled into life when she opened her eyes and looked at him.


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